Complete these sentences in a logical way. 

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Complete these sentences in a logical way.

1 Could you lie down... ал..fbk..feor...............................?

2 I'm not very good at making up...........................................................

3 She asked me to turn on...........................................................

4 Two men tried to break into...........................................................

5 We have asked an engineer to come and sort out..............................................

6 Are you going to stay in...........................................................?

7 Why did you leave out...........................................................?

8 I'm afraid we broke down...........................................................

9 Can you get by...........................................................?

10 I grew up...........................................................


History of Tomatoes

Contrary to popular belief, tomatoes have been grown as a food since the 16th century, though they have in various times and places been regarded as both poisonous and decorative plants.

The Italian name for the tomato is pomodoro, meaning "apple of love" or "golden apple," because the first to reach Europe were yellow varieties.

Tomatoes were not cultivated in North America until the 1700s, and then only in home gardens. In colonial America (1620-1763), tomatoes were thought to be poisonous and were grown as an ornamental plant called the "love apple." The odor of the leaves made people think it was poisonous. Thomas Jefferson was raising tomatoes by 1782. Most people of that century paid little attention to tomatoes. Only in the next century did they make their way into American cookbooks, always with instructions that they be cooked for at least three hours or else they "will not lose their raw taste."

1809 - According to the article from The Thomas Jefferson Society called Thomas Jefferson's Favorite Vegetables by Peter J. Hatch regarding Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd President of the United States:

Jefferson was a pioneer grower of "tomatas." Beginning in 1809, he planted this grudgingly accepted vegetable yearly, usually in square X near the midpoint of the garden. Jefferson's daughter, Martha, and daughters, Virginia and Septimia, left numerous recipes that involved tomatoes, including gumbo soups, cayenne-spiced tomato soup, green tomato pickles, tomato preserves, and tomato omelettes. Tomatoes were purchased in 1806 for Presidential dinners.


Revision for all materials


1. I had a feeling that somebody… there before.

a) is, b) was, c) had been, d) has been, e) was being

2. Please, tell me the time: my watch….

a) stopped, b) has stopped, c) have stopped, d) stops, e) are stopping

3. Do you know when he…?

a) comes, b) shall come, c) come, d) will come, e) coming

4. His parents didn’t let him … TV late.

a) to watch, b) watch, c) watching, s) watched, e) being watched

5. Jane … to phone me last night, but she didn’t.

a) supposed b) is supposed c) was supposed d) was being supposed

6. Choose the wrong sentence:

a) He has been in hospital since Monday b) Do you know each other well? C) He has been in hospital for six months d) Do you know each other for a long time?

7. Find the Present Perfect Continuous

a) I had been living there for a long time b) Julia has been living in Paris for a long time c) Tom has lived in Paris for a long time d) We are waiting for somebody

8. The Present Perfect Continuous is …

a) have, has been+V4(doing) b) had been + V4(doing)

c) have, has + V3(done) d) am, is, are + V4(doing)

9. … have you been working at the airport?

a) How long b) How much c) How many d) How far

10. Choose the right variant

If I … $5 million, I’d buy an island

a) ‘ll have, b) have, c) had, d) would have

11. If I … a car, I’d never … a bus again

a) ‘ll have/catch, b) have/catch, c) had/catch, d) had/caught

12. What will you do if the weather … nice this weekend?

a) is, b) are, c) will be, d) was, e) has been

13. These verbs are usually followed by ‘to’

a) agree, refuse, deserve, learn, risk b) decide, forget, afford, hope, promise

c) hope, fail, plan, seem, give up d) enjoy, mind, suggest, avoid, fancy

14. Find the wrong sentence:

a) I promised not to be late b) They seem to have plenty of money

c) I enjoy to watch television d) You seem to have lost weight

15. Change this sentence in reported speech

The police officer said to us, ‘Where are you going?’

a) The police officer told us where are we going b) The police officer asked us where we were going

c) The police officer asked us where were we going d) The police officer asked us where we are going

16. Jenny said, “I want to buy a car”

a) She said I wanted to buy a car b) She said she wants to buy a car

c) She said she wanted to buy a car d) She said she had wanted to buy a car

17. Jenny said, “I’ll phone you when I get back”

a) She said she phoned me when she gets back b) She said she would phoned me when she got back

c) She said she would phone me when she gets back d) She said she would phone me when she got back

e) She said she would phone me when she would get back

18. You weren’t listening, …?

a) were you b) you weren’t c) weren’t you d) did you

19. I am a student, …?

a) are I b) am I c) are I d) aren’t I

20. They have been living here since 1990, …?

a) have they b) haven’t they c) don’t they d) haven’t been they


Look at the following situations and answer them

21) What would you do if someone was following you down a dark street?

22) What would you do if you saw a pool of blood in your living room?

23) What would you do if you saw the furniture moving on its own?

24) What would you do if you heard a noise downstairs at 2 a.m. and you are alone?

25) What would you do if you were trapped in a lift?



1. You … to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?

a) weren’t invited b) were invited c) had invited d) were invite

2. A cinema is a place where films …

a) are showing b) are showed c) aren’t showed d) are being showed

3. Choose the correct sentence

a) What is silver used for? B) What are silver used for? C) What silver is used for? D) What is used for silver?

4. I and my sister … by our grandparents

a) is brought up b) are brought up c) were brought up d) were bring up

5. Find a correct passive sentence

a) This room is very comfortable for me b) The room has been cleaned

c) The room has cleaned d) The room has been cleaning

6. I’ve lived here … my life

a) since b) every c) all d) each

7. The weather is dry. It hasn’t … a few weeks.

a) raining for b) rained for c) rain since d) rained since

8. … living in London for the last few years.

a) We have b) I had c) She has d) Tom has been

9. Find the right sentence:

a) I have been knowing him for a long time

b) I have been loving her since 1990

c) I have been believing him since we first met

d) I have been waiting for you since morning

10. What would you do if you … a wallet with a lot of money in it?

a) find, b) found, c) had found d) will find

11. As soon as we … a place to live, we’ll send you our address

a)‘ll find, b) find, c) found, d) have found

12. Choose the right variant:

I was warned … the switch

a) do not to touch b) won’t to touch

c) not to touching d) not to touch

13. While … the article, he had to look up some words in the dictionary

a) reads b) read c) reading d) was reading

14. Tom said, “I can’t come to the party”

a) He said he couldn’t come to the party

b) He said he couldn’t came to the party

c) He said couldn’t come to the part

d) He said he cannot come to the party

15. Tom said, “I played tennis”

a) He said he was going to play tennis b) He said he played tennis

c) He said he had played tennis d) He said he has played tennis

16. He had never met her, …?

a) didn’t he b) had he c) hadn’t he d) he hadn’t

17. Paul left the room suddenly. He said he … go

a) has b) have c) had d) had to

18. I am not too stupid, …?

a) are I b) am I c) am not I d) I are

19. What would you …if you … a lot of money?

a) do\find b) did\found c) do\found d) do\had found

20. If I … enough time I would … them

a) had\have visited b) had had\visited c) have had\visit d) had had\have visited

Complete the following sentences from your own experience

21) I’d be very miserable if …

22) I’d be very terrified if …

23) I’d leave the country if …

24) I might not speak to my friend again if …

25) I’d be very happy if …


1. Write a passive sentence: They have built a new hospital near the airport.

a) Near the airport has built a new hospital b) A new hospital has being built near the airport c) A new hospital has been built near the airport

d) The airport and hospital have been built

2. We didn’t play football yesterday. When we came the match …

a) cancelled b) was cancelled c) had been cancelled d) was being cancelled

3. Is the house at the end of the street still for sale? No, it ….

a) is sold b) sold c) was sold d) was selling

4. My bag has disappeared. It must …

a) has been stolen b) have been stolen c) been stolen d) be stolen

5. Past Continuous Passive is …

a) Was, were+ V4(doing) b) Was, were+V3(done) c) Was, were been+V3(done) d) Was, were being+V3(done)

6. I have been looking for a job … I … school

a) since\leave b) for\leave c) since\left d) for\left

7. I’m tired of waiting. We’ve been … here … an hour.

a) sat\for b) sat\since c) sitting\for d) sitting\since

8. Lisa … ten letters today.

a) has been writing b) has written c) has writes d) has been written

9. They … tennis since 2 o’clock

a) have played b) have been played c) have been playing d) play

10. When I … Anna, I … her

a) see/tell, b) ‘ll see/ ‘ll tell, c) ‘ll see/tell, d) see/’ll tell

11. If I … a wallet in the street, I’d take it to the police station.

a) ‘ll find, b) find, c) found, d) had found

12. Could you please stop … so much noise?

a) make b) having making c) making d) to making

13. Don’t let him … do this work

a) – b) to c) of d) to to

14. Choose the right variant: Have you decided where … for your holidays?

a) to go b) go c) going d) to going

15. Hello, Joe. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you … in hospital

a) are b) were c) was d) should be

16. He said, I am sure she will come in time

a) He said he was sure she will come in time

b) He said he is sure she came in time

c) He said he was sure she would come in time

d) He said he was sure she would came in time

17. Don’t be late, …?

a) do you b) will you c) shall you d) are you

18. Choose the correct sentence

a) Let’s go for a walk, let us? B) Let’s go for a walk, do us?

c) Let’s go for a walk, shall we? D) Let’s go for a walk, shall us?

19. You wouldn’t tell anyone, …?

a) will you b) would you c) do you d) are you

20. They made their children … the flat.

a) clean, b) to clean, c) cleaning, d) to be cleaned, e) cleaned

Look at the following situations and answer the questions

21) What would you do if you saw a bank robbery in the street?

22) What would you do if you failed your exam?

23) What would you do if your boyfriend\girlfriend left you?

24) What would you do if you found a lot of money?

25) What would you do if you were a boy\girl?




1. Future Perfect Passive is …

a) Will have+V3(done) b) Will have been+V3(done) c) Will have being+V3(done) d) Will has being+V3(done)

2. What Tense is not usually used in the Passive Voice?

a) Past Continuous b) Future Perfect c) Future Continuous d) Present Perfect

3. Find the Past Perfect Passive

a) This letter was written b) This letter was being written c) This letter has been written d) This letter had been written

4. … has been repaired. It’s working again now.

a) Mr. Tom b) The vacuum cleaners c) My parents d) The television

5. My friend disappeared six months ago. He …

a) has not been seen since then b) has been not seen since then c) wasn’t seen since then d) has been seen since then

6. I haven’t seen Tom … three days

a) since, b) for c) by d) from

7. I haven’t seen Tom … Monday.

a) since b) for c) by d) from

8. Somebody … all my chocolates. The box is empty.

a) have eaten b) has eaten c) has been eating d) eats

9. I … my key. I … for it since morning.

a) have lost\have been looking b) have been lost\have looked

c) have been losing\have looked d) have lose\have been looking

10. If I … rich, I would … a night club

a)‘ll be/have, b) am/have, c) were/have, d) were/had

11. I wish I … in a big city

a) ‘ll live, b) live, c) lived, d) living

12. Choose the right variant: The film was very sad. It made me …

a) to cry b) crying c) cry d) cried

13. These verbs are usually followed by ‘to’

a) stop, decide, offer b) deny, plan, hope

c) postpone, learn, manage d) deserve, agree, forget

14. Tom, go to bed, said his mother

a) Tom’s mother asked his to go to bed

b) Tom’s mother told him to go to bed

c) Tom’s mother told him to went to bed

d) Tom’s mother told to him go to bed

15. She asked me, “How long are you going to stay here?”

a) She asked how long I was going to stay here.

b) She asked me how long I was going to stay there

c) She said me how long I was going to stay there

d She asked me if I was going to stay there

16. A man said to his friend, “When did you buy your car?”

a) A man asked his friend when he had bought his car

b) A man asked his friend when he bought his car

c) A man asked his friend when he would bought his car

d) A man asked his friend when he had buy his car

17. Kate … for the job, didn’t she?

a) applies b) applied c) has applied d) had applied

18. My mother … on holiday, isn’t she?

a) is b) has c) does d) –

19. My brother-in-law … about it, does he?

a) knows b) didn’t know b) isn’t know d) doesn’t know

20. The view was wonderful. If … a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs

a) I had b) I would have c) I would have had d) I’d had

Look at the following situations and answer the questions?

21) What would you do if you became President of your country?

22) What would you do if you had a well-paid job?

23) What would you do if you were rich?

24) What would you do if you had no friends?

25) What would you do if you were deaf?




1. … you ever been bitten by a dog?

a) Did b) Have c) Has d) Having

2. Walt Disney … born … 1901.

a) -\in b) Were\at c) Was\in d) -\at

3. Point this sentence in another way using Passive: They didn’t give me the information I needed

a) They weren’t given the information I needed b) Me wasn’t given the information I needed c) I wasn’t given the information I needed d) The information wasn’t given by me I needed

4. Point this sentence in another way using Passive: Linda’s colleagues gave her a present when she retired

a) Linda was given a present when she retired b) Linda’s colleagues were given a present when retired c) Colleagues were given a present when she retired d) Her colleagues were given a present when she retired

5. Point this sentence in another way using Passive: Nobody told me about the meeting

a) I was told about this meeting b) Me was not told about this meeting c) I didn’t told about this meeting d) I wasn’t told about this meeting

6. How long … learning?

a) has she b) has been she c) she has been d) has she been

7. How long … married?

a) have they been b) they have been c) has they been d) have been they

8. Look! Somebody … that window.

a) broke b) has breaking c) has broken d) has break

9. I … my address book. …it?

a) lost\Have you been seeing b) have lost\Have you seen

c) have lost\Have you seeing d) have been losing\Have you see

10. I wish she … a beautiful

a) ‘ll be, b) is, c) are, d) were

11. If I … you were in hospital, I would have gone to see you

a) know, b) knew, c) have known, d) had known

12. Choose the right variant: Let me … this table.

a) to move b) move c) moving d) moved

13. Choose the right variant: I don’t think Tom … me. What makes you … that?

a) likes\think b) liking\to think c) to like\think d) like\thinking

14. “Where is my mother?” asked the girl.

a) Where was her mother the girl said

b) The girl asked where was her mother

c) The girl asked where her mother was

d) The girl asked where her mother

15. Ann asked Mike, “Do you love me?”

a) Ann asked Mike if he likes her

b) Ann asked Mike how you loved me

c) Ann asked Mike if he loved her

d) Ann asked Mike if he had loved her

16. She said, “I am busy today and I shall be busier tomorrow”

a) She told she was busy today and she would be busier tomorrow

b) She said she was busy that day and she had been busier the next day

c) She said she was busy that day and she would be busier the next day

d) She said that she was busy today and she would be busier the next day

e) She said she was busy the next day and she would were busier the next day

17. … isn’t a teacher, is …?

a) she\she b) he\she c) you\you d) he\his

18. You … speak Kazakh, … you?

a) do\don’t b) are\aren’t c) can\can’t d) did\didn’t

19. You’ve got a new car, …?

a) have you b) you haven’t c) haven’t you d) don’t you

20. Kate … for the job, … she?

a) has applied\has b) applied\hasn’t c) has applied\hasn’t d) hasn’t apply\did

What is the first thing that you would do in these imaginary situations?

21) You saw a car crash

22) You won the national lottery

23) You were the boss of your college

24) You were a singer

25) Your friend were a murderer


1. Point this sentence in another way using Passive: How much will they pay you for your work?

a) How much will they be paid for your work? b) How much will you be paid for your work? c) How much will you paid for your work?

d) How much will you been paid for your work?

2. Point this sentence in another way using Passive: Has anybody shown you what to do?

a) Have you been shown what to do? B) Have been you shown what to do? C) Have you shown what to do? D) Have you being shown what to do?

3. The vegetables …too long.

a) are cooking b) had cooked c) have been cooked d) had being cooked

4. Find the extra words in these sentences: Have you been heard? The concert has been cancelled.

a) been\been b) -\been c) been\- d) -\-

5. If in the Passive Voice we want to say who does the action, we use …

a) for b) been c) to d) by

6. How long … been raining?

a) have it b) has it c) it has d) does it

7. Choose the right sentence:

a) I know him for a long time b) I have know him for a long time

c) I have known him for a long time d) I have knew him for a long time

8. … the book you lent me, so you can have it back

a) I was read b) I have been reading c) I have read d) I am reading

9. Choose the right variant

If I … time, I’ll do some shopping

a) ‘ll have, b) have, c) had, d) would have

10. If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we would … out

a) go, b) went, c) have gone, d) had gone

11. When … raining, we’ll go out

a) it stops b) it will stop c) it have stopped d) it shall stop

12. Find the right sentence

a) Wait here until I come back b) Wait here until I’ll come back

c)Wait here until I came back d) Wait here until I’d come back

13. He denies his … part in the crime

a) having take b) having taken c) taken d) to take

14. Они боялись опоздать на поезд

a) They are afraid of missing the train b) They were afraid to miss the train c) They were afraid of missing the train d) They were afraid to missing the train

15. He said, “I like your new blouse, Mary.”

a) He said Mary that he loves her new blouse

b) He told Mary he liked her new blouse

c) He told Mary he had liked her new blouse

d) He told Mary if he liked his new blouse

16. He said, “What time is it?”

a) He wanted to know what time it was

b) He wanted to know what time is it

c) He wanted knowing what time it is

d) He wanted know what time is it

17. Maria … here soon, won’t she?

a) is b) will be c) won’t be d) shall be e) would be

18. … not going to work today, …?

a) She is\isn’t she b) You are\are you c) He is\he is d) I’m not\are I

19. … work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, …?

a) Your parents\aren’t they b) Your sister\isn’t she

c) His friends\don’t they d) Her brothers\didn’t they

e) My neighbors\haven’t they

20. … lived here a long time, …?

a) He\did he b) I had\had I c) They have\haven’t they

d) she hasn’t\hasn’t she e) We\haven’t they

Look at the following situations and answer the questions?

21) What would you do if you became President of your country?

22) What would you do if you had a well paid job?

23) What would you do if you were rich?

24) What would you do if you had no friends?

25) What would you do if you were deaf?


1. You …for Diane, …?

a) are looking\aren’t you b) were looking\were you

c) looked\didn’t she d) have looked\have not

2. You want him … some stamps, …?

a) get\don’t you b) to get\don’t you

c) getting\don’t you d) to get\won’t you

3. Don’t worry … I’m late tonight

a) or b) till c) if d) before

4. I must go now. I promised … late.

a) not being b) not be c) not to be d) not to been

5. Choose the right variant: I want you … with me

a) go b) to go c) went d) going

6. Our librarian suggested … this book.

a) took b) to take c) take d) taking

7. He tried … my question

a) to avoid answering b) avoid answering

c) to avoid to answer d) avoiding answer

8. When I am at home, I enjoy … such books

a) not to read b) don’t reading c) to read e) not reading

9. I’m thinking … a house. Do you think that’s a good idea?

a) of to buy b) buying c) of buying d) buy

10. Choose the right variant: I’m afraid there aren’t any chairs. I hope you don’t mind … on the floor.

a) to sitting b) to sit c) sitting d) sit

11. Would you mind … me all the time?

a) not interrupt b) not interrupting c) not to interrupt d) not interrupted

12. It was a beautiful day, so I … out

a) suggest going b) suggested going c) suggested went d) suggested to go

13. Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes … there.

a) to live b) to living c) living d) live e) lives

14. I’m not tired enough to go to bed. If I … to bed now, I wouldn’t sleep.

a) go b) went c) had gone d) would go

15. If I were rich, … a yacht

a) I’ll have b) I can have c) I’d have d) I had

16. I wish I … have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do

a) don’t b) didn’t c) wouldn’t d) won’t

17. We … by a loud noise during the night

a) woke up b) are woken up c) were woken up d) were waking up

18. A new supermarket is going to … next year.

a) build b) be built c) be building d) building

19. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think …

a) we are following b) we are being following c) we are followed

d) we are being followed

20. Where …? In London

a) were you born b) are you born c) did you born e) have you been born

Complete the sentences

21) I wish it were Friday because …

22) I wish I found a wallet with a lot of money, if I …

23) I wish my friend got married, if …

24) I wish I saw a ghost, if I …

25) I wish I could speak English well, if I …




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