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15. Распределите деревья на хвойные (coniferous = softwood) и лиственные (deciduous=hardwood). Подберите информацию для описания хвойных (5 предложений) и лиственных (5 предложений). Выберите дерево и расскажите о нём. Вы можете подобрать характеристики из следующей информации:


    Trees grow upward rather than outward and have a triangular shape which makes the tree strong and keeps its branches from breaking under the weight of snow; most are evergreens; bear seeds in fruit or nuts; only some are evergreens; have pointed needles or small, flat scales; never completely shed their needles; the leaves are mainly flat, wide, and thin; stay green all; the year round; shed their leaves in autumn for the winter (and grow new ones in spring); change leaf colour; bear seeds in cones; trees spread out as they grow and have a rounded shape


акация acacia [ə'kei∫ə]
баобаб baobab ['beiəubæb]
берёза birch [bε:t∫]
бук beech [bi:t∫]
вяз elm [elm]
грецкий орех walnut ['wo:lnΛt]
груша pear tree [pεə tri:]
дуб oak [əuk]
ель spruce [spru:s], fir tree [fε: tri:]
ива willow ['wiləu]
инжир = смоковница = фига fig [fig]
каштан chestnut ['t∫esnΛt]
кедр cedar ['si:də]
кипарис cypress ['saiprəs]
клён maple ['meipl]
лавр bay [bei]
липа linden ['lindən], lime tree ['laim tri:]
лиственница larch [la:t∫]
маслина = олива olive ['oliv]
мирт myrtle ['mε:tl]
можжевельник juniper ['d3u:nipə]
ольха alder ['o:ldə]
орешник hazel ['heizəl]
осина aspen ['æspən]
пальма palm [pa:m]
пихта fir [fε:], silver fir ['silvə fε:]
платан plane [plein], sycamore ['sikəmo:]
рябина mountain ash ['mauntin æ∫], rowan ['rəuən]
секвойя sequoia [si'kwoiə]
сирень lilac ['lailək]
слива plum tree ['plΛm tri:]
сосна pine [pain]
тис yew tree ['ju: tri:]
тополь poplar ['poplə]
эвкалипт eucalyptus [ju:kə'liptəs]
яблоня apple tree ['æpl tri:]
ясень ash [æ∫]

16. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод выражения «but for …» - «если бы не …»

1. But for sugar maple, we would eat pancakes without maple syrup.

2. But for a tree which grows in India, we would not drink coffee and eat buns with cinnamon.

3. But for wood, many people would have no fuel to heat their houses with.

4. But for sap that comes from trees found in Brazil, India, China and Southeast Asia we would wear shoes without rubber soles.

5. But for evergreen cork oak found in the Mediterranean region there would be no cork shoe soles and corks for wine bottles.

6. But for willow we would have to live without aspirin because acetylsalicylic acid originally came from the bark of a willow tree.

7. But for forest ecosystems many animals and birds would have no food, water, shelter and protection.

8. But for fruit trees people would have to live without apple pies, orange juice and apricot jam.

9. But for pine needle oil we would not have many kinds of soaps, bath oils, air fresheners and household cleaners.

10. But for healing aroma of pine we would not have medicine for coughs, colds and running nose treatment because pine needle oil is the key ingredient in the medicine production.

11. But for mahogany tree, oak, Karelian birch, larch, cherry and walnut we would not enjoy beautiful furniture and parquet floors.

12. But for rowan girls would have no opportunity to produce beautiful necklaces in autumn.

13. But for hazel people would not enjoy hazel nuts.

14. But for olive trees we would not have tasty and healthy olive oil.

15. But for pines and spruces people would not have produced ships.



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