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The aim and task of practical lessons


Aim and task of discipline, its place in scholastic process.

Discipline "English" is one of the most actual in process of the education student since is it here considered lexicon of the business, contact and Grammatik of English - a language of international importance.

The main purpose of the education foreign language as subject of the general block in high school of the economic direction is an education to practical possession colloquial-home speech and language to professions for active using the foreign language, both in everyday, and in professional contact.

Given syllabus provides the learning of student to special volume of the language knowledge, attaching to knowledge simultaneously and information as professional, so and etnocultural and the general human nature, realizing, thereby, thesis humanism of learning the future specialist.



7.2. Calendar – thematic plan:

Week Name of theme Practice (hours)
Lexical Grammatical
  Introducing yourself.   Conception about word and phrasal stress. Conception about intonation. Descending tone.  
  Introducing yourself.   Sentence. Conception about noun and pronoun clauses in English language.  
  My first day at the university. Some rules about stress and melodic in English language. Rhythm in English language.  
  Students’ life. Gender and number of the noun. Conception about object. Conception about attribute.  
  Family unity. Family relations. Descending tone. Intonation of statement. Full and reduced forms of auxiliary words.  
  My best friend. Relations. Conception about Infinitive. Verb “to be” in 3rd person singular. Pronoun “it”. Conception about article. Indefinite article.  
  My flat/house. Diphthongs: ch, sh, tch, th, ck. Intonation of address  
  The house of my dream. Definite article. Demonstrative pronouns. Plural form of nouns that ends on –s, -x, -ss, -sh, -ch.  
  Appearance description. Traits of character. Diphthongs: ar, ng, nk. Stress in dissyllable.  
  Food. Healthy and fast food. Question sentences. General question. Plural form of nouns that ends on “y”. The absence of article before noun.  
  Restaurant. Word-formation consonants. Intonation of greeting. Negative sentences with verb “to be”. Alternative questions. Object sentences.  
  Sport and healthy life style. Personal pronouns. Conjugation of verb “to be” in Present Tense. Prepositions of place and direction.  
  Traditional holidays in Kazakhstan and abroad. Equivalents of modal verbs. Negative form of imperative mode. Special questions. Participle I. the Present Continuous Tense.  
  Climate and weather. The climate of your city. Primary and secondary stress. Possessive pronouns. Special questions beginning with question words: who, whose, where.  
  Cities and countries. Sightseeing of your city. Word combinations: all, alk, wr, igh. Expressing relations of genitive case with preposition “of”  

Lesson 1

Lexical theme: Introducing yourself.

Grammar theme: Conception about word and phrasal stress.


  1. To acquaint with common notions upon money
  2. To revise conception about word and phrasal stress.
  3. To write the dictation on the theme


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. Reading the new text one at p. 22 (10 min)

3. To present new grammar: conception about word and phrasal stress. (15 min)

4. Write a dictation upon the theme (20 min)

Put the verb in brackets in an appropriate tense:

Junk story that beat the experts

The strangest story I (a) _____ ever _____ (report) began one Spring morning in Hong Kong. I was born and brought up in Hong Kong and I (b) _______ just _______ (start) working as a radio reporter there.

In March 1981, ninety-five fishing junks (c)_______ (spot) sailing over the horizon. Immediately they (d) _______ (surround) by police launches who thought they were trying (e) _______ (sneak) into Hong Kong against the law.

One of Hong Kong’s greatest problems is trying to keep out thousands of people who think life there (f) _______ (be) better than in China, and try to smuggle themselves in. Hong Kong is already the most crowded place in the world, and there’s no room for more people.

But when the police asked the junk people why they (g) _______ (come) they (h) _______ (get) a shock. They said they (i) _______ (stay) for a few days (j) _______ (escape) the terrible calamity that was about (k) _______ (strike) their villages in China.

They said there was complete panic at home because everyone (l) _______ (believe) an earthquake (m) _______ (come).

5.Conclusion (2 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012

Lesson 2

Lexical theme: Introducing yourself.

Grammar theme: Conception about intonation. Descending tone.


  1. To repeat main notions upon the theme.
  2. To discuss the previous theme.

3. To brush-up Conception about intonation. Descending tone.


1. Organizational moment (2 min)

2. Doing training exercises at p.19 (10 min)

1. [i:]














3. Doing exercise 2 p. 22 (20 min)

Define how many letters and vowels in each of the following word.

Ben, meet, tell, be, ten, feet, tent, bed, bede.

4. Checking home task (15 min)

5. Conclusion (3 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012


Lesson 3

Lexical theme: Introducing yourself.

Grammar theme: Sentence.


1. To acquaint with how students introduce themselves.

2. To introduce with structures of English sentence.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. Students introduce themselves to group mates (10 min):

3. Asking new words at p. 22 (1) (10 min)

Meet, tell, me, be, ten, pen, bed, Ben, Ted, Pete.

To present new grammar material (25 min)

Ex: 2 p.27. Size, Bess, type, sees, vine, fine, tie, test, spell, life, mine, type, bid, did, pit.

Text Three:

My name a name a bad day

My map a map a fine day

My plan a flat a bad plan

My flat a man a bad pen

My lamp a plan a nice lamp

It is a map It’s a map

It is a lamp It’s a lamp

It is a nice flat It’s a nice flat

It is a fine day It’s a fine day

It is a bad plan It’s a bad plan

5. Conclusion (3 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012


Lesson 4

Lexical theme:: My first day at the university.

Grammar theme: Conception about noun and pronoun clauses in English language.


  1. To repeat the previous material
  2. To introduce with conception about noun and pronoun clauses in English language.


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. To discuss the content of the rules of reading at p. 18 (10 min)

Text four:

A fine film the film ten films

A bad bag the bag five bags

A black cap the cap nine caps

A clean page the page seven pages

A thick match the match ten matches


Please give me a match, Jane. This is a bad match. Please give me that match.

This is a bag. The bag’s big. It’s a big bag.

That’s a cap. The cap’s black. It’s a black cap.

That’s a thin pencil. Give me that pencil, please.


Ex: 3 p.39. Cap, can, ice, came, nice, cat, neck, mice, fact, space, peck, pace, kin, keen, pact, face, gate, gem, gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, game, beg, gag, jam, Jim, Jack, Jane, sky, shame, dish, she, ship, shape, shave, fish, shine, chest, chin, match, catch, fetch, chick, chill, this, that, these, than, them, theme, faith, thick, thin.


3. Checking homework (20 min)

4. Check the vocabulary p. 22 (1) (15 min)

5. Conclusion (2 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012


Lesson 5

Lexical theme: My first day at the university.

Grammar theme: Some rules about stress and melodic in English language.


1. To perfect translator skills

2. To brush up the stress and melodic in English language.

3. To get acquainted with rules of reading.


1. Organizational moment (2 min)

2. To get acquainted with rules of reading at p. 24 (10 min)

3. Grammar exercise 1, 2 p. 27 (20 min)

1.Name the letters one by one in the following words:

Size, Bess, type, sees, vine, fine, tie, test, spell, life.

2. Define how many letters and vowels in each of the following word.

Size, seven, spell, tie, nine, seen

4. Study the vocabulary at p. 27 (10 min)

My, tie, life, seven, send, find, it, spell, test, nine, let.

5. Checking home task (5 min)

6. Conclusion (3 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012


Lesson 6

Lexical theme: My first day at the university.

Grammar theme: Rhythm in English language.


  1. To develop speaking skills
  2. To revise grammar material rhythm in English language.


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. To check the content of the text p. 26 (10 min):

3. To present new grammar (10 min)

4. Checking home task (10 min)

5. Grammar exercise 7, 8 at p. 28 (15 min)

Ex: VI. Read the following nouns aloud:

Pens, sets, beds, tips, bess, pits, lips, lies, bids, nets, seeds, tests, lids.


Ex: VII. p.40.

1.This is … cap. … cap’s black. 2. This is … match. It’s … thin match. That’s … thick match. 3. This is … fine film. 4. This is … pen. … pen’s black. 5. Please give me … pen, Kate. 6. Please take that pencil, Jane. Please give me … pencil. It’s … bad pencil.

The rules of reading:

[h] [r] [a:]

he - hay red – read start - tart

his – hat rain – risk arm - cart

him – hand rest – rent large – lark


[j] [k] [g] [k-g]

yes can-cake gap-bag back-bag

yell came-make gave-beg lack-lag

yelp keep-peak give-big sick-big



Conclusion (2 min)


1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012

Lesson 7

Theme: Students’ life.

Grammar theme: Gender and number of the noun.


  1. To develop speaking skills

2. To revise grammar material: Gender and number of the noun.


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. To check the content of the text p. 26 (10 min):

3. To present new grammar (10 min)

4. Checking home task (10 min)

5. Grammar exercise 3, 5 at p.27 (15 min)

Ex:III. Write in different columns words with sounds [ i:, e, i, ai]

Mine, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, vine, me, meet, lend, mete, eve, seem, pep, beef, ebb, see, send, pie.


Ex:V. Read the following words aloud and explain the rule.

Type, tin, fine, pin, lip, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, fist, miss, pens, less, lends, seems, size, zest, send.


Text five:

His name a big city Is it black?

His baby a red tie Is it clean?

His exam a thick pen Is it large?


My name’s Nick. This is my flat. It’s large and clean. My flat’s in Kiev. Kiev is a city. It’s a big city.

Is Kiev a city? - Yes, it is.

Is it a big city? – Yes, it’s very big.

Find Text Six, Jack, and read it, please.

My pen’s bad. Please give me that red pen.


6. Conclusion (2 min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 8

Theme: Students’ life.

Grammar theme: Conception about object. Conception about attribute.


  1. To develop speaking skills

2. To revise grammar material: Conception about object. Conception about attribute.


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. To check the knowing of new active words at p. 27 (10 min)

My, tie, life, seven, send, find, it, spell, test, nine, let.

3.To present new grammar (10 min)

Ex: VI p.45. Answer the questions:

  1. Is this a pen?
  2. Is this pen red?
  3. Is that a pencil?
  4. Is his name Nick?
  5. Is this lamp bad?
  6. Is this a map?
  7. Is it a large map?
  8. Is this my bag?
  9. Is that match thin?
  10. Is this flat clean?
  11. Is this bag big?
  12. Is Minsk a big city?


Ex: VII p.45. Put these sentences in question form:

  1. My tie is red.
  2. His flat is large and clean.
  3. His baby is in Minsk.
  4. My pen is bad.
  5. His hat is black.
  6. Jack is in Kiev.
  7. Nick is in Minsk.


4. Checking home task (10 min)

5. Active word dictation. (15 min)

6. Conclusion (2 min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 9

Lexical theme: Students’ life.

Grammar theme: Descending tone. Intonation of statements.


1. To study the theme “Students’ life.”

2. To get acquainted with new grammar material Descending tone. Intonation of statements.


1. Organizational moment (3 min)

2. To check the content of the text p. 33 (10 min):

3. To present new grammar (10 min)

4. Checking home task (10 min)

5. Grammar exercise 1, 2 at p. 34 (1) (15 min)

Ex:I. Name the letters in the following words:

Sad, made, stale, fit, deep, film, fail.


Ex:II. Define how many letters and sounds in each of the following word.

Name, day, please, nice, fine, deep, beat, Spain.


Ex: IX p.46. Put the articles, where necessary:

1. This is … nice city.

2. … pen’s red, and … pencil’s black.

3. Please give Bess … pen and … pencil.

4. Read … page ten, please.

5. Minsk is … big city.

6. Please send Jane … text.

7. This is his … flat.

8. Please give me … black pencil.

9. This is … text. Read … text, please.

6. Conclusion (2 min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 10

Lexical theme: Family unity. Family relations.

Grammar theme: Full and reduced forms of auxiliary words.


1. To study the vocabulary to the theme

2. To get acquainted with full and reduced forms of auxiliary words.

3. To get acquainted with rules of reading.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. To get acquainted with rules of reading (15 min):

Text six:

Is this good or bad short too

Is that short or long and go

Is the pen red or black a blackboard

Close the book thick or thin


This is a room. That is a blackboard. Look at it. It’s black. These are maps. Those are pencils. Those pencils are not short. They are long. Please take the book, Tom, open it and read Note Five. Close the book and go to the blackboard. Please go to the door and close it.

Is this a pencil? – Yes, it is.

Is that a pencil? – Yes, that’s a pencil, too.

Is it short or long? – It’s short.

Are those pencils short, too? – No, they aren’t.

Is that a book? – Yes, it is.

Is it a good book? – No, it isn’t.


3. Grammar exercises: 3, 4, 5 at p. 34 (1) (15 min)

Ex:III. write the following words:

[neim, plan, flat, lamp, dei, fain, bed, men, pli:z, nais]

Ex:IV. copy out the text and underline words with souds [ei] and [ae]

Ex:V. read the following words aloud and explain the rule:

a) Name, day, please, nice, fine, deep, beat, Spain.

b) Sad, made, stale, fit, deep, film, fail.

4. To present new grammar (10 min)

5. Checking home work (5 min)

6. Conclusion (3min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 11

Lexical theme: Family unity. Family relations.

Grammar theme: Conception about Infinitive. Verb “to be” in 3rd person singular.


  1. To study the theme “My best friend. Relations”

2. To get acquainted with new grammar material conception about Infinitive. Verb “to be” in 3rd person singular.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. Reading the note to the text at p. 33 (1) (15min)

3. Ex. 6, 7 at p. 34 (15 min)

Ex:VI. Define the appropriate article.

1. В порт прибыл пароход.

2. Пароход уже прибыл.

3. День был чудесный.

4. Это был чудесный день.

5. Письмо отправлено и телеграмма тоже.

6. Вчера я получил письмо и телеграмму от своего товарища.

7. Я живу в большом новом доме.

8. Дом мне понравился, а сад – нет.

9. Книгу я прочитал с большим интересом.

10. Это книга или журнал?

Ex:VII. translate into the English:

1. пять человек, семь дней, девять ручек, десять ламп, чудесный день, хороший человек.

2. Моя ручка плохая. Пришлите мне ручку, пожалуйста.

3. Встреть Анну и Петра, пожалуйста.

4. Моя фамилия Н.

5. Это мой галстук, он хороший.

6. Меня зовут Бесс.

4. Passing new grammar material (15 min)

5. Conclusion (3min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 12

Lexical theme: Family unity. Family relations.

Grammar theme: Pronoun “it”. Conception about article. Indefinite article.


  1. To study the theme “My best friend.”

2. To get acquainted with new grammar material pronoun “it”, conception about article, Indefinite article.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. To get acquainted with new grammar material pronoun “it”, conception about article, Indefinite article. (15min)

3. Doing grammar exercise: (30 min)

1. Put the article where necessary:

Remember the following set expressions: in a loud voice, in a low voice, in an angry voice, in a high voice, in a kind voice, in a thin voice, in a tiny voice, in a trembling voice, in a weak voice, in a …voice

It was …hot day. …sun was shining brightly in …blue sky. …wolf and …lamb met at …stream. …water in …stream was cool and clear. …wolf saw that…lamb was fat and wanted to eat it. He began to shout, “You, …fool, you are making…water dirty!” …lamb was afraid. It looked at …wolf and said in …thin voice, “But, …Mr. Wolf, I cannot make …water dirty for you from …place where I am standing, because …stream runs from you to me.” “Stop talking!” shouted …wolf in …angry voice. “I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to me.” “You are wrong, …Mr. Wolf,” cried …lamb, “you could not have met me six months ago: I am only four …months old.” “Never mind”, said …wolf, “if it wasn’t you, it was your brother.” And with these …words he seized …poor lamb and carried it into …wood.

4.Conclusion (3min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012

Lesson 13

Lexical theme: My best friend. Relations.

Grammar theme: Diphthongs: ch, sh, tch, th, ck.


1. To study the text “My flat/house. Selling and buying a flat”.

2. To get acquainted with Diphthongs: ch, sh, tch, th, ck.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. To get acquainted with Diphthongs: ch, sh, tch, th, ck. (15 min)

3. Reading the text at p. 38 (1) (15 min)

4 Get acquainted with new active words at p. 38(15 min):

Give, a match, this, that, a bag, big, a cap, black, thin, a pencil, a film, clean, a page, thick, these, take.


Ex:VII p.52. Answer the questions:

  1. Is this a text?
  2. Is that a note?
  3. Is it long?
  4. Are these pens?
  5. Are those pencils?
  6. Are they good?
  7. Is this a cap?
  8. Is that a tie?
  9. Are these pencils long or are they short?
  10. Is this a map or a plan?
  11. Is this a note or a text?
  12. Is this a tie or a cap?
  13. Is it his or my tie?
  14. Is his name Tom or is it Ted?
  15. Are those books thick or are they thin?
  16. Is this page ten or page nine?


5. Conclusion (3min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 14

Lexical theme: My best friend. Relations.

Grammar theme: Intonation of address


  1. To answer the questions to the text “My flat/house”

2. To get acquainted with intonation of address.


1. Organizational moment (2min)

2. To get acquainted with intonation of address. (15 min)

3. Grammar exercises: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 39 (1) (15 min)

Ex:I. Name the letters in right order:

Cent, jam, game, keep, chain, patch, thick, place, nice, Nick.

Ex:II. Define how many letters and sounds in each of the following word.

Thick, page, match, these, clean, black, thin.

Ex:III. Read the following words aloud and explain the rule.

Give, a match, this, that, a bag, big, a cap, black, thin, a pencil, a film, clean, a page, thick, these, take, thick, page, match, these, clean, black, thin, cent, jam, game, keep, chain, patch, thick, place, nice, Nick.

Ex:IV. Give the transcription for the following words:

that, a bag, big, a cap, black, thin, a pencil, a film, clean, a page, thick, these, take, thick, page, match.

4. Checking home work (15 min):

5. Conclusion (3 min)


1. N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005

2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty 2012


Lesson 15

Lexical theme: My best friend. Relations.

Grammar theme: Definite article. Demonstrative pronouns.


  1. To check the lexical material.
  2. To study the text “At the library”.


1. Organizational moment (2 min)

2. Revising previous grammar material (5 min)

3. Grammar exercises on articles: (30 min)


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