НЕЗАЛЕЖНИЙ дієприкметниковий комплекс 

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НЕЗАЛЕЖНИЙ дієприкметниковий комплекс


(The Absolute Participle Complex)


В українській мові підрядне обставинне речення (наприклад, часу або причини) може бути замінене дієприслівниковим зворотом, якщо в головному і підрядному реченнях підмет той самий, хоч в одному з них він може бути виражений іменником, а в іншому – відповідним особовим займенником.

Наприклад: Коли Петро повернувся з Києва, він розповів нам про виставку. Повернувшись з Києва, Петро розповів нам про виставку. (В обох реченнях підмет позначає ту саму особу.)

Якщо в головному і підрядному реченнях підмети різні, то така заміна неможлива.

В англійській мові заміна обставинного підрядного речення зворотом з participle можлива і тоді, коли в головному і підрядному реченнях підмети різні.

Наприклад: When Peter came home from Kyiv, we asked him to tell us about the exhibition. Peter coming home from Kyiv, we asked him to tell us about the exhibition.

Peter coming home from Kyiv не підрядне речення, а незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс (the Absolute Participle Complex), що складається з іменника у загальному відмінку (або особового займенника у називному відмінку) і дієприкметника. У цьому комплексі Peter виконує роль підмета по відношенню до дієприкметника і не є підметом усього речення. У незалежному дієприкметниковому комплексі можуть вживатися всі форми participle. У реченні незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс виконує функції обставин (часу, причини, способу дії, умови):


The rain having stopped, Коли дощ ущух, ми пішли

we went home. додому.


The day being very fine, Оскільки день був дуже

she went for a walk. гарний, вона пішла на



The article deals with optoelectronics, Стаття присвячена оптоелектро-

particular attention being ніці, причому особлива увага

paid to logic arrays. приділяється логічним


Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс може стояти на початку або в кінці складного речення (див. схему 5.1).

Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс може вводитись прийменником with. Такий комплекс вживається у функції обставини способу дії або супровідних обставин і перекладається на українську мову здебільшого самостійним реченням або дієприслівниковим зворотом:


She was sitting on the ground, with Вона сиділа долі, а голова її і

her head and one arm lying on a chair. одна рука лежали на стільці.



He was standing, with his arms crossed Він стояв, схрестивши руки і

and his head bent. (Galsworthy) опустивши голову.

Схема 5.1 Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс

(Absolute Participle Complex)


Іменник (займенник) + дієприкметник +...,







обставинними підрядними реченнями, вставними сполучниками коли, якщо, оскільки, після того як.

My friend living far from me, I seldom see him.

Оскільки мій товариш живе далеко від мене, я рідко його бачу.


We had three lectures yesterday, the last being in physics. Вчора в нас було три лекції, причому остання була з фізики.



Самостійними реченнями, які вводяться сполучниками причому, а, і, але.



Графічно цей зворот можна відобразити таким чином.

а) Коли незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс стоїть на початку складнопідрядного речення:


головне речення
V -іng
Після того як....




б) Коли незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс стоїть в кінці складнопідрядного речення:



V -іng
а/ і/ але



Exercise 1. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participle Complex.

A. Model: As the weather was fine, we went for a walk. - The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus. 2. As the play was very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. 3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat. 4. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well. 5. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

B. Model: As my brother had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room. – My brother having locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country. 2. When the match had ended, the people went home. 3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry. 4. After the sun had risen, we continued our way. 5. As his sister has broken his speсtacles, he had to buy a pair of new ones.

C. Model: As the bridge was destroyed, we couldn't cross the river. The bridge being destroyed, we couldn't cross the river.

1. As all shops were closed, we couldn't buy anything. 2. As the road was being repaired, I couldn't go there by bus. 3. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon. 4. As houses are built very quickly nowadays, we'll soon get a new flat. 5. As the waiting-room was being cleaned, the passengers were not let in.

D. Model: When the work had been done, they went home. – The work having been done, they went home.

1. When the house had been built, we got a new flat. 2. As the key had been lost, she couldn't get into the room. 3. As the road had been repaired, we could go there by bus. 4. When the waiting-room had been cleaned, the passengers were let in. 5. As all the tickets had been sold out, we couldn't see the performance.

Exercise 2. Translate into English using the Absolute Participle Complex.

1. Оскільки вітер дув з півночі, було дуже холодно. 2. Оскільки вчитель був хворий, у нас вчора не було уроку фізики. 3. Коли лист був написаний, я відніс його на пошту. 4. Коли батько прийшов, усі сіли за стіл обідати. 5. Оскільки було вже пізно, всі крамниці були зачинені. 6. Оскільки телефон був несправний, я не міг подзвонити вам. 7. Коли мій брат закінчив школу, наша сім’я переїхала до Луцька. 8. Коли уроки закінчились, учні пішли додому.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex in bold type.

1. Some atomic power stations having been built all over Ukraine, many scientists are worried about the ecological situation. 2. The working day being over, the city transport was overcrowded. 3. They all went away, he remaining at home. 4. All the problems having been solved, they stopped the discussion. 5. Nobody being on the highway, he was driving his car very fast. 6. The experiment having been made, everybody was interested in the results.


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences with the Absolute Participle Complex in bold type paying attention to its position in the sentence.

1. The meeting being over, we went home. 2. The question being too difficult, no one could answer it. 3. The translation of the text being ready, I shall show it to you. 4. Her brother being ill, she could not go to the institute that day. 5. The vacation being finished, we began our studies. 6. We had six lessons yesterday, the last being in English. 7. There are some pictures in this book, one being the map of England. 8. Radio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian scientist A. S. Popov. 10. The experiment having been carried out, we decided to have some rest. 11. To translate this text without a dictionary is difficult for him, the text containing too many new words. 12. The work having been completed, we went home. 13. The equipment having been received, we began the experiments from the very beginning. 14. The dictionaries having been brought, they began translating the text.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex.

1.Industry is a single complex, its constituent parts being closely interwoven and interlinked. 2. All preparations being made, they started the experiment. 3. The day being warm, we opened the windows. 4. Weather permitting, we shall be able to get there on Monday. 5. The article deals with microwaves, with particular attention being paid to radio location. 6. With the experiments having been carried out, they started new investigation. 7. The speed remaining constant, the train will cover this distance in seven hours. 8. Mass being a physical concept, we define it in terms of certain laws of physics. 9. An object moving with constant velocity, the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time. 10. Electric appliances find wide application in every home, a microwave oven being one of them. 11. The motor having been tested, we began to use it in our work. 12. All the substances are made of molecules, molecules being made of atoms. 13. The experiment has been completed, good results having been obtained.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex.

1. Today the atom is regarded as an electric system, the nucleus being in the center of it. 2. Some of electrons (having been) lost, the atom has a positive charge. 3. The atom containing an equal amount of protons and electrons, it is electrically neutral. 4. The problem being very simple, everybody understood it. 5. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 6. Atoms contain various fundamental particles, an electron being one of them. 7. The laboratory (being) equipped with modern instruments, important experiments can be made. 8. Metals being good conductors, they are often used in power-engineering, copper being one of them. 9. The voltage (having been) measured, the students started the experiment. 10. Electrons moving in one direction, an electric current results.


Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex.

1. The e.m.f. being unidirectional, the current is called direct. 2. The force changing its direction periodically, the current is known as alternating. 3. All other factors being constant, the current is directly proportional to the conductivity. 4. The e.m.f. driving the electrons, they are moving along the circuit. 5. One coulomb passing the point in a circuit per second, the current strength is 1 ampere. 6. An electric current is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time, the ampere being the unit of measure of current. 7. The force being doubled, the rate of electron flow is doubled. 8. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged. 9. All metals are conductors of electricity, their conductivity ranging from silver which is 1.06 times as effective as copper, to steel which is only about 0.1 times as effective as copper. 10. The speed of electrons being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods. 11. There exist various kinds of light, each corresponding to some definite colour.


Exercise 8. Pay attention to the Absolute Participle Complex in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. Electrical energy being released, a force called electromotive force is developed. 2. An e.m.f. is present, whenever free electrons are moved from atoms, any of the above-named methods being used to produce such electron motion. 3. This charge being always negative, the e.m.f. is indirectional. 4. The transmitter is connected in series with its power supply and receivers/indicators, these devices being situated at the receiving end. 5. If this is not provided for, electrons will acumulate at the end of the wire, their repulsion back along the wire stopping the current flow. 6. There are two general methods by which a continuous supply of electrical charge is obtained, one being by means of a battery, and the other being by means of an electric generator. 7. The cell being charged, a certain quantity of electricity is passed through it.


Exercise 9. Find the Absolute Participle Complex in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. The laser beam being off, the energy for the next flash is building up. 2. White light is a mixture of all possible wavelengths, all of them being out of step with each other. 3. All the waves in a laser beam having the same wavelength, it has a very definite colour, the red colour being one of the most widely seen colours in them. 4. An ordinary beam of light diverges, laser beam carrying its energy in a compact form. 5. In the metric system the unit of distance is the meter, other units of distance being obtained by multiplying the meter by ten or a multiple of ten. 6. Light from an incandescent gas at low or moderate pressure passing through a diffraction grating, its spectrum consists of several coloured lines on a black background. 7. Kinematics being the study of motion, we study in it position, velocity and acceleration. 8. The corpuscular theory being discovered at that time, it could explain the formation of shadows by opaque objects.

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the position of the Absolute Participle Complex.

1. The temperature of the material rising, the movement of its molecules is speeded up. 2. The new method having been studied in detail, the committee decided to introduce it at nearly all the plants. 3. The pressure removed, the air springs back to its original volume. 4. The two propellers turn in opposite directions, one being on the hollow shaft and placed slightly ahead of the other. 5. Electrical energy being released, electromotive force is developed. 6. This field can be detected by electroscope, the strength being measured by an electrometer. 7. The device having been carefully tested, it was put into operation. 8. The calibration is not appreciably affected by small changes in anode or filament voltage, permissible tolerances being indicated upon the instrument.

Exercise 11. Translate the Absolute Participle Complexes into Ukrainian. Mind their position at the beginning of the complex sentence.

1. All other conditions being equal, friction will vary directly with the weight of the object; the heavier the body, the greater will be the friction. 2. The equipment having been received, we began the experiments from the very beginning. 3. Our laboratory having been built, we could continue our research work there. 4. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary devices. 5. The satisfactory measurements having been obtained, they could finish their research. 6. The gas being colorless, we did not notice its formation. 7. Copper being a good conductor of electricity, it is widely used in electrical engineering. 8. Our laboratory being supplied with different new instruments, the students can do their practical work there. 9. Knowledge being the most valuable wealth of our times, the information theory became of great importance for the national economy. 10. The computer electronic memory recording all the operator’s commands, the picture of deviations was produced. 11. The new equipment having been installed, the plant could rise its output. 12. The latest developments of science and technology having been applied, we could improve the production quality. 13. It should be noted, that this prism disperses white light into its component colours, the band of colours in the prism being an example of the dispersion of white light. 14. Zink being the cheapest metal with a strong tendency to lose electrons, we commonly use it for the production of electric current. 15. The gas being compressed, the number of molecules in each cubic centimeter is increased. 16. Temperature remaining the same, the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure. 17. Automation having been firmly established in space research, our spaceships employ automatic instruments in the study of cosmic space. 18. Natural radioactivity having been discovered, many scientists became interested in it.19. Radium having been discovered, scientists found that effects produced by it were caused by the break-up of its atoms. 20. Many technical and scientific problems being solved by our scientists, the first spaceflight could be realized. 21. With the various parts of the system clearly defined, the stability criteria can be used with full confidence. 22. When heat is applied at one spot, copper being a very good conductor, it is rapidly transferred throughout the whole mass. 23. The data being reliable, you can rely on them. 24. The theory having been discussed, they could proceed to practice. 25. The laboratory being provided with necessary instruments, they could carry out the work successfully. 26. Liquid lubricants evaporating in vacuum, scientists developed solid lubricants for space engineering. 27. The direct current circuits of a stage being separated electrically by capacitors or transformers, this makes it possible to have a common direct current source for all valves of the amplifier. 28. A bar magnet being placed in a uniform magnetic field, a moment of force will produce rotating of the bar to line it up with the field. 29. The anode being maintained at a positive potential with respect to the cathode, the electrons are attracted to it. 30. The electric current passing through the device, we can measure light intensity incident on the cathode.

Exercise 12. Translate the Absolute Participle Complexes which are placed at the end of the complex sentence into Ukrainian.

1. The balanced state may be obtained by adjustment of the potentiometer, the release of the battery key discharging the capacitor after each trial adjustment of the potentiometer. 2. It is well known that conductors will emit electrons from their surface if there exists a potential gradient at their boundary of the order of 106 volts per cm, this phenomenon being known as cold emission. 3. Electrons may be emitted from certain materials when they are subjected to rays of light energy, this occurrence being known as photo-electric emission. 4. The heater filament is a tungsten wire loop placed inside the tube, the loop being coated with an insulating material such as aluminium oxide which is not affected by heat. 5. When the potential at A is sufficiently positive with respect to that at point B, a current I amperes flows through the valve into the load resistance R ohms, the current magnitude depending upon the voltage across the diode and upon the value characteristic. 6. The single diode circuit of fig 13.5 rectifies only alternate half-cycles, the other half-cycle being suppressed: it is termed a half-wave rectifier. 7. In this arrangement two diodes are connected in anti-phase, one valve rectifying the positive half-cycles and the other the negative. 8. Grid current is produced under certain conditions when the grid is positive to the filament, some of the electrons on their way to the anode being attracted and absorbed by the grid. 9. The various forms of feedback oscillator depend in principle on the continuous transfer of energy from the anode circuit to the grid circuit, the latter in turn controlling the energy in the anode circuit. 10. Oscillation always tends to occur in a high-frequency amplifier, the energy being fed back due to the self-capacitance between the grid and the anode. 11. Various methods are adopted to prevent this undesirable occurrence, a screen grid valves being usually employed. 12. Two different modulation methods are in general use, (i) amplitude modulation (AM) in which the amplitude of the carrier current is varied by the modulating frequency, the carrier frequency remaining constant, (ii) frequency modulation (FM) in which the carrier frequency is varied by modulating frequency, the amplitude of the carrier wave remaining constant. 13. With the grid modulator the audio-frequency signal is applied to the grid of a value in series with the carrier voltage of constant frequency, both alternating voltages being applied through the transformer. 14. The audio-frequency input is fed to the grid of the low-frequency amplifier or modulating valve V2, the anode current for this valve being derived from the same h.t. source. 15. The voltage under test is then applied across the input terminals to the grid circuit: the rectified current gives a direct reading in volts, the scale having been previously calibrated against a standard instrument. 16. The bridge circuit generally used for this purpose is shown in fig. 13, R being the load resistance. 17. When B is positive to A the conditions are reversed, rectifiers 3 and 4 being in the conducting direction with rectifiers 1 and 2 not conducting. 18. A transformer is shunted across the line circuit, the secondary winding being closed with the rectifier networks A and B. 19. The process is repeated indefinitely, the potential on the anode rising gradually and collapsing almost instantaneously, producing what is termed a “saw-tooth” waveform. 20. The far end of the glass envelope is flattened to form a viewing screen, the inner surface being coated with a fluorescent material.

21. The valve is usually a voltage-operated device: the transistor is current-operated, the emitter-base voltage being always small. 22. The indium pellets are used, one containing gallium (emitter) in solid solution and the other containing antimony (or arcenic). 23. The operation of this switching rectifier is extremely fast, turn-on and turn-off being measured in microseconds. 24. A magnet being broken into two, two complete magnets result, two new poles appearing at the fracture. 25. If the temperature is increased the molecules are given additional speeds, more of them breaking through the surface of the liquid, thus increasing the vapor density. 26. Matter is said to exist in four states: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma, the latter being a hot ionized gas. 27. The scientists have made a number of experiments, some of them being very important for our work. 28. Voltage amplifiers mostly operate in class A, power amplifiers also operating in other classes. 29. Each stage introduces some distortion in the signal being limited, this placing a practical limit on the number of stages. 30. The efficiency of a class A amplifier is not above 25%, it being able to attain 80% in class C.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex.

1. Some electrons having been lost, the atom has a positive charge. 2. Every electron emitted from a body having a minute negative charge, the space outside the body becomes negatively charged. 3. The properties of the three types of electron emission are given in the table, it being the result of vast investigation and profound studies. 4. The triode is normally operated under space-charge limited conditions, an electron cloud forming close to the cathode surface. 5. The control electrode is maintained at a potential equal to or negative with respect to K, the anode being maintained at high positive potential. 6. All types of valves can be used as oscillators, the triode being the most commonly employed. 7. Consequently this electron tube acts as a rectifier, the plate being the anode and the heated filament the cathode. 8. The phenomenon is called secondary emission, the emitted electrons being secondary electrons. 9. In fact the emitter is said to inject holes into the semiconductor, the emitter current being composed of electrons. 10. The grid being made less and less negative, the plate can move easly to attract electrons and plate current increases. 11. There being two pairs of mutually normal plates, the electron beam can be deflected in horizontal and vertical planes. 12. These positive ions destroy the space charge near the cathode, the current flowing through the valve freely. 13. The first type is called a filament cathode; the second is known as a heater cathode, the filament merely acting as a store or heater. 14. The solution is made somewhat more complex due to the close proximity of the grid wires to the cathode, the effect of the grid being the greatest at those parts of the cathode close to the grid wires.



Герундій — це неособова форма дієслова із за­кінченням -ing, що має властивості дієслова й іменника.

Як і інфінітив, герундій називає дію: reading читання, listening слухання.

В українській мові немає форми, яка відповідала б герун­дію. Слова читання, слухання — іменники, що утворились від дієслів, але не мають граматичних ознак дієслова.



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