Following sentences into Ukrainian. 

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Following sentences into Ukrainian.



1. Discussing chemical reactions we ought first to make clear what a chemical reaction is. 2. The heat generated by the friction of the match on the box agitated the molecules in the tip of the match. 3. When combined with the oxygen of the air the match was lighted. 4. While burning different substances combine with oxygen. 5. Having discussed chemical reactions we proceeded to the experiments. 6. Having overcome the electrical bond that holds the atoms together, the molecule breaks into fragments. 7. Raising the temperature we increase the agitation of the molecules. 8. Decreasing the temperature we slow down the reaction. 9. Having spent much time studying catalysts, the scientists now use them widely in chemical industry. 10. The catalysts being used in this reaction accelerate the chemical change. 11. The experiment being made at our laboratory shows the actions of catalysts. 12. The temperature used depended upon the substances entering the reaction. 13. The figures following show the dependence of the rate of reaction on temperature. 14. Efforts being made in the development of chemical industry meet great approval. 15. The success achieved in the development of economics resulted in a considerable growth of the well-being of the Ukrainian people. This does not mean, however, that we can be satisfied with the results obtained. 16. Science has opened out possibilities for the conquest of nature hardly dreamed of a few years ago. 17. The experiments referred to in our article demonstrate the action of catalysts in chemical reactions. 18. The substance acted upon by heat changed its composition. 19. The molecules of a substance affected by a catalyst are changed more easily. 20. This reaction, when completed, will give us a new proof of the use of catalysts in living systems. 21. Sometimes a molecule breaks into two fragments, if struck with enough violence to overcome the electrical bond that holds its atoms together.

Exercise 41. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention

to the translation of Participle II with adverbial modifiers:


so так, таким чином so far досі
thus thus far


1.The values thus found are of some interest. 2. The results so far received are not accurate enough. 3. The problem so explained was easily understood. 4. The articles thus far written on the subject are of no interest. 5. The work so done provided us with new data. 6. The method thus far used by us was effective enough. 7. The results thus achieved were of great help. 8. The measurements so far made are to be repeated.

Exercise 42. Find the participles in the following sentences, state their forms and functions and translate them into Ukrainian.


1. If heated molecules of the material move faster. 2. The device measuring voltage in the circuit is called voltmeter. 3. Connecting a condenser and a coil in series it is possible to obtain an oscillatory circuit. 4. An electron bombarding the anode at high speed may produce the liberation of several electrons. 5. The resistance introduced into the circuit by the valve is high. 6. The voltage – current characteristics shown are of great importance. 7. The electrons liberated resulted in an avalanche across the valve. 8. Having applied a positive pulse of voltage to the control electrode we made the valve conducting. 9. A positive pulse of voltage applied made the valve conducting. 10. Both these forces tend to urge each emitted electron back to the body. 11. For any given metal there is a fixed rate of electron emission at every temperature level. 12. The power required for the control of electrons is very low. 13. The space occupied by an electron valve is only a few cubic centimetres and its weight is several grams. 14. Special methods developed in electronics permitted to obtain an accuracy of measurement. 15. The second requirement is a source of moving charged particles. 16. The relationship between the voltage applied to the valve and the current through it is shown in Fig.2. 17. A cloud of electrons known as a space charge cloud is then built up in the interelectrode region. 18. This current called the saturation current, depends upon the temperature of the cathode. 19. The tunnel diode is a two-terminal active element used for many functions. 20. A conductor is a material having free charges.


Exercise 43. Translate the following sentences defining the function of

Participle II given bold-faced.


1. The theory of electromagnetic waves described by Maxwell shows that light is the result of electromagnetic oscillations. 2. Under some conditions the anode current in the diode rises to a large value limited by the resistance of the external circuit. 3. The electron avalanches result in a greatly enhanced valve current. 4. For the negative anode potential conditions no electrons emitted by the cathode can pass to the anode. 5. The positive ions produced in the avalanche are accelerated towards the negative anode. 6. The voltage-current characteristics shown are taken into account. 7. The electrons liberated resulted in an avalanche across the valve. 8. The anode voltage reduced to a low value stopped conduction in the thyratron. 9. A positive pulse of voltage applied to the control electrode made the valve conductivity. 10. Compared to vacuum tubes they have smaller size and weight. 11. For any given metal there is a fixed rate of electron emission at every temperature level. 12. The power required for their control is very low. 13. Special methods developed in electronics permitted to obtain an accuracy of measurements. 14. A coil inductance depends upon the cross section of the cone placed within the coil. 15. A cloud of electrons known as a space charge cloud is then built up in the interelectrode region.


Exercise 44. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participle II in the post – position.


1. The action is similar to that of a diode, except that the grid still has some retarding effect on the electrons because of its shielding action, and hence the plate current is somewhat less than it would be with grid removed entirely.

2. The higher is the instant magnitude of the voltage investigated, the more is the spot deflected from the centre of the tube screen. 3. The retrace must be very rapid in order not to lose the information contained in the input signal. 4. Since moving charges comprise an electric current, the stream of electrons to the plate is an electric current, called the plate current. 5. The arriving electrons are absorbed into the positive terminal of the battery and an equal number of electrons flow out of the negative battery terminal and return to the cathode, thus replenishing the supply of electrons lost by emission. 6. The total number of electrons emitted by the cathode of a diode is always the same at a given operating temperature. 7. Since it is made up of electrons, this cloud constitutes a negative charge in the interelectrode space that has a repelling effect on the electrons being emitted from the cathode. 8. The simplest combination of elements constituting an electron tube is the diode shown in Fig. 14. 9. To obtain a steady image on the oscillograph screen it is necessary for each trace produced in each period of scanning to overlay most accurately the previously obtained trace. 10. With the p-type germanium biased positively the holes are repelled by the battery voltage toward the junction. 11. Although exaggerated in the illustration, the centre or n-type portion of the sandwich is extremely thin in comparison to the p-regions. 12. An amplifier is an electron tube which builds up an ac signal applied to its input. 13. On leaving the amplifier, the amplifield signal reaches the vertical deflecting plates. 14. The scanning voltage supplied by the scanning circuit is fed to the horizontal deflecting plates.


Exercise 45. State the forms and functions of the participles and translate the

Sentences into Ukrainian.


1. Electrons, passing through the wire, create the current flow. 2. The discharge rate is often stated in terms of time, required to discharge the battery completely. 3. Experiments being conducted in the field of electricity are based on Ohm's Law. 4. Studying the capacity of a battery we learned that it is expressed in ampere-hour (AH). 5. Having defined that a car battery may have a capacity of 40 AH at the 10 hour rate, we state that it can deliver a current of 4 A for 10 hours. 6. If emitted by a strong source of light the rays will cast bright light. 7. I saw my neighbour examining his car. 8. I saw the car being examined by the mechanic of our enterprise. 9. Having been calculated thoroughly the data were used in the further research.


Exercise 46. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention


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