Natural materials cannot provide an alternative to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness. 

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Natural materials cannot provide an alternative to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness.

8. Many of the European city problems could be resolved by paying greater attention to the rates of construction.

9. Architecture and urban planning based on environmental preservations are the only option for maintaining quality of life and preventing lasting environmental damage.

10. Pollution reduction, waste minimization and energy conservation can be furthered through environmentally unfriendly urban design and construction.


5. Fill in the necessary word:


1. The environmental ___ brings together social, economic, moral and political considerations.

2. Uncertainly about the ___ threshhold of the earth’s carrying capacity requires the adoption of the precautionary principle and calls for demanding management.

3. Reducing the use of ___ resources, increasing durability and closing resource loops will contribute to long-range environmentally ___ urban management.

4. Multiple use and social and economic diversity, as well as fair distribution of natural resources are ___ elements to be considered in urban ___.

5. To reconcile continuing development with environmental limits mankind must choose certain types of ___ rather than others.

6. Efficiency has meanings beyond maximizing the ___ output of each human being.

7. ___ of goods should be replaced with ___ of life.

8. Environmental protection is closely ___ to social equity.

9. Natural building has emerged as a response to an increasing ___ for our built environment.

10. Natural materials can provide an ___ to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental illness.

11. Many of the European city problems could be resolved by paying greater attention to the ___.

12. ___ reduction, ___ minimization and ___ conservation can be furthered through environmentally friendly urban design and construction.


6. Read the information below. Try to remember it:


Important Steps to Reduce Environmental Impacts


1. Walk the construction route to identify the limit of vegetation clearance, significant vegetation, ‘no go’ areas, locations for stockpiles, plant compounds and access roads.

2. Clearly identify the extent of the construction area and those areas to remain undisturbed.

3. Ensure machinery and equipment is clean before bringing to site.

4. Keep work and vehicles within the construction area.

5. Keep machinery and stockpiles on cleared areas.

6. Use the appropriate machinery for the task.

7. Plan vegetation removal (do not clear vegetation unnecessarily).

8. Topsoil should be stripped and stockpiled for use as soon as practicable.

9. Protect and maintain site erosion control measures, such as: - replacing temporary cut-off drains at the end of the day’s work - minimise exposed soil and slopes - avoid damage to erosion control measures - replace damaged erosion control measures, including silt fences, temporary bunds and strawbales - ensure the works drain to the erosion/ sedimentation control structures.

10. Ensure waste is controlled and disposed of correctly.

11. Clean equipment before moving to another site.

12. If unsure about any environmental controls contact the Site Supervisor.


from: Environmental awareness for civil construction, road, rail and marine projects. © 2012 Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure 77 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 //


7. Read the text below to learn about bioclimatic architecture:


Text 4 B

What Is Meant by “Bioclimatic Architecture”


Bioclimatic architecture is a way of designing buildings and manipulating the environment within building by working with natural forces around the building rather than against them. Thus it concerns itself with climate as a major contextual generator, and with benign environments using minimal energy as its target. Bioclimatic architecture aims to protect and enhance the environment and life. It is developing on many different levels from rethinking basic concepts about our need for shelter and the function of the “city” in our lives to developing recycled or sustainable building materials.

The impact of traditional building on the environment and natural resources is enormous. However, the ideal of designing and building structures that are environmentally friendly has become widespread throughout the community of architects and builders in developed nations.

In many areas there is the necessity of complying with new regulations and standards aimed at protecting the environment. In addition, there are an increasing number of incentives for putting up buildings with more efficient energy consumption and reduced negative impacts on natural resources by using recycled or sustainable materials. While these vary around the world, there is awareness that our need for shelter must not jeopardize the environment.

There is growing interest in “green” building practices, which offer an opportunity to create environmentally sound and resource efficient buildings by using an integrated approach to design.

“Green” buildings promote resource conservation through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation features. They take into consideration the environmental impact of the building and minimize waste. Other goals are to create a healthy and comfortable environment, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and address issues such as historical preservation, access to public transportation and other community infrastructure systems. The entire life cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as the economic and environmental impact and performance.

As public awareness of environmental issues increases, the construction developers are also beginning to see that “green building” can be profitable and at selling point. Market surveys are showing that a surprising number of potential buyers are interested and will pay the higher prices for a home that is environmentally friendly. In the last few years there has been much talk concerning environmentally responsible architecture, that is, architecture respectful of the earth’s resources and its natural beauty.

Unfortunately, many of the architects and designers who profess interest in the concept of sustainable architecture do not practice it in their own work for whatever reason, be it their client’s lack of interest or their own lack of conviction. In fact, most architects ignore the issue altogether, preferring to regard architecture as fashion. This is a terribly irresponsible view, because in terms of energy use and visual pollution, buildings have had an increasingly severe and damaging impact on the environment, this makes the issue of sustainable architecture not only an important consideration but also a necessary one.

As for a building philosophy for national parks, which were created to conserve nature for future generations, it seems that sustainable architecture, or “integrated bioclimatic architecture”, is the only logical and responsible approach.


Notes on the text:


As public awareness of environmental issues increases - По мере того как растет осведомленность общественности по вопросам окружающей среды...

Who profess interest in the concept sustainable architecture – которые открыто интересуются концепцией экологически безопасной архитектуры

Buildings have had an increasingly severe and damaging impact on the environment – здания оказывают все более разрушающее воздействие на окружающую среду




8. Try to recollect how these words and phrases are used in the text. e.g.: Bioclimatic architecture


___ forces, contextual ___, ___ concepts, ___ resources, environmentally ___, increasing ___, ___ practices, ___ approach, “Green” ___, ___ impact, ___ transportation, ___ cycle, public ___, sustainable ___, ___ costs, comfortable ___, ___ issues, ___ developers, ___ surveys, potential ___, ___ prices, responsible ___, ___ beauty


9. Match the beginnings from part A with the endings from part B:



1. Bioclimatic architecture is a way of...

2. Bioclimatic architecture aims...

3. The impact of traditional building on the environment and natural resources is...

4. In many areas there is the necessity of...

5. There is growing interest in “green” building practices, which offer...

6. “Green” buildings promote resource conservation through...

7. The entire life cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as...

8. As public awareness of environmental issues increases, the construction developers are also beginning...

9. Market surveys are showing that a surprising number of potential buyers are...

10. In the last few years there has been much talk concerning environmentally responsible...



... architecture, that is, architecture respectful of the earth’s resources and its natural beauty.

... the economic and environmental impact and performance.

... an opportunity to create environmentally sound and resource efficient buildings by using an integrated approach to design.

... interested and will pay the higher prices for a home that is environmentally friendly.

... to protect and enhance the environment and life.

... enormous.

... designing buildings and manipulating the environment within building by working with natural forces around the building rather than against them.

... energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation features.

... complying with new regulations and standards aimed at protecting the environment.

... to see that “green building” can be profitable and at selling point.


10. Translate into English:


Что такое биоклиматическая архитектура?


Биоклиматическая архитектура представляет собой дизайн, который, с учетом климата региона, призван обеспечить необходимые комфортные условия с минимальным потреблением энергии и использованием имеющихся экологически чистых источников энергии (солнце, ветер, вода, почва), что способствует экономии энергии для обогрева, охлаждения и освещения зданий.

Методами биоклиматической архитектуры являются использование тепловой защиты зданий, применение пассивных солнечных систем, внедрение систем естественного охлаждения и освещения и некоторые методы рационального использования энергии (тепловые зоны, аккумулирование тепла строительными материалами).

Биоклиматическое здание дает экономию энергии примерно на 30% по сравнению с энергоэффективным зданием, а в сравнении с более старым не изолированным зданием энергосбережение составляет около 80%.




11. Read the text below to find out answers to the questions:


1) What is definition of green building?

2) What is environmental sustainability?

3) What are environmental benefits of Green Buildings?

4) What are economic benefits. of Green Buildings?

5) What are social benefits of Green Buildings?


Text 4 C

“Green” Buildings


The definition of green building. Green building is a holistic concept that starts with the understanding that the built environment can have profound effects, both positive and negative, on the natural environment, as well as the people who inhabit buildings every day. Green building is an effort to amplify the positive and mitigate the negative of these effects throughout the entire life cycle of a building.

While there are many different definitions of green building out there, it is generally accepted as the planning, design, construction, and operations of buildings with several central, foremost considerations: energy use, water use, indoor environmental quality, material section and the building's effects on its site.

Well designed green buildings will save money, increase comfort and create healthier environments for people to live and work, using improved indoor air quality, natural daylight, and thermal comfort.

Energy use by depleting natural resources as well as CO2 emissions is one of our most important environmental impacts. Volatile energy markets, rising energy costs and increasing environmental awareness about issues such as global warming make energy efficiency and conservation a high priority. Build Green's focus is on reducing building energy usage and increasing occupant comfort.

Environmental Sustainability. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainability as: "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". This definition was endorsed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janiero in 1992. In 2003, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) stated: "The building sector has major impacts not only on economic and social life, but also on the natural and built environment. Various building activities, such as the design, construction, use, refurbishment and demolition of buildings, directly and indirectly affect the environmental performance of the sector".

Against this background, the concept of “sustainable building” – reducing the harmful effect on the environment of buildings and construction activities – has been attracting the attention of stakeholders in OECD countries. This can range from using recycled materials carried by low-polluting forms of transport in construction to maximising energy efficiency in a finished building, for example through improved insulation and solar-powered energy.

A recent OECD report describes the environmental and economic impacts of the building sector and the current situation in regard to environmental policies and makes recommendations for designing and implementing policies to encourage environmentally sustainable buildings.

Environmental Benefits of Green Buildings:

1. Emissions Reduction. Pollutants released by fossil fuel fired electricity contribute to global climate change, cause air quality issues such as acid rain and smog, and pose risks to human health. Green building techniques like solar powering, daylighting, and facilitation of public transport increase energy efficiency and reduce harmful emissions.

2. Stormwater Management. Stormwater runoff can cause waterway erosion, flooding, and carry pollutants into water sources. Harvesting and redirecting stormwater, building surfaces with permeable materials, and using green roofs can control and utilize overflow.

3. Temperature Moderation. The heat retention properties of tall buildings and urban materials such as concrete and asphalt are the primary causes of urban heat island effect. These conditions may be offset by conscientious building design and site selection, as well as planting trees to accompany new developments.

4. Waste Reduction. Construction and demolition generates a huge portion of solid waste in the United States. Building deconstruction as an alternative to full-scale demolition results in massive decreases of waste production.

5. Water Conservation. Recycling rainwater and grey water for purposes like urinal flow and irrigation can preserve potable water and yield significant water savings.

Economic Benefits of Green Buildings:

A common impression about green building is that the green premium is too expensive to be considered economically feasible. However, studies have shown that the costs of green buildings are not substantially higher than regular development projects. Higher construction costs can generally be avoided by the inclusion of green design from the outset of the project. Additionally, green buildings provide an assortment of economic advantages.

1. Energy and Water Savings. The resource efficiency provided by green design and technology leads to drastic reductions in operation costs that quickly recoup any additional project costs and continue to offer dramatic long-term savings (see statistics). Money previously directed toward utility costs may be used for other purposes.

2. Increased Property Values. With energy costs on the rise, the low operating costs and easy maintenance of green buildings make for lower vacancy rates and higher property values.

3. Decreased Infrastructure Strain. Efficient buildings exert less demand on the local power grid and water supply, stretching the capacity of local infrastructure.

4. Improved Employee Attendance. Green design emphasizes increased natural lighting and control of ventilation and temperature-attributes that improve employee health and prevent absences. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports major reductions in health care costs and work losses resulting from commonly recommended improvements to indoor environments.

5. Increased Employee Productivity. Employee productivity has been positively correlated to indoor environmental conditions, and shows improvements where green principles have been applied.

6. Sales Improvements. Studies show better sales in stores that utilize natural light. Retailers are increasingly using daylighting in an effort to harvest the associated sales benefits.

7. Development of Local Talent Pool. With increased attention being paid to global climate change and the need for renewable energy sources, the field of building design and construction is moving toward sustainability as a permanent objective. As of July 2007, 23 states and more than 80 cities have legislated green standards for municipal buildings. Building green in Bloomington is an investment in the local economy, helping to foster a local talent pool: designers and builders experienced with green projects able to accommodate the growing market demand for sustainable development.

Social Benefits of Green Buildings:

1. Improved Health. Poor indoor environmental quality (IEQ) resulting from insufficient air circulation, poor lighting, mold build up, temperature variances, carpeting and furniture materials, pesticides, toxic adhesives and paints, and high concentration of pollutants (typically 10 to 100 times higher than outdoors) contribute widely to respiratory problems, allergies, nausea, headaches, and skin rashes. Green building emphasizes ventilation and non-toxic, low emitting materials that create healthier and more comfortable living and working environments.

2. Improved Schools. An estimated 40% of schools in the United States are subject to poor environmental conditions that compromise the health and learning of students. The healthier environment and atmosphere in school buildings utilizing green design and construction principles is shown to lead to significant reductions in student absenteeism and improvements in test scores.

3. Healthier Lifestyles and Recreation. A key element of sustainable design is the preservation of natural environments, which afford a variety of recreation and exercise opportunities. Green buildings also seek to facilitate alternatives to driving, such as bicycling and public transport, which eases local traffic while encouraging personal health and fitness.




12. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:


profound effects; natural environment; to amplify the positive effect; mitigate the negative effect; volatile energy; global warming; sustainable building; recycled materials; low-polluting forms of transport; solar-powered energy; fossil fuel; heat retention properties; economic advantages; reductions in operation costs; emissions reduction; stormwater management; temperature moderation; waste reduction; water conservation; economic benefits of green buildings; environmental benefits of green buildings; energy and water savings; social benefits of green buildings; improved health; poor indoor environmental quality; poor lighting; respiratory problems; the preservation of natural environments


13. Choose the correct word from the text to complete the sentences:


1. Green building is an effort to amplify the positive and mitigate the negative of these effects throughout the entire life cycle of a ___.

2. Well designed green buildings will save money, increase comfort and create ___ environments for people to live and work, using improved indoor air quality, natural daylight, and thermal comfort.

3. Energy use by depleting natural resources as well as CO2 emissions is one of our most important ___ impacts.

4. ___ released by fossil fuel fired electricity contribute to global climate change, cause air quality issues such as acid rain and smog, and pose risks to human health.

5. Green building ___ like solar powering, daylighting, and facilitation of public transport increase energy efficiency and reduce harmful emissions.

6. A common impression about green building is that the green premium is too ___ to be considered economically feasible.

7. Green building emphasizes ventilation and non-toxic, low emitting materials that create healthier and more comfortable ___ and working environments.

8. A key element of ___ design is the preservation of natural environments, which afford a variety of recreation and exercise opportunities.

9. ___ buildings also seek to facilitate alternatives to driving, such as bicycling and public transport, which eases local traffic while encouraging personal health and fitness.


14. Complete the sentences:


1. Green building is a holistic concept that starts with the understanding that the built environment can have profound effects, both ___.

2. Well designed green buildings will save money, increase comfort and create healthier environments for people ___.

3. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainability as: ___.

4. In 2003, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) stated: ___.

5. A recent OECD report describes the environmental and economic impacts of the building sector and the current situation in regard to ___.



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