Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


TEXT 1. About myself / О себе



для студентов очно − заочной форм обучения технических специальностей.


Рекомендовано ФГБОУ ВПО «Госуниверситет - УНПК»

для использования в учебном процессе в качестве
учебно-методического пособия для высшего профессионального


Орел 2012

УДК 811.111:005.336.3](075)

ББК 81.432.1-923:65.291.823.2Я7




кандидат филологических наук,
доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки»

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного

учреждения высшего профессионального образования

«Государственный университет - учебно-научно-

производственный комплекс»

О.Н. Сатковская,


кандидат педагогических наук,
доцент кафедры «Английская филология»

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Орловский государственный университет»

Т.М. Можина

Никитина, А.В.

Н62 Английский язык для студентов очно− заочной форм обучения технических специальностей: учебно− методическое пособие для высшего профессионального образования /
А.В. Никитина, А.А. Гуцына, Е.И. Мелень. – Орел: ФГБОУ ВПО «Госуниверситет - УНПК», 2012. – 63 с.


ISBN 978-5-93932-415-1

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для развития речевой профессиональной деятельности на английском языке студентов I и II курсов технических специальностей для работы на практических занятиях, а также для внеаудиторного чтения и СРС.

Пособие состоит из 2 частей. В первой части представлены тексты и задания для развития общекультурных компетенций, во второй части представлены тексты и задания для развития профессиональных компетенций, что позволяет поэтапное, целенаправленное формирование языковых, речевых навыков посредством системы заданий и упражнений для активного усвоения лексического и речевого материала, необходимого для профессионально− направленного иноязычного чтения.

В каждый раздел включены задания и упражнения на ознакомление и тренировку активного вокабуляра, а также упражнения на говорение и письмо.

УДК 811.111:005.336.3](075)

ББК 81.432.1-923:65.291.823.2Я7

ISBN 978-5-93932-415-1 © ФГБОУ ВПО «Госуниверситет - УНПК», 2012


Введение............................................................................................................. 4

Part I

Text 1.About myself......................................................................................... 5

Text 2. Choosing the profession.................................................................... 11

Text 3.Civil engineering................................................................................. 18

Text 4. Moscow Power Engineering Institute............................................... 24

Text 5. Education system in Great Britain, the USA and Russia................. 29

Text 6. Secondary education........................................................................... 33

Text 7.Bologna Process.................................................................................. 37

Text 8. Globalization....................................................................................... 40

Text 9. Innovation........................................................................................... 42

Part II

Text 10.Engineering- what’s it all about?...................................................... 48

Text 11.Engineering materials........................................................................ 52

Text 12.Mechanical properties of materials. Part I....................................... 56

Text 12.Mechanical properties of materials. Part II...................................... 59

Text 13.Machine tools..................................................................................... 62

Text 14.Why choose Mechanical Engineering?............................................ 65

Text 15.Civil Engineering............................................................................... 70

Text 16.From the history of building............................................................. 76

Text 17.Modern building materials. Part I..................................................... 80

Text 17.Modern building materials. Part II................................................... 82

Text 18.Architecture: its forms and functions............................................... 87

Text 19.City Architecture................................................................................ 91

Text 20.Automobile Production..................................................................... 96

Text 21.Components of the automobile...................................................... 100

Text 22.Principle of operation of the four- stroke petrol engine............... 106

Text 23.Chassis. Steering system. Brakes................................................... 110

Text 24.Using a computer............................................................................. 119

Text 25.What is a computer?........................................................................ 122

Text 26.Types of software............................................................................ 125

Text 27.Operating system............................................................................. 128

Text 28.Windows XP.................................................................................... 131

Литература.................................................................................................... 133


Данное пособие предназначается студентам технических специальностей вузов, владеющих английским языком в оъеме программы средней школы. Учебно − методическое пособие ставит целью комплексное формирование у обучаемых практических умений в разных профессионально− ориентированных видах речевой деятельности.

Пособие состоит из 2 частей, 28 текстов и рассчитано на 288 часов аудиторных занятий, из них на СРС составляют 196 часов.

Все разделы пособия имею аналогичную структуру:

1. предтекстовые вопросы;

2. основной текст для ознакомительного или поискового чтения;

3. послетекстовые задания для проверки понимания прочитанного и упражнения для активизации лексикого материала;

4.послетекстовые задания для обсуждения информации, представленной в тексте.

Тексты пособия подобраны из оригинальной литературы, они имеют познавательную ценность и интересны по содержанию.

Авторы не считают, что задания к отдельным текстам пособия надо рассматривать как единственно возможные варианты, полагая, что творческая инициатива преподавателя, работающего с пособием, способна дать в каждом конкретном случае наиболее эффективные результаты обучения.



Before you start

Work in groups and discuss the questions.

What can you tell about yourself?

What can you tell about your family?

What are you fond of?

After you read


1. What is your name?

2. Where and when were you born?

3. How old are you?

5. Have you got a family?

6. How many people are there in your family?

7. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?

8. Where do you live?

9. Did you study well at school?

10. What school did you finish?

11. Did your teacher of English help you to choose your future profession?

12. What was your favourite subject?

13. What do you like to read?

14. What sport do you go in for?

15. What are you going to be?

16. Do you still live with your parents?

17. Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend?


1. Work with your partner. Find five things you have in common. Ask about:

- your home/ family

- your job/ studies

- your likes/ dislikes

- your hobbies/ sport

- your town/ country

- your girlfriend/ boyfriend

Then tell the rest of the group about what you discovered.

Example: Neither of us / Both of us like…juzz music

2. Discuss in pairs what questions you would like to ask in the following situation:

- you want to know the name of your partner

- you want to know you partner address

- you would like your friend to tell you about his/her family

- you would like your friend to tell you about his/her studies/work

- you want to know your friend hobbies

- you want to know your partner likes/ dislikes

3. Tell about yourself/ about your partner using the text, underlined words and information you got.

4. Make questions from the following words. Use the pronoun you in each case.

Example: Where exactly/live?

Where exactly do you live?

a. How/get here from your house?

b. have/any special reasons for learning English?

с. How long/be in this group?

d. do/anything special last night?

e. What sort of music/ like?

f. all your family/live in the same town as you?

g. What profession/have in the future?

5. Choose one question from above or think of another question of your own to ask each student in the class. Walk around the class and ask each student different question. Then tell the rest class what you discovered.

6. a. Write the words in the correct column below. Translate the words and make a dictionary.

best friend cousin Classmate stranger
acquaintance colleague ex-boyfriend flatmate
headmaster niece mother-in-law neighbour
parent partner Relative step-mother


family friends Work school


b. Add any other words to each group.

7. a. In groups discuss which of the following things are happening in your country and why.

- More young people are moving away from home and leaving their family roots.

- Marriage is becoming less important to many young people.

- Families are spending less time together.

- The divorce rate is rising.

- More parents are bringing their children up alone without a partner.

- More women are having careers rather than starting families.

- The average family is getting smaller as the birthrate falls.

b. Choose any of the statements above and write your own opinion. (an essay)

8. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Меня зовут Анна. Мне 17 лет. Я учусь в университете.

2. У Павла большая и дружная семья.

3. Я учусь в университете с 2010 года.

4. Мои любимые предметы экономика и математика.

5. Мой друг любит слушать джаз и читать фантастику.

6. Дима занимается футболом.

7. Все чаще семьи проводят вместе меньше времени.

8. В школе учиться было легче, чем в университете.

9. После окончания университета я смогу получить хорошую работу.

10. Совмещать работу и учебу- сложно.

Before you start

Work in groups and discuss the questions.

What is the criteria for a good job?

What is a prestigious work?

After you read


1. What roads are opened before school leavers?

2. Is it an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world?

3. Why is teaching a very specific and difficult job?

4. What would be enough to succeed in your work?

5. What are some good jobs to have and why?

3. What are the worst jobs?

4. What job would you like to have?

5. Would you rather have an uninteresting well-paid job or an interesting but poorly paid job?

6. Are there many unemployed people in your country? Who? Young? Old?

7. How can they find a job?

8. Why don't the majority of young people know what they want to be?

9. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupation?

10. What should one do to qualify for a particular job?


1. Add one job to each letter below. Use the picture to help you.

a. is for architect and

b. is for barman and

c. is for civil servant and

d. is for doctor and

f. is for farmer and

j. is for journalist

l. is for lawyer and

n. is for nurse and

p. is for psychologist and

s. is for shop assistant and

t. is for taxi driver and

w. is for writer and


2. Look at the sentences below. Which job(s) do they refer to?

- You can make a lot of money doing this.

– This can be dangerous.

– You have to study a long time to do this.

– You can work at home.

– This is a job where you can really people.

–You have to be very patient to do this.

– You have to be good at languages to do this.

– You have to be very good with people to do this.

3. Think of a job, but don’t say what it is. Describe the job by saying what you can/ can’t or have to do. Can other students guess what job you are describing?

4. Divide the jobs in exercise 1 into the three categories below. Compare your ideas with other students. Which jobs are the most/ least popular?

- Jobs I’d like to do

- Jobs I wouldn’t like to do

I know someone who does this job

5. a. Look at the jobs (picture) and think of ideas of your own. Suggest two or three possible jobs for you. Complete the Possible Jobs and Reasons columns in the table below.

You   Interests Possible Job Reasons

b. Compare your s answer in groups. Do you agree on the best job for each person?

6. Present your ideas to the class. Do other groups agree?

7. You are going to tell other students about your future job. Spend a few minutes planning what you are going to say.

8. Work in pairs or small groups. Tell the other students about your ideal work. Your partners can ask questions.

9. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Выбор профессии сложная задача для любого поколения.

2. Большинство молодых людей выбирают престижную, хорошо оплачиваемую, интересную работу.

3. Выбор будущей профессии и работы зависит от интересов молодых людей и материальных аспектов работы.

4. Часто родители навязывают своим детям ту, или иную специальность.

5. Увлечения и хобби часто становятся будущей профессией.

6. Престижные профессии в большинстве случаев бывают низко оплачиваемыми.

7. Престижная работа дает социальные преимущества.

8. Все профессии необходимые, важные и полезные для общества.

9. На сегодняшний день саамы престижные профессии юрист и экономист.

10. Получив одну специальность, студенты часто стараются получить и вторую, чтобы обеспечить свое будущее.

Before you start

What is the role of an engineer in civilized society?

Why did you make your mind to become an engineer?

TEXT 3. Civil Engineering.

Civil Engineering is regarded as one of the most attractive profession or career by students worldwide. Civil Engineering includes designing, developing and maintaining huge buildings, bridges, and such other mammoth structures all over the world. Civil engineers are responsible for designing and planning roads, dams, buildings, canals, etc. Civil engineering includes geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, rural or urban engineering, as its various sub-disciplines. As a civil engineer, you will be looking into matters like sewage, water supply, road planning and maintenance and such other public works. Civil engineering is ideal for those who have a creative bent of mind and love to travel around the world. Today, we are seeing women studying this branch of engineering to take up more challenging tasks and risks related to the society at large. Without the civil engineers, we would not have lived a life so comfortable and urban. For instance, think of such great works like the Bhakra Nangal Dam in India or the almost completed largest-ever designed civil works project - the “Great Wall of Louisiana” in USA. Who can ever forget the great architectural wonders such as the Taj Mahal of India or the Great Wall of China? These historical monuments speak high of civil engineers’ work in ancient times. There are many famous schools and colleges imparting education on civil engineering. Students in large numbers are showing interest in studying civil engineering in all over the world. Making a career in this field ensures taking up senior position along with getting a good remuneration. After studying civil engineering, you can make careers in environment if that suits you or else move on to some other career options such as transportation or urban engineering works. For ambitious, career-oriented individuals, this branch of engineering offers diverse scope and good chance of professional growth. After graduating in civil engineering, you might have to start from the lower ladder with minimal work pressure, but gradually you will be given tougher jobs to handle that involve more hard work and added responsibilities. In some companies, entry-level civil engineers are entrusted with the work of monitoring construction on the field or assisting some seniour engineers on-site. In some other organisation, you may be allowed to analyse and design important projects. In many cases, civil engineers need to work as a team, coordinating projects with several other engineers. Civil Engineering as a profession also involves working as a consultant to some big firm. Civil engineering is a dream career for those who wish to do something innovative and useful for a country. A civil engineer’s hard work finally pays off when he/she successfully completes the project, without any problem.

After you read


1. What I Civil Engineering?

2. What does Civil Engineering include?

3. Who can become an engineer? What features should person possess to be an engineer?

4. Why is Civil Engineering prestigious profession?

5. What role does Civil Engineering play in society?

6. What architectural wonders can you recall?

7. Where can you study Civil Engineering?

8. Where can you work after studying Civil Engineering?


1. Read the following text again and find out if the following statements true or false.

1. Civil Engineering is regarded as one of the most attractive profession.

2. Civil engineers are responsible for designing and planning roads, dams, buildings, canals.

3. Today, we are seeing women and men studying this branch of engineering.

4. In some organisations, you may be allowed to build and design important projects.

5. Civil engineering is ideal for those who have a lot of money.

6. In many cases, civil engineers need to work individual.

7. Without the civil engineers, we would not have lived a life so terrible.

8. After graduating in civil engineering, you might have to start from the mechanic.

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Civil engineers can work as …

2. Without the civil engineers…

3. After graduating in civil engineering…

4. Civil engineering is a dream career for…

5. For ambitious, career-oriented individuals, this branch of engineering offers…

6. Civil Engineering includes…

3.Make up the sentences with the following expressions.

1. attractive profession

2. structures

3. environmental engineering

4. a creative bent of mind

5. challenging tasks

6. branch of engineering

7. challenging tasks

8. architectural wonders

9. make careers

10. career-oriented individuals

11. professional growth

12. added responsibilities

13. need to work as a team

14. innovative and useful

4. Give the Russian equivalents.

1. attractive profession

2. structures

3. environmental engineering

4. a creative bent of mind

5. challenging tasks

6. branch of engineering

7. challenging tasks

8. architectural wonders

9. make careers

10. career-oriented individuals

11. professional growth

12. added responsibilities

13. need to work as a team

14. innovative and useful

5. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. The profession of Civil Engineering – pluses and minuses.

2. Innovations in Civil Engineering.

3. The professional growth of engineers.

6. Write the essay.

- My future profession.

- The future of Civil Engineering.

- Civil Engineering in the USA-what should we study.

7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Строительная инженерия (также инжиниринг) — инженерия в строительной отрасли, инженерное обеспечение строительства, охватывающее все фазы реализации инвестиционно-строительных проектов: проектирование, строительство, эксплуатацию объектов.

2. В более узком смысле — инженерно-консультационные услуги по подготовке, обеспечению строительства и эксплуатации промышленных, инфраструктурных и прочих объектов.

3. Термин «инженерия» заимствован из французского (фр. ingénierie), в свою очередь восходящего к латинскому (лат. ingenium) — ум, способности, изобретательность.

4. В градостроительной деятельности со строительством связаны реконструкция и капитальный ремонт объектов капитального строительства, выполнение строительных работ.

5. Инженерные изыскания выполняются для подготовки проектной документации, строительства, реконструкции объектов капитального строительства.

6. Архитектурно-планировочное задание — комплекс требований к назначению, основным параметрам и размещению архитектурного объекта на конкретном земельном участке, а также обязательные экологические, технические, организационные и иные условия его проектирования и строительства.

7. Собственно строительство является наиболее капиталоёмким этапом в инвестиционном проекте.

8. Некоторые виды строительного инжиниринга имеют самостоятельное значение и классифицируются по видам объектов (зданий и сооружений) или по видам услуг по инженерному обеспечению.


Before you start

1. When do people understand that the time to choose future profession has already come?

2. Do all children choose their future professions in their own way?

3. Why do some parents persuade their kids to enter local colleges and universities or institutes?

4. Have you made up your mind what to be in the future?

5. Are you going to work and study at the same time?

6. What can you tell about your Univercity?

After you read


1.What is MPEI?

2. Why is MPEI so popular?

3. What facilities are there in MPEI?

4. How good is MPEI equipped?

5. What famous people got education in MPEI?

6. When and who was founded MPEI?

7.Where is MPEI situated?

8. What are the main fields of studying in MPEI?

9. What faculties are there in MPEI?

10. What academic degrees can be awarded to graduated?



1. Tell about:

a) your secondary school (college)

b) the faculty of your university

2. Do you know:

1) When was your University or Academy established?

2) Who was the first Rector?

3) Were there any famous a) scientists, engineers b) politicians c) artists among the graduates of your Institute?

4) How many people are currently enrolled?

5) What is the most popular faculty in your University?

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Moscow Power Engineering Institute was founded at…

2. MPEI is well-known as…

3. For large successes in training of high-qualified engineers and…

4. There are several faculties: …

5. Now MPEI has the main residence in Moscow and three branches:…

6. In accordance with MPEI`s Charter MPEI has the right to award to its` graduates the following academic degrees: …

3. Write the essay about your own University (use the text Moscow Power Engineering Institute as the example)

4. Get into groups and discuss the following problems:

- What problems do you have in your University?

-What profession do you get and what profit from your future profession will you get?

5. Translate into English.

1. Московский энергетический институт (Национальный исследовательский университет) (МЭИ (ТУ)) — один из ведущих, крупнейших технических университетов мира в области энергетики, электротехники, радиотехники, электроники и информационных технологий.

2. Сегодня в МЭИ 12 институтов, 70 кафедр, 176 научно-исследовательских лабораторий, опытный завод, телецентр, крупнейшая библиотека в стране, стадион «Энергия», дворец культуры.

3. Учебные корпуса расположены в районе Лефортово города Москвы.

4. Удел студента — лекции, семинары, лабораторные работы. Лекции читают ведущие ученые страны — академики, профессора.

5. Большое внимание уделялось повышению культурного уровня студентов.

Before you start

- What do you know about education in Russia?

- How does the system of education change in resent years?

- What is the difference between Russian and European system of education?

After you read


1. What is good education for you?

2. What is the role of education in people’s life?

3. What is the system of education in Britain?

4. What types of school in Britain?

5. What is the Nationl Curriculum?

6. What is the aim of the Nationl Curriculum?

7. What is the General Certificate Secondary Education?

8. What is the private schools in Britain?

9. What does include Russian system of education?

10. What are the main branches of education in Russia?

11. What is the free education in the USA?

12. What is the compulsory education in the USA?

13. What is the aim of the high school in the USA?


1. Fill the table

Country System of education
The USA  


2. Discuss the following questions

- What are the main differences between system of education in Russia, Britain and the USA?

- Where do you want to get your education and why?

3. Write the essay: «You ideal system of education.»

4. Complete the sentences.

1. Education in Britain developed by steps…

2. The National Curriculum aims…

3. The General Certificate Secondary Education…

4. The Government's vision for the education system of the 21st century is…

5. Private sector includes…

6. The public educational system in Russia includes…

7. Compulsory education is…

8. The main branch in the system of education is the general schools…

9. Pupils who finish the general secondary school…

10. The American system of education…

11. Free public schools…

12. Elementary or primary and secondary or high schools are organized on one of two basis:…

13. The high school prepares…

14. Extra-curricular activities…

5. Translate into English.

1. Цель образование – многогранно развить личность.

2. Система образования в России включает в себя дошкольное образование, начальное общее образование, основное общее образование, среднее (полное) общее образование, начальное профессиональное образование, среднее профессиональное образование, высшее профессиональное образованиею

3. Oбразовательные учреждения которой могут быть платными и бесплатными, коммерческими и некоммерческими.

4. Для дошкольных учреждений России характерны многофункциональность и разнотипность.

5. Общее среднее образование является центральным звеном системы образования.

6. Среднее профессиональное образование направленно на подготовку специалистов-практиков по более чем 280 специальностям и реализуется по двум основным профессиональным образовательным программам: базового уровня и повышенного уровня.

7. В зависимости от числа направлений обучения студентов вузы делятся на университеты, академии и институты.

8. Большинство учебных программ по образованию в Великобритании можно разделить по образовательным уровням, которые, в свою очередь, могут быть приравнены соответствующим российским (бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура).

9. Система образования Великобритании состоит из четырех основных ступеней: начального, среднего, так называемого последующего и высшего образования.

10. Как и в России, в Великобритании 11-летнее школьное образование является обязательным для детей в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет и подразделяется на два основных уровня – начальное (Primary) с 5 до 11 лет и среднее (Secondary) с 11 до 16 лет.

11. До 16 лет набор предметов, изучаемых учениками, определяется Национальным учебным планом.

12. После завершения обязательного среднего образования выпускники школ получают Общее свидетельство о среднем образовании.

13. Наличие программ А-level отличает британскую систему образования от российской.

14. Университеты и колледжи высшего образования Англии также предлагают программы подготовки (Foundation Degree) – программы последующего образования, ведущие к получению степени о высшем образовании, но более низкой по сравнению со степенью бакалавра.

15. Высшее образование в Великобритании включает в себя программы, цель которых – присуждение степени бакалавра, относящейся к степеням первого уровня (undergraduate), или так называемых послевузовских степеней (postgraduates): магистра (Master), МВА или доктора (Doctoral или PhD).

16. Большинство учащихся в Америке, не посещающих муниципальные начальные и средние школы, получают образование в частных школах, где обучение является платным.

17. В Америке колледжем считается высшее учебное заведение с четырехгодичным сроком обучения, в котором преподаются родственные дисциплины.

18. В отличие от муниципальных, начальных и средних школ, муниципальные колледжи и университеты обычно взимают плату за обучение.

19. Студенты колледжа проходят обучение по своей «основной» специальности, которую выбирают сами.

Before you read

What is the secondary education?

What are the advantages from secondary education?

After you read


1. What are the benefits of secondary education?

2. Why do people get secondary education?

3. What is the quality of secondary education in Russia?


1. Write the essay. «What second education would you get if you want. Explain why?»

2. Translate into English.

1. Аудитория второго высшего образования - для специалистов, желающих стать профессионалами в той или иной области, испытывающие острый дефицит в теоретических знаниях.

2. Количество вузов, предоставляющих второе высшее образование, больше тысячи.

3. Поскольку получение второго высшего образования происходит на коммерческой основе, важным фактором является стоимость образования.

4. Человек, имеющий бакалавра, специалиста или магистра и обучающийся по программе подготовки бакалавра или специалиста, получает второе высшее образование.

5. При этом дополнительное высшее образование можно совмещать с работой (заочная форма обучения, в выходные дни, вечерняя форма обучения). Таким образом, учебу можно легко совмещать с трудовой деятельностью.

Before you read

What is the Bologna Process?

What is the aim of the Bologna Process?

After you read


1. What is the aim of the Bologna Process?

2. What will the envisaged European Higher Education Area?

3. Why is it called Bologna Process and who participates?

4. What are the reforms of the Bologna Process all about?


1. Get into groups and discuss the pluses and minuses of the Bologna Process.

2. Complete the sentences.

1. The aim of the Bologna Process is…

2. The envisaged European Higher Education Area will…

3. The Bologna Process is named after…

4. The ongoing reforms…

5. The European Higher Education Area…

3. Translate into Englush.

1. «Болонским» принято называть процесс создания странами Европы единого образовательного пространства.

2. В Болонской декларации указаны 6 основных задач, решение которых, как предполагается, будет способствовать единению Европы в области образования.

3. Высшее образование является сферой, которая в значительной степени влияет на то, как формируется общество, поэтому раздробленность, пестрота образовательных систем препятствуют единению Европы.

4. В настоящее время становится все более принятым говорить об общеевропейском образовательном и исследовательском пространстве.

5. Болонский процесс — процесс сближения и гармонизации систем образования стран Европы в рамках Болонского соглашения, с целью создания единого европейского пространства высшего образования.

6. Россия присоединилась к Болонскому процессу в сентябре 2003 года на берлинской встрече министров образования европейских стран.

Before you read

What is the Globalization?

What is the role of Globalization in Russia?

TEXT 8. Globalization.

Globalization is a process of interaction (взаимодействие) and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.

But policy and technological developments of the past few decades (десятилетия) have increased cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development.

In the years since the Second World War many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating new opportunities for international trade and investment. Governments also have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and established production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. A defining feature of globalization, therefore, is an international industrial and financial business structure.

Technology has been the other principal driver of globalization. Advances in information technology, in particular, have dramatically transformed economic life.

Globalization is deeply controversial (спорный, противоречивый, дискуссионный), however. Proponents (защитники, сторонники) of globalization argue that it allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization.

To find the right balance between benefits and costs (доходы и издержки) associated with globalization, citizens of all nations need to understand how globalization works and the policy choices facing them and their societies.

After you read

After you read

globalization threaten to weak and small countries?

5. What place does US have in the process of globalization? What is the impact of the UN and other international organizations in the development of globalization?

6. Should citizens make efforts to encourage their compatriots to purchase goods made in their own countries (i.e. to purchase American automobiles)?

7. Is there anything wrong with Starbucks or McDonald’s trying to crack the China market and open as many stores there as possible?

8. How small countries can “struggle” with globalization?

9. What benefits does globalization bring to small countries?

10. How must education systems be fundamentally altered to accommodate this new, global market?

11. In the final analysis, will globalization lead to more peace or more war? Explain.

12. List three specific things that we can do to maximize the potential of globalization while minimizing its deleterious effects.


1. Discuss the following quotes.

1. Respond to the following quote, “It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of meaning." (Kofi Annan)

2. Respond to the following quote, "Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility." (Kofi Annan)

3. Respond to the following quote, "Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world.

2. Complete the table.

Pluses of the Globalization Minuses of the Globalization


3. Wrtie the essay. «What are the pluses and minuses of the Globalization in Russia?»

4. Translate into English.

1. Глобализация — процесс всемирной экономической, политической и культурной интеграции и унификации.

2. В результате глобализации мир становится более связанным и более зависимым от всех его субъектов.

3. Происхождение самого слова «глобализация» указывает на то, что ведущую роль в данном процессе играет бурный рост международной торговли, происходящий на тех или иных исторических этапах.

4. Самый мощный фактор глобализации – экономический.

5. Глобализация оказалась трудным вопросом не только для массового сознания, но и для научного анализа.

6. У глобализации есть различные аспекты, которые затрагивают мир несколькими различными способами.

7. Глобализация предполагает, что множество социальных, экономических, культурных, политических и иных отношений и связей приобретают всемирный характер.

8. Глобализация является важнейшим процессом, без учета которого невозможно прогнозировать, определять и осуществлять внешнюю политику любого государства.

Before you read

What is the term innovation?

What is the role of innovations in Russia?

What innovations in Russia do you know?

TEXT 9. Innovation.

An invention (изобретение) is useful only to the inventor unless it is offered to the public, however niche that public may be. If the invention improves some product, process or service for the public, then that invention transforms into an innovation.

An innovation (инновация, новшество, нововведение, рационализаторское предложение (изменение технологии, организации производства или самого продукта, которое осуществляется с целью достижения более высокой эффективности или создания новой ценности)) can be big or small. Brand-new or just a bit different, it doesn't matter. An innovation can be clearly complex or seemingly simple. Innovations are often thought of in terms of technical achievement, but can also be a design. The type, industry and style of innovation are irrelevant; an innovation's impact determines its qualification.

The presence of a genius can help with innovation – it may speed up the end result by having a person who can see and make the future happen. However, innovation is more than the work of any one "Einstein." Innovation involves the taking of the work of an individual (or team) of inventors and taking it to a broader audience.

The future of many businesses depends upon their ability to innovate. Competition is fierce. Knowledge spreads quickly. The ability of a company to not only keep up with its current business practices, but to exceed its own – and its competition's – expectations are critical to survival.

Barriers to Innovation

We ought not be over anxious to encourage innovation, in case of doubtful improvement, for an old system must ever have two advantages over a new one; it is established and it is understood. (C.C. Colton)

The company culture and leadership are two prominent barriers to innovation. If your company's culture isn't set-up to accept new ideas and creative contributions from its staff then inventions will be unable to break through to the marketplace.

What Is NOT Innovation?

It is important to be clear as to what innovation is not. Innovation is NOT invention, even if invention is the mother of necessity. These two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but although connected they are not the same. An innovation is the extension of an invention.

If an inventor discovers the "next big thing," but is unable to find anyone to produce it, then the next big thing remains undiscovered to the world. For this invention to become an innovation, a public needs to be introduced to the invention and have said invention improve their lives in some way. This may happen behind the scenes (e.g., streamlined processes that lower costs to the customer) or be clearly visible (e.g., the flexibility of a laptop vs. a desktop).

What Is "Real" Innovation?

"Real" Innovation does not happen haphazardly (бессистемно, бесцельно, случайно) or sporadically within organizations. "Real" Innovation is accomplished consistently and systematically, given the true voice of the customer and a process for delivering solutions. Companies that innovate successfully do so using an efficient and repeatable methodology. Success is not dependent upon genius – it emerges from the disciplined application of a proven innovation.

After you read


1. Why are the innovations so popular today?

2. Why do some innovations become so popular?

3. Who works at innovations?

4. What is the future of innovations?

5. Who buys the innovations?

6. Where do innovations apply?

7. Where do scientific men take money for innovations?

8. What is the Real innovation?


1. Discuss the following statements

- The role of innovations in Russia and Europian Contries

- Innovation is only fancy.

- What Is NOT Innovation?

- What Is "Real" Innovation?

2. Write the essay. «Your own innovative world»

3. Translate into English.

1. Инновация — это внедренное новшество, обеспечивающее качественный рост эффективности процессов или продукции, востребованное рынком.

2. Инновация является конечным результатом интеллектуальной деятельности человека, его фантазии.

3. Инновация — это результат инвестирования интеллектуального решения в разработку и получение нового знания, ранее не применявшейся идеи.

4. Инновации рассматриваются с разных точек зрения: в связи с технологиями, коммерцией, социальными системами.

5. Инновационные технологии - наборы методов и средств, поддерживающих этапы реализации нововведения. Различают виды инновационных технологий.

6. Инновационный проект (инновация, нововведение) — это конечный результат инновационной деятельности, получивший реализацию в виде нового или усовершенствованного продукта.

7. В зависимости от технологических параметров инновационные проекты подразделяются на продуктовые и процессные.

8. Важным условием для практической реализации инноваций в бизнесе является привлечение инновационных инвестиций.

9. Зачастую именно малые предприятия становятся первооткрывателями новых продуктов и новых технологий в различных отраслях.

10. Основными мотивами покупки инноваций являются: повышение конкурентоспособности и имиджа хозяйствующего субъекта; получение в перспективе дохода на капитал, вложенный сегодня.


Before reading

1.What do you know about engineering?


1.Now read the following texts to check your answers to the picture above. Match each text to one of the illustrations above.

Transport: Сars, trains, ships, and all products of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering are also involved in support services such as roads, rail track, harbours, and bridges.

Food processing: Mechanical engineering design, develop, and make the machines and the processing equipment for harvesting, preparing and preserving the foods and drinks that fill the supermarkets.

Medical engineering: Body scanners, X-ray machines, life-support systems, and other high- tech equipment result from mechanical and electrical engineers with combining with medical experts to convert ideas into life-saving and preserving products.

Building services: Electrical engineers provide all the service we need in our homes and places of work, including lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrigeration, and lifts.

Energy and power: Electrical engineers are concerned with the production and distribution of electricity to homes, offices, industry, hospitals, colleges and schools, and the installation and maintenance of the equipment involved in these processes.

2.Match each item in column A with an appropriate item from column B and link the two in a sentence.

1 marine a air-conditioning
2 aeronautical b roads and bridges
3 heating and ventilating c body scanners
4 electricity generating d cables and switchgear
5 automobile e communications and equipment
6 civil f ships
7 electronic g planes
8 electrical installation h cars and trucks
9 medical i power stations


3. Complete the sentences.

The main branches of engineering are civil …, …, and electronic. Mechanical engineering is …,... machinery of all kinds. This branch of engineering includes … automobile, … and heating and ventilating. The first three are concerned with transport: …cars and planes. The last … with airconditioning, refrigeration, etc.

Electrical engineering deals with … from generation to use. Electricity generating is concerned with … stations. Electrical installation deals … cables, switchgear, and connecting up electrical equipment.

Two branches of engineering include both … and …engineers. These are mining and … engineering. The former deals with mines and mining equipment, the latter with hospitals … of all kinds.

Before you start

Work in groups and discuss the questions.

List the materials you know which are used in engineering. Combine your list with the other in your group and classify the materials as metal, thermoplastic, etc.

After you read


1.Add the extra information to the following sentences about the plastics.

1.Plastic can be moulded into plates, car components, and medical aids. More…

2. Thermoplastics soften when heated again and again. More…

3. Thermosetting plastics set hard and do not alter if heating again. More…

4. ABS is used for safety helmets. More…

5. Nylon is self-lubricating. More…

6. Nylon is used for motorized drives in cameras. More…

7. Acrylic is a clear thermoplastic. More…

8. Acrylic is used for aircraft canopies and double glazing. More…

9. Polyester resin is used for boat and car bodies. More…

10. Polyester resin is hard and has good chemical and heat resistance. More…

2.Scan the table which follows to find a material which is:

1 soft

2 ductile

3 malleable

4 tough

5 scratch-resistant

6 conductive and malleable

7 durable and hard

8 stiff and brittle

9 ductile and corrosion-resistant

10 heat-resistant and chemical-res


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