Выберите одну из экстремальных ситуаций, поставьте глагол в скобках в форму past Indefinite и напишите в РТ, что бы Вы сделали в этой ситуации. 

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Выберите одну из экстремальных ситуаций, поставьте глагол в скобках в форму past Indefinite и напишите в РТ, что бы Вы сделали в этой ситуации.



What would you do if


1. … you (to lose) your way?

2. … you (to become) the coach of our national football team?

3. … you (to meet) hooligans in the street late at night?

4. … you (to lose) all your mobile phone?

5. … your wallet (to be stolen?

6. … your computer (to be broken?

7. … you (to сome) into a fortune? (получили наследство)

8. … you (to open) the door of your flat and understood that there were thieves inside?

9. … you (to have bought) a tour in a tourist company, (to come) to the airport on the agreed day and at agreed time and (to see) no travel agent with your vouchers, tickets and passports?

10. … you (to put on) new clothes, went for a walk, it suddenly started raining and you had no umbrella?

11. … you (to have) to be somewhere early in the morning and you did not know how to get there?

12. … your firend (to fall) in love with your girl(boy)friend?

13. … (to smell) smoke in the lecture hall.

14. …(to lose) a book borrowed from a library.

15. …(to be asked) the way by foreigners in the street in Italian?

16.  … (to start) eating and understood that it was your friend’s order (заказ)?

17. … (to open) the coffee can in the morning and saw that it was empty?

18. … (to open) the wardrobe and saw a moth flying out?

19. … nobody (to come) to your birthday party?

20. … your parents (to tell) you they were going to divorce?

21. … you (to be asked) by your friends to make up a quarrel?

22. … (to see) an injured man in the street.


6. Прочитайте интересные и необычные факты о деревьях и решите, правда ли это? Проверьте, правильно ли Вы ответили по ответам в РТ:


1. India is the richest country in the world in tree species. Second largest tree treasury is that of the USA.

2. There are about 450, 000 tree species in the world.

3. Trees sweat.

4. Two mature trees can supply enough oxygen annually to support a family of four people.

5. Trees do not die of old age.

6. Trees help people to save money.

7. Trees are the longest living organisms on earth.

8. Trees get their food mainly from soil.

9. Trees grow from the bottom.

10. Trees can talk to each other.

11. If you live on the 10th floor you have no chances to see a tree in front of your windows.

12. Knocking on wood for good luck originated from a tradition of visiting neighbours and knocking at their doors.

7. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором дробные числительные:


0.1; 0.4; 0.25; 0.030.005; 1.3; 1.67; 1.08; 2.1; 2.46; 2.05 2.205; 3.1; 3.26; 3.07; 3.009; 4.7; 4.78; 4.05; 4.002; 5.5; 5.78; 5.02; 5.003; 6.8; 6.92; 6.475; 6.02; 6.003; 7.2; 7.34; 7.03; 7.009; 8.7; 8.03; 8.075; 9.2; 9.345; 9.08; 10.6; 25.749; 33.07.


1/3; ½; ¼; 1/5; 1/6; 1/7; 1/8; 1/9; 2/3; 2/4; 2/5; 2/7; 3/8; 3/9; 4/5; 4/7; 4/6; 5/6; 6/7; 7/8; 8/9; 9/10; 1 ½; 2 ¾; 3 4/5; 4 5/6; 5 6/7; 6 7/8; 7 8/9; 8 9/10; 9 ¼; 10 2/3; 11 ½


8. Прочитайте числительные из текста:

Since 1948, in 2000, 4 billion, 95 percent, 5 percent, about 47 percent, 9 percent, 11 percent, 33 percent, during the 1990s, 16 million hectares per year = 16 million hectares a year, 15 million hectares, 4.2 percent, in 1990, by 2000, 7.8 percent, 23.5 degrees, 20-25° C, 12 hours, by more than 5 degrees, as many as 100 different tree species, 25-35 m tall, more than one half, growing season of 140-200 days, during 4-6 frost-free months, between 50 and 60 degrees north latitudes, two-thirds in Siberia, 130 days.

9. Закройте правую (русский язык) или левую (английский язык) часть упражнения и вспомните, как переводятся слова и выражения по теме «лес»:

№№ Слово/словосочетание перевод
1. deciduous (=broadleaf=hardwood) forests лиственные леса
2. conifer (=needleleaf=softwood) forests хвойные леса
3. species вид/виды
4. tropical rain forests тропические ливневые леса
5. temperate deciduous forests лиственные леса умеренной зоны
6. carbon dioxide sinks поглотители углекислого газа
7. animal habitat среда обитания животных
8. soil conservers (средство)защиты почвы
9. According to В соответствии с…
10. assesment оценки
11. To carry out выполнять
12. forest plantation лесные плантации
13. approximately приблизительно
14. total общий, целый
15. To estimate оценивать
16. global forest общемировой лес
17. temperate zone умеренная зона
18. tropical zone зона тропиков
19. boreal zone бореальная зона
20. natural forest естественный лес
21. land use землепользование
22. to convert преобразовывать
23. subtropics субтропики
24. total loss общая потеря
25. existing natural forest существующий естественный лес
26. diversity of species разнообразие видов
27. boundary граница
28. latitude широта
29. distinct seasonality = well defined seasons чётко выраженная сезонность
30. length of daylight продолжительность дня
31. on average в среднем
32. average temperatures средняя температура
33. evergreen вечнозелёный
34. to destroy разрушать
35. moderate climate умеренный климат
36. growing season сезон роста
37. frost-free months тёплые месяцы года
38. forest biome лесной биом (биосистема)
39. belt пояс, полоса



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