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Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
The tasks of Independent Student’s WorkСодержание книги
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3.7. Time of consultations
The demands of tutor
Student must know: - A phonetics: the main rules of the reading and pronouncing of the letters, alphabet and diphthongs in speech flow; - a spelling: writing the letters and diphthongs, corresponding to determined sound, spelling correspondences to the most frequency lexical-grammatical sign of the base language; - Lexicon: word-building models, contextual importance of the ambiguous words, terms and lexical designs of the sublanguage, corresponding to profile to under study profession; - A Grammatik: the most frequency specific grammatical phenomena - A reading: read the texts with dictionary and without dictionary, find given information, remember the contents read; - A letter: fill in the form; write the small letter personal or business nature; - A translation: translate the texts with foreign language on native with use the dictionary in accordance with rate of the language of the translation; - Listening: understand the utterances on English; - a speaking: state their own thoughts and utterances on English language accordingly rate of the language, assign questions and answer them, support conversation on language in volume of the studied themes, adequately using communication remarks, retell contents read, heard Encouraging points: - For creative approach; - For active participation in scholastic process; - For participation in student conference; - For writing research works, articles; - For using varied sources in work. Penalties: - Unwell-timed presentation of materials; - For faulty making work; - For absence. Policy of university behavior and ethics: · not be late for lesson; · don’t talk during the lesson, don’t read newspaper, switch off mobile phone, don’t chew bubble gum; · attend classes in business clothes; · don’t miss classes; · to work off missed classes in tutor’s giving time; · daily attend classes and prepare tasks; in cases, when tasks are unfulfilled, the mark will reduce; · take active part in scholastic process; · studiously fulfill home tasks; · Assist in collective work.
The term of total control Total control – this is a control of students achievements on studying after completing one of the scholastic discipline in large-scale section
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