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Intestinal Symbionts of Termites.


2. Intestinal Symbionts of Termites.

 A rich bacterial flora able to fix N2 is hosted in the intestine of termites, a group of insects living on diets of cellulose. Citrobacter and Enterobacter species are intestinal symbionts known since the 1970s...[17; P. 1118].

3. Clostridia in disease

Clostridia are ubiquitous pathogens that produce many toxins and hydrolytic enzymes. Because the toxin-encoding genes can be located on extrachromosomal elements or in variable regions of the chromosome, several pathovars have arisen, each of which is involved in a specific disease…[17; P. 862].

4. Environmental problems connected with bioleaching

The discovery of bioleaching resulted from research conducted on an environmental problem: the acidic drainage, containing heavy metals, which resulted from a waste heap of a coal mine (11)… [17; P. 640].

5. Research and Future Applications

Today, bioleaching research focuses on the optimization of the biooxidation processes in stirred tank reactors. With tank bioleaching becoming an accepted alternative for the pretreatment of recalcitrant gold ores in countries such as South Africa, Ghana, Brazil… [17; P. 639].

6. Role of Fungi in the Biodeterioration of Mineral Materials

Fungi have been associated with the mechanical degradation of stone (33,34) and many fungi isolated from stone buildings have been shown to produce acids that could degrade calcareous structures (4,35–38)… [17; P. 518].

7. Open-Air Factor (OAF)

…Druett (59) observed, through experimentation, that germicidal action arose from the reaction of the ozone with the olefin raction of unburned fuel… [17; P. 430].


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