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Study the webcasts of the VOA, ABC or BBC sites and design a 32 –academic- hour content-based, lexical or cultural syllabys to develop listening skills of students studying humanities.


Present it to class.

Discuss and Write 2.4.


Consider your chart in the task Read and Discuss 2.4. and write an article for an EFL journal. The main idea of your article is that combination of these three types of syllabi is the most efficient  for your target group of learners.

Choose one:

Adult beginners

Bachelors of Arts

Migrants to the USA

Find and present information 2.4.

Find the web pages of two Business English Coursebooks. Study their syllabi. Compare and report to class about your findings.


Unit 2.5. Syllabus Design Structures

Terminology to Study 2.5.

Choose 2- 3 terms and work out Word Map in Visual Thesaurus Style. For reference you might resort to A Handbook of English-Russian Terminology for Language Teaching

Linear syllabus

Modular syllabus

Spiral syllabus

Cyclical syllabus

Lead-in 2.5.


  1. Study this general outline proposal for creating courses for intermediate level students.
  2. Do you think that 120 hours time is enough to cope with the programme?
  3. What would you change in this syllabus outline?
  4. What points in the outline require clarification?


Intermediate Level Syllabus Outline

This syllabus provides a general outline proposal for creating courses for intermediate level students. This syllabus can be easily adapted for individual classes while retaining an overall structure aimed at helping students acquire the language they need to communicate.


120 hours total comprised of:

Hours theoretical

Hours practical applications

Hours of final examination and evaluation

Course Objectives

Daily life interrogative and discourse capabilities

Basic person and place descriptive abilities

Number, time, quantity, and cost use

Daily life receptive understanding skills

Written usage to express situations, give instructions and explanations, communicate opinions, and narrate and comprehend stories

Specific terminology use based on students' needs


Course Structure

Hours theoretical including

24 hours basic grammatical skills including use of the interrogative and discourse forms covering: -Verb forms and other grammatical structures -Introductions and greetings -Asking for information -Offering -Requesting -Inviting
6 hours descriptive skills including: -Comparative language -Vocabulary building for people and places -Communicative structures for expression of opinions -Asking for descriptions
6 hours English numeration including: -Time, quantity, cost and numbering vocabulary -Buying and selling structures -Requesting and giving the time -Various numerical expressions including cardinal numbers, fractions, decimals etc.
16 hours receptive skills development including: -Listening comprehension focusing on varying elements of vocabulary and structure -Video comprehension developing combined visual-audio receptive skills to deduce meaning from context -Reading skills strategies including intensive skimming and scanning development tasks, as well as intensive reading exercises
14 hours written skills development including: -Development of basic writing skills applying studied grammatical structures -Standard writing formats including formal and informal letters -Expression of opinions in writing -Instruction flow writing skills -Narrative written structures to express past events
14 hours basic terminology based on students' needs -Identification of equipment required, intensive vocabulary training -Descriptive language development of equipment use and functions -Integrated interrogative and discourse use with targeted vocabulary and functions -Language formation for instruction in, and explanation of basic equipment use



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