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Основні дані про земельний устрій України. Поняття землеустрою. Організація землеустрою.Содержание книги
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1. Запишіть наступні слова та словосполучення у словник та вивчіть: Topical vocabulary: plain (n) рівнина,схил flow (v) текти, протікати, коливатися в межах comprise (v) охоплювати, становити planting (n) посадка marshy (adj) болотяний, болотний woodlands (n) ліс, лісиста місцевість humid (adj) вологий, сирий woodiness (n) лісистість haymaking (n) сінокіс hop (n) хміль flax (n) льон insignificant (adj) незначний intermittence (n) переміжність, sown p.p. від sow (v) сіяти, засівати pulse crops бобові культури cog (n) зубець regain (v) відновлювати dignity (n) гідність humiliation (n) приниження
5. Reading – пред’явлення тексту для читання Read the text and answer the following questions 1. What can you say about the geographical position of Ukraine? 2. What percentage of the territory of Ukraine do agricultural lands comprise? 3. Is it true that climate conditions and soils are very favorable for agriculture production in Ukraine? 4. How many main natural and climate zones is the territory of Ukraine divided into? 5. Can you prove that the Marshy woodlands is the main zone for grain production? 6. What useful information have you learnt about the steppe zone in the text? 7. What are the main points which the author stresses as regards the forest steppe zone? 8. Do you know what natural and climatic zone Kharkiv region is situated in? 9. Can you describe the climatic conditions of the region you live in? 10. What do the basic statistics point up as regards the land resources of Ukraine? 11. Does the author make any conclusions at the end of the text? LAND RESOURCES Ukraine is one of the largest Europe countries, the area is 60,37 million ha and it's 5.7 % of Europe territory or about 0.5% of the globe. Most territory of Ukraine is situated in the western part of East European plain, in the South it is washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Freshwater resources are concentrated in 73 thousand of big and small rivers which flow through its territory and about 20 thousand of lakes. Dnipro is the third longest river in Europe. The Carpathian Mountains are on the West of Ukraine and the Crimea is in the South. The relief of 60% of the agricultural land is flat and 35 % has slopes ranging between 1 and 3 degrees. Agricultural lands of Ukraine comprise 41.76 million ha or 70 % of the territory of Ukraine, including ploughed lands 32.4 million ha or 54 %, pastures - 9 %, hay - 4 % and long term planting - 2 %. Climate conditions and good soils (third part of World reserve of black earth or 54 % of own lands) are very favorable for agriculture production. That is why there is the highest level of ploughed soils in Europe - near 78 %. The territory of Ukraine is divided into three main natural and climate zones - Marshywoodlands (Polissia), Forest-steppe (Lisostep) and Steppe (Step). The Marshy woodlands zone occupies the northern part of Ukraine, the total is 11.35 million ha (19 % of the entire territory of Ukraine) and is characterized by lowlands relief, continental climate with warm and humid summers and mild winters, turfy-podzolic soils (75 %), woodiness (30 %), haymaking - 1.2 million ha and the pasture (0.7 million ha). Ploughed lands occupy 33 % of the entire zone territory (4million ha). This is the main zone for grain production (rye, oats, and buckwheat), technical crops, flax, hop, sugar beet and potato as well as the processing of flax, meat and dairy produce. The Forest-steppe zone is located in central part of Ukraine and its area is 20.2 million ha. It is mainly flat with temperate continental climate, woodiness is insignificant (about 12 %), topsoil is quite diverse with an intermittence of podzolic soils and typical black soils.
Agricultural lands occupy 70 % of the territory including 66 % of ploughed lands. The structure of sown areas: winter wheat - more than 30 %, corn - 10 %, about 8 % - barley and pulse crops, more than 10 % is devoted to sugar beet and sunflower. There is also popular meat dairy and pig production here. The Steppe zone includes is the entire southern and eastern parts of Ukraine with mainly flat relief (24 million ha) and is characterized by temperate and continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. 90 % of Forest-steppe occupies black earth. This is the zone of maximum plough for Ukraine and about 48 % of Ukraine's ploughed land rest on this steppe.
EXERCISES I. Give English equivalents in Geography and Land surface for the following:
ІІ. Choose the correct word: 1. Agricultural land of Ukraine………41,76 million ha or 70% of territory of Ukraine a) involve b) include c) comprise d) consist of 2.The territory of Ukraine is divided into three...... natural and a) chief b) principal c) major d) main 3.90% of Forest - steppe occupies black……….. a) soil b) earth c) ground d) land 4.There is the.... level of ploughed soils in Europe - near 78%. a) tallest b) highest c) greatest d) biggest 5.Freshwater resources are concentrated in 73 thousand rivers a) across b) over c) via d) through 6.Ploughed lands occupy 33% of the.... zone territory, a) entire b) whole c) all d) intact 7.73 thousand of big and small rivers…..through the territory of Ukraine. a) stream b) flow c) run d) flush 8.Most territory of Ukraine…..in the western part of East European plain a) is located b) is concentrated c) is situated d) is based 9.Topsoil is quite....with an intermittence of podzolic soils and a) varied b) diverse c) different d) uncultivated
III. Ask and answer: a. if Dnipro is the third longest river in Europe; b. if Ukraine has favourable climate conditions and good soils for agriculture production; c. if the Marshy woodlands zone occupies the northern part of Ukraine; d. if there are 73.000 big and small rivers and about 20.000 lakes in Ukraine; 2. e)if he knows the crops which are grown in the Forest – steppe zone; a. if he agrees that maximum plough for Ukraine is in the steppe zone; b. if he believes that the Marshy woodlands zone is characterized by lowlands relief; c. if he can explain in which of the three natural and climate zones popular meat, dairy and pig production is concentrated; d. if he knows which of the three zones is the main one for grain production. IV.Translate into English: 1. Приватна власність на землю — це головна «опора» для створення ринкової економіки. 2. Для того, щоб купити землю, треба маги гроші. 3. Бізнесмени купують або продають землю чи інші природні ресурси, якщо сподіваються на прибуток від цієї угоди. 4. Із самого ранку вони обговорюють питання щодо розвитку земельних відносин в Україні.
5. Коли вона зателефонувала, ми розмовляли про те, чому ніхто в нашій країні не хоче брати землю. 6. Ми спостерігали, як студенти слухали лекцію про ринок землі в Україні. 7. Як звуть доповідача, що розповідає зараз про розвиток земельної реформи в Україні? 8. Студенти ще не прослухали лекції про сучасний стан земельної реформи в нашій країні.
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