Appearing virtually within reach of Kālayavana’s hands at every moment, Lord Hari led the King of the Yavanas far away to a mountain cave. 

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Appearing virtually within reach of Kālayavana’s hands at every moment, Lord Hari led the King of the Yavanas far away to a mountain cave.



Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Kālayavana saw the Lord come out from Mathurā like the rising moon. The Lord was most beautiful to behold, with His dark-blue complexion and yellow silk garment. Upon His chest He bore the mark of Śrīvatsa, and the Kaustubha gem adorned His neck. His four arms were sturdy and long. He displayed His ever-joyful lotuslike face, with eyes pink like lotuses, beautifully effulgent cheeks, a pristine smile and glittering shark-shaped earrings. The barbarian thought, “This person must indeed be Vāsudeva, since He possesses the characteristics Nārada mentioned: He is marked with Śrīvatsa, He has four arms, His eyes are like lotuses, He wears a garland of forest flowers, and He is extremely handsome. He cannot be anyone else. Since He goes on foot and unarmed, I will fight Him without weapons.” Resolving thus, he ran after the Lord, who turned His back and ran away. Kālayavana hoped to catch Lord Kṛṣṇa, though great mystic yogīs cannot attain Him.


In this chapter Mucukunda burns up Kālayavana with his glance and satisfies Kṛṣṇa with his prayers. Kṛṣṇa in turn grants a benediction to Mucukunda.


Those who are qualified by devotion can appreciate the beauty of Kṛṣṇa. The demons, however, because of their inimical attitude, cannot taste that beauty even if the Lord appears before their eyes. To show that fact, this verse describes the beauty of Kṛṣṇa as He stood before Kālayavana.


|| 10.51.7 ||

hasta-prāptam ivātmānaṁ harīṇā sa pade pade

nīto darśayatā dūraṁ yavaneśo ’dri-kandaram




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