The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.


1. The window has now been repaired. (it was broken in last night's storm). The window ____ repaired. 2. Most of the suggestions were not very practical. (they were made at the meeting). 3. The paintings haven't been found yet. (they were stolen from the museum). 4. Did you hear about the boy? (he was knocked down on his way to school this morning). Did ____?. 5. Our friends have given us a photo. (it was taken in the Bahamas.)

Exercise 31. Complete these sentences with the following verbs. Each time you

have to put the verb in the correct form:

ring blow call live offer invite post read sit study wait work

1. I was woken up by a bell ringing. 2. None of the people invited to the party can come. 3. Tom has got a brother ____ in a bank in London and a sister ____ economics at university in Glasgow. 4. Somebody ____ Jack phoned while you were out. 5. All letters ____ today should arrive tomorrow. 6. When I entered the waiting-room there was nobody ____ except for a young man ____ by the window ____ a magazine. 7. A few days after the interview, I received a letter ____ me the job. 8. There was a tree ____ down in the storm last night. 9. Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for people ____ near airports.


Exercise 32. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the forms and functions of the participles.


1. The people spoken about yesterday were good scientists. 2. Having turned off the light we couldn’t see anything in the room. 3. The latest model now being tested is of great importance. 4. Well done the device will be sent to the exhibition. 5. The algorithm chosen is a modified version of the mentioned model. 6. Having been signed the application was sent to the American embassy. 7. Some paintings belonging to the Queen were given to the National Gallery. 8. While being checked the device showed good characteristics. 9. The devices having been checked appeared to have particular properties.


Exercise 33. Translate the sentences paying attention to different forms of the



1. Having been shown the wrong data I could not initiate them. 2. Being well prepared for the examination the students could answer all the questions asked by examiners. 3. He heard the voices coming through the open windows. 4. The explanation given was not complete. 5. This metal when examined showed valuable peculiarities. 6. A magnet being broken into two can form two new complete magnets. 7. Having predicted the properties of some elements Mendeleev left several blanks in his table. 8. Some very complicated models are investigated in the paper. 9. When arranged properly the components could show better characteristics.

Exercise 34. Find the predicate first, then define the function of the participles in the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.


1. The students spoken about at the meeting yesterday completed this work successfully. 2. The task set was not an easy one. 3. Some very complicated models are investigated in the paper. 4. The latest model now being tested accounts for many of the previously unknown phenomena. 5. For the investigation being conducted at present the lack of such data is of no importance. 6. As a starting point of the investigation the algorithms developed in the paper were exercised in various models. 7. The algorithm chosen in this study is a simplified and slightly modified version of Wagner's model, which is one of the models presented in Reference 1. 8. The results obtained showed the stability of the system under conditions given above.


Exercise 35. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention

To Participle I and Participle II.


1. He referred to experimental results while explaining the phenomenon in terms of multiple reflections. 2. We found the first series of experiments completed. 3. Speaking on this subject, mention should be made of high radiation intensity. 4. Allowing for these changes, we may predict time behaviour. 5. The methods of measurements developed lately differ greatly from the old ones. 6. The successful results of the experiments received at this laboratory are very important for the new technological process being developed. 7. While making the experiment we made use of all the data available. 8. Unless checked the results can't be applied in the research. 9. The experiments of many other scientists following Rutherford's research proved his predictions.


Exercise 36. Write questions to the italicized parts of the sentence.


1. Having been warmed to 0° ice began to melt. 2. The data so far obtained were of no interest. 3. Having been used for a long time the device partly lost its efficiency. 4. The distance travelled during the next hour changed greatly. 5. While being used the device showed poor characteristics. 6. Knowing length and time we can define velocity. 7. If cooled water becomes ice. 8. Having been well tested the machine was put into operation.

Exercise 37. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.


1. Завершуючи серію експериментів, студенти одержали цікаві дані. 2. Завершивши першу серію експериментів, вони почали обробляти (process) отримані дані. 3. Міряючи температуру води, звичайно користуються термометром. 4. Обговоривши отримані результати, експериментатори зрозуміли, що вони недостатньо точні. 5. Працюючи з радіоактивною речовиною, ви повинні бути обережні. 6. Забезпечивши лабораторію усім необхідним, дослідницька група змогла успішно продовжувати свою роботу. 7. Вивчивши неохідні умови, вчені приступили до виконання досліду. 8. Отримавши позитивні результати, дослідники включили їх у доповідь.

Exercise 38. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention

To the participles.


1. He heard the voices coming through the open window 2. Waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 3. They remained at home refusing to go anywhere that day. 4. The channel linking the two seas is being built now. 5. The explanation given was not complete. 6. The new materials recommended for bridge construction were described in the article written by our professor. 7. The results received were of great importance for further work. 8. A balsa tree found in South America is lighter than any other. 9. Having passed all the examinations he left for Kiev. 10. Having been shown the wrong way I could not find his house. 11. Having waited for him for half an hour they went home. 12. Having obtained the necessary results they stopped their experimental work. 13. When studying elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups. 14. When writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible. 15. When burnt coal produces heat. 16. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before. 17. Being built in a new way modern houses have better facilities. 18. Being obtained in the laboratory the new substance had some valuable properties. 19. Being well prepared for the laboratory work the students could perform all the tasks quickly.


Exercise 39. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions

of Participle I,II and the Perfect Participle.

1. Working at his new device the inventor made numerous experiments. 2. The units used to measure time, space and mass are called fundamental units. 3. Atoms are composed of a positively charged central core or nucleus and electrons. 4. Having made a great number of experiments with different substances the chemists found that most of them could be decomposed into other substances. 5. The operator examines the moving parts of the machine carefully. 6. The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire. 7. Going into chemical reactions elements entirely change their properties. 8. When inspecting relays great precaution should be taken not to touch the relay itself but only to watch its operation. 9. Having finished his experiment the tester left the lab. 10. Having been tested in action the new device was recommended to production. 11. The technique installed in our machine shop will greatly help us in our work. 12. At first sight the diesel spoken of looks like a gasoline. 13. If arranged according to their atomic weights the elements exhibit an evident periodicity of properties. 14. For the device called electronic electricity must flow across the space inside the device.

Exercise 40. State the forms and functions of the participles; translate the


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