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1. Прочитайте иа перекладіть слова та словосполучення українською мовою:

Surveying, the oldest arts, practiced by a man, the earliest times, necessary, to mark boundaries, oldest historical records, in existence, to bear on the subject, to state, to divided the land into plots, for purpose of taxation, the annual floods of the river, to replace the bounds, rope stretchers, the measurement, make by means of ropes, with markers at unit distances, the development of geometry, to apply the science of Geometry to surveying, the author of several important records, writings of interest to engineers, methods of surveying a field, drawing a plan, making calculation, to contain a description, surveying instruments.

2. Прочитайте текст та складіть до нього план.

3. Перекладіть подані слова українською мовою та підкреслить словотворчі суфікси і префікси:

sphere regard survey measure point

spherical disregard surveying measurement appoint

surveyor measuring disappoint

4. Визначити ступені порівняння прикметників:

1. Surveying is one of the oldest arts of man.

2. The surveyor is a prominent figure in land reclamation.

5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

Objects of surveying

When large portions of the globe surface have to be surveyed, as for instance the area of a whole country or of an entire continent, the spherical shape of the Earth has to be taken into consideration. Work of that nature forms is the object of geodetic surveying.

When the survey covers relatively small areas, measuring not more than 60 km. in any direction, the spherical shape of the globe may be disregarded as it will have no practical influence, when the results of the measurements taken аrе plotted on paper.

The determination of the shape and size of relatively small areas of land falls within the scope of plane surveying.

6. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту Впр.2 у письмовій формі:

1. What should be taken into consideration when large portions of the globe have to be surveyed?

2. What do we understand by large portions of the globe surface?

3. What is the object of geodetic surveying?

4. When may the spherical shape of the globe be disregarded?

5. What is the object of plane surveying?


Прочитайте текст


Photogrammetry is a non-contact scanning technology that utilizes photographs to make scientific measurements and create digital modeling in 3D. With photogrammetry, It is possible to determine the distance between two points in a photograph if the scale of the image is given.

Photogrammetry uses optics, the study and behavior of light, combined with projective geometry to determine points on an object. The distance between these points are then estimated and a 3D digitized model is created.

Photogrammetry is used in different fields, such as topographic maping, architecture, engineering, manufacturing, quality control, police investigation, and geology, as well as by archaeologists to quickly produce plans of large or complex sites and by meteorologists as a way to determine the actual wind speed of a tornado where objective weather data cannot be obtained.

Stereophotogrammetry is slightly more complex than photogrammetry and utilizes two photographs taken from different angles to estimate intersecting coordinates. With these estimates known, it is possible to create a 3D measurement of an object with the two photos.

For the most accurate results, photogrammetric data is combined with range data from 3D laser scanners or white-light digitizers. This is because photogrammetry is extremely accurate measuring the X and Y axis' of a coordinate plane, while 3D laser scanners and white-light scanners are more accurate in the Z axis range.

There are many different trades and professions that utilize photogrammetry and stereogrammetry. In engineering and architecture, the image of a building or metal part can be analyzed and CAD designs can be created easily. The entertainment business can utilize photogrammetry by merging real world objects with CGI.

With stereophotogrammetry surface maps can be created with just a few photographs.


Ex.2. Дайте відповіді на питання:

1. What is called ‘photogrammetry’?

2. What is the function of the photogrammetry?

3. What it uses?

4. What is created after estimating of the distance between two point?

5. What is Stereophotogrammetry?

6. What is doing for the most accurate results?

7. Where is the photogrammetry?

8. What the aim of the photogrammetry?

Ex. 3. Прокоментуйте ілюстрацію.


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