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yaḥ kaścaneśo balino 'ntakoragāt


yaḥ kaścaneśo balino 'ntakoragāt

pracaṇḍa-vegād abhidhāvato bhṛśam

bhītaṁ prapannaṁ paripāti yad-bhayān

mṛtyuḥ pradhāvaty araṇaṁ tam īmahi

I take shelter of the Supreme Lord whose powers cannot be understood, who protects the surrendered souls who are afraid of the strong, quick snake of time which constantly pursues them and from which death itself flees.

“Who is the person to whom you surrender?” This verse describes the Lord. Śruti says:

bhīṣāsmād vātaḥ pavate bhīṣaḍeti sūryaḥ

bhīsāsmād agniś candraś ca mṛtyur dhāvati pañcama


The wind blows out of fear of the Lord. The sun rises out of fear of the Lord. Fire, the moon, and death, the fifth person, flee out of fear of the Lord. Taittirīya Upaniṣad 2.8


Thus ends the commentary on the Second Chapter of the Eighth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.



Chapter Three

Deliverance of Gajendra

|| 8.3.1 ||

śrī-bādarāyaṇir uvāca

evaṁ vyavasito buddhyā

samādhāya mano hṛdi

jajāpa paramaṁ jāpyaṁ

prāg-janmany anuśikṣitam

Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: Thereafter, Gajendra, deciding in this way, fixed his mind on his heart with his intelligence and chanted a mantra which he had learned in his previous birth.

In the Third Chapter, the Lord, satisfied with Gajendra’s prayers, lifts him from the water, killing the crocodile with his cakra and in that way delivers both of them.

Vyavasitaḥ means “he decided.”

|| 8.3.2 ||

śrī-gajendra uvāca

oṁ namo bhagavate tasmai

yata etac cid-ātmakam




I offer respects to the Supreme Lord and meditate upon him, because he makes the universe and body conscious. He is in the form of a human, which is the final cause of everything; he is the Supreme Lord.

I offer respects to and meditate upon the Lord, because of whom this world of gross and subtle bodies made of māyā becomes conscious. I offer respects to the Lord with a human form, who is the final cause, and thus the Supreme Lord.

|| 8.3.3 ||


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