About myself, my family, my relatives and my friends 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


About myself, my family, my relatives and my friends



Часть 1

Учебно-методическое пособие





УДК 811.111 (07)

ББК 81.432.1 я73



Составители: Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Корниенко В.В.


Иностранный язык. Английский. Часть 1.: учебно-методическое пособие [Текст] / сост. Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Корниенко В.В. – Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2014. – 79 с.



Предлагаемые учебно-методические указания к практическим занятиям являются одной из частей учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного для студентов 1-го, 2-го курсов, состоящего из пяти частей (учебно-методические указания 1 семестр; 2 семестр; 3 семестр; учебно-методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов; книга для учителя). Данные учебно-методические указания предназначены для студентов 1-го курса (1 семестр) экономического факультета, продолжающих изучать английский язык после школы, и разработаны в соответствии с типовой программой по иностранным языкам для экономических специальностей. «Специальности экономики и управления»: «Экономика и управление в машиностроении» (080502.65.01), «Экономика и управление в энергетике» (080502.65.04), «Экономика и управление на предприятии автомобильного транспорта» (080501.65.13), «Экономика и управление на предприятии воздушного транспорта» (080502.65.23), «Менеджмент организации» (080500.65.01), «Маркетинг» (080111.65), «Прикладная информатика в экономике» (080801.65.01), «Прикладная информатика в управлении» (080801.65.02), «Прикладная информатика в рекламе» (080801.65.29), «Прикладная информатика в международном бизнесе» (080801.65.28), «Экономика и управление в нефтегазовой промышленности» (080502.65.09).


УДК 811.111 (07)

ББК 81.432.1 я73



© Сибирский


университет, 2014



Учебно-методические указания включает темы общего характера:

– Семья;

– Друзья;

– Студенческая жизнь в России;

– Студенческая жизнь в Англии;

– Путешествие;

– Виды транспорта;

– Заказ гостиницы.

В основе издания лежит идея взаимосвязанного изучения лексики и одновременного развития всех коммуникативных навыков: чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма. Это определило структуру и содержание методических указаний.

Разделы методических указаний построены по единой схеме. Вначале каждой темы идут предтекстовые задания, далее следует текст для изучающего чтения и перевода, завершают тему послетекстовые задания. Предтекстовые упражнения направлены на введение новой темы.

Текст определяет тему и содержит лексический и информационный материал, подлежащий активному усвоению и использованию в ситуациях учебно-речевого общения.

Послетекстовые упражнения организованы в две рубрики: упражнения по отработке лексики, и задания по развитию навыков устной речи и письма.

Работа с лексикой направлена на активизацию и расширение словарного запаса по теме. В каждом разделе имеются упражнения на подстановку, формирование синонимических и антонимических пар, перевод с русского на английский язык.

Задания на развитие навыков устной речи, аудирования и письма включают упражнения на контроль понимания текста, учебно-речевые ситуации, диалоги, упражнения, нацеленные на передачу содержания текста на английском языке.

Для создания прочной лексической базы и развития коммуникативных навыков рекомендуется выполнять все упражнения в той последовательности, в которой они представлены в издании.



Module 1………………………………………………………………... Part 1 About myself …………………………………………………….. Part 2 My family and my relatives ……………………………………… Part 3 Family life ……………………………………………………….. Part 4 Daily routine: time ……………………………………………….. Part 5 Friends: describing appearance and character …………………… Module 2……………………………………………………………….. Part 1 Student's life ……………………………………………………... Part 2 University ………………………………………………………... Part 3 Studying abroad …………………………………………………..   Module 3……………………………………………………………….. Part 1 Travelling ………………………………………………………... Part 2 Kinds of holidays ………………………………………………… Part 3 Means of travelling ………………………………………………. Part 4 Buying a ticket …………………………………………………… Part 5 Staying at a hotel ………………………………………………… Part 6 Holiday accommodation ………………………………………….   Texts for additional reading…………………………………………...   Linking words………………………………………………………….        







Complete a mind map about yourself using the given words. Give as much information as you can but don’t be detailed about your family.

I am … I have …



· Let me introduce myself. · to be from · to be a student of · to be a first-year student · to study at the University · to study smth. · to speak English · a hard work · to be going to do smth. · to be busy · to have much to do · to be married · to be single · to keep fit · to do sport · I was born on May 5, 1982 (2003) · to be easy to deal with · to learn with great interest · to take an active part in social life · creative · responsible · reliable · energetic · sociable · calm · friendly · to be fond of · to be interested in · to be good at · to prefer

2. Use information from your mind map and words from vocabulary to introduce yourself according to the plan:


1name/surname 2 age 3 nationality 4 single/married 5 place of living 6 job 7 character 8 hobby/interests

3. a) Write questions to the points in Ex.2. (e.g. What’s your name?)

b) Work in pairs and ask your partner about him/her. Make notes.

c) Use the notes you’ve done about your partner and introduce him/her.

Ask your group-mates about their traits of character and hobbies. Find out how much do you have in common. Who could be a friend of yours?

To prove your ideas use the following phrases:

· both of us;

· both X and me;

· like Y, I …




1. Give your associations to the word «Family»:




family relatives close/distant relatives wife husband daughter granddaughter son grandson grandparents great-grandfather/mother great-grandchild uncle aunt cousin niece nephew child (children) kid baby adult a younger sister an elder brother twins half-brother/sister father-in-law mother-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law pet What are you? семья родственники близкие/дальние родственники жена муж дочь внучка сын внук бабушка и дедушка прадедушка/прабабушка правнуки дядя тетя двоюродный брат/сестра племянница племянник ребенок (дети) ребенок, дитя младенец взрослый младшая сестра старший брат близнецы брат/сестра по одному родителю свекр/ тесть свекровь/теща зять невестка/сноха деверь (брат мужа)/ шурин (брат жены) сестра мужа/жены домашнее животное, питомец Кто вы (по профессии)? Чем вы занимаетесь?


2. Answer the questions:

1. Is your family large or small?

2. Do you have grandparents?

3. Do you have a sister or a brother? Is he/she older or younger than you?

4. What relatives do you have? Do they live far from you?

5. Do you have a pet?


3. a) What relatives do you have? Divide them into 2 groups:

men women

b) Now fill these categories:


parents: · ______________ () · ______________ ()   children: · ·


grandparents: · · grandchildren: · ·


4. Match the words and their definitions:

aunt uncle parent cousin single husband niece grandparents · not married · a daughter of your brother or sister · a sister of the father · mother’s or father’s parents · the child of an aunt · the man that a woman is married to · a brother of the mother · a mother or father


5. Find the words connected with family members:

С R G Y R   E I


6. Answer the questions:


1. What are you? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. Are you Russian? 5. Do you have a large family? 6. How many members are there in your family? 7. What relations do you have in your family (parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, etc.)? 8. How many children do your parents have? 9. Where do you live? / What’s your permanent address? 10. Are you married or single? 11. Do you work? / What do you do? 12. What is your friend's name? 13. How old is he (she)?
14. What is your friend's hobby? 15. What was your favourite subject? 16. Do you like to read? 17. Who is your favourite writer? 18. What sport do you go in for? 19. What are you going to be?


7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


а) 1. Это моя семья. Это мои родители. Моя мама учительница английского в школе, а папа бизнесмен. 2. Это мой старший брат, он студент университета, он очень занят. 3. Их дочери 14 лет. Она увлекается музыкой и танцами. 4. Мой двоюродный брат доктор. Он женат, и у него двое детей. 5. У меня есть три племянника, но нет племянницы. 6. – Как зовут твою двоюродную сестру? – Ее зовут Кейт. 7. Наш дед старый, ему 89 лет. 8. Их сыну 19 лет, он сейчас в армии. 9. – У вас есть хобби? – Да, я люблю вязать. 10. – Сколько лет его бабушке? – Шестьдесят четыре, она на пенсии. 11. – Чем занимается их дочь? – Она секретарь в офисе. 12. – У вас есть родственники в Англии? – Нет. Наши родственники в Америке. 13. – Лена, подойди сюда! Сколько тебе лет? – Пять. – У тебя есть домашнее животное? – Да, у меня есть собака. 14. У него много родственников в Москве? 15. Муж моей сестры – юрист, его хобби – спорт. 16. – Вы любите музыку? – Да, очень. Я люблю петь и танцевать. А вы? – А я люблю спорт. 17. – Она изучает французский? – Нет, она изучает английский. 18. – Чем занимается ваш сын? – Он студент. – Да? Сколько ему лет? – Ему 20. 19. Подружка моего брата внешне очень похожа на свою маму. 20. У нас с сыном много общего. Мы оба любим классическую музыку. 21. – Твой папа любит смотреть телевизор? – Нет, он любит играть в футбол, как все мужчины. 22. Моя дочь сейчас замужем. Они с мужем часто навещают нас. 23. – Ваши дедушка и бабушка живут с вами? – Нет, они живут далеко от нас. 24. – Этот молодой человек очень похож на тебя. – Это мой двоюродный брат. Он живет с нами.

б) У моего брата большая семья. Он живет вместе с тестем и тещей. Кроме того, у него трое детей. Его жена Ирина не работает. Она домохозяйка. Она заботится о детях и о своих родителях. Ее родители пенсионеры. Им обоим по 75 лет. Старший сын брата школьник. Он ученик второго класса. Две младшие дочери близнецы. Им по 5 лет. Они ходят в детский сад. Я люблю проводить время с ними, потому что они очень забавные. Девочки помогают маме по дому. Семья моего брата очень дружная.


8. Read and translate the text:


Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. My second name is Ivanovna. And my surname is Krilova. My friends call me by my first name, Helen. I am Russian by nationality. I live in Volgograd, Gagarina Street, 12. It is a beautiful street. I live with my parents in a block of flats on the second floor. Our family is not large. It consists of four members: my father, mother, sister and me.

My father's name is Ivan Andreevich. He is a doctor by profession. I think that he is talented and creative. My father is specialized in psychology. He deals with a lot of people. He says that he likes his work.

My mother's name is Olga. I adore her. My mother and me are good friends. She is a charming woman and a keen housewife. She can do many things. She sews, knits, cooks. Besides she is fond of books and computers. My mother is interested in theatre. She prefers drama.

As for my sister Sveta, she is only a schoolgirl. She is only twelve. She looks like my mother but she takes after my father in character. I think that she is a naughty girl but my parents love her.

We have many relatives. They live far from us. We visit them sometimes. I miss my grandmother and grandfather.

My best friend's name is Masha. She is 17. She is a reliable partner. Masha is fond of music. She sings very well. We like to spend our free time together. Masha and me are classmates. So we have many things in common. We are interested in arts. We both prefer drama. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre together. We are fond of reading books. Masha prefers to read science fiction. Her favourite writer is Lemm. As for me, I prefer...


by first name by nationality a block of flats to consist of by profession creative to be specialized in to deal with to adore to get on well with (people) housewife charming keen to sew to knit to look like smb. to take after smb. in character form naughty relatives far from to miss to spend free time together many things in common both science fiction favourite to visit classmate the only child по имени по национальности многоэтажный дом состоять из по профессии творческий специализироваться в иметь дело с обожать ладить домохозяйка очаровательный умелый шить вязать быть похожим на кого-то походить на кого-то по характеру класс (ступень обучения) непослушный родственники далеко от скучать по проводить свободное время вместе много общего оба, обе научная фантастика любимый посещать одноклассник (ца) единственный ребенок



9. Answer the questions on the text:


What is her name/surname?

What is her nationality?

Where does she live?

Is her family big or small?

How many members does it consist of?

What is her mother's/ father's name?

Does she adore her mother?


10. Agree or disagree with the statements about Helen’s family. Start, using the phrases «it is right/it is wrong»:


1. Helen is 17.

2. Helen is not Russian.

3. Helen lives in a small town.

4. Helen's family is big.

5. Helen's father is a psychologist.

6. Helen's family has their own house.

7. Helen and her mother are good friends.

8. Helen's mother doesn’t like to do work about the house.

9. Helen's mother prefers reading.

10. Helen's mother doesn’t work.

11. Helen's sister is a student.

12. Helen's sister is a charming girl.

13. Helen's best friend is Sveta.

14. Helen has many things in common with her friend.


11. Work in pairs and make a dialogue:

One of you is Helen, another person is Helen’s new classmate who wants to become her friend and to learn more about her and her family.


12. Put in the right words:


1) Let me... myself.

2) My... is....

3) I am Russian ….

4) My mother can....

5) I... my grandparents.

6) My sister looks... my mother but she... my father ….

7) My friends and I like … together.

8) We have many ….

9) I … in music.

10) Our family … of sports.

11) My father is a doctor ….

12) As for me, I... to read.


13. Give the synonyms:


1) I like dancing.

2) Our family has four members.

3) On Sundays I go to see my grandparents.

4) I love my mother.

5) My father works with a lot of people.

6) Our relatives don't live with us.

7) I like to have a rest with my friends.

8) She has the same character as her father.


a typical family (traditional)

to include

a single-parent family

stepparent (stepmother/stepfather)

to live under one roof

to be independent (from)

to depend on

to stay at home



to cover the cost of living

to offer comforts

to suggest doing smth.


to quarrel

to leave home

mutual understanding


lack of understanding


4. Discuss the following questions with a partner:

· Do you often spend time with your family? Why?

· What is the best thing about living at home?

· What don’t you like about living at home?

· What do you miss when you leave your home?


5. Think about relationships in your family. Do you like living under one roof with your parents or maybe you would prefer to live alone? Write a composition: «There is no place like home».


to get married

to marry

a married couple


marriage of convenience

to stay single


to date

to look for a partner

to divorce

to end in divorce


a painful process

to prevent a divorce

marriage of convenience

to pay alimony

child support payments

life experience

to decide



8. a) Work in a group. Discuss typical problems that modern families have and complete the table.

family problem cause solution

b) Present the results of your group discussion. Give examples from your life.

Use the following phrases:

It leads to … We face this problem because (of) …. To solve this problem we should (could) ….   due to as a result

9. Complete the sentences:

1. People get married because …

2. A lot of marriages end in divorce as …

3. Divorce is a painful process because …

4. Some people don’t like to look for a partner through ads because …

5. A lot of young people don’t prefer to live under one roof with the parents as…

6. Some young people don’t want to live without parents because …

7. Many people don’t want to get married because …

8. Today young people prefer to get married only after they graduate from the University as …

9. Some teenagers start working because …

10. Answer the questions:

1. What are your ideas about marriage?

2. What is the right age to get married?

3. Is it a good idea to advertise for a partner?

4. If parents divorce, is it better for children:

a. to live only with their mother or their father?

b. to live part time with each parent? (explain your answer)

5. Why do many young people prefer to live together without getting married?

6. Is it possible to prevent a divorce?

7. What are your ideas about marriage of convenience?

11. Work in a pair to make a dialogue:

Your friend wants to find a partner. Think about possible ways to do it (at least 3). Discuss advantages and disadvantages of these ways. Choose the most suitable one for your friend.




to be responsible for

to run a house

running a house

to raise children

raising children

to bring up children

to share the responsibilities about the house

(un)equal sharing of domestic responsibilities

to involve

to be (become) involved in smth.

to take care of smth.

everyday needs

to hire


to take the children to

day-care centre (kindergarten)

to pick up the children from

an after-school programme


to support

to supply

to earn money

to do work about the house

I would do smth. rather than …


14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. В нашей семье все вовлечены в ведение хозяйства. Мы делим наши обязанности поровну. 2. Сейчас много семей, где оба родителя работают. Поэтому они вынуждены нанимать няню, чтобы она заботилась о детях. 3. Основная обязанность отца – заработать деньги для обеспечения семьи. 4. У мамы много обязанностей. Она занимается хозяйством, заботиться обо всех членах семьи. 5. Я считаю, что оба родителя должны принимать участие в воспитании детей. 6. После уроков многие школьники остаются в группе продленного дня. 7. Вечером он забирает брата из детского сада. Это его основная обязанность. 8. Воспитание детей и забота о них – трудная задача, поэтому во многих семьях родители составляют распорядок дня.




Tall / of medium height / short


well-built /slightly overweight /slim, slender, thin

Face: round / oval / square

Eyes: round / small / big

blue (blue-eyed) / grey / green / brown

Nose: broad / small / turned-up / sharp

Lips: full / thin / well-defined

Smile: broad / charming / friendly

Hair: thick / rich / / shiny

straight / wavy / curly

long / shoulder-length / short

blonde, golden-blond, fair / dark / red / coloured



General appearance:

Pretty / attractive / lovely / charming / nice / elegant / good-looking





1. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with a word which is either more suitable or more polite:

1.He told me he met a handsome girl in the disco last night.

2. She’s beautiful but her younger sister is really quite ugly.

3. I think Peter is getting a bit fat.

4. Most people want to stay slim, but not as skinny as that girl over there.

5. I think she’s hoping she’ll meet a few beautiful men at the tennis club.

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:

1. Cathryn's _____ and slim.

handsome tall overweight

2. He's got _____ brown hair.

tall good-looking short

3. Do you think Enrique Iglesias is very _____?

handsome pretty medium height

4. She's _____ height and a bit overweight.

tall short medium

5. David is very _____, he needs to lose weight.

fat slim pretty

6. She has shoulder- _____ hair.

height length weight

3. Match the antonyms:

beautiful long straight slim fat full fair tall short thick thin dark ugly curly  


close school-mate attitude opinion to coincide to differ make peace in one’s way spectacles neat pleasant to have a good sense of humour to have a good ear for music to do well at school to let smb. down to rely on smb. to respect to trust enjoyable     traits of character: warm-hearted gentle quiet well-bred selfish honest understanding fair fairness modest modesty strong will близкий одноклассник отношение мнение совпадать отличаться помириться по-своему очки опрятный приятный иметь хорошее чувство юмора иметь хороший слух хорошо учиться в школе подводить полагаться уважать доверять приятный, доставляющий удовольствие   черты характера: сердечный, добрый мягкий спокойный благовоспитанный эгоистичный честный отзывчивый, чуткий справедливый справедливость скромный скромность сильная воля    


7. Match the antonyms:

different make peace overweight coincide fair selfish thin be responsible reliable warm-hearted slender let smb. down fair-weather be different full quarrel same dark

8. Fill in the gaps:

1. He is quite _________, as he goes in for sport.

2. I have a reliable friend and I can _________ on him in a difficult situation.

3. Real fiends try not to _______, even if their opinions don’t coincide.

4. I can’t say that she is a beauty but she is _________ in her own way.

5. My friend is a very ________ person and I can easily ask him for help if I have any problems.

6. My sister is fond of music. She has a good ________ for music and she is ______ at singing.

7. Now I live far from my parents and I _______ them very much.

8. Her _________ eyelashes always attract people’s attention.

9. As a rule I try to _________ other people’s opinion.

10. He is ________ and it is pleasant to deal with him.

11. My friend has a good _________ and he likes to make people laugh.

12. They say if there is only one child in a family, s/he can become ________.

13. These two people have nothing common in _________. One of them is tall and slender but another one is short and overweight.

14. I respect my friend for being __________. He never lies.

15. Optimists are people who have a very positive __________ to life.

16. I have a _________ friend. S/he is only my friend when everything is OK; if I have any problems s/he doesn’t contact me until everything is OK again. S/he never offers to help me.

9. Work in small groups. Explain the following words by turns. The other students in the group should guess the word:

appearance well-bred responsible gentle pretty school-mate be good at smth. strong will misunderstanding coincide make peace modest

10. Answer the questions about your friend:

1. Do you have many friends? Are they your close friends?

2. What is your best friend’s mane? When did you make friends?

3. How old is your friend?

4. Do you study together?

5. Do you have much in common?

6. You have the same attitude to life, don’t you?

7. Do your opinions always coincide?

8. Have you ever quarreled? Why?

9. Do you have anything in common in appearance?

10. How does your friend look like?

11. Does your friend wear spectacles?

12. Does your friend have a sense humour?

13. Your friend isn’t selfish, is he?

14. Does your friend always help people when they are in need?

15. Does your friend do well at University? What subject is your friend good at?

16. Does your friend go in for sport? What sport does he prefer?

17. How often do you spend your weekends?

18. Does your friend have a good ear for music? Does your friend play any instrument?

19. What music does your friend like?

20. What do you respect your friend for?

21. Are you sure you’ll be friends forever?

11. Work in pairs and think what a real friend does.





1. Answer the questions:

1. Why do you study at the University?

2. What is your future profession? Where do you want to work?

3. Do you like to be a student?

4. What subjects do you study at the University?

5. What is the most difficult subject for you?

6. How much are university subjects different from school ones?

7. Do you have free time? Do you have any new interests now?

8. Where do you live now?

2. Read and translate the text:


Now I am a student of the Technical University. It is very important for me, because I want to get a good job and to earn a lot of money in the future, and it is impossible to do without special knowledge. It is very interesting to study at the Technical University but sometimes it is a hard work. It is normal because we are not pupils any more, we are students. Student's life differs from pupil's life.

Our academic year is divided into two terms. We have examinations and credit-tests at the end of each term. So we take exams twice a year. The course of training lasts 5 years.

I am a full-time student. Every day we have three or four lessons. We study at the University 6 or 8 hours a day. In the junior courses we study such subjects as higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, English and others. In the senior courses we shall study special subjects.

As for me I live in Krasnoyarsk, it takes me 20 minutes to come up to the University. The students from others places have two ways to solve the problem of living. They can live in the hostel. Rooms in the hostel are very small: beds, table, chair, cupboard and just enough floor for two people standing. The second way is to rent a flat.

The problem of money is very important. Our grant is not enough to live on. Even if you are the kind of student who spends all day in the library, does not smoke or drink alcohol and wear a pair of jeans and a couple of T-shirts for a year, you will find it impossible to live on your grant. So students have to earn money or to ask them from their parents.

I have told you a lot about study at the university, but except study we have time for rest and communication with each other. We have different hobbies and interests. Some of us like to go in for sports. At our University there are many sport circles. Others prefer singing or dancing, visiting theatres and cinema, or just watching TV, or reading books. Tastes differ. I can say that our life at the University is very interesting.



to be a student of the university to get a good job to earn money special knowledge academic year to study at the university to differ examinations credit-tests term to take exam the course of training to be a full-time student junior courses senior courses subjects it takes me to come up to solve the problem of living hostel to rent a flat to live on grant communication to go in for sports is divided into быть студентом университета получить хорошую работу зарабатывать деньги специальные знания академический (учебный) год учиться в университете отличаться экзамены зачеты семестр сдавать экзамен курс обучения быть студентом дневного отделения младшие курсы старшие курсы предметы это занимает (о времени) добраться решать проблему жилья общежитие снимать квартиру жить на что-л. стипендия общение заниматься спортом делится на



3. Put in the right words:


1) After classes we have... for rest and....

2) I am... of....

3) At our University we have....

4) To study at the Technical University is important for me because....

5) The students have two problems:....

6) Our... year is... into two....

7) The students receive....

8) Very often students... money....

9) We... 6 or 8 hours a day at the University.

10) Students from other places live....


4. Complete the sentences in English:


1) Students have (специальные предметы) and receive (специальные знания).

2) At the end of each (семестр) students have (экзамены) and (зачеты).

3) In the (младшие курсы) we study a lot of subjects and in the (старшие курсы) we study (специальные предметы).

4) It (занимает) me 20 minutes (добраться до университета).

5) Students can (жить в общежитии) or (снимать квартиру).

6) I prefer to (заниматься спортом).

7) Our (стипендия) is not enough to (жить на нее).

8) Students have time not only for studying but they (имеют время для отдыха и общения).

9) The course of training (длится) 5 years.

10) Students have to (решать проблему жилья и денег).


5. Match the words and their definitions:


  knowledge grant academic year sports club a full-time student exam hostel rest · the student who goes to the University every day and doesn't work · it is divided into two terms · everything you know · the most terrible thing for the students · money that you receive at the University · the place where people go in for sports · money we get for our work · the place where students from other places live · free time


6. Match the synonyms:

share get to job university term opportunity study provide education get learn higher school semester divide training come up to work receive possibility supply

7. Solve the crossword:



4. any difficulty

9. a talk to a group of students about a particular subject

10. a period of time in which students are taught about a subject at university

11. a place used for keeping and reading books

12. all the facts that are known about different things

14. to hire

15. a particular ability that involves special training and experience

16. the process of speaking or writing to someone to exchange information or ideas

17. one of the periods of time into which the year is divided for students



1. to share

2. to finish university

3. to get

5. knowledge that you need to be good at your future profession

6. a person who studies at a university

7. an educational institution where students study for degrees

8. a building where people living away from home can stay

13. money that a student gets if he/she studies well

18. an important test of your knowledge


8. Translate the text from Russian into English:


Моя сестра – студентка. Ей 17 лет. Она учится в университете. Она студентка первого курса. Она изучает математику, английский, физику, а также специальные предметы. Она учится с большим интересом. В университете она получает специальные знания и профессиональные навыки, которые помогут ей получить хорошую работу в будущем. Моя сестра учится хорошо, поэтому ей легко сдавать зачеты и экзамены в конце каждого семестра.

Моя сестра – общительный человек. Она любит ходить на дискотеки и вечеринки с друзьями. Моя сестра увлекается музыкой. Она слушает рок-музыку и часто посещает концерты, поэтому тратит большую часть стипендии на билеты. Кроме того, она занимается спортом. Она хорошо играет в теннис.

Иногда ей нравится оставаться одной дома, особенно когда ей нужно расслабиться. Тогда она смотрит телевизор или читает книги. У нее интересная жизнь.


9. a) Unscramble the words. The first letter is a capital one:












b) Write a story using all the words you have just guessed.

10. Complete the sentences:

1. It can be difficult to be a student because …

2. Our grant is not enough to …

3. Students from other places have to …

4. Our University provides good sport conditions so …

5. If you miss lessons …

6. Young people enter the University to …


accessible citizen to have a right network to turn fields on science scientific society branch of industry to meet needs at the disposal to be considered as to be founded correspondence department evening department post-graduate course to combine conditions workshop to carry on research work доступный гражданин иметь право сеть поворачивать (превращать) область науки научное общество отрасль промышленности соответствовать потребностям в распоряжении рассматривается в качестве ч-то. быть основанным заочное отделение вечернее отделение аспирантура совмещать, объединять условия мастерская проводить, исполнять (функцию) научная работа



3. Make up phrases, using these words:

accessible right to to carry on research disposal to study correspondence evening post-graduate to graduate problems school education educational industry science scientific training turned department text-books course field equipment centre higher societies university founded academic considered building of to be at the from with year to solve to provide brunch

4. Match the words and their definitions:

  accessible education science to be founded post-graduate course academic building graduate to provide amateur equipment to combine need · a branch of knowledge
· a place where students study
· a person who has finished his study at the university
· to give something to somebody
· a person who is not a professional in a particular sphere
· the process of learning and teaching
· technical things that are necessary for doing something
· something that is necessary for you, something that you want
· something that is easy to have
· to join together, to unite
· to be built
· the course of training for those who have got a higher education

5. Translate the text from Russian into English:

Меня зовут Вика. Я студентка – заочница. Я учусь в педагогическом университете. Мой университет находится в Благовещенске. Этот университет самый старый на Дальнем Востоке. Он был основан 16 октября 1930 года. Университет большой. Он расположен на улице Ленина. Во главе университета стоит ректор. В университете 11 факультетов. Здесь учатся 6000 студентов – очников и заочников. Во главе каждого факультета стоит декан. Учеба в высшем заведении длится 5 лет. Ежедневно у студентов лекции и семинары. Они изучают различные предметы: русский, немецкий, английский, французский, китайский, историю, педагогику, психологию и другие. В университете работают профессора, доценты, ассистенты и кандидаты наук. Здесь много аудиторий, лабораторий, 4 спортивных зала, 2 библиотеки, 4 читальных зала, столовая, Интернет-центр.



9. Match the words and their definitions:

  to attend classes bachelor’s degree distance learning face-to-face classes a graduation ceremony higher education an intensive course to learn something by heart to meet a deadline private language school a single-sex school to sit an exam subject specialist to take a year out tuition fees · an event where a successful student receives his or her academic degree · to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed · a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach. · a school where only boys or girls attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school) · the money paid for a course of study · to go to classes · to spend a year working or travelling before starting university · to memorize it · to take an exam · as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom with colleagues and a teacher · a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible · an independent school run as a business concern · a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post · education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school · an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years


10. Translate the text from Russian into English:


С прошлого года я являюсь студентом Санкт-Петербургского технического университета. В настоящее время я учусь на дневном отделении. Многие молодые люди работают и учатся одновременно, поэтому в нашем университете существует вечернее и заочное отделение.

На первом курсе у нас девять разных предметов. Это физика, химия, информатика, математика, история, немецкий язык и физическая культура. Учеба мне очень нравится.

Обычно у нас три пары в день. В воскресенье мы не учимся. Наши занятия могут проводиться в форме лабораторных работ, лекций, семинаров или практических занятий. В нашем университете много факультетов: химический, электротехнический, машиностроения, математический, физический, экономический и др.

Мой факультет – архитектурный. После окончания университета я стану архитектором. Моя будущая профессия мне очень нравится.

Я надеюсь, я найду в будущем интересную и хорошо оплачиваемую работу.




to give documents to enter the university to pass entering (final) exams to graduate from university graduate to select on the basis of culture away from home to decide to be responsible for to receive grant to borrow money from purpose rarely debt подавать документы поступать в университет сдавать вступительные (выпускные) экзамены заканчивать университет выпускник университета выбирать на основании чего-либо культура вдали от дома решать что-либо сделать быть ответственным за получать стипендию занимать деньги у намерение, цель редко долг




3. Answer the questions:

a) 1. What do the English pupils do during the final year at school?

2. How do English students enter the University?

3. How do the Universities select students?

4. What do they do during the «year out»? Why?

5. Where do the students live when they study?

6. What problems do they have?

7. Do their parents help them and why?


b) Do you want to take a year-out after school?


4. Compare Russian and English student's life. Use the following phrases:

like in the same way to be similar in contrast to in different ways  
points to compare English Russian
• entering the University • the year after school • problems • the place of living • free time    

5. Retell the text using the key-words:

A-level examination

to give documents

to select

a «year out»

the problem of living

the problem of money


6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


1) Я подаю документы в Технический Университет.

2) Английские студенты обычно подают документы в 2-3 ВУЗа.

3) Учителя отбирают студентов на основе экзаменов.

4) Учителя отбирают студентов на основе специальных знаний.

5) Я отбираю литературу на основе моих интересов.

6) Мы интересуемся русской культурой.

7) Каждая страна имеет собственную культуру.

8) Я решаю поступать в университет.

9) Он решает найти хорошую работу.

10) Она решает заработать много денег.

11) Я ответственен за мою учебу.

12) Родители ответственны за своих детей.

13) Мы получаем стипендию.

14) Я получаю письма из Англии.

15) Английские студенты берут деньги в банке.

16) Я не люблю занимать деньги.

7. Make up a dialogue on one of the situations:


· You are a Russian student and an English student. Ask different questions and tell each other about your student's life.

· You are a professor and a student. The professor advertises the University. The student asks questions about studies and life at that University. He wants to enter the University but he has many questions.

· You are students of the Siberian Federal University and the Moscow State University. Talk about your student's life.

· You are the members of the students' union. Discuss the students' problems (hostel, grant, traffic, library, etc.) and make a list of requirements (требования) for the city government to present at the strike (предъявить на забастовке).

· You are a professor and a reporter. The professor has an idea of a new model of the University. It's very nice and interesting. Reporter asks questions about this University and the student's life there, the professor answers.

· You are the first-year student and the fifth-year student. The first-year student has many questions about student's life and the fifth-year student tells about it.

· You are a parent and a child, who is a student. One day you sit and talk about your student's life. Tell each other about it.





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