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Das Palaische, Texte , Grammatik, Lexikon . StBoT 10, Wiesbaden.
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- To the gods of the main towns - the list of fbrty centers scattered from the estuary
- Ponds, which were scattered all over Hittite territory, were given a monumental
- Hattusili III, 1000 sheep were given to the Storm-god of Nerik on the occasion of
- KBo 22.246 iii 21’ff. (with its duplicate KUB 42.103 iv): “18 festivals of the Storm-god of Halab,
- To Arinna. On the way, he performed rituals at holy groves near the towns of Kulil-
- Houwink ten Cate 1988; Karasu 1988; Haas 1994a; 827ff.; Nakamura 1998; 2001; 2002: cf. also
- Tradition of Old Hittite incantations. As most literary genres, the Hittite royal prayers
- High priest of Tessub and Mebat in Kizznwatna dunng the reign of bis brother
- The ominous signifier and the second clause, the apodosis, the signified. This type of
- Or unsolicited omens really were messages, where the king should spend the winter,
- Ler 1978; de Koos 1984; van den Hout 1994b; de Roos 2007.
- This cannot be terribly surprising considering that the new dynasty of the Em
- Information from the preamble, more seldom the beginning of the description proper,
- Annihilation of the perpetrator of pollution. At the same time the Old Woman trans-
- By a state of impurity perceived as magical binding, is the main theme of evocation
- Beginning“ relates the struggle for power between generations of gods. First
- CTH 362, Haas 1989: 381; Onal 1994b: 8521; Pecchioii Daddi 2003; Haas 2006: 217ff.; Akdogan
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- One of the few universals of human behavior.”
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