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Герундій і віддієслівний іменникСодержание книги
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Віддієслівний іменник (the verbal noun)— це іменник, утворений від дієслова за допомогою закінчення -ing. На відміну від герундія віддієслівний іменник не має дієслівних властивостей, а лише властивості іменника: а) віддієслівний іменник може вживатися з артиклем, вказівними і присвійними займенниками і має форму множини: the sittings of the commission засідання комісії; the making of a new outlook формування нового світогляду; our likings are regulated by the circumtances наші уподобання керуються обставинами; б) віддієслівний іменник, утворений від перехідних дієслів, не вживається з прямим додатком; він приймає додаток з прийменником: the raising of living standard підвищення життєвого рівня; в) віддієслівний іменник означається прикметником (а не прислівником, як герундій та інші дієслівні форми):
І like rapid reading. Мені подобається швидке читання. Fast driving was dangerous Швидка їзда була небезпечною in this region. в цьому регіоні.
Схема 6.4 Переклад герундіальних комплексів
Перекладається, як правило, підрядними реченнями, підмет яких відповідає присвійному займеннику або іменнику в присвійному відмінку, а присудок -герундію цього звороту. Вибір типу підряд ного речення при перекладі залежить від того, яким членом речення є герундій.
1. Герундій додаток:
We know of his studying English.
Ми знаємо, що він (про те, що він) вивчає англійську мову.
2. Герундій підмет: Freud’s having devoted his life to psychoanalysis is known to everybody.
Те, що Фрейд присвятив своє життя психоаналізу, відомо всім.
Герундій і дієприкметник в функції обставини
Зверніть увагу на можливість однакового перекладу герундія і дієприк-метника в ролі обставини часу і способу дії (герундію в цих функціях обов’язково передує прийменник).
In copying При списуванні цього текста (gerund) this text he (переписуючи цей текст), він Coping made a few зробив декілька помилок. (participle) mistakes. On receiving Після отримання телеграми (gerund) my telegram (отримавши телеграму) він одразу Receiving he answered відповів. (participle) at once. Having received (participle)
After finishing the experiment Після закінчення досліду (закінчив- (gerund) they discussed ши дослід), вони обговорили Having finished the results. результати. (participle)
By reading (gerund) Читаючи вголос кожен aloud every day you will improve день (щоденим читанням Reading (participle) your pronunciation. вголос; тим, що будете aloud every day читати вголос кожен день), ви покращите свою вимову.
Without + gerund перекладається на українську мову заперечною формою дієприслівника.
He left without saying goodbye. Він пішов, не сказавши ’’до побачення’’ (не попрощавшись).
You will not be able to translate Ви не зможете перекласти цю статтю, this article without knowing не знаючи цих правил. these rules.
Однак з української мови на англійську заперечна форма дієприслівника активного стану перекладається різними способами. Якщо український дієприслівниковий зворот не знаючи, не прочитавши є обставиною способу дії ( відповідаючи на питання як, яким способом?), він перекладається на англійську мову герундієм з прийменником without. Якщо такий дієприслівниковий зворот є обставиною причини (відповідаючи на питання чому?), він перекладається на англійську мову дієприкметником в заперечній формі.
Він пішов, не закінчивши цю роботу He went away without finishing вчора (і при цьому не закінчив роботу). this work yesterday.
Не закінчивши (оскільки він не Not having completed this work, закінчив) цю роботу, він не міг he couldn’t leave on Saturday. поїхати в суботу. ВПРАВИ Exercise1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the difference between the Participle and the Gerund. PARTICIPLEGERUND 1. Measuring the temperature 1. Measuring the temperature will we used …. help you in …. 2. Increasing the length we 2. Increasing the length is necessary change …. in some cases. 3. Escaping from the cathode 3. Escaping will not begin till electrons flow to …. we heat the cathode. 4. Accelerating the particles 4. Accelerating can be made by we direct them along …. means of …. 5. Using a strong magnet we 5. Using a magnet is not necessary direct the particles to …. here. 6. Finding this ratio we can 6. Finding the ratio is very impor- derive.... tant in our case. 7. Heating this alloy we can 7. Heating increases the speed of define.... molecules. 8. Solving this problem he 8. Solving such problems helps us discovered …. greatly. 9. Calculating the speed we 9. Calculating the speed will not must …. give us ….
Exercise 2. Define the functions of the Gerund and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. Solving physical problems is a difficult job. 2. His having solved the problem surprised me. 3. Our aim is solving easy problems. 4. He likes solving difficult problems. 5. I know of the problem having been solved. 6. The way of solving the problem is not easy. 7. In solving the problem he made some mistakes. 8. On solving the problem he proceeded to making experiments. 9. By solving the problem he got the required results. 10. You cannot do without solving this problem.
Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to different forms of the Gerund.
1. Reading English books is necessary. 2. Speaking foreign languages is of great importance for every educated person. 3. Traveling into space has always been one of the greatest dreams of man. 4. He began studying English at school. 5. I like translating technical books from English into Ukrainian. 6. For ages mankind has dreamed of reaching the top of the world, the North Pole. 7. There are many ways of translating Gerund into Ukrainian. 8. He was afraid of connecting this device into the circuit. 9. His task was using these materials for constructing the device. 10. After studying theory we can begin experimenting. 11. Before finishing the experiment we could not write the report. 12. An instrument for measuring current is called an ammeter and for measuring voltage a voltmeter. 13. The device for determining the direction is called a compass. 14. Think before speaking.
Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to different forms of the Gerund. 1. I know of his coming to Kyiv. 2. I know of his having come to Kyiv. 3. I knew of his having come to Kyiv. 4. I shall know of his having come to Kyiv. 5. I do not like interrupting other people. 6. I do not like being interrupted. 7. He remembers having interrupted you during your report. 8. He remembers having been interrupted by you during his report. 9. We were tired of skating so long. 10. Everybody knows of his having written one book and writing another. 11. We know of her having lived there many years ago. 12. Our aim is mastering English. 13. Mastering English is not an easy task. 14. He likes reading such kinds of books. 15. After finishing the experiments the students left the laboratory. 16. I succeeded in having finished my work in time. 17. They insisted on their being examined by the doctor. 18. He insisted on this letter being sent today. 19. We objected to his being sent to London.
Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the translation of the Gerund with prepositions. 1. On reading the article he decided to translate it into Ukrainian. 2. Many specialists have taken part in liquidating the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophy. 3. Our engineer succeeded in creating a new device. 4. You can master English by reading books and newspapers every day. 5. By doing nothing we learn nothing. 6. She left the room without saying a word. 7. We spoke about the difficulties of reading such books without consulting the English-Ukrainian dictionary. 8. As it was late she went away without waiting for me. 9. Experiments showed that all gases expand on heating. 10. On carrying on one of his experiments, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction. 11. At the present time radio can be used in orientating the airplane or in fixing the airplane’s position. 12. The teacher asked her students not to go away without speaking to her.
Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the gerundial complexes. 1. We are speaking of your friend’s having gone to the expedition. 2. His being sent to the USA was very important for his work. 3. His being invited to take part in this conference is natural as everybody knows of his having made interesting experiments in physics. 4. The engineer told us about his having been invited to that research institute. 5. Nobody knew of her having left for the Middle East. 6. I remember having seen this film. 7. The director informed them of the construction of the plant having been completed. 8. The new device was put into mass production on having been carefully tested. 9. Our engineer’s having constructed a new type of the electronic device was not known to us. 10. The atomic theory not only succeeded in having introduced the order into chemistry but it also took the first place in physics. 11. The workers succeeded in completing the construction of the plant in time because of their having introduced new methods of work.
Exercise 7. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 8. Transform the sentences using the Gerund instead of the Infinitive. Model: My father began to work at this plant 20 years ago. – My father began working at this plant 20 years ago. 1. We continue to study English. 2. The children like to play basket-ball. 3. The boy started to run. 4. His mother intends to spend her holiday in the Crimea. 5. They preferred to get there by plane. 6. She tried to open the window but couldn’t. 7. I have just begun to translate the text.
Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Gerund. Model: You helped me. I thank you for it. – I thank you for helping me. 1. You gave me a dictionary. I thank you for it. 2. The woman showed me the way. I thanked her for it. 3. You explained to us this grammar rule. We thank you for it. 4. Ann passed me the salt. I thanked her for it. 5. Nick bought a note-book for Pete. Pete thanked him for it. 6. He repaired my TV set. I thanked him for it. Exercise 10. Transform the following sentences using gerundial phrases instead of the subordinate clauses.
A. Model: I think I’ll go to Minsk next week – I think of going to Minsk next week. 1. I think I’ll go to the theatre tomorrow. 2. I think I’ll join them. 3. I thought I would buy that coat. 4. Tom thinks he will play hockey on Saturday. 5. She thought she would take a taxi. 6. We think we shall visit him in the hospital.
B. Model: After he finished school, he worked at a plant. – After finishing school he worked at a plant. 1. After they passed their exams, they went to the Caucasus. 2. Before we moved to this town we lived in Kyiv. 3. After she wrote the letter she went to the post-office. 4. Before you cross the street you must look to the left and then to the right. 5. I turned off the light before I left home. 6. We met him after we walked about two miles.
C. Models: She insisted that she should go to the library. –She insisted on going to the library. She insisted that she should be sent to the library. – She insisted on being sent to the library. 1. He insisted that he should show them the way. 2. He insisted that he should be shown the way. 3. They insisted that they should help me. 4. They insisted that they should be helped with their work. 5. I insisted that I should examine them in the afternoon. 6. I insisted that I should be examined first. 7. We insisted that we should pass the exam before June. 8. He insisted that he should carry the heavy case himself. 9. She insisted that she should be offered a better job. 10. She insisted that she should offer them some money they needed. Exercise 11. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Gerund. A. Model: I want very much to get a letter from you. – I am looking forward to getting a letter from you. 1. I want very much to visit that exhibition. 2. She wanted very much to go to the country. 3. He wants very much to be offered this job. 4. We want very much to see this performance. 5. I want very much to be invited to the conference.
B. Model: It gave me much pleasure to see this performance. – I enjoyed seeing this performance. 1. It gave me much pleasure to work with him. 2. It gave me much pleasure to read this story. 3. It gave me much pleasure to play tennis. 4. It gives him much pleasure to ride a bicycle. 5. It will give him much pleasure to listen to this lecture.
C. Model: It is useless to learn rules without examples. – It is no use learning rules without examples. 1. It is useless to invite her. She won’t come. 2. It is useless to grow tomatoes in this region. The summer is too short here: they won’t ripen. 3. It is useless to teach her to play the piano. She has no ear for music. 4. It is useless to go shopping now. Most of the shops are closed. 5. It is useless to go to the theatre now. The tickets are sold out.
Exercise 12. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Gerund. A. Model: I am sorry that I trouble you. – Excuse me for troubling you. 1. I am sorry that I ring you up so late. 2. I am sorry that I turned on the radio when you are working. 3. I am sorry that I came so late. 4. I am sorry that I broke your pencil. 5. I am sorry that I went home without waiting for you.
B. Model: I am sorry that I did not tell you about it. – I am sorry for not telling you about it.
1. I am sorry that I did not help you yesterday. 2. I am sorry that I didn’t wait for you. 3. I am sorry that I did not do my homework. 4. I am sorry that I did not ring you up. 5. I am sorry that I did not answer your letter.
Exercise 13. Combine the following couples of sentences into one using the Gerund.
A. Models: I am his pupil. I am proud of it. —I am proud of being his pupil. I was his pupil. I am proud of it. — I am proud of having been his pupil. 1. He works with professor Collins. He is proud of it. 2. He worked with professor Collins. He is proud of it. 3. He is playing chess with a champion. He is proud of it. 4. He was playing chess with a champion. He is proud of it. 5. She made many mistakes. She is ashamed of it. 6. She makes many mistakes. She is ashamed of it.
B. Models: I am often invited there. I am proud of it. —I am proud of being often invited there. I was invited there. I am proud of it. — I am proud of having been invited there. 1. He is given an important task. He is proud of it. 2. He was given an important task. He is proud of it. 3. She is loved by the pupils. She is proud of it. 4. She was loved by her pupils. She is proud of it. 5. The boy is praised by the teacher. He is proud of it. 6. The boy was praised by his teacher. He is proud of it.
С. Model: We sang together. We enjoyed it. —We enjoyed singing together.
1. I saw this film. I enjoyed it. 2. She played the piano. She enjoyed it. 3. Tom collects stamps. He enjoys it. 4. The boys played football. They enjoyed it. 5. We bathed in the river. We enjoyed it.
D. Model: They went home. They did not wait for me. —They went home without waiting for me.
1. I translate the text. I did not use the dictionary. 2. Mary left home. She did not lock the door. 3. He went to bed. He did not take off his shirt. 4. The boy continued to speak. He did not look at us. 5. The man saved the child. He did not give his name. E. Model: I did not take a taxi. I went there by bus. — Instead of taking a taxi, I went there by bus. 1. We did not go to the Crimea. We spent the summer in the country. 2. He was not preparing for his exam. He was playing chess. 3. I did not learn the story by heart. I prepared to retell it. 4. I shall not go to the cinema. I shall watch television. 5. I won't write her a letter. I'll send her a telegram.
F. Model: Mother is busy. She is cooking dinner. — Mother is busy cooking dinner. 1. Tom is busy. He is repairing his bicycle. 2. Jane is busy. She is washing her dress. 3. I was busy. I was preparing my report. 4. The children are busy. They are cleaning the room. 5. The teacher was busy. She was correcting our tests. 6. The director was busy. He was signing the papers.
G. Model: Thisradio set is good. I advise you to buy it. —This radio set is worth buying. 1. This book is interesting. I advise you to read it. 2. This film is good. I advise you to see it. 3. This house in not very old. I advise you to repair it. 4. This museum has many interesting things. I advise you to visit it. 5. Many scientific works are published in this language. I advise you to learn it. Exercise 14. State the form and syntactic function of the Gerund in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. 1. Would you mind lending me two matches? (Shaw) 2. Dick went on asking about various friends. (Lindsay) 3. She was saving her from being questioned and examined. (Gaskell) 4. He had thought of taking Steve along with him. (Gordon) 5. I insist on being treated with a certain degree of consideration. (Shaw) 6. I don't mind telling you. (Dreiser) 7. She had stopped asking about the time. (Heym) 8. She has the gift of being able to work sixteen hours. (Shaw) 9. At the back of the house two women were busy washing. (Abrahams) 10. He was afraid of being poor. (Shaw) 11. I recollect talking about it. (Dickens). 12. So he gave up trying to get breakfast. (Jerome) 13. I had a dim recollection of having seen her at the theatre. (Dickens)
Exercise 15. Answer the following questions using the Gerund in the answers. 1. What are you fond of doing? 2. Are you fond of skating? 3. What do you like better: skiing or skating? 4. Do you remember going to school for the first time? What can you say about that day? 5. What films have you seen lately? Which of them is worth seeing? 6. How many English books have you read this year? Which of them are worth reading? 7. What do you dream of becoming? 8. What are you busy doing now? 9. What do we use for cutting bread? 10. What do we use for writing? 11. What do we use scissors for? 12. Is it possible to learn English without working hard? 13. What book did you read last? Did you enjoy it? Why? 14. Did you enjoy traveling by air? Why? 15. Where do you intend spending your holidays? 16. Do you sometimes dream of visiting a certain place you were happy once?
Exercise 16. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 17. Combine the sentences using gerundial complexes. Model: They lost the game. I am surprised at it. —I am surprised at their having lost the game. 1. Nick studies very well. His father is proud of it. 2. Kate failed in the examination. We are surprised at it. 3. He will come in time. I am sure of it. 4. She plays the piano very well. I am pleased with it. 5. Our football players won the match. We are proud of it. 6. They are here. I am surprised at it. 7. He will be a good specialist. They are sure of it. 8. Our students won the brain-ring game. The dean is pleased with it.
Exercise 18. Paraphrase the sentences using gerundial complexes. Models: I want him to take the floor. — I insist on his taking the floor. I don't want him to be sent there. — I object to his being sent there. 1. I want Kate to recite this poem. 2. They wanted me to take part in the competition. 3. I don't want Jane to stay here alone. 4. The teacher wanted the pupils to do this exercise. 5. Mother did not want Mary to go to the cinema. 6. I don't want him to be elected chairman. 7. I want her to be sent to the conference.
Exercise 19. Change the following complex sentences into simple ones using gerundial complexes. Model: When she plays, I enjoy it. — Ienjoy her playing. 1. When you quarrel I dislike it. 2. When you open the window I don't mind it. 3. When they dance I enjoy it. 4. When he gets an excellent mark
Exercise 20. Ask your groupmate: 1. if he enjoys traveling by sea; 2. if he likes playing chess; 3. if he objects to your opening the window; 4. whether he agrees to your using his dictionary; 5. if he intends going to Riga this year; 6. whether he is ashamed of making spelling mistakes; 7. if he is sure of passing his examination well; 8. if he dreams of becoming a doctor; 9. if he insists on your playing chess with him; 10. whether he is fond of skating; 11. if his mother is afraid of his catching cold; 12. whether he is afraid of catching cold; 13. whether he is afraid of your catching cold; 14. whether the film he saw last is worth seeing; 15. whether the book he read last is worth reading. 16. whether my sister is delighted of her playing baseball with professional players. 17. whether he is astonished at being invited to the party. 18. if she hates standing in long queues; 19. whether she doesn’t mind sleeping late on Sundays; 20. if he would like to give up borrowing money. Exercise 21. Find gerundial complexes in the following sentences and state their syntactic function. Translate the sentences. 1. I will not stand your encouraging people as you do. (Shaw) 2. He thought of Jem's coming that night. (Gaskell) 3. We made merry about Dora's wanting to be liked. (Dickens) 4. Will you give me a certificate of your being unable to go? (Gaskell) 5. Forgive my saying it. (Hardy) 6. They don’t like Kate’s indulging in fantasy all the way. 7. I thought of Albert Einstein’s having devoted his life to the theory of relativity. 8. The customs officer gave us an explanation for our luggage being liable to duty. 9. The lazy student complained of his not having enough time to study. Exercise 22. Answer these questions using the verbs given. Examples: Why do you never fly? (hate) I hate flying. Why does Tom go to the cinema so often? He likes going to the cinema. 1. Why do you always wear a hat?(like) 2. Why does Ann watch television so often? (enjoy) 3. Why do you never go to the cinema? (not /like) 4. Why does Jack take so many photographs? (like) 5. Why don’t you work in the evenings? (hate) 6. Why does your friend ride a bicycle so seldom? (not/like) Exercise 23. Put the verb into the correct form: - ing or to + infinitive. Examples: I enjoy being alone. Would you like to come to a party? 1. Do you mind … (travel) such a long way to work every day? 2. Ann loves … (cook) but she hates … (wash) up. 3. I can’t stand people…(tell) me what to do when I’m driving. 4. I don’t like that house. I would hate … (live) there. 5. Do you like … (drive)? 6. When I have to catch a train, I’m always worried about missing it. So I like…(get) to the station in plenty of time. 7. I very much enjoy … (listen) to classical music. 8. I would love …(come) to your wedding but it just isn’t possible. 9. Sometime I’d like … (learn) to play the guitar. 10. He doesn’t like … (get up) early.
Exercise 24. Now you have to make your own sentences. Say whether you like or don’t like the things in brackets expressed by the Gerund. Choose one of these verbs for each of your sentences: (don’t) like love hate enjoy don’t mind can’t stand (don’t) feel like Example: (reading) I like reading very much. 1. (playing cards) I… 2. (learning languages) … 3. (visiting museums) …4. (lying on the beach in the sun) … 5. (shopping) … 6. (jogging) … 7. (waiting for a long time) … 8. (making love in public) … 9. (being interrupted while eating) … 10. (celebrating parties at the cafe) …11. (taking on responsibility)… 12. (sewing on buttons)… 13. (making excuses) … 14. (arguing about money) … 15. (getting up early) … 16. (writing thank-you letters) … 17. (waiting at the doctor’s) … 18. (sleeping late) … 19. (watching horror films) … 20. (making new friends)… 21. (having coffee at night) … Exercise 25. Here is some information about Tom when he was a child.
1. He was in hospital when he was four. 4. He cried on his first day at school. 2. He went to Paris when he was eight. 5. He said he wanted to be a doctor. 3. He fell into the river. 6. He was bitten by a dog. He can still remember 1, 2 and 4. But he can’t remember 3, 5 and 6. Make sentences beginning He can remember … or He can’t remember …+ gerund. 1. He can remember being in hospital, etc.
Exercise 26. Your friend has some problems and you have to be helpful. For each problem write a question with try + gerund. Example: I can’t find anywhere to live. (put an advertisement in the newspaper). Have you tried putting an advertisement in the newspaper? 1. My electric shaver is not working. (change the batteries) 2. I can’t contact Fred. He’s not at home. (phone him at work) 3. I’m having difficulty sleeping at night. (take sleeping tablets) 4. The television picture isn’t very good. (move the aerial) 5. I am afraid I have a cold. (take medicine for a cold).
Exercise 27. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct for: -ing or to + infinitive. (Sometimes either form is possible.) Examples: Please remember to post this letter.
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