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Recommendations about work with literatureСодержание книги
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Main literature: 1.N.A. Bonk, G.A. Kotii, N. A. Lukjanova “The book of English language”, 2005 2.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy «Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы», Almaty, 2012 Additional literature: 3.I.S.Bogackiy, N.M.Dyukanova Business-course of English, Kiev: "Logos", 2006 4. I.E.Mitina, L.S.Petrova Business English Banks and money, Spb.: "Soyuz", 2006 5. S.A.Vorobeva. A.B Kisileva I.YU. Oks, YU.B. Badmaeva “English courses. World geography”, 2006
6.V.D.Ryzhkov Management Allowance on study of business English, Kaliningrad: "Yantarnyi Skaz", 2005 7. YU.Golicynskiy Grammatics, collection of the exercises, Spb.: "Punishment", 2012 8.Z.R.Badanbekkyzy, M.B.Otemkulkyzy, M.M.Amankyzy English, А, 2012 9. Oxford Color Russian Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2006 10. American English for everyday and academic use (Upper Intermediate), S-P, Academic Project, 2006 Paperback Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2006 12. T.YU.Drozdova English Grammar, Spb: "Chimera", 2005 13. K.N.Kachalova, E.E. Izrailevich English Grammar, M.: UNVES, 2008 14. N.N. Mikhailov, “English. Hotel, restaurant and tourist businesses.” 15. V.D.Ryzhkov Management Allowance on study of business English, Kaliningrad: "Yantarnyi Skaz", 2006 16. Z.R.Badanbekkyzy, M.B.Otemkulkyzy, M.M.Amankyzy English, А, 2012 Recommendations about work with tests and on performance of all types of independent works 1. Auditorium time includes lectures, discussing of reading material and performing different exercises. To each lesson students must prepare according to the list of main and additional literature. 2. There will be conducted tests according to the course, consisting of 5-6 questions, referring to the main notion submitted for previous theme. 3. Basic notions will be presented and explained on each lesson. Attendance of these lessons and making notes is a duty of the student. Student should take active part in discussing of material. Each test is estimated on a 100-ball scale of mark and rating system established in university. Councils on preparation for examination By preparation for examination the special attention should be turned on next moments: 1. the answer to a question wash to be only one; 2. at the solution of tasks the answer can be approximated to the 100-th; 3. to run eyes all test, to see, what such as a task in it contain; 4. attentively to read a question till the end and to understand its sense for establishment of the exact answer; 5. at difficulty of establishment of the exact answer to a question or not confidence to pass it and to note, that then to it to return; To avoid difficulties at answers according to the above-named sections, we recommend to work once again with literature, tests considered on a practical training, seminars and ISWT, and also to discuss tasks of all course.
List of specialized audiences, offices and laboratories Linguaphone room, multimedia room, language laboratory, computer class rooms, class room for tourists. We carry out some occupations in multimedically other an office in order that students protected the presentations.
METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS ON EXECUTION ISWT AIM AND TASK OF ISWT. Discipline "English" is one of the most actual in process of the education student since is it here considered lexicon of the business, contact and Grammatic of English - a language of international importance. The main purpose of the education foreign language as subject of the general block in high school of the economic direction is an education to practical possession colloquial-home speech and language to professions for active using the foreign language, both in everyday, and in professional contact. Given syllabus provides the learning of student to special volume of the language knowledge, attaching to knowledge simultaneously and information as professional, so and etnocultural and the general human nature, realizing, thereby, thesis humanism of learning the future specialist
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