naiṣkarmyeṇa vipaścitā
nama ātma-pradīpāya
sākṣiṇe paramātmane
namo girāṁ vidūrāya
manasaś cetasām api
I offer respects to the Lord who reveals the jīva, who is the witness of the jīva, Paramātmā, and who is not approachable by the jīva’s words, mind or citta.
The Lord is not understood by the mind and word of the jīva. The Lord is the revealer of knowledge to the jīva (ātmā-pradīpāya). That which is revealed does not know the nature of the revealer.
deho 'savo 'kṣā manavo bhūta-mātrām
ātmānam anyaṁ ca viduḥ paraṁ yat
sarvaṁ pumān veda guṇāṁś ca taj-jño
na veda sarva-jñam anantam īḍe
The body, life airs, senses, internal senses, gross elements and sense objects do not know themselves or other things or the jīva. The jīva knows all of these items and the guṇas which cause them. He also knows Paramātmā, but does not know the omniscient Lord. I worship that Lord with infinite qualities. SB 6.4.25
I offer respects to the Lord who cannot be understood (vidūrāya) by the actions of the jīva’s consciousness (cetasām).
|| 8.3.11 ||
sattvena pratilabhyāya
naiṣkarmyeṇa vipaścitā
namaḥ kaivalya-nāthāya
I offer respects to the Lord who is attained by bhakti performed by the devotee free of material desires and endowed with knowledge, to the master of liberation, to the Lord who has knowledge of the bliss of liberation.
By what means should the Lord be understood? He can be attained by being a Vaiṣṇava (sattvena). Sattva means the state of being sādhu, proper. Pratilabhāya means unto the Lord who is attained by the devotee. Like vacana and prativacana, labha and pratilabha are paired, and mean the devotee and the Lord.
bhaktir asya bhajanaṁ tad ihāmutropādhi-nairāsyenāmusmin manaḥ kalpanam etad eve naiṣkarmyam
Bhakti means worship of the Lord. When the mind thinks of the Lord without desires for enjoyment in this or the next life, it is called naiṣkarmyam.
Gopala-tāpanī Upaniṣad 1.14
Thus the meaning is the Lord is attained by bhakti performed by the devotee who is without material desires and endowed with knowledge (vipaścitā).
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