Translate the sentences with the Infinitive as a subject. 

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Translate the sentences with the Infinitive as a subject.


1. To study botany is necessary for future agronomists. 2. To plow, sow and cultivate the soil is very important for obtaining good yield. 3. To apply organic matter to the soil means to improve soil productivity. 4. To classify farm crops agronomically according to their use is very important. 5. To develop new variety of this crop was very difficult. 6. To increase the yield of the crop was the main problem of plant breeders. 7. To find new uses of plants is very important for scientists. 8. To study the structure of the plant is the first task of any agriculturist.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of the Infinitive.

1.  To develop good tubers potatoes need sandy or sandy loam soil. 2. Fine soils can store enough moisture for crops to grow normally. 3. To produce high yields crop plants require an adequate supply of plant nutrients and water. 4. Crops also require minerals in order to grow well. 5. The climate of this area is too cold to cultivate corn. 6. To apply fertilizers is the most usual practice in cultivating most crops. 7. For soil to produce good crops, it should be not too acid or too alkaline. 8. In order to improve the structure of this soil we must supply it with organic matter. 9. To get good results the plant grower must know the properties of the soil cultivated. 10. To prepare the proper seedbed is very important for obtaining good results. 11. The soils in our region are too heavy to provide normal development of tubers. 12. Legumes can be grown to improve soil fertility. 13. For soil moisture to be high enough irrigation is often necessary.


Text A

Vocabulary list

heavy soil – тяжелая почва

light soil – легкая почва

clay loam – глинистая почва

sandy soil – песчаная почва

acid soil – кислая почва

alkaline soil – щелочная почва

fine soil – мелкоструктурная почва

particle – частица

organic matter – органическое вещество

prepare – готовить

quantity – количество

loam soil – суглинистая почва

volume – объем

to arrange – располагаться, устраивать(ся)

erosion – эрозия

constituent – составная часть

coarse – грубый крупнозернистый

moist – влажный

oxidation – окисление

hydrogen – водород

abundant – обильный, изобильный

water-holding capacity – влагоемкость

provided – при условии

rich in – с высоким содержанием

to meet the needs – удовлетворять потребности


Read and translate the text.


Being less important than climate soil properties are essential in determining which crop to grow.

Texture of a soil refers to the size of its particles. Soils range from pure sands to pure clays. The principle textural classes are sand, sandy loam, clay loam and loam. A soil with a large proportion of clay particles is usually called a heavy soil, and the one with a large proportion of sand – a light soil, two types differing greatly in the easy cultivation. Soil structure refers to the manner in which the particles are arranged. An aggregated or compound structure favours good seedbed preparation, easy cultivation and protection from the wind and water erosion. Aggregated structure normally is found in soils rich in organic matter.

Among soil constituents water is the most important one. The finer the soil particles, the more water the soil holds. Extremely coarse sandy soils are unable to store moisture in sufficient amounts for crops to grow well.

Air which makes up from 20 to 25 per cent by volume of an ordinary moist soil, supplies oxygen necessary for root growth and for oxidation of organic matter and other soil constituents.

To grow well crop plants need an adequate supply of plant nutrients during the growing.

About 25 or 30 chemical elements are found in plants, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen being most abundant. The essential mineral elements that are present in plants are most frequently deficient in soils are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But in order to grow normally crops also absorb considerable quantities of other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

 Good soils contain adequate amounts of available nutrients to meet the needs of a crop plant for normal growth. They are too acid or too alkaline to produce good growth. In general, fertile soils with a good water-holding capacity are favorable for the growth of the most important crop plants. Some soils may have an especially wide range of crop adaptation.

However, to apply additional fertilizer is usually a good practice even on the best soil, provided growing conditions are favorable.



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