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Exercise 10. Write an e-mail to your business partner. Arrange a meeting in your office. Express the aim of the meeting.Содержание книги
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VI. Listening Exercise 11. Listen to the text: Telephone techniques ü Identify yourself by giving your name and your position in the company. ü Make sure you're talking to the right person. ü Say right away you're calling about. Be brief, and don't waste time. ü If it's a bad line, say that you'll call back at once. Then start the call again. ü Speak slowly and clearly, but in a friendly voice. Smile while you're speaking. Your listener can 'hear' your smile. ü Don't try to be funny — you may be misunderstood. ü Don't use technical terms or abbreviation, because the other person may not understand these as well as you do. ü Give important information, like figures, names, quantities, dates and so on, slowly and carefully. ü Don't interrupt the other person even if you think you know what he or she is going to say, let them finish what they want to say. ü Don't phone during the other person's lunch hour — find out what time it is in the other country before you call. ü Note down all the important information you're given by the other person. ü Send a following-up fax or letter to confirm any important details (especially prices and numbers), so that you both have a written record of them.
Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Make the lists of DOs and DON`Ts of a good telephone conversation. Add some points to your lists. Use the information you have listened to. VII. Discussion Exercise 13. Discuss the following issues with your group-mates: 1. Some people suffer from the “telephone conversations fear”. How can this affect business? 2. The best means of business communication (e-mail, telephone, written correspondence, skype or maybe personal talk). Give your reasons, advantages and disadvantages of each. UNIT 3 MY SPECIALITY
I. Language Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
Light and textile industry – легка та текстильна промисловість Standard definition – визначення стандарту Raw material – сировина Demand – попит Chair – кафедра, бюро Labour Safety – техніка безпеки To attest – атестувати, засвідчити Custom Services – Митна служба Appointment – призначення To deal – вести справу Stocking – зберігання Tax Services – податкова служба Evidence of right – правовий документ Inevitably – неминуче Managing quality control – Управління якістю товарів To ensure – забезпечувати Entire – повний To implement – забезпечувати виконання Copyright – авторське право Inherent – притаманний To deepen – поглиблювати Utility patent – утилітарний, простий патент Thereof – з цього To grant – видавати Design patent – патент на проект, задум Petty patent – обмежений патент Letters patent – звичайний патент Pursuance – виконання Patent application – прохання про надання патенту Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the international words. Certification, standardization, bureau, epidemic, design, manager, metrology, specialist, system, technology, perspective, to train, procedure.
Exercise 3. Give English equivalents for: Сировина, техніка безпеки, видавати, прохання про надання патенту, вести справу, атестувати, податкова служба, митна служба, утилітарний патент, поглиблювати, обмежений патент, виконання.
II. Reading and comprehension. Exercise 4. Read the text A. Translate it with the dictionary. My speciality I am a forth-year student of the Technology and Design faculty, the department of Certification and standardization of natural fibers. This department trains specialists on light and textile industry. Nowadays processing standardization and certification of light industry products have a great perspective of development. Certification according to the international standards has just begun to progress in Ukraine. Standardization is the process of establishing a technical standard, which could be a standard specification, standard test method, standard definition, standard procedure (or practice), etc. Today there are many different kinds of standards and specialists must know how to work with them and where they are used. That is why specialists in analysis, international standards, ecological control and certification of consumer properties of raw materials and products are in great demand. The chair of Processing, Standardization and Certification of Raw Materials trains different specialists. The department offers four years courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) and five years courses leading to the degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) The diploma in “Processing, Standardization and Certification of Light Industry Products” gives the specialists the opportunity to work as an expert-auditor, a manager in goods quality, an engineer in standardization, an engineer-technologist, an engineer in Labour Safety. These specialists can organize the work of Standardization and Metrology Service; can attest the manufacturing of certificated products. They also control the quality of exported and imported products at different institutions, establishments and Custom Services. Having got the specialization in “Certification of Raw Materials of Light Industry” the graduates get an appointment in enterprises that process raw materials of vegetable and animal origin. Holders of a Master's degree get the diploma in “Quality control, standardization and certification of Light Industry Products”. They can work as head experts and inspectors in certification, as scientific researchers and assistants or professors at educational establishments. These specialists work at flax-hemp plants, cotton mills, silk and skin primary processing and in institutions dealing with standardization and certification. They control the quality of raw materials, their stocking, processing and realization. The graduates from this department can become experts in quality control at the State Inspection. They can work at the Standardization and Certification of raw materials Bureaus, at the expert Laboratories under Customs and Epidemic Control Services, inspectors of Tax Services as well. But it is impossible to become a good specialist without deep knowledge of many general and special subjects. The students of the department of Technology study Higher Mathematics, Physics, History of Ukraine, English or German, French or Spain. Among special subjects are Industry Technology, Properties of Fibre Materials, Industrial Economy, Metrology, Quality control, Certification marks, Systems of computer aided design, Computational Technology, Equipments and Methods of Process Control. Successful businesses inevitably place a great emphasis on managing quality control - carefully planned steps taken to ensure that the products and services offered to their customers are consistent and reliable and truly meet their customers' needs. Multinational corporations have entire departments of highly trained specialists to design and implement their quality assurance programs. For a custom countertop fabricator, as for other small businesses that make unique, handcrafted products, quality control is also essential. Such companies cannot rely on a staff of trained experts or the standardization inherent in mass production to take care of quality control. One or a handful of managers must handle it themselves, along with every other management function. That is a part of being a small business person. So it makes no matter if you work at a big enterprise or a small firm in any case you need to know different quality control procedures. In this way the University tries to link theoretical knowledge with its application and the students have some practical training at different enterprises and institutions to become good specialists in these fields. At these institutions the students get to know with up-to-date equipment and deeрen their knowledge of the speciality. III. Language. Exercise 5. Find in the text the following word-combinations and translate them to your native language: Specialists in light and textile industry, a great perspective of development, the process of establishing a technical standard, standard procedure, certification of consumer properties, storage and realization of raw materials, Fire Department, quality assurance program, handcrafted products, a handful of managers.
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