I’m looking forward to going on holiday. 

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I’m looking forward to going on holiday.


Sue is doing an examination next week. She’s not very happy about it. How does she feel about it? She is not looking forward to doing the examination.

1. A good friend is coming to visit you soon, so you will see him/her again. How do you feel about this? I'm… 2. You are going to the dentist. You don't like visits to the dentist. How do you feel about it?... 3. Carol is a schoolgirl. She hates school but she is leaving school next summer. How does she feel about this? She … 4. It’s raining cats and dogs but my brother is to go to the baker’s. How does he feel about it? He … 5. You are going to whitewash the ceiling in the kitchen but the weather is very fine and the sun is shining. How do you feel about it? 6. You are going on an excursion. How do you feel about this? 7. He is going to have a good rest in the country with his relatives. How does he feel about it?

Exercise 31. Make sentences using ‘ I prefer doing (something) to doing (something else).

Example: (driving/traveling by train) I prefer driving to traveling by train.

1. (praising Paris/ admiring London) I prefer praising Paris… 2. (phoning people/ writing letters) I prefer… 3. (going to the cinema/ watching film on television). 4. (dancing at the discotheque/ singing at the concert). 5. (staying at home/ going out). 6. (hunting for a challenging job/ fulfilling routine tasks). 7. (having early breakfasts/ drinking coffee at night). 8. (arranging an active rest/ sleeping at the daytime)Now rewrite sentences 2 and 3 using the structure “I prefer to do (something)...”.


Exercise 32. Combine two sentences into one using the gerundial complexes.

Example: They combine two methods. It is of great value. – Their combining two methods is of great value.

1. He works at this problem. It is known to us. 2. He has made the experiment. It is important. 3. They have obtained some new data. It is very important. 4. The heater is connected to a relatively low voltage in this experiment. It is known to us. 5. A relatively low voltage increases the supply of electrons. It is important to remember. 6. He makes use of this new alloy. It will give good results. 7. The flow of plate current is governed by the voltage placed on the control grid. It is known to every student. 8. The plate current is measured by a milliammeter. It is trivial. 9. Static characteristics had been obtained under actual operating conditions. It was very important. 10. He makes the calculation regularly. It helps us in our work. 11. He had stopped making experiments. It was unknown to us. 12. They had changed manufacturing methods. It surprised us greatly.


Exercise 33. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying aftention to the gerundial complexes.

1. His having made such a discovery interested everyone. 2. Our having fihished all the experimental parts in time did not surprise them. 3. Their having obtained the new equipment will help them greatly. 4. Her working in this field of electronics made a great contribution to their common research. 5. His having taken part in the optoelectronics conference was reported in the press. 6. Petrov’s having invented the electric arc is known to everybody. 7. Their having found a new method of transmission will help us to send information better and faster. 8. Their having developed efficient radiolocation facilities was important to us. 9. His having applied new techniques for manufacturing amplifying signal devices interested everyone. 10. Their having used biotechnical and medical devices and systems will help them in their experiment. 11. Huyghen’s having developed the wave theory brought him world renown.

Exercise 34. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Gerund and gerundial complexes.

1. Knowing the physical properties of all the substances is very important to the chemist. 2. Ultimate weight is determined experimentally by employing some architecture of testing machines. 3. Elementary phosphorus is made by heating calcium phosphate with silica and carbon in an electric furnace. 4. Scanning is accomplished by changing the amount of electrons getting on the fluorescent screen. 5. Setting up an automatic control system takes considerable time during which the machine is idle. 6. We know of Newton’s having developed the principles of general physical theory. 7. Measuring temperature is necessary in many experiments. 8. Experimenting is widely used in different branches of science and industry. 9. The best way to solve this problem is experimenting. 10. The engineer insisted on experimenting the best method to solve this problem. 11. We prefer working at the laboratory after classes to reading specialized literature at the library. 12. Conducting reseach is interesting for research – oriented students.


Exercise 35. Make these sentences imperative using the Gerund.

1. It’s necessary to measure the distance (begin). 2. It’s not important to do it now (stop). 3. It’s better to heat water a little (keep on). 4. You must check the device (begin). 5. You needn’t calculate these data (stop). 6. It’s better to define it at once (start). 7. You will have time to treat this part (go on). 8. There is only one more experiment to make (go on). 9. It’s very promising to use this array in the mathematical proof (start).


Exercise 36. Tranlate the folloving sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Gerund.

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engi­neer. 2. It is no use speaking to her. 3. I remember attending his lectures on history. 4. He re-members having added some water to the mixture. 5. They finished installing the apparatus only on Saturday. 6. After the failure they stopped following this rule. 7. They began doing the experi­ment in May. 8. He began determining the properties of the new mate­rial. 9. After failing in the examination in January he had to take it again in February. 10. After graduating from the Institute he worked in the Far North. 11. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work. 12. There are different ways of obtaining the gaseous substance. 13. The problem of obtaining new power sources was discussed by the board of directors. 14. The or­ganizers of the conference were informed of his refusing to take part in it. 15. We were informed of new results being obtained at the laboratory. 16. I remember his having been interested in languages since his child­hood. 17. They learned of his having discovered effective means of memorizing difficult number combinations.

Exercise 37. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund.


1. I know of his having been sent to work to the electric networks enterprise. 2. What is the reason for his having left our city so suddenly? 3. We heard of the experiment having been started last week. 4. He improved his re­port by changing the end. 5. They objected to his remaining at home. 6. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build a new one in the centre of the town. 7. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up. 8. It is possible to set up power stations based on utilizing the heat of the sun. 9. The idea of creating a multi-stage rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky. 10. Before being sent up the balloon was filled with a special gas. 11. What apparatus do we use for measuring air pressure? 12. Science requires experimenting. 13. Speaking foreign languages is of great importance for every cultured and well-educated person.


Exercise 38. Translate into English using the Gerund.


A.1. Пробачте, що я взяв вашу книжку. 2. Пробачте, що я запізнився.

3. Пробачте, що ми турбуємо вас знов. 4. Пробачте, що ми не прийшли вчасно. 5. Пробачте, що я перебиваю вас. 6. Про­бачте, що ми говорили так голосно. 7. Пробачте, що я телефоную вам так пізно.

B. 1. Дякую вам за те, що ви показали мені дорогу до мiстa. 2. Дякую тoбi, що ти допоміг мені дістати квитки. 3. Дякую, що ви провели мене додому. 4. Дякую, що ти розбудив мене. 5. Дякую, що ви пояснили мені це правило.

C. 1. Я пам'ятаю, що бачив його в Києві. 2. Вона пам'ятає, що читала цю книжку. З. Ми пам'ятаємо, що він працював ра­зом з нами. 4. Biн пам'ятає, що бачив цей фільм. 5. Я пам'ятаю, що вона вчилася в нашій школі.

D. 1. Мене дивує, що вона робить так багато орфографічних помилок. 2. Мені дивно, що ти пропустив так багато уроків. 3. Мене дивує, що він сказав це. 4. Мені дивно, що ви так часто запізнюєтесь. 5. Meні дивно, що вони програли матч.

E.1. Учитель заперечував проти того, щоб ми сьогодні пішли в кіно. 2. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб я приєднався до них. 3. Ви не заперечуєте проти того, щоб я відчинила вікно? 4. Я заперечую проти того, щоб це питання обговорювалося сьогодні.

F. 1. Він наполягав на тому, щоб усі прийшли завтра о 8 годині. 2. Вона наполягала на тому, щоб я пішов до лікаря. 3. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб вона негайно поїхала до Києва. 4. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб її негайно послали до Києва. 5. Ми наполягаємо на тому, щоб цей будинок було відремонтовано.

G. 1. Це залежить від того, чи прийде він вчасно. 2. Все залежить від того, чи буде погода хороша. 3. Ваша поїздка залежить від того, чи дістанете ви квитки. 4. Успіх нашої робо­ти залежить від того, чи допомагатимете ви нам. 5. Це залежить від того, чи буде відчинений магазин.

H. 1. Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли він повернеться. 2. Учні з нетерпінням чекають, коли вони поїдуть на екскурсію. 3. Вона з нетерпінням чекає, коли її запросять на вечір. 4. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо, коли буде видана ця книжка. 5. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, коли буду працювати на заводі.

I. 1. Вона пішла з дому, не вимкнувши телевізора. 2. Я не міг підготувати доповідь, не прочитавши цих статей. 3. Учні пішли додому, не обговоривши це питання. 4. Ми не можемо піти до театру, не купивши квитків заздалегідь. 5. Biн пішов, не попрощавшись.

J. 1. Замість того, щоб іти до нього, ви можете зателефонувати йому.

2. Замість того, щоб купити цю книжку, я взяв її в шкільній бібліотеці. 3. Замість того, щоб іти до лісу, ми залишилися вдома. 4. Замість того, щоб їхати туди трамваєм, він пішов пішки. 5. Замість того, щоб посилати туди телеграму, я напишу йому лист.

K. 1. Я вивчив багато слів, читаючи щодня англійські книж­ки. 2. Ми можемо встигнути на поїзд, взявши таксі. 3. Він дуже допоміг нам, пояснюючи правила. 4. Ви можете запитати його про це, зателефонувавши йому. 5. Я краще запам'ятовую слова, вживаючи їx у реченнях.

L. 1. Я не мав нагоди поговорити з ним. 2. У неї не було надії купити квиток на цю виставу. 3. Він має добру звичку записувати кожне слово в словничок. 4. Є різні способи перекладу герундія на українську мову. 5. Вони не мали можливості користуватися магнітофоном.

M. 1. Цей будинок вимагає ремонту. 2. Підлогу треба пофарбувати. 3. Діти потребують догляду. 4. Черевики треба полагодити. 5. Фільм треба обговорити. 6. Цей автомобіль треба відремонтувати.

N. 1. Мій товариш зайнятий ремонтом телевізора. 2. Вона зайнята перекладом статті. 3. Ми зайняті: обговорюємо дуже важливе питання. 4. Учні зайняті: садять дерева в шкільному садку.

O. 1. Цей фільм варто подивитися. 2. Цей роман варто прочитати і обговорити. 3. Це оповідання заслуговує на те, щоб його перекла­ли на українську мову. 4. Ці факти варто згадати. 5. Телевізор варто купити.


Exercise 39. State the functions of the gerunds and verbal nouns in the follow­ing sentences.

A. 1. Studying small structures is accomplished with the help of a microscope. 2. Scientists began working at the prob­lem of magnifying the power of microscopes more than 200 years ago. They were greatly interested in improving the lens­es. 3. The experiments of the physicists resulted in making much more powerful microscopes. 4. Doubling the power of the ordinary microscope became possible by means of an ultraviolet microscope. 5. Instead of using ultraviolet light, scientists turn­ed their attention to studying electrons. 6. Using electron mi­croscopes scientists succeeded in bringing to view the fine structure of every material. 7. Upon making a number of ex­periments atomic physicists solved the problem of building a very powerful microscope. 8. Scientists succeeded in building electron microscopes with a great magnifying power. 9. Build­ing a microscope using an electron beam in place of the usual beam of light provided a means of studying the smallest particles. 10. By solving the problem of constructing the electron microscope scientists were able to bring to view the fine structure of every material. 11. By making use of the properties of electrons physicists succeeded in constructing an electron microscope.


B. 1. Upon being heated, the molecules begin moving about very rapidly. 2. Drinking water is a prime necessity for plants and animals. 3. It is simple enough to heat a vessel of water to the boiling point. It is also a simple matter to cool water to its freezing point, but we must have more complex equipment unless the weather is cold enough to do it for us. 4. The most important way of changing mechanical energy into heat energy is by means of electricity. 5. When an object suddenly starts moving, we understand at once that something has acted or is acting upon it to produce the change. 6. In considering the chemical properties of metals the first thing that must be noted is that they vary widely in degree of chemical activity. 7. Alloys are usually prepared simply by melting two or more metals to­gether and then allowing this liquid mixture to cool and solid­ify. 8. There are two general reasons why man has tried to make synthetic materials instead of being satisfied with those already existed.



Exercise 40. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Gerund.

1. This has an effect of eliminating the dip or kink present in the anode characteristic of the screen grid value. 2. Various methods depending on the employment of a non-linear impedance are available for effecting amplitude modulation. 3. In making a measurement the input terminals are first short-circuited. 4. In an instrument of this type a single battery is used for heating the cathode, biasing the grid and providing the positive anode potential. 5. If the gas becomes ionized it is capable of conducting electricity. 6. The number of ions may be increased by raising the temperature of gas. 7. The energy given up by the positive ions on reaching the cathode is converted to heat. 8. The cathode-ray tube is an instrument for showing pictorially the variations in pulse duration or current occurring in a circuit. 9. A convenient method of gradually raising the anode potential is to connect it to a capacitor C which is charged through a resistance R. 10. For the purpose of making measurements a transparent scale may be fitted to the screen. 11. A television system is considered to possess means for transmitting sounds synchronously with visual images. 12. Many difficulties could be avoided by using heterojunctions. 13. Saying that an atom is the smallest particle of any substance means that no substance can exist in any more subdivided form. 14. As matter and weight are closely connected we usually measure the amount of matter in an object by weighing it. 15. The transformer is a device for raising or lowering voltage. 16. It would be impossible to simplify the production process without applying this device. 17. If biological experiments are going on, the problem of developing the technology for growing plants in space conditions will be solved. 18. The first problem is determining the trajectory described by the points of a moving body. 19. In using the transformer one can increase the voltage of the alternating current. 20. On leaving the metal surface the electrons can produce considerable currents.


Exercise 41. Find the gerunds in the following sentences, define their functions and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. On making a lot of experiments Faraday discovered the electromagnetic induction. 2. Heating makes molecules move faster. 3. Our success depends on being supplied with the necessary equipment. 4. He is busy checking the equipment for the experiment. 5. The way of avoiding these difficulties is unknown at present. 6. This procedure will give us the possibility of determining both the state estimation and the time delay. 7. The idea of using this technique is new and somewhat unexpected. 8. We insist on treating another important element in this technique. 9. On pressing the button you will get the information desired. 10. He is used to working under pressure. 11. Many solids can be changed to gases by heating. 12. All aspects of the life depend on our understanding the properties of matter. 13. There are different ways of charging a body with electricity. 14. One can increase the current by reducing the resistance of the circuit. 15. On being heated to a sufficient temperature any body becomes a source of light. 16. We succeeded in simplifying the calculations of some magnetic strength. 17. There is one more point worth mentioning. 18. This device should be put into operation without stopping the experiment. 19. In recend years man has succeeded in controlling chemical reactions.


Exercise 42. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Gerund.

1. After heating the cathode the electron emission is produced from its surface. 2. After leaving the cathode emitted electrons are attracted to the positively charged anode. 3. The flow intensity can be increased by raising the temperature of the cathode. 4. By using serial electronic amplifier stages it is possible to increase current, voltage and power. 5. An initial experiment was made to reduce the interelectrode capacitance of a triode by reducing electrode dimensions. 6. Vacuum tubes can be used for getting high frequency steady-state oscillations. 7. Getting high-frequency steady-state oscillations is necessary for broadcasting. 8. The degree of sensitivity in this case falls rapidly with impurity content increasing. 9. Our understanding of thermoelectric devices will be increased by studying tunnel diodes. 10. After leaving the magnetic field the electrons will travel on to the screen in a straight line as in Fig. 41. 11. Electrons can pass through the control grid unimpeded, but the electric field at the cathode surface can be changed by varying the electric potential of the control grid. 12. Before reaching a receiver a signal must be modulated and radiated through. 13. The addition of an impurity element to a pure piece of semiconductor has the effect of increasing its conductivity. 14. Before discussing the p-n junction we must define a term frequently used in a device terminology, i. e. bias. 15. This cannot be done by using the same two valves in any other way. 16. The emission rate can be increased by raising the temperature of the cathode. 17. The electrons flow to the cathode because of its having lost electrons and being less negative than the negative side of the battery. 18. As an aid in solving the temperature sensitivity problem, new high-temperature materials are being developed.


Автори: Михайлова – Пехан О. М.

Наконечна Г. Я.


Неособові форми дієслова


Key words:

circuit, to connect, a flow, to flow, current, voltage, resistance, to use, device, source, instrument, to consist, to prevent, purpose, to equal.


Ключові слова:

коло, з’єднувати, потік, текти, струм, напруга, опір, використовувати, пристрій, джерело, прилад, складатись з, запобігати, мета, дорівнювати.




1. Грамматика английского язика (на английском языке): Пособие для студентов. Под ред. Проф.. Б. А. Ильиша. – К, 1997, - 214 с.

2. Грамматика английского язика (на английском языке): Учебник для студентов педагогических институтов / В. Л. Каушанская и др. – Л.: Просвищение. 1973. – 319 с.

3. Граматика сучасної англійської мови: Довідник / Л. Г. Верба, Г. В. Верба. – Л.: Логос, 1997. – 341 с.

4. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Laurence Urdang, Stuart Berg Flexner, New York: College Edition. 1969. – 1534.

5. English Grammar in Use: aself-study reference and practice book for intermediate students / Raymond Murphy – Cambridge University Press. 1985. – 328.

6. English Grammar, M. A. Ganshina, N. M. Vasilevskaya, Higher School Publishing House, 1964. – 547.

7. Английская грамматика для всех: Справ. пособие / И. П. Крылова, Е. В. Крылова. – М.: Высш. шк., 1989. – 271с.


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