Переведите предложения и объясните, в какой функции в предложениях представлен модальный глагол « must ». 

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Переведите предложения и объясните, в какой функции в предложениях представлен модальный глагол « must ».


Had to + глагол (должен был=пришлось) – must have + 3 форма глагола (наверняка … (что-то сделал)


1. I know that he had to phone everybody and inform about the meeting. He is a very responsible person and he must have phoned everybody.

2. Traffic jams be damned! We had to meet at 5.30 and I am late! He must have come already and must be waiting for me!

3. We had to put our watch 1 hour back every spring but the President must have signed a document stating that we will never do that again.

4. They had to work hard so they wanted to hire a baby sitter for their child but I think he must have become older and cleverer and doesn’t need anybody to look after him.

5. He must have restored his document by now – he had to give his wallet to the robbers and all his documents were there.

6. He had to work hard when organizing his business but now he must have hired some people to help him in running his business.

7. They had to cancel all flights because of the volcano eruption but I think they must have taken into account this experience and now know what to do in such situations.

8. The police must have found the person who phoned and warned that there was a bomb in the school building. Some hours ago they had to ask all the schoolchildren to go home. 

9. The stewardesses had to ask the passengers to fasten the belts because the airplane started vibrating – it must have hit an air pocket.

10. They had to refuel the airplane and check everything so our flight was delayed. But I can hear the announcement about the flight boarding, so they must have refueled the plane.


8. Посоветуйте студенту из Великобритании, какую одежду нужно взять с собой в Санкт-Петербург в зависимости от сезона и погоды. В РТ заполните таблицу, составьте по 3 предложения о каждом сезоне и сравните свои варианты по образцу:



If you are planning to come to St. Petersburg in summer you should take … with you because the weather is ….




1. а) прослушайте и вспомните, как читаются номера телефонов (если возникнут затруднения, просмотрите информацию в РТ):

Put  TAKE down my phone number, please It is: +7 (code of Russia) 812 (code of St. Petersburg) 543-12-90

+7-812-233-98-78; +7-812-114-56-95; +7-812-315-16-93; +7-812-556-42-30;

8-921-912-34-67; 8-921-943-57-98; 8-921-935-20-33; 8-921-933-76-50;

8-905-207-67-93; 8-905-211-28-15; 8-923-456-91-85; 8-911-456-12-28.


б) выберите один из телефонных номеров, прочитайте его по образцу и попросите своих одногруппников записать его:


Образец (Pattern): Put TAKE down my phone number, please It is: +7 (code of Russia) 812 (code of St. Petersburg) 543-12-90


+7-812-233-98-78; +7-812-114-56-95; +7-812-315-16-93; +7-812-556-42-30;

8-921-912-34-67; 8-921-943-57-98; 8-921-935-20-33; 8-921-933-76-50;

8-905-207-67-93; 8-905-211-28-15; 8-923-456-91-85; 8-911-456-12-28.

Проверьте, правильно ли Вы назвали номер.

Если номер назван неправильно, Ваш собеседник произносит: Wrong number!

Если номер назван правильно, Ваш собеседник произносит: Speaking! (У телефона./Слушаю.).


в) Придумайте и запишите телефонный номер или назовите свой номер телефона. Озвучьте его, попросите своих одногруппников записать то, что они услышат. Проверьте, правильно ли Вы назвали номер.

2.Прослушайте и повторите за диктором числительные:

116; 160; 217; 288; 300

7, 000; 3,000; 11,700; 16,000; 20,000; 723,277

2, 101,979; 4,953,219; 7,825,200; 8, 734,36; 15,000,00

3. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на   то, как читаются цифры:


1. There are 116 universities in the UK and 160 higher schools.

2. There are over 7,000 higher schools in the USA.

3. There are over 15,000,000 students in the USA.

4. The number of international students at the USA colleges and universities rose by 4.7 % to 723,277 during the 2010-11 academic year.

5. There are about 3,000 universities in Russia.

6. There are about 300 museums in St. Petersburg.

7. Over 20,000 specialists have graduated from the Forestry Faculty of our University since its foundation.

8. About 16,000 foreign students are studing in St. Petersburg at present.

9. St. Petersburg suffered of 288 floods during the last 300 years.

10. The total length of water streams inside St. Petersburg is about 217 kilometers.

11. The population of St. Petersburg is 4,953,219 people.

12. The population of London is 7, 825,200 people.

13. 11,700 people live in the City of London.

14. 2,101,979 kilometers is the distance between St. Petersburg and London.

15. 8, 734,36 kilometers is the distance between St. Petersburg and Khabarovsk.

4. Прослушайте информацию о протяженности границ России; запишите те цифры, которые Вы услышите; проверьте, правильно ли Вы услышали цифры по РТ:


Russia has the longest border in the world:

a) total border length is … km,

b) maritime borders (in the north and the east) are … km,

c) land borders (in the south and the west) are … km,

d) Russia borders Kazakhstan – the border length is … km,

e) Russia borders China – the border length is … km,

f) Russia borders Mongolia – the border length is … km,

g) Russia borders the Ukraine – the border length is … km,

h) Russia borders Finland – the border length is … km,

i) Russia borders Belarus – the border length is … km,

j) Russia borders Georgia – the border length is … km,

k) Russia borders Estonia – the border length is … km,

l) Russia borders Azerbaijan – the border length is … km,

m) Russia borders Lithuania – the border length is … km,

n) Russia borders Poland – the border length is … km,

o) Russia borders Latvia – the border length is … km,

p) Russia borders Norway – the border length is … km,

q) Russia borders North Korea – the border length is … km.


5. Скажите, что произошло в России и в СПб в этом году. Проверьте правильность своих ответов по РТ:


In 1941; in 1837; in 1914; in 1918; in 1812; in 1861; in 1703; in 1803; in 1725; in 1799; on September, 8, in 1941; in 1380; in 1867; in July, 1918; in 1924; in 1721; on April,12 1961


6. Прочитайте и переведите информацию о правилах хорошего тона в Великобритании, сравните с тем, что вы знаете о правилах этикета в России и выскажите своё мнение: It’s the same. It’s nearly the same. It’s slightly different. It’s absolutely different.

Если возникнут затруднения с переводом, обратитесь к мини-словарю к данному упражнению в РТ.

1. In England people queue (stand in line) if required, for example, boarding a bus or checking in at the airport. They patiently wait for their turn and do not push in front. Queue jumping' is frowned upon.

2. It is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches. Nowadays, it is becoming more common to see men wearing hats indoors. However, this is still seen as being impolite, especially to the older generations.

3. If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move, don’t push people or call them names say “excuse me” and they will move out of your way.

4. English people very often say "please" and "thank you". It is considered rude if somebody doesn't.

5. If somebody accidentally bumps into someone, both say ‘sorry', even if it was the fault of only one of them. For English people it is a habit.

6.  When yawning or coughing one should always cover his/her mouth with his/her hand.

7. When people are first introduced to someone, they shake hands.

8. Men and women both hold open the door for each other. It depends on who goes through the door first.

9. Privacy is highly regarded in England, so English people only kiss people who are close friends and relatives, a void talking loudly in public and don’t stare at anyone in public.

10. English people avoid doing gestures such as backslapping and hugging. This is only done among close friends.

11. English people do not ask personal or intimate questions such as "How much money do you earn?" "How much do you weigh?" or "Why aren't you married?".

12. It is considered impolite to ask a lady her age.

13. Spitting in the street, picking one’s nose with fingers (not a handkerchief), burping after eating or drinking are very bad manners.


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