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Мы-будущие инженеры и технологи. Я-студент. Он-бизнесмен из Астаны. Они- менеджеры из Лондона. Ты- мой брат. Джон-его дядя. Майкл- мой племянник. Кто его сестра? Они его друзья? Кто они по профессии? Я не экономист. Аня его старшая сестра? Вы учитель или врач? Она- прекрасный экономист. Сколько ему лет? У нее много друзей? Ex 6. Find the words in the text, which mean: 1. pleasant to see -g ood-looking______ 2. well- built, athletic___________________ 3.skillful ______________ 4. to like______.___________________ 5. to clean_________________ 6.industrious___________________ 7. to run the house_____________________ 8.good-tempered_____________________ Ex.7 Fill in the article if necessary: 1.This … pencil is blue. 2. I can see three girls. … girls are singing. 3. My friend has no … sister. 4. I have … aunt. She has … two daughters and …one son. 5. She has … ball. … ball is big. 6. I got … messsage two days ago. …message was strange. 7. Will you have … cup of tea? 8. Do you see … sun in … sky? 9. He is …doctor by… profession. 10….butter and …cheese are made of… milk SSW (Self Study Work) Ex1. Insert prepositions where necessary:
My family is not large. We are six... the family. My mother works... college. She is teacher... Biology. My father is a computer programmer. He works... a factory. My father is fond... sports.2.... the way, do you know my sister? She works...a joint venture company. Her children go... a nursery school.3.We have got a lot... relatives. My married sister lives... her mother's-in law. Her husband helps her...the housework. She is very good... cooking and she is clever... her hands Ex.2. Write who is in relation to you: 1. your mother's brother........ my uncle 2.yourfather's sister................... 3.уоuг mother’s father................... 4.your husband's mother.................. 5.your brother's daughter.................... 6.уоuг sister's son................... 7your daughter's son.................. 8.your husband's sister.................. 9.your father's brother’s children........... 10.your father's second wife......... Ex.3 Complete the sentences: 1.I …..two brothers and a sister. 2.You ….. no English friends. 3..He ….. much work to do. 4.She …. a good engineer. 5.We.... students of the Technological University. 6.They … a lot of relatives in Astana. 7.Asan …seventeen years old 8.Asan’s sister … married and…. her own family. Ex.4 Ask questions to the underlined words in the text" My family" Ex. 5. Read the dialogue and act it out: A. Tell me, who is that little boy? B. What boy? There? A. Yes. Who is he? What's his name? B. He is my little brother. His name is Nurlan. A. And the big girl? Who is she? B. She is my big sister. Her name is Kamila. A. Is that man, there, your father? B. That little man? Oh no. My father is that very big man standing over there. A. Oh,yes! And that woman sitting there is your mother? B. That's right! Ex 6. Make questions with these words. Use is or are. 1 (at home/your mother) Is your mother at home? 2.(your parents /well?) Are your parents well? 3.(interesting/ your work?) _____________________ 4.(at school / your children?)_____________________ 5.(near here/the post office?)_____________________ 6.(why/you/ late?)_________________________ Ex.7.Write short answers 1.Are you married? No, I’m not. 2.Are you a foreigner? ____________ 3.Is it very cold today?___________ 4.Are your hands dirty?___________ 5.Is it dark now? __________ 6.Are you a teacher?_____________ Ex.8 Tell about your family, use the questions of ex.4 as a prompt.
LESSON 2. MY HOUSE Grammar: Construction there is /there are Personal pronouns. Ex.1 Warm up: Read and learn the rhyme. I live here, We live near, You live near, They live here, Tom lives so far That he goes in a car. Tom and Ray Live far away. Ex.2.Topical Vocabulary 1.house- дом, жилье 2.private- частный 3.entrance- вход, подъезд 4.balcony- балкон 5.floor- этаж,пол 6.convenient- удобный 7.central heating- центральное отопление 8.electricity- электричество 9.running water- водопровод 10.telephone- телефон 11.flat (Am. apartment)- квартира 12.bedroom- спальня 13.living (sitting) room- гостинная,зал 14.study- кабинет 15.kitchen- кухня 16.furniture- мебель 17.table- стол 18.desk- парта 19.to live- жить 20.to move (to)- переезжать 21.cosy- уютный 22.mirror- зеркало 23.refrigerator- холодильник 24.wardrobe- шифоньер 25.cupboard- шкаф кухонный 26.carpet- ковер,палас 27.curtain- занавеска 28.arm-chair- кресло 29.bookshelf- книжная полка 30.hallstand- вешалка Ex.3. Pre-reading task. Answer the questions:. 1. Where do you live? 2. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats? 3. Is there a garden in front of your house? 4. What is there next to your house? 5. Is your house far from the bus stop? 6. What floor is your flat on? 7. What modern conveniences are there in your flat? 8. Is your flat large or small? 9. How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they?
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