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MODULE 1. Methods and approaches to Teaching EFL.

  1. Arnold, J. “Towards More Humanistic English Teaching”. ELT Journal, 1998, 52, 3.
  2. Brumfit, Ch. “Some Humanistic Doubts about Humanistic English Teaching”. In: Humanistic Approaches: An Empirical View. ELT Documents: 113. L.: The British Council, 1982.
  3. Brumfit, Ch and Johnson, K. (eds.). The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP,1979.
  4. Gadd, N. “Towards Less Humanistic English Teaching”. ELT Journal, 1998, 52, 3.
  5. Gattegno, C. Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools. The Silent Way. N. Y.: Educational Sollutions, 1972.
  6. Hutchinson, T. and Waters, A. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-centred Approach. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.
  7. Krashen, S. and Terrel, T. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1983.
  8. Littlewood, W. Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 1994.
  9. Morrow, K. “Principles of Communicative Methodology”. In: K. Johnson and K. Morrow (eds.). Communication in the Classroom. L.: Longman, 1981.
  10. Prabhu, N. S. “There Is No Best Method – Why?”. TESOL Quarterly, 1990, 24, 2.
  11. Richards, J. C. and Rodgers, T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis. Cambridge: CUP, 1991.
  12. Rivers, W. M. Communicating Naturally in a Second Language: Theory and Practice in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 1989.
  13. Rutherford, W. and Smith, M. “Consciousness Raising and Universal Grammar”. In: W. Rutherford and M. Smith (eds.). Grammar and Second Language Teaching. Ronley (Mass.): Newbury House, 1988.
  14. Sheils, J. Communication in the Modern Languages Classroom. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1993.
  15. Stevick, E. W. Humanism in Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP, 1991.
  16. Williams, M. and Burden, R. L. Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach. Cambridge: CUP, 1997.
  17. Willis, J. “A Flexible Framework for Task-based Learning”. In: J. Willis and D. Willis (eds.). Challenge and Change in Language Teaching. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996.


MODULE 2. Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development

  1. Brinton D.M., Snow M.A. Content-Based Classroom:Perspectives on Integrating Languagw and Content.-Addison Wesley LongmanPublishing Company, 1997.
  2. Dubin, F. and Olshtain, E. Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning. Cambridge: CUP, 1996.
  3. Ellis, R. “The Structural Syllabus and Second Language Acquisition”. TESOL Quarterly, 1993, 27, 1.
  4. Johnson, K. (ed.). Communicative Syllabus Design and Methodology. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982.
  5. Munby, J. Communicative Syllabus Design. Cambridge: CUP, 1978.
  6. Nunan, D. Syllabus Design. Oxford: OUP, 1994.
  7. Nunnan, D. And Lamb, C. The Self-Directed Teacher. Managing the Learning Process. Cambridge: CUP, 1996.
  8. Van Ek, J. A. and Trim, J. L. M. Threshold 1990. Cambridge: CUP, 1998.
  9. Van Ek, J. A. and Trim, J. L. M. Waystage 1990. Cambridge: CUP, 1998.
  10. Van Ek, J. A. and Trim, J. L. M. Vantage. Cambridge: CUP, 2002.
  11. White, R. The ELT Curriculum: Design, Innovation and Management. Oxford: Blackwell, 1988.
  12. Yalden, J. The Communicative Syllabus. L.: Prentice Hall International, 1987.
  13. Yalden, J. Principles of Course Design for Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 1995.


Printed Journals


1) Annual Review of Applied Linguistics

2) Applied Linguistics.

3) Canadian Modern Language Review

4) CALICO Journal

5) Critical Inquiry in Language Studies

6) ELT Journal

7) English for Specific Purposes

8) English Teaching and Learning

9) Foreign Language Annals

10) International Journal of Applied Linguistics

11) International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL)

12) Journal of English for Academic Purposes

13) Journal of Second Language Writing

14) Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics

15) Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies


16) Language Teaching Research

17) Modern Language Journal

18) RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research

in Southeast Asia

19) Second Language Research

20) Studies in Second Language Acquisition

21) System

22) Taiwan Journal of TESOL

23) TESOL Journal

24) TESOL Quarterly

Online journals

1) Asian EFL Journal

2) English Teaching Forum

3) Language Learning & Technology


5) Teaching English with Technology

6) The Internet TESL Journal

7) ELT Newsletter

8) ESL Magazine

See also: http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~emchen/SLA/SLA_articles.htm




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