XVI. Translate the following sentences into English. 

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XVI. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Я видел, что Николай пришел.

2. Я видела, что Джордж идет по улице.

3. Каждое утро Мэдж видела, как ее сосед раскрывает окно.

4. Мы заставили брата прочесть свои стихи.

5. Мои друзья заставили меня петь вчера.

6. Никто не может заставить меня это сделать.

7. Мы видели, как разговаривали их родители.

8. Мы видели, как дети играли.

9. Она видела, что Нина примеряет шляпу.

10. Алиса видела, что ее сестра взяла книгу.

11. Он видел, что его ученики стоят около школы.

12. Том видел, что она вышла из комнаты.

13. Мать видела, что ее дети сидят и делают домашнее задание.

14. Она видела, что Роджер сидит на диване.

15. Николай видел, что Анна что-то пишет.

16. Я хочу, чтобы вы меня поняли.

17. Я хочу, чтобы вы купили это платье.

18. Я не хочу, чтобы вы уходили рано.

19. Мы ожидаем, что они скоро придут.

20. Учитель заметил, что ученики разговаривают.

21. Она заметила, как ребята вышли из комнаты.

22. - Вы заметили, как они смеялись?

- Да, конечно.

23. - Вы заметили, что они ушли?

- Нет.

24. Она не слышала, как сын вошел в комнату.

25. Она не слышала, как они разговаривали.

26. - Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как она поет?

- Да.

27. - Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как он говорит по-французски?

- Нет.


XVII. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the Complex Object and the way of translating it.

1. The decision of the court obliges the authority to place the child in a community home.

2. The court allowed Mr X. to remain at home.

3. The juvenile court wants this child to have a guardian.

4. Parliament sometimes passes a very general law and expects a minister to fill in the details.

5. After the second reading they meant the bill to be referred to a committee.

6. The impatience of the judge made him feel uncomfortable.

7. I hate people to speak so cynically.

8. I saw him step into a box with a feeling of uncertainty.

9. I heard the officers on duty speak in soft voices in the next room.

10. The public watched him breathe with difficulty.


XVIII. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the Complex Subject and the way of translating it.

1. The data appeared to be wrong.

2. The matter is considered to be complicated.

3. The court is unlikely to give a different sentence.

4. Young offenders are seen to get training under a supervisor.

5. She is sure to arrive before Monday.

6. Under a supervision order a child is required to comply with directions made by the court.

7. Three people are reported to have been injured in the accident.

8. He is known to earn money by writing law reports for “The Times”. He is not a very successful barrister.


XIX. Practice the following according to the model. Use the Complex Subject.

Model: A. You asked him the time. Was this part of a plan?

B. No, I just happened to ask him the time.

A. You were looking out of the window when I passed. Was this part of a plan?

B. No, I just happened to be looking out of the window.

You …

- were in the phone box when I passed. Were you watching me?

- looked at your watch. Was this a signal of some kind?

- were waiting for a bus when I passed. Were you watching me?

- travelled on the same train as Peter. Was this part of a plan?

- sat at the same table as Jack. Was this part of a plan?


XX. Practice the following according to the model. Use the Complex Subject.

Model: A. He is afraid of someone.

B. Well, he seems to be afraid of someone.

He …

- suspects everyone;

- prefers to be alone;

- distrusts his neighbours;

- thinks he is in danger;

- avoids people;

- eats very little;

- works at night;

- reads a lot.


XXI. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the construction “for+Noun+the Infinitive”.

1. The judge waited for the policeman to bring the witness.

1. The matter examined in court was too difficult for the jury to reach their verdict unanimously.

2. The judge announced the sentence for the journalists to hear it.

3. The accused man waited very anxiously for the jury to return with their verdict.

4. I am glad for you to have come at last.

5. She watched for the door to open.

6. The wall was too high for anything to be seen.



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