Ex. 13. Answer the questions. 

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Ex. 13. Answer the questions.

  1. When were the first police agencies in the USA created?
  2. What was the main responsibility of nightwatchmen at that time?
  3. What functions do the police perform in society now?
  4. What activities does the police work consist of?
  5. What major types can police agencies be divided into?
  6. What police agencies does US law enforcement system include

a) on the federal level;

b) on the state level;

c) on the local level?

  1. Who finances the Federal police agencies?
  2. Who finances special police forces?


Ex. 14. Speak about the structure and functions of the American police force using the scheme.

  1. Historical facts about US police forces.
  2. Police functions in society.
  3. Types of police agencies.




40, 000 police agencies


Text 2

Text 2

Police in the United States

Vocabulary for reading the text:

  1. be in charge of – быть ответственным за
  2. inherit - наследовать
  3. watchman – ночной сторож
  4. disorder – беспорядок, нарушение
  5. attached – прикрепленный, присоединенный
  6. Department of Justice – министерство юстиции
  7. Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI) – Федеральное бюро расследований
  8. marshal – начальник полицейского участка
  9. Bureau of Internal Revenue – налоговое управление США
  10. Drug Enforcement Administration – управление по борьбе с наркотиками
  11. Postal Inspection Service - почтовая служба США
  12. deputy - заместитель
  13. jail – тюрьма (следственная или краткосрочного заключения)
  14. towmship – муниципалитет, городская община
  15. incorporated town – самоуправляющееся городское поселение
  16. borough – городской округ
  17. fire protection – противопожарная защита
  18. soil conservation – охрана и правильное использование почв
  19. custody of prisoner – содержание обвиняемого под стражей
  20. county board – окружной совет
  21. superintendent - старший полицейский офицер


Ex. 15. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions.

  1. What do you know about the US polise system?
  2. When was the first police department in the USA established?
  3. Is there a common police system in all 50 state?


Ex. 16. Read and translate the following text about police force in the United States.

Police in the United States

The United States inherited England’s common law and its system of policing. The colonists had the night watch under constables, with all able-bodied men over 16 serving without pay. Most cities and towns used this system well into the 19th century.

The use of daytime police started in Boston in 1838 with a force of 6 men. In Boston and New York the old night watch and the day force continued, with the mayor in charge of day force and the constable in charge of night watchmen. In 1844 New York City created the first police department in the United States, using the London Metropolitan Police as a model. Boston and Philadelphia followed. The model for American police originated in England: police were organized in a quasi-military command structure; there were no detectives; their task was prevention of crime and disorder.

There are five major types of police agencies:

1) the federal system, consisting of agencies attached to the Department of Justice (the Federal Bureau of Investigation, together with 700 U.S. marshals), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (investigating tax invasions), the U.S. Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Postal Inspection Service, and many others. Their task is to enforce federal laws.

2) the police forces and criminal investigation agencies established by each of the 50 states of the union. State police is headed by commissioner superintendent who is usually appointed by the governor of the state. The mission of the state police is to preserve law and order, to enforce criminal, traffic and regulatory laws, and to provide security and safety services;

3) sheriffs and deputy sheriffs in more than 3,000 counties, plus a few county police forces. The county sheriff is elected to office and employs a staff of deputies performing duties as uniformed policemen. The sheriff is also responsible for prisoners kept in the county jails;

4) the police forces of about 1,000 cities and more than 20,000 townships and New England towns. Town and city police are municipal agencies;

5) the police of some 15,000 villages, boroughs, and incorporated towns.

To this list must be added special categories, such as the police of the District of Columbia; various forces attached to authorities governing bridges, tunnels, parks and parkways; university police forces; and some units for policing special districts formed for the protection, soil conservation and other purposes.

The above-mentioned police forces are controlled in different ways. The federal bodies are responsible to the federal authorities, and the state forces – to the governors of their states. At local levels there are variations. States are divided into counties, and every county has its sheriff with responsibilities for the investigation of crime and the supervision of the custody of prisoners. In some states there are county police forces under the control of county boards. In some places county police forces are completely independent of the sheriff’s office.



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