Active Words and Word – Combinations. boiler — котел 

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Active Words and Word – Combinations. boiler — котел


boiler — котел   

internal combustion engine — двигатель внутреннего сгорания

bore — отверстие        

to bypass — обходить

iron rim — железный обод

buggy — легкий экипаж       

overhead — подвесной

clockwork — заводной механизм

piped — соединенный трубами    

pressure — давление

cobble — крупная галька, булыжник

rear wheel — заднее колесо 

replica — точная копия

condensing agent — уменьшающий объем реагент

to show up — показывать

spinning wheel — вращающееся колесо, прялка

crude — необработанный, грубый        

stationary — закрепленный, неподвижный

development — развитие     

electric spark ignition — зажигание от электрической искры     

stroke — рабочий ход, такт

tiller steering — управление с помощью рукоятки

engine — двигатель     

flurry — волнение, суета      

tubular frame — трубчатая рама

freight — груз    

vehicle — транспортное средство

gear — привод   

walking beam — поворотный рычаг с возвратно-поступательным движением

gunpowder — порох   

to haul — тащить, тянуть     


Choose the right word and fill in the gaps.

1. Vaturio... a similar vehicle which was also never  built,

a) designed  

b) proposed        



2. Newcomen’s... had a cylinder and a piston and was the first of this kind.

a) carburetor       

b) engine    

c) muffler


3. The first vehicle... under its own power for which there is a record was designed by Nicholas Joseph Cugnot.

a) to move 

b) to fly     

c) to navigate


4. The early... powered vehicles were so heavy that they were only practical on a perfectly flat surface as strong as iron.

a) gas         

b) petroleum       

c) steam


5. Many attempts had been made in England by the 1830’s to develop a practical vehicle that didn’t need....

a) rails       

b) road      

c) highway


6. The development of the internal combustion engine had to wait until fuel was available... internally.

a) to evaporate

b) to combust

c) to vaporize

7.... cars had been built in America since the Civil War.

a) gas        

b) steam    

c)  petroleum


2. Find in the text equivalents to the following phrases:

Управляемые ветром транспортные средства, сила клапана, пар под давлением, длина рычага, был разработан, высшая скорость, транспортные средства стали больше и тяжелее, делать много попыток, газовый двигатель, двигатель внутреннего сгорания, деревянные колеса, бензиновый двигатель.


3. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian words:

1) проект       

a) design    

b) decision 

c) designation


2) колесо       

a) while     

b) wheel     

c) wheal


3) транспортное средство        

a) vehicle   

b) vehicular         

c) velocimeter


4) двигатель  

a) engineer 

b) engineering     

c) engine


5) тяжелый    

a) heavy    

b) have      

c) heave


6) мощный    

a) powering        

b) powerful

c) powerless

7) ограничительный       

a) descriptive      

b) restocking       

c) restrictive


8) развитие   

a) devotion

b) description     

c) development


9) сгорать     

a) to combust      

b) to combine      

c) to coincide


10) поездка        

a) strip      

b) trip           



11) вдохновить  

a) to impress       

b) to inspire           

c) to imprint


12) с тех пор      

a) science     

b) since       

с) Sincere


Work in pairs, think of some questions to review the contents of the text and ask each other. Use the word combinations below


· a steam powered vehicle

· first steam engine

· the first vehicle

· to move under       

· the development of the internal

· its own power       

· combustion engine

· a road made out of iron rails   

· a top speed

· the first gas engine

· one-half horse power engine

· combusting the compressed     

· wooden wheels

· mixture        

· single cylinder gasoline engine

· steam powered car



Divide text into logical parts and give each a suitable title.


Honda Motor Co., Ltd., or simply called Honda, is a Japanese engine manufacturer and engineering corporation. The company is perhaps most notable for its automobiles and motorcycles, but it also produces a long list of other products: trucks, scooters, robots, jets and jet engines, water craft, electrical generators, marine engines, lawn and garden equipment, and aeronautical and other mobile technologies. Honda’s high-end line of cars are branded Acura in North America and China. More recently they have ventured into the world of mountain bikes, producing the very first bike to use an internal gear changing system in the Honda RN-01 G-cross. With more than 14 million internal combustion engines built each year, Honda is the largest engine-maker in the world. In 2004, the company began to produce diesel motors, which were very quiet whilst not requiring particulate filters to pass pollution standards. It is arguable, however, that the foundation of Honda’s success is the motorcycle division. Honda is headquartered in Tokyo. Their shares trade on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, as well as exchanges in Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kyoto, Fukuoka, London, Paris and Switzerland. American Honda Motor Co. is based in Torrance, California. Honda Canada Inc. is headquartered in the Scarborough, Ontario district of Toronto, Ontario, and is building new corporate headquarters in Richmond Hill, Ontario, scheduled to relocate in 2008. Honda has also created many joint ventures around the world.

Company history. Soichiro Honda was a mechanic who, after working at Art Shokai, developed his own design for piston rings in 1938. He attempted to sell them to Toyota who did not reject his first design like believed. He constructed a new facility to supply Toyota, but soon after, during World War II, the Honda piston manufacturing facilities were almost completely destroyed.

Soichiro Honda created a new company with what he had left in the Japanese market that was decimated by World War II; his country was starved of monf’ and fuel, but still in need of basic transportation. Honda, utilizing his manufacturing facilities, attached an engine to a bicycle which created a cheap and efficient transport. He gave his company the name Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha which translates to Honda Research Institute Company, Ltd. Despite its grandiose name, the first facility bearing the name was a simple wooden shack where Mr Honda and his associates uld fit the engines to bicycles. The official Japanese name for Honda)tor Company, Ltd. remains the same in honour of Soichiro Honda’s arts. On 24 September, 1948, the Honda Motor Co. was officially founded Japan. Honda began to produce a range of scooters and motorcycles d Soichiro Honda quickly recovered from the losses incurred during: war. Honda’s first motorcycle to be put on sale was the 1947. A-Type re year before the company was officially founded). However, Honda’s st full-fledged motorcycle on the market was the 1949 Dream D-Type. was equipped with a 98cc engine producing around 3 horsepower. This.s followed by a number of successful launches of highly popular scooters roughout the 1950s.



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