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Marginal Productivity TheoryСодержание книги
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We cannot say exactly how many electricians or computer programmers will be demanded within a given time period, but we can present some general rules about how the numbers of people demanded in these occupations might rise or fall. In this analysis, we reencounter many principles. All apply equally to the demand for resource inputs, including labor. The Profit-Maximizing Level of Employment The extra output that each additional unit of labor adds to total output is called the marginal product of labor: MPL = ∆TP, ∆L where MP L is the marginal product of labor; ∆TP is the change in total product; ∆L is adding one unit of labor. As we saw adding units of the variable input to other fixed inputs will eventually decrease the marginal product of the variable input in the short run. Marginal product of labor: The change in total output that results from employing one more unit of labor. Table 2 A Marginal Revenue Product Schedule for Labor
The marginal revenue product of labor n column (4) falls as more units of labor are employed because the marginal product of labor (column 2) falls. The firm will hire additional units of labor up to the point where the extra revenue these units generate just equals the extra cost of paying for them. At this point, 6 units of labor, MRP = MFC. When the extra com produced by each additional unit of labor is sold, the resulting increase in total revenue is called marginal revenue product (MRP): MRPL = ∆TR/∆L, where MRPL is the marginal revenue product of labor; ∆TR is the change to total revenue; ∆L is the change in the amount of labor hired. Another method of expressing MRPL, is MRPL = MR x MPL, where MR is the marginal revenue (the increase in total revenue resulting from selling one more unit of output); MPL is the marginal product of labor. Marginal revenue product: The change in total revenue that results from employing one more unit of a variable input. The extra cost of hiring one more unit of labor is called the marginal factor cost of labor: MFCL = ∆TC/∆L, where MFCL, is the marginal factor cost; ∆TC is the change in total cost. Marginal factor cost: The change in total cost that results from employing one more unit of a variable input. The profit-maximizing firm will hire labor to the point where MRPL = MFCL. The numbers used in Table 2 are presented in graph form in Figure 2. The MPL, curve is drawn in part a by plotting the points from columns (1) and (2). The demand curve for the farmer's com is shown in part b, where P = $2. The MRPL is found by multiplying marginal revenue by marginal product; the result is the marginal revenue product curve in part c. The prevailing wage is $8, stated as MFCL. The profit-maximizing quantity of labor is the point where the MFCL curve crosses the MRPL curve. At this point, the marginal revenue product equals the marginal factor cost of labor. Figure 2. The Firm's Marginal Revenue Product Curve (a) The farmer's marginal product of labor (MPL) curve is plotted from columns (1) and (2) in Table 2. (b) The demand curve for the farmer's product is determined by the product price (P = MR in this perfectly competitive market). (c) The marginal revenue product (MRPL) curve is found by multiplying MPL by MR. The profit-maximizing firm hires labor up to the point where marginal revenue product of labor equals marginal factor cost of labor (MFCL). With a wage of $8 and a product price of $2, the firm will hire up to 6 units of labor. Profit-Maximizing Rule for All Inputs This rule applies to all inputs, such as tractors, seed, land, tractor drivers, and water. The profit-maximizing quantity of all inputs is the amount that makes the MRP of each input equal to the MFC of each input: MRP 1 = MRP 2 = MRP 3 = … = MRP N = 1, MFC1 MFC2 MFC3 MFCN where the subscripts 1, 2,and 3,... indicate the MRP and MRC of the first, second, third, and so on, inputs; Nindicates the total number of inputs used. Each ratio of MRP to MFC is equal to 1 because the MRP of each is equal to the MFC of each. Under this condition, all inputs are employed in the profit-maximizing amounts.
The Demand for Labor
Marginal productivity theory gives insight into the purchasing behavior of firms. In the short run, when labor is the only variable input, the firm is willing to purchase or hire additional units up to the point at which MRP = MFC. The firm's marginal revenue product curve (Figure 2c) thus traces the relation between the price of labor (the wage rate) and the amount of labor a firm is willing to purchase. In other words, the marginal revenue product curve is also the firm's short-run demand curve for labor. Figure 3 illustrates this. At wage Wo the firm chooses Lo units of labor. A higher wage such as W1results in less labor hired. For each wage, the firm adjusts the level of employment to maintain the equation MRPL = MFCL.
Figure 3. The Firm's Short-Run Demand for Labor The firm hires labor up to the point where the wage is equal to the marginal revenue product of labor (MRPL). The marginal revenue product curve shows the various quantities of labor the firm is willing to hire at all the different wage rates when labor is the only variable input.
A single firm's demand for labor in the short run is equivalent to its marginal revenue product of labor. To obtain the overall market demand for labor in the short run, we must make some additional calculations. Each firm will, of course, demand labor up to the point where MRPL = MFCL. Thus, at a particular wage, the market demand for labor may be shown as the sum of all the firms' MRPL curves. Figure 4 shows such a curve, MRPLO. This curve represents simply the sum of all the firms' short-run demand curves for a particular type of labor. The curve labeled MRPLO, however, is not the short-run market demand curve for this type of labor, but it does establish one point on the short-run market demand curve, D. To establish the whole demand curve, we must examine what happens when the wage rate changes. Imagine the overall demand for corn huskers. Many farmers employ huskers at wage W0, the total number of corn huskers employed at W0 is L0. Recall that the MRPL curve is obtained by multiplying the price of corn by the marginal product of labor. If the wage rate rises to W1, then each firm's costs of production will rise. The increased costs of production will decrease the supply of com and increase the equilibrium price. To obtain the new MRPL curve (MRPL1), we multiply the marginal product of labor by the new, higher price of corn, and we sum this quantity over all the firms. The new wage, W1, and level of employment, L1, establish a second point on the short run market demand curve. The short run market demand curve, D, differs from the sum of the MRPL curves because it allows for increases in the price of the product that result from wage increases. Figure 4. The Sort-Run Market Demand for Labor MRPLO represents the sum of all the firms' marginal revenue product curves for a particular occupation. When the wage for this occupation is W0, the firms hire Lo units of labor. If the wage rises to W1, the firms initially hire the lower Lo1 units of labor. However the increase in wages causes an increase in the price of the product. The higher product price shifts the sum of the firms MRPLO to MRPL1. At W1, when labor is the only variable input the firms hire L1 units of labor. D represents the short-run market demand curve for labor because it allows for changes in the wage rate.
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