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Основной текст А: Offset Printing.
Формы инфинитива
Функции инфинитива Инфинитив является основной неличной формой глагола, от которой образуются все личные формы во всех временах. Формальный признак инфинитива – частица to (to read – читать, to live – жить). Перевод инфинитива зависит от его функции в предложении. Инфинитив может выполнять следующие функции. 1. Подлежащего: To design plans of new buildings is the work of an architect. Составлять проекты новых зданий – работа архитектора. 2. Части основного сказуемого: A natural desire of people is to study. Учиться – это естественное желание людей. To live is to work. Жить – значит работать. 3. Дополнения: Не often forgot to register the results of the experiment. Он часто забывал записать результаты эксперимента. He promised to come at once. Он обещал прийти сейчас же. 4. Обстоятельства. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства может стоять или в начале, или в конце предложения. Он отвечает на вопрос «для чего?» и может вводиться союзом so as (to) и in order to – для того, чтобы. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства переводится инфинитивом с союзом «для того, чтобы», «чтобы» или отглагольным существительным с предлогом «для». 1. (In order) to get this book I had to go to the library. Для того, чтобы получить эту книгу, мне пришлось пойти в библиотеку. 2. We study English (so as) to read English books on our specialty. Мы изучаем иностранный язык, чтобы читать книги по специальности. 5. Определения. Инфинитив в функции определения стоит после определяемого существительного, чаще всего имеет форму страдательного залога и отвечает на вопрос «какой?». Инфинитив в функции определения переводится определительным придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого имеет оттенок долженствования или будущего времени, например: The book to be translated is in that bookcase. Книга, которую нужно перевести, находится в книжном шкафу (Книга, которая будет переведена, находится в книжном шкафу). Инфинитив в функции определения после порядковых числительных the first, the second и пр. или после прилагательного the last переводится личной формой глагола в том времени, в котором стоит сказуемое английского предложения. He is always the first to come. Он всегда приходит первым. She was the last to join the group. Она последней присоединилась к группе.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив. 1. Soldiers and cossacs went to Siberia to find gold. 2. I am to go on an excursion tomorrow. 3. In order to be a concert pianist it is necessary to practice many hours every day. 4. We are glad to have met you. 5. The rules to be studied were very important. 6. Our task is to study English. 7. We decided to meet in the park. 8. The house to be built next month is of the newest construction. 9. To speak English well it is necessary to practice hard. 10. They can take part in social work. 11. He was the last to speak at yesterday’s meeting. 12. The film to be demonstrated at our club consists of two parts. 13. To be a good doctor it is necessary to study for many years. 14. The problem to be solved by our students is very difficult. Упражнение 2. Определите, в каких предложениях инфинитив выступает в функции подлежащего, в каких – в функции обстоятельства. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. To connect different districts of the city different means of transport are used. 2. To connect different regions of Siberia was not easy. 3. To make Omsk a garden – city many trees and flowers are planted every year. 4. To make the plan simpler is our task. 5. To speak much was not necessary. 6. To speak at the meeting she trained very much. 7. To pass examinations well students must work hard. 8. To attend all lectures is our duty. 9. To enter the Institute he studied at the preparatory courses for two months. 10. To retell children interesting stories was his hobby.
Упражнение 3. Докажите, что в данных предложениях инфинитив выступает в функции определения. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The lectures to be delivered are of great interest for the students. 2. The material to be studied is prepared in the laboratory. 3. The lecture to be attended by this delegation will take place in the hall. 4. The book to be translated is on the table. 5. The methods to be analyzed were used at our research institute. 6. He was the last to come to the meeting. 7. The scientist was the first to discover a new element. 8. German Titov was the second to fly into space.
Инфинитивные обороты В английском языке часто после ряда глаголов употребляется сложное дополнение, состоящее из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже + инфинитив. Эта конструкция называется «объектный инфинитивный оборот». Объектный инфинитивный оборот переводится придаточным предложением. Например: We know Isaac Newton to express the connection between force and motion in the form of laws. Мы знаем, что Ньютон выразил связь между силой и движением в форме законов. Инфинитив может входить также в состав так называемого «субъектного инфинитивного оборота». Субъектный инфинитивный оборот состоит из существительного или местоимения в именительном падеже и связанного с ним по смыслу инфинитива. Инфинитив в данном случае обозначает действие и переводится глаголом-сказуемым, а стоящее между ними сказуемое переводится неопределённо-личным предложением (типа «известно, говорят, сообщают» и т.д.). The delegation is reported to come on Monday. Сообщают, что делегация приедет в понедельник.
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на объектный инфинитивный оборот. 1. The students knew their friend to have served in the army. 2. We expected our team to win the first place. 3. They consider this plan to be an interesting one. 4. She knows her friend to be fond of music. 5. My mother wishes me to play the piano. 6. We know her to have been living here for 2 years. 7. The teacher supposes our group to be good at exact sciences. 8. I understand this work to be a difficult one. 9. We heard her sing very well. 10. The students consider their laboratories to be equipped with modern instruments. 11. The professor ordered the research to be done by the end of the year. 12. Our monitor wants all the students of her group to pass the exams well. 13. I don’t want you to miss lectures. 14. Our teacher expects us to take part in the competition. 15. My sister wants me to get a scholarship.
Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на субъектный инфинитивный оборот. 1. They are known to do their work well. 2. They have been heard to speak about this problem. 3. The students were supposed to know that law. 4. The children were seen to enter the house. 5. This method is believed to have given good results. 6. The method has been considered to give accurate results. 7. He seems to know this rule. 8. They seemed to listen attentively. 9. You seem to have forgotten about it. 10. Your friend appears to work hard. 11. The weather appears to be improving. 12. The picture proved to be the best at the exhibition. 13. This method proves to be reliable. 14. The process has proved to be complicated. 15. The process proves to give good results.
Vocabulary Notes Задание. Прочитайте новые слова вслух, познакомьтесь с их русскими эквивалентами. Определите их значения в данных предложениях.
1. grease – жир greasy – жирный Greasy ink repels water from printing areas in planographic printing. 2. to grind (ground, ground) – шлифовать, полировать The plate must be carefully ground and polished. 3. to etch – травить Etching and engraving are processes mostly used in gravure printing. 4. to moisten – увлажнять, смачивать To moisten offset plates he used water. 5. ink – краска to ink – окрашивать Printing areas are inked and non – printing areas repel greasy inks. 6. linseed oil – льняное масло Linseed oil is widely used in offset printing. 7. varnish – лак Inks and varnishes are applied in different branches of industry. 8. to adhere – прилипать, приставать To moisten offset plates he used water. 9. to repel – отталкивать repulsion – отталкивание Repulsion of ink by the non – image areas of the printing form is the principle of planographic printing. 10. breakthrough – прорыв Many technical breakthroughs took place in the 20th century. 11. offset – офсет, офсетная печать to offset – печатать офсетным способом; смещать The printing form first offsets the ink to the printing cylinder and then from the cylinder the ink is transferred to the printing stock. 12. flexible – гибкий Only flexible image – carriers are used in rotary printing. 13. rubber – резина Natural and synthetic rubber is a resilient material. 14. to transfer – переносить The inked image is transferred from the blanket cylinder. 15. substrate – подложка, материал Different substrates can be used in offset printing. 16. course – шероховатый, грубый Coarse substrates can be printed more easily than smooth ones. 17. advantage – преимущество Offset printing has many advantages for printing on paper. 18. to apply – применять application – применение Application of efficient and economical printing forms greatly improved offset printing. 19. to absorb – впитывать Inks should be quickly absorbed by printing surfaces. 20. gloss – лоск Gloss is one of paper qualities. 21. to employ – применять, использовать Stone plates were employed for over 100 years.
Text 2A Задание. Прочтите текст. Offset Printing It is over 200 years ago that Alois Senefelder invented the lithographic planographic printing process. Around 350 years earlier Gutenberg had introduced letterpress printing with moveable print elements (letters). Senefelder initially adopted this letterpress technique by using grease ink to write on carefully ground and polished Solnhofer slate and etch away the free areas leaving the remaining writing slightly raised. But he then discovered that if he moistened the surface of the stone with water before inking, etching was no longer necessary and, when inked, the non – image areas no longer took up ink. The ink, which consisted of linseed oil varnish, only adhered to the written areas. The acceptance of ink by the printing areas or repulsion by the non image areas of the printing form has to this day remained the principle of planographic printing. For over 100 years stone plates were used as the printing form in planographic printing. However, the considerably higher performance of the rotary printing process required a cylindrical printing form. The stone was replaced with grained zinc and aluminum plates with a polymer or varnish in the printing areas. The technical breakthrough in planographic printing cannot, however, be attributed purely to the fact that the printing form can be produced simply and economically. The move from direct printing to indirect printing was also extremely significant. With direct printing the printing form prints the substrate directly, while with indirect printing, the printing form first offsets the ink to another printing cylinder with a flexible rubber surface(hence the term offset), and it is this rubber that then transfers the ink onto the substrate. This enables coarse substrates to be printed more easily, i. e. more smoothly. In around 1904, the Americans Ira William Rubel, Fletcher Rogers and Caspar Hermann recognized the technical advantages of offset printing for printing on paper. The technical race for the construction of offset printing presses had begun. In particular the pre–printing stage has been revotionized in recent years. Plates produced film – free are practically state – of the – art, and the consistent development towards faster and more individual printing form manufacture is reflected in the first practical testing of direct imaging in the printing machine (computer – to – press). The speed of printing is also being constantly increased. In waterless offset printing it is possible to print without the use of water due to a special printing plate and ink design, and a printing plate for this application has been on the market since 1972. The plate repels ink in the non – printing areas even without moistening. The efficient and economical manufacture of printing forms and the highly developed machine technology have certainly contributed to the success of offset printing.
Упражнение 6. Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложе-ния на русский язык. 1. We know Lobachevsky to have dictated his «Pangeometry». 2. This is the material to be analysed. 3. This gas is to be used in our experiment. 4. Edison began to work when he was a boy. 5. This document is known to be of great interest for scientists. 6. Lobachevsky is considered to be «Copernicus of Geometry». 7. The lecture to be attended will take place at our Institute. 8. They must know this law. 9.We study English to read English books on our specialty. 10. In order to prove his theory Lobachevsky worked for many years. 11. They expect a new station to be put into operation next year. 12. To read books is useful. 13. She saw us go to the library. 14. Lomonosov is known to have founded the first University in Russia. Упражнение 7. Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложе-ния на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив. 1. This material is found to be useful. 2. This material is to be found in nature. 3. The metal to be found in this ore is of great importance. 4. He found this material to be very important. 5. The teacher wants this text to be translated at the lesson. 6. The text to be translated at the lesson was brought by the teacher. 7. This text is expected to be translated without a dictionary. 8. This text is to be translated without a dictionary. 9. They consider this book to be very difficult. 10. This book is considered to be difficult. 11. These facts are to be taken into consideration. 12. The facts to be considered are very complicated.
Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив. 1. Many machines are produced in Russia to bring mechanization into the composing process. 2. The design to be printed may to put on the metal plate by drawing directly on the metal. 3. In 1553 Ivan Grozni gave orders to build a house for printing. 4. The machine sends signals to control the operation of this section. 5. To produce a necessary surface on metal plates several processes have been tried out. 6. We suppose different papers to be used for particular printing methods. 7. Printing presses for letterpress work are known to be of three main types. 8. They consider this machine to be very good. 9. They are said to use these metals in platemaking. 10. Many German printing presses are known to be among the best models of the world. 11. We know the first Russian composing and casting machine to have been produced in 1937. 12. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 13. The purpose of this machine is to obtain a composition on a photo film. 14. The operator began to compose the next line.
Text 2B
Задание. Прочтите текст, стараясь понять его основное содержание (время просмотра текста 6 минут). Letterpress Printing Letterpress is the oldest form of printing; it is the method we have is mind when we speak of the invention of printing by Johannes Gutenberg more than 500 years ago. Printing and letterpress were synonymous until a relatively short time ago because letterpress was, and still is, the only reproduction method capable of using metallic types in the press. Metallic types on their part were historically the exclusive means for printing of reading matter. This condition remained unchanged for more than 200 years. It was first modified in the eighteenth century by the invention of stereotyping. Stereotypes made it possible to replace individual types for presswork with cast metal plates made from the original composition. The invention of electrotyping, made in the nineteenth century, added a second kind of duplicate plates and made it possible to free letterpress further from the limitations imposed on press construction and presswork by composition consisting of metallic types. But in spite of duplicate plates and composing machines, which were developed in the last third of the nineteenth century, metallic type remained the only means for converting reading matter into standardized letter forms. The next big step ahead was made after World War II when non – metallic composition became possible. The exclusive ability of letterpress to print directly from metallic types distinguished letterpress for hundreds of years from other printing methods. Even at present this ability can make letterpress a most economical printing method for jobs consisting mainly of reading matter, particularly when it is possible to print the whole job directly from type. Letterpress is especially well represented in job – and commercial printing. This is the name for printing as a service business. At this point it must be mentioned that many printed products can be produced by several printing methods. The zone of interchangeability of printing processes and methods is growing: consequently, we may find the same product listed as examples for the use of more than a single printing process or method. Letterpress is the traditional method for the printing of books: it serves for the production of most magazines, many in relatively small editions, but some of an enormous circulation. Other products produced by letterpress include advertising materials; envelopes and calling cards, catalogs of various kinds; labels, business forms; tickets and many other items. As mentioned before, most of these products are not necessarily printed in letterpress but can also be produced by other printing methods. One of the reasons for the great popularity of the letterpress method lies in its ability to produce printing in almost any required quantity with economy and dispatch. Упражнение 9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 2В 1. Who invented printing? 2. When was printing invented? 3. What is the characteristic feature of letterpress? 4. What is the advantage of stereotypes? 5. When did non – metallic composition appear? 6. Can a printed product be produced by several printing methods? 7. What can be printed by letterpress? 8. Why is letterpress printing still popular?
Text 2C
Задание 1. Прочтите текст. 1. Duplicate plates are extremely important relief image carriers. They made it possible to free letterpress from the limitations imposed by composition consisting of individual metallic types. Duplicate plates can be divided into four types: stereotypes, electrotypes, plastic plates and rubber plates. There are some distinctive features of duplicate plates. 2. Duplicate plates can be curved and used for long – run printing. All long – run printing is based on rotary presses. As type forms must be used flat and cannot be curved, they cannot serve for rotary printing. Their place is taken by curved duplicate plates. Some kinds of duplicate plates are made either flat or curved, others can be made flat and then curved, still others are sufficiently flexible not to need separate curving as they will conform by their own flexibility to the curvature of the cylinder. 3. Excellent wearing qualities are an important requirement for long – run printing. Duplicate plates rate highly in this respect. They have a much longer press life than the original material from which they are made. A chromium – faced electrotype, for example, will last ten times as long as the photoengraving from which it was made. 4. Duplicate plates permit the combining of many different original elements in a single image – carrier. Foundry types, slugs of type, wood engravings, photo engravings, and, if necessary, already existing stereotypes and electrotypes can all be combined for duplicate platemaking. 5. Rubber and plastic are materials which are not suitable for typesetting and photoengraving. But some methods of relief printing – flexography for example – cannot use image carriers consisting of metals but must have for their purposes more resilient materials such as natural or synthetic rubber. The only way to obtain such image carriers is by duplicate platemaking. 6. Special techniques can be used to correct some defects of original materials during the manufacturing steps of duplicate platemaking. Some duplicate plates are much lighter and less bulky than original material. This feature is important where plates must be stored for laer re – printing. Plastic duplicate plates, for example, which are widely used in book printing, occupy much less space than the original type forms from which they are molded. Duplicate plates are also much less heavy than these, a fact not to be forgotten. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How many types of duplicate plates do you know? What are they? 2. What plates are used for rotary printing? Why? 3. Why are duplicate plates used for long – run printing? 4. What different elements can be combined for duplicate platemaking? 5. How are rubber plates obtained? 6. What features of duplicate plates are important when they are stored for re – printing? Text 2D Задание 1. Прочтите текст. The anodized aluminum plate Litho stone has traditionally been regarded as the ideal lithographic surface for very definite reasons, because it is porous and able to readily accept both image and non – image areas equally. The printing from stones was obviously limited to the use of slow, flat – bed machines. To enable lithographers to use rotary presses a substitute plate, which could be wrapped around a cylinder, had to be found. Zinc plates were used for many years and later aluminium, but it was found necessary to grain the surface in an attempt to simulate the porous nature of the stone and thereby allow a minimum of water to be retained on the plate to give efficient damping to keep the non – image areas clean. The use of grained plates is far from ideal. The grain structure tends to cause tonal distortion, resulting in the characteristic broken – edged dots. Their use was further complicated by their tendency to oxidise. Aluminum has a natural oxide layer which improves its ability to retain moisture, but which sometimes causes a form of corrosion called oxidation.Plate maintenance and treatment to prevent oxidation could represent a considerable addition to machine time, particularly in the case of multi – colour presses. It was because of these problems that the anodized aluminium plate was developed and introduced successfully onto the market in the 1950s. The anodizing process is of an electro – chemical nature, which encourages the growth of the natural oxide layer, under carefully controlled conditions, to produce the anodic film – 99.9 per cent pure aluminium is used. The new metal is treated in a caustic solution which cleans it and magnifes any faults. The plate is then given a fine grain, usually by chemicals, and again immersed in the caustic bath to bleach it light grey. This colour allows the eventual image to be more readily visible. The plates are placed in the anodizing bath which is lead – lined and filled with approximately 15 per cent sulphuric acid solution. The lead lining acts as the cathode and the aluminium plate as the anode. At 20 oC a low current is passed through the bath, oxygen is released from the solution and the natural oxide layer is encouraged to grow as an integral part of the plate. At first a barrier layer is built up and then a cell layer containing minute pores. The thickness of the anodic layer is about 3 microns. When the plate is fully anodized it will not oxidise further and therefore stoppages for plate treatment are kept to a minimum, and plates do not have to be gummed - up for short stops. Anodized aluminum not only overcomes the problem of oxidation, but the anodic layer has lithographic qualities similar to litho stone. The capillaries in the non – image areas retain a minimum of moisture to give efficient damping, and with the smooth surface allow fine tonal reproductions. The advantages of the deep – etch process can be combined with those of the anodized plate. The only variations being the use of suitable etches which open and enlarge the pores in the anodic layer to accept the lacquer base and therefore the image is virtually absorbed into the porous surface, which gives the plate a much longer press life. By varying the voltage applied and the temperature of the anodizing bath the purity of the anodic film may be varied. Such a surface is available and accepts presensitised plate coatings. This has extended the range of presensitised plates, not only in length of run but in printing quality. Multi – metals Litho plates must have two distinct and opposing areas, called oleophilic and hydrophilic, which are formed on the one surface. Initially, lithographers observed that certain plates accepted grease far more readily than others, whilst others were more easily dampened. For example, the images on zinc plates tended to spread and thicken and it was once necessary to have a relatively course grain to retain sufficient moisture to keep the non – image clean. The reverse was found to be the case with grained aluminium – work tended to sharpen and a fine grain was used as water was easily retained. Therefore it was logically assumed that if an oleophilic material could be used for the image and a hydrophilic one for the non – image an ideal plate would be produced. Although more expensive than other plates the multi – metal is still relatively inexpensive when compared to other printing surfaces. The matt chromium surface of approximately 1,5 microns is hard and friction resistant and will not oxidize readily and therefore gumming up is not necessary for short press stops. Whichever multi – metal plate is used, they will give extremely long runs and prove to be efficient and require little damping to reproduce high – quality work. The selection of a particular plate must be governed by several factors, the principle being: length of run, whether the job is to be reprinted, cost, and reproduction quality. The quality of reproduction is also important. In this context it must be remembered that although it is possible to reproduce fine halftones on the plate, the plate is not the end product and must print well on the press. This is where the damping qualities of the non – image areas play a major part. Often a printer may select a more costly long run plate, such as anodized deep – etch or tri – metals which are capable of printing fine – quality work for a relatively short run but where a high standard is the key factor. Oral Practice Topic. Advantages and Disadvantages of Offset Lithography and Letterpress Printing. You are all students of Graphic Arts Department. You’d like to get the idea about kinds of printing and technological processes used to obtain the finished product, the most magic miracle of all miracles in the world the name of which is « Book ». I. Прослушайте или прочитайте информацию.
Letterpress is the oldest form of printing. This method was invented by Johannes Gutenberg 500 years ago. Letterpress is the most economical method of printing because it prints directly from metallic types. In the letterpress process the printing is performed by means of a raised surface: the type or blocks that are to be printed are raised above the non- printing areas. Letterpress is used for printing of books, magazines, business forms, tickets and so on. Most of these products are not necessarily printed in letterpress but can also be produced by other printing methods. Letterpress uses a lot of image-carriers. They can be divided into metallic composition, different kinds of pictorial image-carriers which can combine type images with pictures and a number of different duplicate plates. Four kinds of duplicate plates can be used in letterpress; stereotypes, electrotypes, rubber-plates and plastic plates. Electrotypes are the best duplicate plates. They are used for printing long runs with the highest quality and precision. Presses for letterpress printing may be divided into three groups: platen presses, flat-bed cylinder presses and rotary presses. Platen and flat-bed cylinder presses which can print from type forms are used for the production of shorter runs than rotary presses. Rotary presses can print much faster than platen and flat-bed cylinder presses and are therefore used for long runs. Plane printing uses printing image-carriers on which the printing areas and the non-printing areas are in the same plane. The principle of plane printing is based on the fact that grease and water do not mix. Non-printing surfaces receive water solution and printing areas must receive greasy ink and repel water. At present, offset lithography is the most important method of plane printing. It can produce many kinds of products. For example, books, magazines, newspapers, maps, package materials and so on. Offset lithography is an indirect printing method. In direct printing methods the printing image-carrier is inked and the resulting ink image is directly transferred, or impressed, into the printing stock where it becomes the printed image. In offset lithography the ink image is not transferred to the stock but applied to an intermediate surface called the blanket. From the blanket the ink image is then transferred again, now to the stock where it becomes the final printed image. Numerous presses are used for offset printing. Some of them are made for printing of sheets and some – for printing of webs. Web presses are faster than sheet-fed ones. II. Ответьте на вопросы, используя данные в скобках слова. 1.What kinds of duplicate plates for letterpress do you know? (stereotypes, electrotypes, plastic plates, rubber plates). 2. What kinds of presses for letterpress do you know? (platen, cylinder, rotary). 3. For what runs are electrotypes used? (long). 4. What quality have electrotypes? (highest). 5. What presses print faster: rotary or cylinder? (rotary). 6. What kinds of production are printed by letterpress? (books, magazines, business forms). 7. Where are printing and non – printing areas situated in plane printing? (in the same plane). 8. What presses are used for offset printing? (web presses, sheet-fed presses). 9. Where is the ink image applied in offset printing? (blanket). 10. Where is the ink image transferred from the blanket? (the printing stock). III. Разделите текст на смысловые части. IV. Озаглавьте каждую часть текста. V. Сделайте короткие сообщения на тему «Высокая печать» по данным группам слов. a. letterpress, invent, method of printing, use, print, produce; b. image-carriers, divide into, duplicate plates, stereotype, electrotype, plastic plate, rubber plate, run; c. rotary, flat-bed cylinder press, platen press, therefore, faster.
VI. Сделайте короткое резюме текста о высокой печати, используя выражения: The subject of the text is…… It is necessary to point out… Further I should like to say some words about… VII. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What products can offset printing produce? 2. What is the most important method of plane printing? 3. What is the principle of lithography? 4. Is offset lithography an indirect printing method? 5. What is the difference between direct and indirect printing methods? 6. What does the blanket serve for? 7. What machines work faster: web presses or sheet- fed ones? VIII. Обменяйтесь репликами о плоской печати типа: I think that…I suppose that….What is your opinion about… IX. Составьте краткую аннотацию текста о плоской печати, используя выражения: The subject of the text is…The text points out that….. It is shown that…The next part of the text is devoted to….The text also discusses…. X. Сделайте короткие сообщения о плоской печати, об офсетной печати, о машинах для плоской печати, используя данные группы слов. a. plane, plane printing, grease, water, mix, printing, non- printing, surfaces, receive, repel; b. indirect, ink image, transfer, apply, intermediate surface, blanket; c. web press, sheet – fed press, print, fast. XI. Выскажите свои соображения о достоинствах и недостатках высокой и плоской печати.
Lesson 3
Грамматика: Составные предлоги и союзы. Основной текст А: Intaglio Printing Составные предлоги
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на составные предлоги. 1.According to the information received by us the exhibition will open on May, 10. 2.The fisherman did not go into the open sea because of the storm. 3.All the calculations were made by means of electronic computer. 4.He achieved these results due to his hard work. 5.Inaddition to the oral examination they are given a written test. 6.The bus stop is just in front of my house. 7.I went to the post office in order to send a telegram. 8.I went on an excursion in spite of the rain. 9.May I go there tomorrow instead of today? 10. He could not go to work in the North on account of his poor health. 11. We could not get there in time owing to a severe storm. 12. The fire was quickly extinguished thanks to the energy of the fire brigade.
Составные союзы
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на составные союзы и предлоги. 1. Mу younger brother is as tall as I am. 2. I shall remember you as long as Ilive. 3. By means of this device we can carry out more operations now in shorter time. 4. The work is going on according to the time-table. 5. The new equipment was used in order to test the vibration of the engine. 6. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by the underground. 7. The engine did not operate because of bad fuel. 8. He takes part neither in conferences nor discussions. 9. The monument was restored in spite of many difficulties. 10. The book is interesting as well as useful. 11. Thanks to his help we finished our work early. 12. We decided to cross the mountains so that we could reach the village before dark 13. Who can repair the apparatus instead of him? 14. As soon аs all the calculations are completed, we shall begin the tests. 15. In addition to the usual methods of computation they made use of computers. 16. Both the bridge and the tunnel will be finished in time.
Vocabulary notes 1. to sink (sank, sunken) – опускать (ся), снижать (ся), погружаться On intaglio image carriers printing areas are sunken below the surfaces. 2. intaglio printing – глубокая печать Intaglio printing is one of the classic methods of printing. 3. engraving – гравирование Engraving is used for making intaglio image-carriers. engraver - гравёр, цинкограф The engraver works with a hand tool. 4. etching- травление The plate surface is first protected for etching non-printing areas. Etchant (mordant) – травящее вещество The etchant attacks the base metal. 5. to dissolve – растворять (ся) Mordant dissovles the base metal of the image – carrier. 6. to treat – обрабатывать The image is treated by the etchant for some time. 7. to deposit- осаждать, давать осадок Ink is deposited in different areas of the stock. 8. colour value – величина цвета Colour value is varied to the final printed image. 9. to account for – объяснять Variation of colour value accounts for the remarkable progress made by intaglio printing in picture reproduction. 10. flexible – гибкий, удобоприменяемый Intaglio printing is a very flexible process. 11. versatile – многосторонний Intaglio was so versatile that it developed method after method. 12. quill – перо (гусиное для письма и графики) Sometimes an artist creates images with a quill. 13. brush – кисть More often painters use brushes for pictures. 14. to duplicate – воспроизводить, копировать It is very difficult to duplicate a picture of a talented artist. 16. line – штрих, линия Intaglio methods developed from line to tone. 17. full – colour printing – полноцветная печать Full – colour printing can be achieved by intaglio methods. 18. to accomplish – совершать, выполнять Printmaking is accomplished by a slow, tedious process. 19. roller – валик Ink is applied by hand or by means of rollers. 20. dabber – тампон Dabbers are often used for inking plates. 21. to wipe – вытирать Plate is wiped clean on its surface with a rag. 22. to pull out – вытягивать Paper pulls out the ink out of intaglio cells. 23. minute – мелкий, мельчайший The image carrier consists of minute cells. 24. shallow – неглубокий Intaglio recesses are rather shallow. 25. recess – углубление Colour value depends on the depth of image recesses.
Text 3A Задание 1. Прочтите текст. Intaglio printing is the name of a process family comprising a variety of printing methods which all use printing image- carriers with the printing areas sunken, or embedded, in the depth of the carrier material. Such images are technically known as intaglio as opposed to relief images. In relief printing the ink image comes about in a single operation which consists in applying printing ink to the top surface of the relief image carrier. This surface is identical with the printing image. But in intaglio printing things are quite different. Here the non- printing areas are on the top of the image- carrier whereas the printing image is sunken in the depth of the carrier material. Printing image carriers for intaglio can be made by engraving, by etching, and by a combination of etching and engraving. The image carrier for intaglio is always a metal plate, usually copper, but possibly also zink or steel. The engraver works with hand tools that are much harder than the plate. For etching the plate surface is first protected by an acid proof resist in the non – printing areas and left bare in the future printing areas. Then the plate is treated with an etchant, often called mordant, which attacks the base metal, dissolves it and therewith produces an intaglio image. The depth of this image depends, other conditions being equal, on the length of time for which a particular area is treated by the etchant. The longer the etchant can act on the metal, the deeper the image becomes. Intaglio printing can vary the amount of ink to be deposited in different areas of the stock within the same press run: thereby is added a new feature, variation of colour value, to the final printed image. This unique ability accounts for the remarkable progress made by intaglio printing in the art and technique of picture reproduction. Intaglio was so flexible, so versatile that it developed method after method until it became possible to reproduce- more or less faithfully by etching and engraving the images which were created by an artist with his pencil, quill or brush. What human hands originated, human hands were also able to duplicate. Step by step, intaglio methods expanded the art of picture printing from line to tone, approaching continuous tone or even achieving a kind of full – colour printing. All this was accomplished long before the invention of photography and photomechanics revolutionized the reproduction of pictures. Intaglio plates for printmaking are printed on hand presses. As the ink must be very stiff, the plate is usually warmed prior to inking: the ink is applied by hand either with a roller or a dubber. Then the plate is wiped clean on its surface with a rag. Inking an intaglio plate is far from being a mechanical operation. The appearance of the final print can be greatly changed by the manner in which the plate is inked. The paper must be dampened for printing: thereby it becomes limp and able to pull the ink out of the minute and shallow intaglio recesses of the image carrier. Printmaking is slow and tedious business, and the number of prints than can be taken from a handmade itaglio plate is relatively small. But printmaking affords a satisfaction of its own to the practicing artist. For the printer, fine – art printmaking connects the industrial present with the handicraft past and with a great tradition of picture reproduction. Such famous artists as Duerer, Rembrand, Goya all made their own etchings, and so did many others. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What printing image – cariers are used for intaglio printing? 2. What is the difference between intaglio and relief images? 3. How can image carriers for intaglio be made? 4. What metals are used in intaglio platemaking? 5. How is etching of the plate accomplished? 6. What is the reason of the remarkable progress made by intaglio printing? 7. What method is used for creating intaglio plates? 8. What famous artists accomplished picture reproduction? Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, предварительно вспомнив, как переводится причастие I и II, а также независимый причастный оборот. 1. The research work done at this laboratory will greatly help the printers. 2. Working at the composing machine the operator must be very attentive. 3. The illustrations produced at this print shop are always of high quality. 4. Photocomposition being widely used in graphic arts, our country needs more specialists in this field. 5. The man showing the ingredients of the printing inks to the students is our engineer technologist. 6. Gravure plate has many cells of different sizes, some of them holding more ink than the others. Упражнение4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундия. 1. Printing in lithography is accomplished by applying ink and water solution to the specially treated areas of the plate. 2. You can’t develop graphic arts industry without developing photographic methods. 3. After making the impression the plate is inked again. Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на составные предлоги и союзы. 1. According to the information the press meets the present – day requirements. 2. The operation of the press was unreliable due to the bad work of the printing unit. 3. The dampening of the plate was made by means of a special device. 4. As soon as you check whether all parts of the machine function well, you may begin the test. 5. The new plastic to be used for this purpose has to be both strong and elastic. 6. Because of frequent breakdowns of the press the task wasn’t carried out in time. 7. The more reliable the operation of the press, the better the results obtained. 8. Не works four hours every evening in addition to the work he does during the day. 9. Neither intaglio nor offset lithography are used for banknote printing. 10. They are going to start the construction of the new shop either this or next summer. Text 3B Задание 1. Прочтите текст, стараясь понять основное содержание. (Заметьте время начала и окончания чтения. Этот текст нужно прочесть за 5 минут).
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