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My friend is a children’s doctor now.Содержание книги
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My friend’s name is Peter. He and I are doctors now, but eleven years ago we were students at a Medical college in Moscow. We lived a long way from the college, but we liked to walk there in fine weather. Our classes usually lasted till four o’clock in the afternoon, and then we worked hard at home. We sometimes stayed after classes to play volleyball, but on week-ends we were usually at home by 9 o’clock. We received a lot of medical journals and often discussed interesting articles in them. In his third year Peter decided to be a children’s hospital in Kiev. He loves his work and often writes to me about it. “Whose name’s Peter?” “My friend’s.” “What does he do?” “He’s a doctor.” “Was he a doctor eleven years ago?” “No, he was a student then” “When did he decide to be a children’s doctor?” “In his third year at the Medical college.” “Does he like his work?” “Yes, he loves it.”
3. To present new grammar (10 min) 4. Checking home task (10 min) 5. Grammar exercise (15 min)
Ex. 9 p. 115 Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слова, данные в скобках, в притяжательном падеже. 1.Whose exercise-book is this? (my sister) 2.Whose son lives in Kiev? 3.Whose pen’s on the table?(our teacher) 4.Whose mark’s good?(my son) 5.Whose name’s Peter?(Comrade Petrov)
Ex. 5 p. 114 Translate sentences into English, pay attention to time of the verb.
6.Conclusion (2 min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 38 Lexical theme: Climate and weather Grammar theme: The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb «to be». Possessive case of the noun. Aims: 1.To develop speaking skills 2.To revise grammar material: The Past Indefinite Tense of the verb «to be». Possessive case of the noun.
1. Organizational moment (3 min) 2. Active words (10 min): Active words and word combinations: fourth, a child, eleven, a year, ago, a college, to go to college, to be at college, weather, till, then, to play, to play volley-ball (football, tennis hockey),weekend, on weekends, interesting, to decide, a hospital to go in hospital, to be in hospital, to love.
3. To present new grammar (10 min) 4. Checking home task (10 min) 5. Grammar exercise (15 min)
Ex. 6 p. 114 Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола to be в Past Simple. 1.Они были здесь час назад. Он вовремя пришел на урок вчера? 2.Вы были в понедельник утром? -Нет, я был в Министерстве. 3.Его не было дома в среду вечером. 4.Его не было дома в среду вечером.
Ex. 8 p. 115 Переведите на английский язык следующие сочетания слов. 1.Комната моего друга. 2.Комнаты моего друга. 3.Комната моих друзей. 4.Комнаты моих друзей. 5.Сын этого инженера. 6.Сыновья нашего преподавателя. 7.Диктант этого студента. 8.Письма наших экономистов. 9.Сестра вашей преподавательницы. 10.Подруга Мэри. 11.Письмо Петра Иванова.
6. Conclusion (2 min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 39 Lexical theme: My last week-end. Grammar theme: The Past Indefinite Tense of the irregular verbs. Aims:
1. Organizational moment (3 min) 2. To check the content of the text p. 119 and answer the questions (10 min): My last week-end A week ago my friend Boris Klimov came to Moscow from Leningrad. On Saturday he came to see me and my family. We decided to send the week end together and Klimov stayed with us till Monday. We woke up late on Saturday. We got up at nine o’clock, washed and dressed. Then we had breakfast. “What d’you usually do on Sunday. Boris asked us at table “We often go to the country”, my wife answered. “Sometimes we go to the theatre. or the cinema.” “Do you often go to Central Park? -he asked again.” “We went there last month. It’s a very nice park. We like it very much Do you want to go there, Boris?” “Oh, yes, I would love to. The weather’s very nice today.” We went to the park with our children. We skated and ski’d and the children played with their little friends. We came home at two o’clock. Boris and I played chess after dinner and we went to the cinema in the evening. The film was interesting and not very long. It began at 7 o’clock and it was over by 8. We didn’t want to go home so early and want to see my parents. They were very glad to see us and we had supper together. We didn’t go home late, but we didn’t go to bed at once. Boris wrote two letters to our friends in Leningrad and read them to us. We went to bed at 12 o’clock.
3. To present new grammar (10 min) 4. Checking home task (10 min) 5. Grammar exercise (15 min)
Ex. 7 p. 126 Full fill the gaps with the prepositions where necessary. 1.My friend likes playing … chess. He spends a lot … time … it. Yesterday he played chess … six … the evening and only got … home … ten. 2.We spent Sunday … the country. We went … there early … the morning and got back …town … late … the evening. 3.We decided to ask our friends … dinner tomorrow. … dinner we’re going … Central Park. 4.What are we having … dinner today? 5.My friend lives … the country and he lives it very much. His house is a long way … his office. He goes … town. Every morning. He is always … time … work. 6.I don’t want to go … the cinema tonight. My wife and I are going … a walk. 7.Does your friend play … chess well? I’, going to have a game … chess … him.
6. Conclusion (2 min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 40 Lexical theme: The climate of your city Grammar theme: The place of the direct and indirect object in sentence. Aims: 1.To study the vocabulary to the theme 2. To get acquainted with the place of the direct and indirect object in sentence.
1. Organizational moment (2min) 2. Read the explanations to the text “My last week-end” at p. 120. (15 min): 3. Grammar exercises: (1) (30 min)
Ex. 5 p. 125 Full fill the gaps with verbs to give and to take in appropriate form and translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex. 6 p. 125 Translate the following sentences paying attention to pronoun его, их.
Now you tell someone else what Tom said (in reported speech): - Tom said (that) his parents were very well. - Tom said (that) he was going to give up his job. - Tom said (that) Ann had bought a new car. - Tom said (that) he couldn’t come to the party on Friday. - Tom said (that) he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go. - Tom said (that) he was going away for a few days and would phone me when he got back.
A) The past simple (I did) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (I had done): did à did or had à done Direct Tom said “I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed.” Reported Tom said (that) he woke up (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or had stayed) in bed.
4. Conclusion (3min) Literature 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 41 Lexical theme: My friend’s family. Grammar theme: To have/ to have (has) got. Aims: 1.To study the theme “My friend’s family” 2. To get acquainted with new grammar material to have/ to have (has) got.
1. Organizational moment (2min) 2. Read and answer the questions to the text “My friend’s family” p. 131 (1) (15min) My friend’s Family My friend’s name is Lavrov. He lives in Moscow. His Family is not very large. He has got a wife and two children. His wife’s name is Mary and his children’s names are Ann and Nick. Comrade Lavrov’s wife is a young woman. She’s 29 years old. She’s a lecturer. She teaches English at the Institute of Foreign Languages. She’s got very many students. She hasn’t got bad students. Her students do well as a rule. My friend’s daughter is a girl of ten. She goes to school. She does a lot of subjects at school. She also learns English. She works hard and knows the language well. She doesn’t make many mistakes in English. She is a pioneer. She likes reading. She also helps her mother at home. Comrade Lavrov’s son is a little boy. I think he was born 5 or 6 years ago. His father takes him to a nursery school every morning. My friend’s got a sister. She’s going to be a doctor, and she’s leaving her Institute this year. She’s a young Communist. She’s married. Her husband’s an engineer. My friend hasn’t got any brothers.
3. Grammar exercises: Ex. 2, 3 (1) (30 min)
Ex. 2 p. 134 Put following sentences in negative and interrogative form.
Ex.3 p. 134 Make sentences according following examples, use given words. Example: 1. I’ve got a family. I haven’t got a family. Have you got a family? A son, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a father, skates, skis, an English magazine, a text-book, a question. Example 2: I have (had) dinner at two. Do (did) you have dinner at two? I don’t (didn’t) have dinner at two. Is he having a dinner now? To have breakfast (supper), a dictation, a test, classes, one’s English (French, German) Example 3: I’ve got (haven’t got) a cold now. I often have (don’t often have) colds. Time, work, a cold, colds
4. Conclusion (3min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 42 Lexical theme: Cities and countries Grammar theme: Indefinite pronouns «some, any». Aims: 1.To study the theme “My friend’s family” 2.To get acquainted with new grammar material Indefinite pronouns «some, any».
1. Organizational moment (2min) 2. To get acquainted with new grammar material Indefinite pronouns «some, any». (15min) 3. Grammar exercises: Ex. 4, 5, 6 p. 135 (1) (30 min)
Ex. 4 p. 135 Answer the questions, pay attention on using verbs to have and to have got.
Ex. 5 p. 135 Translate sentences into English, pay attention on using verbs to have and to have got.
Ex. 6 p. 135 Translate sentences into Russian; explain using of indefinite pronouns some, any.
4. Conclusion (3min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012 Lesson 43 Lexical theme: My sister’s flat. Grammar theme: «There is», «There are» in Present and Past Indefinite Tense. Aims:
1. Organizational moment (2min) 2. To get acquainted with «There is», «There are» in Present and Past Indefinite Tense. (15 min)
My sister’s flat. My sister left her Institute two years ago and went to work in Norilsk. She’s an engineer and works at a factory. She’s got a very comfortable flat last month in a new block of flats. It’s on the third floor. I got a letter from my sister on the 5-th of March with several pictures of the city and her flat. This is a picture of my sister’s flat. Look at it. There’s a study and a bedroom in it, there isn’t a sitting –room or a dinning-room. She has a living-room and she uses it as a sitting-room and a dinning-room. There’s also a kitchen and a bathroom in her flat, but you can’t see them in this picture. This is her living-room. The walls in his room are yellow. The ceiling’s white and the floor’s brown. You can see a square table in the middle of the room. There’s a vase of flowers on it. There’s an arm-chair and standard-lamp in the corner. There’s also a piano in the room. My sister plays the piano very well. She loves music. To the right of the piano you can see a door. It’s open. “Can you see a writing- table?” “Yes, I can.” “Are there any books on it?” “Yes, there are some.” “What else is there on writing –table?” “There’s a telephone and a radio set on it.” “Is the television set on the table too?” “No, I can’t see it.” “Is there a sofa in this room?” “No, there isn’t a sofa, but there’s a book-case in the corner.” “Which room’s this?” “It’s the study.” To the left of the piano you can also see a door. It’s open, too. “Are there many things in that room?” “No, there aren’t” “Which room’s that?” “It’s the bedroom.” “Is my sister’s flat comfortable?” “How many rooms are there in her flat?”
3. Grammar exercises: ex. 1, 3 p. 146 (1) (15 min)
Ex. 1 p. 146 Define in which sentences you would use there is/are.
Ex. 3 p. 146 Put following sentences into negative and interrogative forms.
4. Do an ex. on «There is», «There are» in Present and Past Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences(15 min):
5. Conclusion (3min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 44 Lexical theme: Sightseeing of your city Grammar theme: Modal verbs: can, to be able to. Aims: 1.To answer the questions to the text “My sister’s flat”. 2.To get acquainted with modal verbs: can, to be able to.
1. Organizational moment (2min) 2. To get acquainted with Modal verbs: can, to be able to. (15 min) 3. Doing exercises on modal verbs: can, to be able to. (15 min):
MAY Разрешение (можно) You may take my pen. (можете) You may not touch it. (нельзя) May I come in? (можно?) В косвенной речи: Mother said that I might (сказала, что можно) Предположение (может быть) It may rain soon, (может быть, пойдет дождь) Be careful: you may fall, (можешь упасть) Translate into Russian 1. May I invite Nick to our house? 2. You may go now. 3. If you have done your homework, you may go for a walk. 4. Don't go to the wood alone: you may lose your way. 5. May I go to the post office with Mike? 6. May I take Pete's bag? 7. Don't give the vase to the child: he may break it. 8. May we take notes with a pencil? 9. You may not cross the street when the light is red. 10. May I shut the door? 11. It stopped raining, and mother told us that we might go out. 12. May children play with scissors? 13. Theymay travel by sea. It may be cheaper, but it take a long time. 14. It may be true. 15. May I come and see you? 16. Where have you been, may I ask? MUST Долженствование You must respect your parents, (должны) You must not go there, (нельзя) Must I learn it by heart? (должен?) Предположение (должно быть) It must be cold outside, (должно быть) Translate into Russian 1. You must work hard at your English. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese? 5. You must not talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school in time. 7. Don't ring him up: he must be very busy. 8. You must not make notes in the books. 9.I must help my mother today. 10. Don't worry! This is not important. — Not important! You must be joking! 11. He never comes to work late! He must have overslept today. 12. You must not argue with the boss. 13. She must stop eating much and she must lose weight. 14. You must stop smoking! If you don’t, you’re going to have serious problems with your lungs some day. Put can or may 1.... I come in? 2. Let me look at your exercises. I... be able to help you. 3. I... not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than two minutes in the water. But this year he says I... stay in for fifteen minutes if I like, so I am going to learn to swim. 4. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes... get books there. 5. I... come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 6. Take your raincoat with you: it... rain today. 7. Do you think you... do that? 8. I... finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more. 9.... we come and see you next Sunday at three o'clock in the afternoon? 10. What is it? It …be about six o’clock, but I am not sure. 11. Only a person who knows the language very well... answer such a question.
4. Conclusion (3 min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lesson 45 Lexical theme: Sightseeing of your city Grammar theme: Participle II. Aims: 1.To check the lexical material. 2.To study the text “At the library”.
1. Organizational moment (2 min) 2. To make up sentences using the words and wordcombinations (10 min) A picture, several, square, round, the place of sightseeing, a theatre, a ticket, all over the place, a place of interest, a monument, wonderful, to be pleased, to look round, different, an invitation, highly developed.
3. Grammar exercises: Ex. 1-3 p. 162 (1) (25 min) Ex 1 p. 162 Read the text aloud. To get books their books are easy take the book I like Dickens in English or in Russian leaves the library Don’t bring Here it is
Ex. 2 p. 162 Read the following words. Again, aside, sofa, comrade, village, moderate, receive, begin, repeat, repeat, rebuke, ticket, teacher, interval, picnic, army, pilot, pardon,institute, multitude, difficult, doctor, motor, grammar Ex. 3 p. Define which part of the sentences are the following words and translate them. Childhood Adviser graduation wrongly Recently Brotherhood easily literature Easy Advisable returnable rightly
4. Checking home work (10 min) 5. Conclusion (3min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
Lexical grammatical test
Beauty is only skin deep.
a) hold b) drum c) shake d) wrinkle
a) eye shadow b) eye liner c) mascara d) powder
a) hairdresser b) beautician c) director d) make up artist
a) purse b) clench c) raise d) nod
a) skin care b) well defined features c) tailored wear d) cosmetic surgery
a) mugging b) embezzlement c) loitering with intent d) littering
a) fraud b) slander c) manslaughter d) trespassing
a) capital punishment b) community service c) probation d) revocation of privilege
a) Justice of the Peace b) Solicitor c) Barrister d) Judge
a) make a killing on smth b) kill 2 birds with one stone c) the law of jungle d) fringes of society
a) throw oneself on the mercy of the court b) bridge the generation gap c) rob Peter to pay Paul d) take the law into one’s own hand 3. Conclusion (3min) Literature: 1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012
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