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Exercise 15. Find the terms in the text for the following definitions. Translate the sentences.Содержание книги
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1) ….. refers to a right granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, etc. 2) Industrial design rights are called …... 3) Plant breeder’s rights are sometimes called …... 4) ….. refer sometimes to utility models. 5) Certain grants made by the monarch in pursuance of the royal prerogative were called …... 6) …… is evidence of right, title and/or interest to a tract of a land. 7) …. was an exclusive right to print a work or a class of works. 8) ….. is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for the invention described and claimed by that application. VIII. Comprehension. Exercise 16. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1) Examples of particular species of patents for inventions include printing patent and patent application. 2) Certain grants made by the monarch in pursuance of the royal prerogative were sometimes called letters patent. 3) A land patent was an exclusive right to print a work or a class of works. 4) A patent application is an industrial design right. 5) The procedure for granting patents, the requirements placed on the patentee, and the extent of the exclusive rights vary widely between countries. 6) The exclusive right granted to a patentee in most countries is the right to permit others to sell, to use or to distribute the patented invention. 7) According to the WTO Agreement patents should be available in WTO member states for only some inventions and the term of protection should be the minimum five years.
Exercise 17. Answer the following questions to the text B: 1) What is a patent? 2) Why is the term “utility patent” used? 3) What other types of intellectual property rights are offered to as patents in some jurisdictions? 4) What other meanings reflect the original meaning of letters patent in a broader scope? 5) What does a patent application consist of? 6) What term is used to describe the process of applying for a patent? 7) Are certain subject areas, such as business methods and mental acts excluded from patents? 8) How many years should the patent be protected?
IX. Speaking. Exercise 18. Describe the procedure for granting patents. Use the following expressions: “ It is important to say..”; “ It should be stressed…”; “ Summing up…”; “ It should be noted…”; etc.
Exercise 19. Speak about different types of patents using the questions from ex. 17. Exercise 20. Role-play. Act out a dialogue. Imagine that you have invented something and want to protect your invention. Describe your invention at a patent office to obtain a patent. Describe the procedure of getting patent. X. Listening. Exercise 21. Listen to the text C and answer the following questions: Vocabulary: a survey – дослідження an apparel – одяг, сукня fashion – мода fiber genera – сорт волокна to grasp the subtle – вловити (відчути, помітити) тонку відмінність (різницю) to reconcile – погодити, узгодити, примирити to furnish – постачати, спорядити
1) What do many men engaged in fabric manufacture do? 2) What qualities and properties do every woman look for when buying a garment? 3) Does men’s fashion exist? 4) What do we need in today’s apparel manufacture? 5) What complex of possibilities must the specialist of today reconcile? 6) What key opens the first door to success in this field?
Fiber Selection for fabric and Garment Design The talented fabric and garment designer who knows styling and technology can be a buffer between fiber and fabric producers and the consumer. Many men engaged in fabric manufacture do their market research by asking their wives and friends just what they are looking for in fabric and garment. As an example, one executive of a large knitting mill combine recently revealed the results of his survey by simply stating that all a woman looks for when buying a garment is its look and fit, its ability to withstand “wash and wear”, and sometimes, an important branded name which is associated with excellence in some apparel category. But there is much more to it than that. And these days, when we talk of fashion, we must also include the men. We no longer market men’s apparel, but men’s fashion. Can any one person grasp the subtle but important man-made fiber differences among fiber genera – the broad spectrum of blends and mixes possible, the classes of machines available to produce fabrics having differing appearance, function, economics? Does he know the intricate wet processing technologies, the needs and scientific production controls characteristic of today’s apparel manufacturer? Probably not. It takes a team to do this. But the specialist of today who can come closest to reconciling this complex of possibilities in his work as a fabric and garment fashion designer, furnishing both what the consumer wants and what he can be influenced to want, is as important and rare today as the skilled mill fixer or mechanic. So proper utilization of available man-made fibers and natural fibers is the key that opens the first door to success in this field. Plenty of help is available from the prime fiber producer. UNIT 4 STANDARDIZATION I. Language Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations: To agree – погоджуватись Mandatory – обов'язковий To stamp – штампувати, ставити печатку To imply – мати на увазі, натякати Trade union – профспілка, тред-юніон Building code – закон про будівництво To consider – розглядати, обмірковувати Compliance – згода Item – окремий предмет, пункт Validation – затвердження To handle people – керувати людьми Interaction – взаємодія Homogenization – однорідність, гомогенізація Specific syntaxes – специфічні синтаксиси De facto standard – фактичний, неофіційний стандарт De jure standard – юридичний, офіційний стандарт Dominant usage – домінуючий вжиток Voluntary standard – необов’язковий стандарт Score – причина, підстава, рахунок Assessment – оцінювання Supply chain management – управління поставками Procurement – придбання Reference – рекомендація, посилання Open standard – відкритий стандарт To restrict – обмежувати Royalty-free – безоплатний To preclude – усувати, запобігати To implement – здійснювати Internet Engineering Task Force – оперативний технічний підрозділ Інтернету Explicitly – детально, точно Specification – специфікація, перелік, уточнення
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