pṛthuḥ sa bhagavattamaḥ 

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pṛthuḥ sa bhagavattamaḥ


pṛthuḥ sa bhagavattamaḥ

kīrtitaṁ tasya caritam

uddāma-caritasya te

Pṛthu was the best of devotees and great authority as described. I have described to you the story of Pṛthu, of splendid character.

|| 4.23.31 ||

ya idaṁ sumahat puṇyaṁ

śraddhayāvahitaḥ paṭhet

śrāvayec chṛṇuyād vāpi

sa pṛthoḥ padavīm iyāt

The person who with faith and attention reads, makes others hear, or hears this great, pure story of Pṛthu will attain the abode that Pṛthu attained.

|| 4.23.32 ||

brāhmaṇo brahma-varcasvī

rājanyo jagatī-patiḥ

vaiśyaḥ paṭhan viṭ-patiḥ syāc

chūdraḥ sattamatām iyāt

The brāhmaṇa becomes most learned, the kings become leaders of the world, the merchants become masters of cows, and laborers becomes the best devotee. 

Viṭ-patiḥ means master of cows or master of other vaiśyas.

|| 4.23.33 ||

triḥ kṛtva idam ākarṇya

naro nāry athavādṛtā

aprajaḥ suprajatamo

nirdhano dhanavattamaḥ

Hearing this story three times with attention, a man or woman without children becomes blessed with many good children and the poor man becomes the richest.

|| 4.23.34 ||

aspaṣṭa-kīrtiḥ suyaśā

mūrkho bhavati paṇḍitaḥ

idaṁ svasty-ayanaṁ puṁsām


A person with no reputation becomes famous and a fool becomes learned. This story brings auspiciousness and destroys inauspiciousness.

|| 4.23.35 ||

dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ

svargyaṁ kali-malāpaham


samyak siddhim abhīpsubhiḥ

śraddhayaitad anuśrāvyaṁ

caturṇāṁ kāraṇaṁ param

Those desiring perfection of wealth, fame, long life, Svarga, destruction of Kali-yuga’s influence, dharma, artha, kāma or mokṣa should hear with faith this story, which is the cause of the four benedictions.

|| 4.23.36 ||

vijayābhimukho rājā


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