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Ex.14 Make conversations in these places with a partner.Содержание книги
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Use the ideas to help you 1 in a clothes shop a shirt/tie What size are you? small/medium/large too small/ too big I’ll have it, please I’ll have them, than 2 in a chemist’s conditioner shaving foam deodorant stomach ache sore throat 3 in a café a black/white coffee an espresso/a cappuccino a pot of tea a sparkling/still mineral water a piece of chocolate cake 4 in a post office some stamps First or second class? a letter/postcard to Japan send this parcel to Mexico buy some envelopes S.S.W.(Self Study Work) Ex. 1.Complete these requests with Can / could I…?or Can/ could you…? 1 ______________________ have a cheese sandwich, please? 2 ______________________tell me the time, please? 3.______________________take me to school? 4.______________________________ see the menu, please? 5_______________________________lend me some money, please? 6.______________________________help me with my homework,please? 7._____________________ borrow your dictionary, please? Ex 2. Read the text: My Uncle’s a Shopkeeper. My uncle’s a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things: bread,milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers- Almost everything! It is also a village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice-cream on their way home from school. My uncle doesn’t often leave the village. He hasn’t got a car, so once A month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at a Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest man I know. Ex.3. Answer the questions: 1. What is my uncle? 2.Where is his shop? 3.What does his shop sell? 4.What do the children buy in his shop? 5.Is he one of the happiest man? Ex.4.Retell the text to your partner. Ex.5 Check your grammar. Complete the sentences. Use some or any + a suitable noun. 1) Asem has gone to the bank to get some money. 2) Can I have _________ in my tea? I don’t like it black. 3) I want to light the barbecue but I haven’t got________________. 4) Nurlan is not happy with his chemistry exam. He knows he made____________. 5) Can I borrow____________________ I need to wash my hair. 6) Sorry, but everyone has to sit on the floor. We haven’t got__________yet 7) Can I have_____________on my bread? I prefer strawberry jam if you have it. 8) I’ d like ____________about hotels in London, please. 9) There wasn’t_____________in my village last winter so we couldn’t go skiing Ex 6.Complete the sentences with correct words something,someone,somewhere. Some thing/body any + one/body every where 1)”Did you meet____________nice at the party?” “Yes. I met_________who knows you! 2)”Ouch! There’s________ in my eye!” Let me look. No I can’t see_________ 3) ‘Let’s go___________hot for our holidays. “ But we can’t go ___________ that’s ‘ expensive”. 4) I’m so unhappy____________ loves me. I know _____________ who loves you.Me. 5) I lost my glasses. I looked ___________, but I couldn’t find them. 6) I’m bored, I want_______________interesting to read, or__________interesting to talk to, or ___________ interesting to go. 8) It was a great party. _______________ loved it. Ex 7. 1.Complete the conversations with the correct Social expressions I’m sorry Excuse me of course Pardon A----------! Can I get past? B ----------? A Can I get past, please? B ---------. I didn’t hear you. Yes,- ----------. A Thanks a lot. That’s right Oh, what a pity Congratulations Never mind I hear 2.A you’re going to get married soon.! B, next July. July 21. Can you come to the wedding? A! That’s when we’re away on holiday. C. We’ll send you some wedding cake. Hurry up all right Oh, dear Just a minute I haven’t a clue.
3.A-----------! Look at the time! -----------, or we’ll miss the train. B ----------! I can’t find my umbrella. Do you know where it is? A ---------. But you won’t need it. It’s a lovely day. Just look at the sky! B Oh, --------. Let’s go, then. Good luck See you later Same to you Good idea What about you No, of course not. 4. A ----------in your exam! B ----------. I hope we both pass. A Did you go out last night? B -----------.I went to bed early. A Me, too ------- after the exam. Let’s go for a drink. B ------------- Lesson 11. Describing a person (Character and appearance) Grammar. Comparatives and Superlatives. Synonyms and antonyms. Directions. Ex. 1. Think of someone in your family. Write 3 sentences about them. Why did you choose that person? Did you write about their character, appearance or both? Topical vocabulary Decent порядочный Indecent непорядочный Intelligent умный Silly глупый Persistent настойчивый Stupid глупый Straightforward прямой Foolish глупый Reasonable разумный Weak-willed безвольный Moral моральный Lying лживый Conscientious совестливый Blockheaded бестолковый Reserved замкнутый Immoral аморальный Reliable надежный Dishonest нечестный Smart способный Nasty гадкий Kind добрый Naughty непослушный Cheerful веселый Bad плохой Nice милый Vulgar вульгарный Open-hearted открытый Unreliable ненадежный Wise мудрый Crafty коварный Shy застенчивый Rude грубый Bright способный Dull тупой Brave смелый Malicious злой Calm спокойный Impudent наглый Gifted одаренный Sly хитрый Communicable общительный Selfish эгоистичный Faithful верный Naivie наивный Fair справедливый Narrow minded ограниченный Frank откровенный Bore надоедливый Just справедливый Ill-bread невоспитанный Diligent прилежный Irritable раздражительный Generous великодушный Jealous ревнивый Noble благородный Lazy ленивый Honest честный Mean низкий, подлый Industrious трудолюбивый Nervous нервный Punctual пунктуальный Light minded легкомысленный Resolute решительный Stringy скупой Strong-willed волевой Touchy обидчивый Tactful тактичный Nuisance нудный Well-bred воспитанный Liar лжец Witty остроумный Coward трус Purposeful целеустремленный
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