Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence. 

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Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence.

1 My father said I could use his car.

2 I was surprised that it rained.

3 Don't stop him doing what he wants.

4 Tim looks older when he wears glasses.

5 I think you should know the truth.

6 Don't let me forget to phone my sister.

7 At first I didn't want to apply for the job, but Sarah persuaded me.

8 My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police.

9 I was told that I shouldn't believe everything he says.

10 If you've got a car, you are able to get around more easily

My father allowed.......

I didn't expect........................................................................


Tim's glasses make............................................................

I want.........................:...................................................................


Sarah persuaded..................................................................

My lawyer advised

I was warned

Having a car enables


3. Put the verb into the correct form: infinitive (do/make/eat etc.), to + infinitive, or -ing.

1 They don't allow front of the building, (park)

2 I've never been to Iceland, but I'd like..............................there, (go)

3 I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me........................? (do)

4 The film was very sad. It made me................................................... (cry)

5 Diane's parents always encouraged her.......................hard at school, (study)

6 I don't that restaurant. The food is terrible, (eat)

7 She said the letter was personal and wouldn't let (read)

8 We are not allowed.............................personal phone calls at work, (make)

9 'I don't think Alex likes me.' 'What makes you.......................that?' (think)


Unit 7

Text: Problems with frozen foods

Grammar: Verb + -ing or to... (remember/regret etc.)

Problems with frozen foods

Frozen foods can cause food poisoning if they are not frozen soon enough or if they are not cooked soon enough after thawing. Food-poisoning organisms can grow in food if its temperature exceeds 45◦ to 50◦ F for only a few hours. If the food cooked before it is frozen, it should immediately be put in a refrigerator or freezer. Allowing warm food to cool at room temperature permits the growth of food-poisoning microbes that may survive the freezing process.

Foods should be thawed in a microwave oven or if such an oven is not available, in a refrigerator. Both methods prevent the growth of food-poisoning organisms. However, refrigerator thawing allows physical and chemical changes that reduce food quality.

To help prevent the loss of quality that occurs in vegetables as a result of slow thawing, processing firms package many kinds of vegetables in sealed plastic pouches. Consumers can thaw the vegetables rapidly and cook them - by transferring the unopened pouch from a freezer directly into boiling water. The tightly packed pouches also prevent freezer burn and the formation of package ice. Many frozen foods can be cooked in a microwave oven as soon as they are removed from the freezer.



Some verbs are followed by -ing and some are followed by to

Verbs usually followec by -ing:

admit fancy postpone

avoid finish risk

consider imagine stop

deny keep (on) suggest

enjoy mind


Verbs usually followed by to...:

afford fail offer

agree forget plan

arrange hope promise

decide learn refuse

deserve manage threaten


Some verbs can be followed by -ing or to... with a difference of meaning: remember

I remember doing something = I did it and I remembered to do something = I now I remember this. remembered that I had to do it, so I did it.

You remember doing something after you You remember to do something before you

have done it. do it.

I know I locked the door. I clearly D I remembered to lock the door, but I

remember locking it. forgot to shut the windows.

(= I locked it, and now I remember this) (= I remembered that I had to lock it,

□ He could remember driving along the and so I locked it)

road just before the accident, but he D Please remember to post the letter.

couldn't remember the accident itself. (= don't forget to post it)

I regret doing something = I did it and now I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you

I'm sorry about it: = I'm sorry that I have to say (etc.):

□ I now regret saying what I said. I □ (from a formal letter) We regret to

shouldn't have said it. inform you that we cannot offer you

□ It began to get cold and he regretted not the job.

wearing his coat.

go on

Go on doing something = continue with the Go on to do something = do or say

same thing: something new:

□ The president paused for a moment and □ After discussing the economy, the

then went on talking. president then went on to talk about

□ We need to change. We can't go on foreign policy.

living like this.

The following verbs can be followed by -ing or to...: begin start continue intend bother

So you can say:

D It has started raining, or It has started to rain.

□ John intends buying a house, or John intends to buy...

□ Don't bother locking the door, or Don't bother to lock

But normally we do not use -ing after -ing:

□ It's starting to rain, [not It's starting raining)


1 Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to.... Sometimes either form is possible.

1 They denied...........the money, (steal)

2 I don't enjoy......................................................very much, (drive)

3 I don't want......................................................out tonight. I'm too tired, (go)

4 I can't afford............................out tonight. I don't have enough money, (go)

5 Has it stopped......................................................yet? (rain)

6 Our team was unlucky to lose the game. We deserved...................... (win)

7 Why do you questions? Can't you leave me alone? (ask)

8 Please questions! (ask)

9 I refuse......................................................any more questions, (answer)

10 One of the boys admitted........................................the window, (break)

11 The boy's father promised.............for the window to be repaired, (pay)

12 If the company, the factory may be closed, (lose)

13 'Does Sarah know about the meeting?' 'No, I forgot..................her.' (tell)

14 The baby the middle of the night, (cry)

15 Julia has been ill, but now she's beginning..............................better, (get)

16 I've I again soon, (meet, see)



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