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Exercise 11. Explain the meaning of accreditation in 2-3 sentences.


Exercise 12. a) Look through the plan to the text. Eliminate the wrong points. Put the points in the right order.

1) Certification marks.

2) Accreditation.

3) The term “licensure”.

4) The notion of certification, its validation.

5) A certification listing.

6) Profession-wide certification.

7) Corporate certification.

8) The spheres of the certification applications.

9) Product-specific certifications.


b) Reproduce the text “Certification” using the plan.

VI. Reading and comprehension.

Exercise 13. Read the text B. Translate it without a dictionary.

Product certification


Product certification or product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance and quality assurance tests or qualification requirements stipulated in regulations such as a building code and nationally accredited test standards, or that it complies with a set of regulations governing quality and minimum performance requirements.

Certification of products may indicate their established suitability for a specified purpose (e.g. a computer system might be certified as being fully compatible with a large software package). Products, once certified, may be endorsed with a quality mark or be eligible to display a certification mark. Products must be used in accordance with their listing in order to perform as intended.

Process of certification. Everything starts with a national authority that can accredit the following:

- national standards

- standards writing organizations

- certification organizations

- testing organizations

An example of a national accreditor is the Standards Council of Canada.

Accreditors routinely audit those whom they have accredited, meaning that the maintenance of the accreditation level such an organization has achieved must continue, in theory, to be earned. The idea is that there is documented compliance on the part of accredited organizations to do what they are supposed to do. Test reports that are only based on testing, and not on certification, are done for the interests of the submitter, but are not used to comply with code requirements.

Accredited Certification Organizations: Earning a certification mark involves an entirely different regime. First of all, a submitter (usually a manufacturer of a product) is required to turn over his entire process standard to the certification organization. This includes all information necessary to make the product, including descriptions of the equipment, how to run it, purchasing specifications for ingredients or components and quality control measures for the ingredients and components as they arrive in the factory or are made there, as well as the entire product, once assembled or otherwise made. With a process standard, one has all required knowledge about how to manufacture the product. This document in hand, the certification organization dispatches an inspector or an engineer to witness the manufacture of the product that is intended to be tested.

The product intended to be tested is packaged ready for transit, officially sealed and then sent directly to the laboratory where the testing will be conducted in accordance with the nationally accredited standard.

Once the product has landed in the laboratory, the seal that was previously applied by the inspector is officially broken and assembly of the item in a test rig may commence. This is a crucial phase. Certifiers must observe the construction of test specimens to avoid any possible cheating.

If the test passes and achieves a rating, (e.g., a fire-resistance rating of a fire-stop, or an electrical safety rating for a toaster), a test report is issued which includes a certification listing. The listing is used by an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), such as a municipal building inspector, fire prevention officer, or electrical inspector, to compare the product's use or installation with the intent of the rating by testing.


VII. Language.

Exercise 14. Match words and word-combinations in column A with those in column B.

1) Product certification 2) accredited test standards 3) software package 4) certification mark 5) standards writing organizations 6) testing organizations 7) documented compliance 8) quality control measures 9) officially sealed 10) test rig 1) обладнання для випробувань 2) заходи з контролю якості 3) знак сертифікації 4) сертифікація продукту, виробу 5) акредитовані стандарти на тестування, випробування 6) офіційно проштампований 7) організація, яка розробляє стандарти 8) пакет програм 9) організація по тестуванню, випробуванням 10) документальна згода

VIII. Comprehension.

Exercise 15. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1) Product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance and quality assurance tests.

2) Products, once certified, needn’t be endorsed with a quality mark.

3) An example of a national accreditor is the Standards Council of Canada.

4) Test reports that are only based on testing are done for the interests of the customer and are used to comply with code requirements.

5) A submitter (usually a manufacturer of a product) is not required to turn over his entire process standard to the certification organization.

6) Certifiers must observe the construction of test specimens to avoid any possible cheating.


Exercise 16. Answer the following questions to the text B:

1) What is product certification or product qualification?

2) What may certification of products indicate?

3) How does the process of certification start?

4) Do you know any example of a national accreditor?

5) What is submitter?

6) What actions precede the product testing?

7) Why do certifiers make tests of different products?


IX. Speaking.

Exercise 17. Describe the process of certification, name its components.

Exercise 18. Explain the principles of work of the Accredited Certification Organizations.

Exercise 19. Speak about ways of the product certification using the questions from the ex. 16 and information from the text.

Exercise 20. Role-play. Make up an interview. Imagine that you are an employee of one of the Certification Organizations. You are interviewed. So describe your work there, its advantages and difficulties. Use the vocabulary of the lesson.

X. Writing.

Exercise 21. Read the text C. Give the reviewing translation of the text. Write an abstract to the following text.

Use set-expressions:

The title of the text is…..

As the title implies the text describes …

The text is about …

It is spoken in detail...

Much attention is given to ….

……. are noted.

It is stressed ……..

In conclusion ……

The text is of interest to……


Certification mark


A certification mark on a commercial product indicates five things:

- The existence of a legal follow-up or product certification agreement between the manufacturer of a product and an organization with national accreditation for both testing and certification,

- Legal evidence that the product was successfully tested in accordance with a nationally accredited standard,

- Legal assurance the accredited certification organization has ensured that the item that was successfully tested and is identical to that which is being offered for sale,

- Legal assurance that the successful test has resulted in a certification listing, which is considered public information, which sets out the tolerances and conditions of use for the certified product, to enable compliance with the law through listing and approval use and compliance,

- Legal assurance that the manufacturer is being regularly audited by the certification organization to ensure the maintenance of the original process standard that was employed in the manufacture of the test specimen that passed the test. If the manufacturer should fail an audit, all product that was certified, including labels of stock on hand, on construction sites, with end-user customers and on distributor store shelves, can be mandated by the certification organization in charge to be immediately removed, and can insist that all stakeholders be informed that the de-listed product certification is no longer eligible for use in field installations.

On the part of the certifier, the label itself is a type of trademark whereby manufacturer uses the mark to indicate eligibility of the products for use in field installations in accordance with the requirements of the code, and the origin, material, mode of manufacture of products, mode of performance of services, quality, and accuracy of other characteristics of products or services.

Certification marks differ from collective trade marks. The main difference is that collective trade marks may be used by particular members of the organization which owns them, while certification marks are the only evidence of the existence of follow-up agreements between manufacturers and nationally accredited testing and certification organizations. Certification organizations charge for the use of their labels and are thus always aware of exact production numbers. In this way, certification organizations can be seen to earn a commission from sales of products under their follow-up regimes. In return, the use of the certification marks enables the product sales in the first place.

Regulations concerning the use of certification marks. Trademark laws in countries which provide for the filing of applications to register certificate marks also usually require the submission of regulations which set out a number of matters, including:

- the people authorized to use the certification mark

- the characteristics to be certified by the certification mark

- how the certifying or standard tests these characteristics and supervises the use of the mark

- dispute resolution procedures.

The main purpose of the regulations is to protect consumers against misleading practices.




I. Language

Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Inquiry - запит

Reply to inquiry -відповідь на запит

Letter of Credit (L/C) - акредитив

Invoice -рахунок-фактура

Bill of Lading (B/L) - коносамент

Bill of Exchange (draft) - перевідний вексель

Letter of insurance -страховка

Explanatory letter - роз'яснювальний лист

Order - замовлення

Offer -пропозиція

the letterhead -дані про відправника листа

the date -дата

inside name and address - дані про одержувача листа

indented line -абзац

salutation - привітання

the message - повідомлення, інформація

complimentary closure - заключна частина

the writer's signature - підпис відправника та його посада

And official position.


Exercise 2. Divide the words and word combinations into 3 groups:

a) Types of business letters.

b) Elements of a business letter structure.

c) Others.


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