Парад Конной гвардии в честь «официального» дня рождения королевы. 

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Парад Конной гвардии в честь «официального» дня рождения королевы.

Королевский Аскот – престижные скачки на ипподроме Аскот; на них обычно присутствует королевская семья.

Ярмарка старинных вещей – отель «Гровенор-хаус», Парк-лейн. 

Уимблдонский чемпионат по теннису – одно из самых значительных спортивных событий года.


Королевская регата – международная регата в Хэнли на Темзе.

Променад-концерты Генри Вуда – Альберт-холл; концерты классической музыки.

Королевский турнир – Эрлз-Корт, солдаты всех родов войск демонстрируют свое мастерство.

Кольцевание лебедей – представители властей проводят регистрацию всех лебедей на Темзе.

Гребные гонки на приз Доджетта – традиционные соревнования гребцов-одиночек на яликах от Лондонского моста до Челси.


Карнавал в Ноттинг-хилле – красочный праздник Вест-Индии на улицах Лэдброк-Гроув, с экзотическими костюмами и зажигательной музыкой, самый большой в Европе.

Лондонский конный парад – Роттен-роу в Гайд-парке.

Международный фестиваль уличных исполнителей – площадь Ковент-Гарден.


Челсийская ярмарка старинных вещей – Олд-Таун-холл, Кингз-роуд.

Конное воскресенье – церковь Св. Иоанна и Св. Михаила: специальная утренняя церковная служба, посвященная лошади. Викарий и прихожане - верхом. После службы процессия направляется в Гайд-парк.


Перламутровый праздник урожая – церковь Сент-Мартин-ин-зе-Филдс, Трафальгарская площадь, 1-е воскресенье. Перламутровые король и королева (победители традиционного конкурса одежды уличных торговцев среди кокни) присутствуют на праздничной церковной службе в костюмах, украшенных множеством перламутровых пуговиц.

Судебная служба – законодательный год в Британии начинается шествием судей в полном облачении от Вестминстерского аббатства к зданию парламента.

Выставка «Лошадь года» - Уэмбли.

Трафальгарский парад – в честь победы Нельсона в Трафальгарском сражении.

Автомобильная выставка –Эрлз-Корт.


Пробег старинных машин Лондон – Брайтон – в первое воскресенье сотни старинных машин и их гордых владельцев стартуют в Гайд-парке.

Парад лорд-мэра – пышная процессия от Гилдхолла в Сити до Ройял-Кортс.

Ночь Гая Фокса, 5 ноября – фейерверки в городских парках в годовщину неудачной попытки взрыва парламента в 1605г.

Поминальное воскресенье: ближайшее к 11 ноября – в церквах служат панихиды по погибшим воинам. У обелиска «Кенотаф» на Уайтхолле проходит официальная церемония возложения венков.

Официальное открытие сессии парламента – палата лордов, Вестминстер. Королева объявляет о возобновлении работы парламента после каникул.

Рождественские огни зажигаются на Оксфорд-и Риджент-стрит.


Международная выставка лошадей – выставочный центр «Олимпия».

Рождественское богослужение – Трафальгарская площадь.

Новогодняя распродажа – с каждым годом она начинается все раньше и раньше.

Рождественские каникулы – 24 декабря – 2 января.

Канун Нового года – тысячи людей в полночь собираются на Трафальгарской площади.

Сравните информацию, приведённую ниже с информацией на русском языке:


The New Year’s Day Parade. More than 10,000 dancers, acrobats, cheerleaders, musicians and performers assemble in the heart of the city for a "celebration of nations." Starting as Big Ben strikes 12 Noon, the Parade takes the following route:
Parliament Square, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus and then up to the junction of Berkeley Street on Piccadilly. Every year, the Norwegians donate a giant Christmas tree to stand in Trafalgar Square as a gesture of goodwill in return for help during the Second World War. It is lit in traditional white lights, carols are sung around the tree on various evenings up until Christmas Eve by groups in aid of charity.


St Valentine's Day (Christian) A time to tell someone that you love him/her. Both men and women can send cards. Traditionally names are not written on the cards. 14 Feb
Chinese New Year This is the first day in the Year of the Tiger. Kung Hei Fat Choy means Happy New Year in Chinese language. Chinese New Year is popularly called the Spring Festival, and the festivities last for 15 days. It is also referred to as the lunar new year because it starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year and ends with the full moon 15 days later. 26 Jan-3 Feb
Brits Awards, UK Awards ceremony for British and international pop. 18 Feb
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day (Christian) Christian carnival day on the eve of Ash Wednesday, which begins Lent, a time of fasting and devotions. Pancakes are often served. The day concludes the season of Epiphany. 24 Feb
The Great Spitalfields Pancake Race The races start at 12:30pm at Dray Walk, the Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London E1 6QL (nearest Tube: Aldgate East or Shoreditch) 24 Feb
British Summer Time Begins (daylight savings = clocks go forward 1 hour) What would you do if you were in London on March, 27th? I would put my watch 1 hour forward. 29 Mar
Crufts A famous annual British dog show which started in 1928. It is held at the NEC in Birmingham. The "Best in Show" award is presented on the final day (Sunday). 5 Mar - 8 Mar
Mothers Day / Mothering Sunday (3 weeks before Easter) A time for people living in the UK to think about their mothers. People often give flowers or chocolates or organise a special day out for their mothers at this time, and send a special "Mother's Day" card. 22 Mar
Good Friday (Bank Holiday / Public Holiday) (Christian Festival) Christians remember the death of Jesus Christ, who was crucified (killed on a cross) by the Romans. Christian churches hold special services, and are often decorated with flowers. 10 Apr
Easter Sunday (Easter Day) (Christian Festival) The most holy of Christian sacred days. The day commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his death by crucifixion. Observances include worship services beginning at sunrise, special music, feasting, and parades. 12 Apr
Queen's Birthday (actual date and a private celebration) It is traditional for soldiers to fire cannons to celebrate royal birthdays or other national events. The Queen has an "official" birthday in June which is marked by the Trooping the Colour ceremony. 21 Apr
May Day Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole. 1 May
Coronation Day: gun salute Gun salute to mark the anniversary of the day when the Queen was crowned (in 1953). A 41-gun salute at 12 noon fired by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Hyde Park, London 2 Jun


Wimbledon Tennis Championships One of the four great world tennis championships and the only one which is played on grass.  
Midsummer's Day Jun 24
Henley Royal Regatta The River Thames and the town of Henley on Thames are transformed into one large sporting and social arena where the world's best rowers compete. 1 - 5 July
Swan Upping The census of swans takes place annually during July on the River Thames in a ceremony known as Swan Upping. Swans are counted and marked on a 70 mile, five day journey up the River Thames. The Swan Upping event commences on the third Monday at Sunbury and ending at Abingdon on the Friday. 20-24 July
St. Swithun's Day (Also known as St Swithin's Day) Saint Swithin was England’s Bishop of Winchester. 40 days of bad weather will follow if it rains on this day 15 July
Edinburgh Fringe Festival The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world. 7-31 Aug
Edinburgh International Festival The Edinburgh International Festival presents a rich programme of classical music, theatre, opera and dance in six major theatres and concert halls and a number of smaller venues, over a three-week period in late summer each year. 14 Aug - 6 Sept
The Glenn Miller Festival Tthe largest swing, jazz and Jive music festival in the UK, and is held at the historic RAF Twinwood Airfield where Glenn Miller (the WWII American band-leader) took his last flight. 29-31 Aug
Notting Hill Carnival Around a million people take to the streets of Notting Hill in West London for the Notting Hill Carnival - Europe's biggest carnival. Fabulous floats make a colourful circuit of the area and sound systems blast out music all day. 30 -31 Aug
Heritage Open Days Heritage Open Days 2012 will be 6-9 September Heritage Open Days celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to properties that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Every year on four days in September, buildings of every age, style and function throw open their doors, ranging from castles to factories, town halls to tithe barns, parish churches to Buddhist temples. It is a once-a-year chance to discover hidden architectural treasures and enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities which bring to life local history and culture. Free of charge and literally on people’s doorstep, Heritage Open Days is an event for everyone, whatever their background, age and ability. The UK Traditional Boat Championship 21 Miles from London Docklands to Ham in Surrey Saturday 15th September 2012 Starting Cannon - 10:30am The Great River Race, London's River Marathon, is a spectacular boat race up the River Thames that attracts over 300 crews from all over the globe and appeals to every level of competitor from those who enjoy fun, fancy dress and charity stunts, to serious sportsmen and women who like to win. A great fun day out for competitors and spectators alike. 6-9 Sept     15 Sept


Last Night of the Proms Famous classical music concert at the Royal Albert Hall, London. 12 Sept
Great North Run, Gateshead/Newcastle The world's largest half-marathon is run in Newcastle (north-east England). 20 Sept
British Summer Time Ends (daylight savings = clocks go back 1 hour) Greewich Mean Time Begins 25 Oct
Hallowe'en Night 31 Oct
The Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival at St Martin-in-the-Fields on Trafalgar Square. The 'Pearlies' were costermonger's (street seller of fruit (apples, etc.) and their distinctive costumes are said to have sprung from the arrival of a big cargo of pearl-buttons from Japan in the 1860's. 12 Oct
Commonwealth Games The Commonwealth Games is a multinational, multi-sport event. Held every four years, it involves the elite athletes of the Commonwealth of Nations.  
Apple Day 2010 is the 21st anniversary of Apple Day - it is now celebrated by thousands at hundreds of events all run by local people - Common Ground initiated it with the hope it would become a calendar custom open to all to celebrate nature and culture symbolised by the apple - which began its life in the Tien Shan (the Heavenly Mountains - now China /Kazakh/Kirgyzs border) and over millennia wandered to these shores. 21 Oct
Trafalgar Day 21 Oct
October Plenty, London A harvest celebration held annually in Southwark.Plenty mixes ancient seasonal customs and theatre with contemporary festivity. 25 Oct
All Saints Day (Christian) Christian day for honouring saints, known and unknown. 1 Nov
London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, London/Crawley/Brighton 1 Nov
All Souls Day (Christian) Christian day of prayers of intercession for the dead. 2 Nov
Mischief Night The 4 November is known as Mischief Night in some parts of the country. This was the night when all sorts of naughty things were done - the main idea being to put things in the wrong place. 4 Nov
Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night) 400th anniversary of the Gun Powder Plot was in 2005 5 Nov
Tar Barrels, Ottery St Mary (Devon) An old custom said to have originated in the 17th century. The annual event involves people racing through the streets of the town, carrying flaming wooden barrels of burning tar on their backs. 5 Nov
Lewes Bonfire Night, Lewes (East Sussex) 5 Nov
Remembrance Sunday The Queen, the Prime Minister and other dignitaries lay wreaths and observe a minute's silence (at 11am) at the Cenotaph to commemorate those who gave their lives for their country in both world wars. Afterwards, the Bishop of London takes a short service of remembrance. 8 Nov
Armistice Day 2 minutes silence at 11 a.m. 11 Nov
Lord Mayor’s Show & Fireworks Display (2nd Saturday in Novembe The first Lord Mayor's Show was held in 1215 and since its conception only major events such as the Black Death - and in 1852, the funeral of the Duke of Wellington - have stopped the show. 14 Nov
The Prince of Wales's birthday: gun salute, Hyde Park London 14 Nov
The State Opening of Parliament (the first day of the new parliamentary session) The Queen's Speech is delivered by the Queen from the Throne in the House of Lords. (date) 18 Nov
BBC Children In Need, across the UK An annual event to raise money for British children's charities. 20 Nov
Stir-up Sunday The last Sunday of the Christian Church Year. A traditional day to make the Christmas pudding 22 Nov
Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park London A Big Wheel and other rides, an ice rink and a Christmas market 21 Nov - 3 Jan
Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, London [usually performed on the first Thursday in December] 3 Dec
Great Christmas Pudding Race, London Teams dressed in fancy clothes race around an obstacle course in Covent Garden. 5 Dec
Royal Variety Performance, London 7 Dec
Carol singing in the Square, London 7 - 18 Dec
Winter Solstice Shortest Day of the year, when the Sun is at its most southern point 21 Dec
A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Cambridge At 3pm at King's College Chapel in Cambridge is a traditional carol service called "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" 24 Dec
Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is not a public holiday in the UK. Public transport services may finish earlier than usual. 24 Dec
Christmas Day (Christian Festival) (Bank Holiday / Public Holiday) Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Observed by prayers, exchanging of gifts, and family parties. 25 Dec
Boxing Day (Bank Holiday) 26 Dec
St Stephen's Day 26 Dec
Hogmanay (Scotland) 31 Dec
New Years Eve At midnight everybody joins hands and sings Auld Lang Syne. 31 Dec



Ниже приведены слова самых известных песен на английском языке, которые исполняются во время праздников. Во время Вашего визита в Англию или США Вас могут попросить исполнить какую-нибудь песню. Выберите отрывок из популярной песни на английском языке и выучите его. Найдите материал о песнях, которые обчно поют во время празднования каких-то событий в России.


1. Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way;

Bells on bob-tail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight, O


Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

A day or two ago,

I thought I'd take a ride,

And soon Miss Fanny Bright

Was seated by my side;

The horse was lean and lank;

Mis fortune seemed his lot;

He got into a drifted bank,

And we, we got upset. O



Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh


Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

A day or two ago,

The story I must tell

I went out on the snow

And on my back I fell;

A gent was riding by

In a one-horse open sleigh,

He laughed as there

I sprawling lie,

But quickly drove away, O

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh


Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Now the ground is white

Go it while you're young,

Take the girls tonight

And sing this sleighing song;

Just get a bob-tailed bay

Two-forty as his speed

Hitch him to an open sleigh

And crack! you'll take the lead, O

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleig


" For He's A Jolly Good Fellow " is a song which is sung to congratulate a person on a significant event, such as a retirement, a promotion, a birthday, the birth of a child, or the winning of a championship sporting event.

 For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" is the second-most popular song in the English language, following "Happy Birthday to You" and followed by "Auld Lang Syne."

American version

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow (hold then pause), which nobody can deny

Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow

For he's a jolly good fellow (hold then pause), which nobody can deny!


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