Intaglio, Gravure or Photogravure Printing 

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Intaglio, Gravure or Photogravure Printing


Gravure is a method of printing from a cylinder or plate in which the design is sunken below the surface as distinguished (в отличие) from relief printing. Intaglio printing is produced from copper cylinders and plates on sheet –fed and web rotary machines.

The gravure processes which provide the printing surface on the cylinder or plate are almost completely photographic in technique.The sunken portions are cells which hold the ink for impression. We know the cells to be of constant width, which is determined by the screen (растр) used. Screen may be as fine as 300- line, but normal work requires a 150- line screen or approximately 22,000 cells to the square inch. The deeper the etch (травление) the darker the tonal value.

As gravure cylinder is ground and polished to close tolerance (малый допуск) no make- ready (приправка) is necessary. Therefore the first impression is as clear and sharp as the last one and the gravure process does not depend upon individual skill and experience as any other printing method. To make a printed impression, the cylinder or plate revolves in the ink container so that the cells will be filled with ink. Then the cylinder revolves further and the surplus (излишек) ink is mechanically wiped off by a steel scraper (скребок) leaving the non-printing surface clean but permitting the ink to remain in the cells. The cylinder now completes its revolution and the ink remaining in the cells is transferred to the moving web by pressure exerted by a rubber impression roller. This roller presses the web against the engraved cylinder and the web lifts the ink from the cells.

Задание 2. Выберите утверждение, соответствующее содержанию текста.

1. The printing surface on the cylinder or plate is provided by:

a. a printing methods

b. almost photographic methods

c. a scraper

2. The darker tonal value is made by:

a. shallow etch

b. inking

c. deeper etch

3. The ink remaining in the cells is transferred:

a. to the moving web

b. to the cylinder

c. to the ink container

4 Intaglio printing is produced from a cylinder or plate:

a. in which the design is raised above the surface

b. in which the design is on the plane

c. n which the design is sunken below the surface

Text 3C

Задание 1. Прочтите текст, отыскивая в нём ответы на поставленные вопросы.

1. What is sheet- fed gravure?

2. What presses is sheet – fed gravure done on?

3. What presses is rotogravure done on?

4. What image carriers are used for sheet – fed gravure?

5. What image carriers are applied for rotogravure?

Sheet – Fed Gravure and Rotogravure

Sheet – fed gravure and rotogravure are based on photography and photo mechanics: both printing methods are capable of reproducing continuous tone pictures, and also line drawings together with type images. Sheet – fed gravure is often designated as photogravure in distinction from rotogravure. Unfortunately these two names do not indicate the true differences between the two intaglio methods to which they are applied. These differences lie neither in the use of photography on which both methods are based- nor in the rotary principle of printing, because this principle, too, is common to both. Technically speaking the main differences between the methods are two: first, that photogravure is done on sheet-fed presses, whereas rotogravure uses exclusively roll- fed equipment: and second, that the image carriers of photogravure are flat metal plates (in the USA mostly), whereas those for rotogravure are etched metal cylinders. (In Europe, sheet- fed gravure is often done with etched cylinders rather than flat plates as image-carriers).

Text 3D

Задание. Прочтите текст, пользуясь полиграфическим словарём для понимания всех деталей описания.


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