Special events in St. Petersburg 

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Special events in St. Petersburg



  событие дата
1  Catholic Christmas. It’s not an official holiday in Russia but many people like celebrating Catholic Christmas as the beginning of New Year celebration. Sales are organized in most shops and shopping centers. 25.12
2 New Year's Eve. An official day off – the beginning of 7 day holidays. It is widely celebrated all night long. A lot of people fill the streets of the city; concerts, fireworks, dancing parties are organized all over St. Petersburg. Streets are beautifully lit and decorated. 31.12
3 Russian Orthodox Christmas is an official day off. This holiday is widely celebrated by all people – not only religious minded. It is the best time to enjoy the rituals of the Orthodox Church. 06.01
4 Orthodox New Year – also called «old-style New Year». One more opportunity to celebrate the beginning of new year – many people organize parties, make each other presents. 13.01
5 Tatiana Day – Saint Tatiana is the patron saint of students, so Tatiana Day is celebrated as Russian Students Day. 25.01
6 St. Valentine's Day. The day of St. Valentine – the patron of love and romance – has become a popular holiday in St. Petersburg. Flowers and Valentine cards are the most popular presents, 14.02
7 Used to be «The Soviet Army day». Now it is similar to Fathers' day, but in Russia on this holiday all men are congratulated. 23.02
8 International Women's day is a day off. From early in the morning till late at night you can see a lot of men with flowers which they want to present their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, girl friends and wives. 8.03
9. April Fools day. It is an unofficial holiday but very popular. It's a tradition to joke at each other. 1.04
10. International Workers' Day – though political actions have traditionally been organized since the Soviet period, most people celebrate it as the beginning of really warm and sunny period in St. Petersburg. Members of the Communist party organize demonstration and march along the main streets of the city. 1.05
11. The Victory day is a very special day for the citizens of St. Petersburg. The city suffered greatly during the WWII. It lost 649 000 people – most of them died of starvation during 900 days and nights of the siege of Leningrad (the previous name of St. Petersburg). Military parade is organized in the center of the city – the Nevsky prospect and the Palace square – followed by Veterans’ parade. In the evening in different parts of the city fireworks are organized. 9.05
  Official «opening of fountains» in Peterhof. It is all-day festival with classical music, perfomances and fireworks. No pumps are used to make fountains work – only the natural character of the spot, so it is not turning fountains on but opening them and filling with water. the end of May
  Legendary St. Petersburg's White Nights. It's the most popular time of the year for visitors. The city seems not to sleep at all. You can see a lot of people walking along the streets and embankments 24 hours a day. Opening bridges are like a miracle as well as the city itself. the end of May – the middle of July
  Stars of the White Nights Festival. It is one of the greatest classical music festivals in the world, so many international stars as well as the very best of local talents take part in the Festival. from the end of May through June
  The Scarlet Sails celebration. First of all it's a holiday for young people who have finished school. The celebration name originated from a well known romantic story «Scarlet Sails» by Alexander Grin. Massive show is organized in the Palace Square followed by fireworks. The appearance of a boat with scarlet sails slowly sailing along the English and Admiralty embankments towards the Winter palace is the most popular part of the celebration. the end of June (22, June/23 June)
  The Palace Square becomes a stage for international stars of popular and classical music, for example, Paul McCartney, Scorpions, The Rolling Stones. summer
  Official beginning of the school year. Early in the morning all over the city one can see schoolchildren – either in uniforms or just beautifully dressed with flowers, school teachers and parents accompanying their children to schools. 1.09
  On this day in 1811 Lyceum was opened in Tsar's Village (now Pushkin).  It’s a special day for all people who like poetry. Celebrations are organized in the museums and memorable places connected with the life of the greatest Russian poet Alexander Puskin. 19.10
  It used to be a great holiday with large scale celebrations – the day of the former socialist state foundation «the Birthday of the Great October Socialist Revolution». (It was October, 25 old style). Nowadays it is still celebrated and peaceful demonstrations are organized. 7.11


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Новогодний парад – от Беркли-сквер до Гайд-парка.

Чемпионат мира по теннису – Ройял-Альберт-холл.

Лондонская международная выставка яхт и лодок – выставочный комплекс Эрлз-Корт.

День памяти Карла I – члены английского Общества гражданской войны одеваются роялистами и проходят парадом по Уайтхоллу.


Выставка собак «Крафтс» - Эрлз-Корт; самая престижная из собачьих выставок. 

День вступления монарха на престол – 41 залп салюта перед отелем «Дорчестер» в Гайд-парке.

Китайский Новый год – красочный праздник на Джерард-стрит в Чайнатауне.

День св. Валентина, 14-го – день влюбленных.

Последний день масленицы, за 41 день до Пасхи, когда по традиции пекут блины.


Выставка «Идеальный дом» - Эрлз-Корт.

Гребные гонки – традиционные ежегодные соревнования между Оксфордским и Кембриджским университетами, проводятся на Темзе, от Путни до Мортлейка, дистанция – 7,2 км.

Челсийская выставка старинных вещей – Олд-Таун-холл, Кингз-роуд.

Пасхальное шествие – праздничный карнавал в Баттерси-парке (начало в 15.00).

Кэмденский фестиваль джаза – Кэмден-Таун; кроме джаза можно посетить оперу, танцы, кино и выставки. 


День дураков: 1-го – все утро британцы, изменив своей привычной чопорности, подшучивают друг над другом.

Лондонский конный парад – кони и всадники в доспехах проезжают по Внутреннему кругу в Риджентс-парке.

Лондонский марафон – один из крупнейших в мире; проходит от Гринвичского парка до Вестминстера.

День рождения королевы: 21-го – в честь дня рождения Ее Величества в Гайд-парке и Тауэре производится праздничный салют.

Лондонская книжная ярмарка – Барбикэн.


Челсийская цветочная выставка – в Королевском госпитале.

Королевская конная выставка – Виндзорский парк.


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