Основні геодезичні поняття. Геодезичні прилади 

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Основні геодезичні поняття. Геодезичні прилади

1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is geodesy?

2. What do geodesists create?

3. Why is it necessary to use a spatial reference system?

4. Whom does geodesy help ensure safety and reliability, save time and money?

5. Why do scientists of all kinds use geodesy?

6. Why does the Earth's surface change?

7. What is magma?

8. What does plate tectonics study?


Geodesy is the science of measuring and monitoring the size and shape of the Earth. Geodesists basically assign to points all over the Earth. If you were to stick points in a model of the Earth and then give each of those pins an address, then you would be doing what a geodesist does. By looking at the height, angles, and distances between these locations, geodesists create a spatial reference system that everyone can use. Building roads and bridges, conducting land surveys, and making maps are some of the important activities that depend on a spatial reference system. For example, if you build a bridge, you need to know where to start on both sides of the river. If you don't, your bridge may not meet in the middle.

As positioning and navigation have become fundamental to the functions of society, geodesy has become increasingly important.

Geodesy helps the transportation industry ensure safety and reliability, while reducing costs. Without geodesy, planes might land next to - rather than at - airports, and ships could crash onto land.

Geodesy also helps shipping companies save time and money by shortening their ships' and airplanes' routes and reducing fuel consumption.

Geologists, oceanographers, meteorologists, and even paleontologists use geodesy to understand physical processes on, above, and within the Earth. Because geodesy makes extremely accurate measurements (to the centimeter level), scientists can use its results to determine exactly how much the Earth's surface has changed over very short and very long periods of time.

The Earth's surface changes for many reasons. For instance, its surface rises and falls about 30 centimeters every day due to the gravitational influences of the moon and the sun. The Earth's outermost layer, the crust, is made up of a dozen or more "plates" that ride atop a sea of molten rock, called magma, which flows beneath the surface of the Earth.

Plate tectonics is the scientific discipline that looks at how these plates shift and interact, especially in relation to earthquakes and volcanoes. Although these phenomena are violent and usually affect large areas of land, even smaller events, such as erosion and storms, have an impact on shaping the Earth's surface. Geodesy helps us determine exactly where and how much the Earth's surface is changing.


assign (v) визначати,встановлювати

stick (v) приліпити

angle (n) кут

location (n) розташування

spatial (adj) просторовий

reference (n) посилання

survey (n) зйомка

positioning (ger) положення

ensure (v) гарантувати,забезпечувати

safety (n) безпека

reliability (n) надійність

save (v) зберігати

route (n) маршрут

reduce (v) зменшувати

fuel consumption споживання палива

accurate (adj) точний

measurement (n) вимірювання

surface (n) поверхня

layer (n) пласт,нашарування

crust (n) земна кора

atop (prep) нагорі, наверху

molten (adv) розтоплений

plate (n) плита

interact (v) взаємодіяти

earthquake (n) землетрус

violent (adj) сильний

impact (n) вплив, дія


1. Ask "what" or "where" or "why" questions as it is shown in the model:

Model: Geodesists assign addresses to points all over the world.

What do geodesists assign all over the world?

Where do geodesists assign addresses to points?

1. A geodesist sticks pins in a model of the Earth.

2. A builder should know where to start a bridge on both sides of the river.

3. Planes must land at airports.

4. Meteorologists use geodesy to understand physical processes

5. The Earth's surface changes for many reasons.

6. "Plates" ride atop a sea of molten rock.

7. These phenomena affect large areas of land.

2. Supply the prepositions where necessary and translate the text:

Geodesy is the science which is concerned... determining, by direct measurements, the size and the shape... the Earth. The word geodesy consists... two Greek words, which means earth and divide. Geodetic surveying is the art... determining actual distances... the surface... the Earth and the accurately computed allowances are made... the effect... the curvature... the earth. The execution... geodetic survey requires the most precise measurements that can be made... modern surveying equipment.

3. Translate into English:

1. Геодезія - це наука про вимірювання і спостереження за формою і розміром Землі.

2. Складання карт залежить від системи просторових посилань.

3. Геодезія допомагає транспортній індустрії гарантувати безпеку та надійність.

4. Океанографи та метеорологи використовують геодезію, щоб зрозуміти фізичні процеси на, над та в надрах Землі.

5. Геодезисти виконують надзвичайно точні вимірювання.

6. Поверхня Землі піднімається і опускається приблизно на ЗОсм щодня внаслідок гравітаційного впливу Місяця і Сонця.

7. Навіть ерозія і шторми справляють вплив на формування поверхні Землі.

4. Agree or disagree with (he statements given bellow. Use the following phrases:

Ø That's right…

Ø I entirely agree with you…

Ø Exactly…

Ø Quite so…

Ø It's true that...

Ø You are wrong…

Ø Quite the contrary…

Ø I can't agree with you…

Ø Not quite that…

Ø I don't think so…

1. Geodesists create a spatial reference system by looking at the height, angles and distances.

2. If you know where to start a bridge on both sides of the river, your bridge may not meet in the middle.

3. Geodesy doesn't help the transportation industry to reduce costs.

4. Without geodesy ships could crash onto land.

5. Scientists cannot use measurements results to determine how much the Earth's surface has changed over very short and very long periods of time.

6. The Earth's surface doesn't changes at all.

7. The moon and the sun influence the Earth's surface gravitation.

8. The crust is made up of one "plate" that rides atop a sea of molten rock.



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст. Записати назви геодезичних приладів.


Most fieldwork done by an Engineering Aid (especially at the third- and second-class levels) is likely to consist of field measurements and / or computations that involve plane surveying of ordinary precision. This section describes the basic instruments, tools, and other equipment used for this type of surveying. Other instruments used for more precise surveys will also be described briefly. Surveying instruments come in various forms, yet their basic functions are similar; that is, they are all used for measuring unknown angles and distances and/or for laying off known angles and distances.


MAGNETIC COMPASS A magnetic compass is a device consisting principally of a circular compass card, usually graduated in degrees, and a magnetic needle, mounted and free to rotate on a pivot located at the center of the card. The needle, when free from any local attraction (caused by metal), lines itself up with the local magnetic meridian as a result of the attraction of the earth’s magnetic North Pole.    
TRANSIT It is often called the universal survey instrument because of its uses. It may be used for measuring horizontal angles and directions, vertical angles, and differences in elevations; for prolonging straight lines; and for measuring distances by stadia. The engineer’s transit contains several hundred parts. For-descriptive purposes, these parts may be grouped into three assemblies: the leveling head assembly, the lower plate assembly, and the upper many plate or alidade assembly
THEODOLITE A theodolite is essentially a transit of high precision. Theodolites come in different sizes and weights and from different manufacturers. Although theodolites may differ in appearance, they are basically alike in their essential parts and operation
TRIBRACH The tribrach assembly, found on most makes and models, is a detachable part of the theodolite that contains the leveling screw, the circular level, and the optical plumbing device. A locking device holds the alidade and the tribrach together and permits interchanging of instruments without moving the tripod.
LEVELS The level vials on a theodolite are the circular, the plate, the vertical circle, and the telescope level.
TRIPOD A surveyor's tripod is a device used to support any one of a number of surveying instruments, such as theodolite, total stations,levels or transits.

Вставити пропущені слова.

1. A primary survey fieldwork consists of measuring horizontal and vertical …. or directions and extending straight lines. 2. Two types of ….. that fall into this category are the engineer’s transit and the theodolite. 3. The curves that change the alignment or direction are known as …., and those that change the slope are…. 4. The level vials on a….. are the circular, the plate, the vertical circle, and the telescope level.

Words: horizontal curves, theodolite, angles, vertical curves, instruments.



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