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Образец благодарственного письма


(Sample Thank-You Letter)


Mrs. Lori Roberts Director of Personnel Johnston Corporation Austin, Texas 78777   Dear Mrs Roberts:   Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations with you.     I hope that all questions were answered to your satisfaction, however, I would be happy to supply any further information you may need.   I am very interested in the growth potential of the position we discussed, and I hope you will consider me as a serious candi­date. I am looking forward to hear­ing from you soon.   Sincerely yours,   Jeanne Nguyen 1730 Green Street Austin, Texas 78776 (512)554-1730 Г-же Лори Робертс Менеджеру по кадрам корпорации Джонстон Остин, Техас 78777   Уважаемая г-жа Робертс!   Благодарю Вас за время и внимание, которые Вы уделили на интервью со мной на прош­лой неделе. Благодарю Вас так­же за предоставленную возмож­ность обсудить с Вами мою ква­лификацию и жизненные цели. Я надеюсь, что Вы удовлет­ворены моими ответами на все вопросы, и готова предоста­вить Вам любую дополнитель­ную информацию, которая мо­жет Вам понадобиться. Я бы очень хотела занять должность, про которую мы с Вами говорили, и надеюсь, что Вы рассматриваете меня как серьезного кандидата. С нетерпением жду ответа.     Искренне Ваша,   Жанна Нгуен 78776 Техас Остин, Грин ст., 1730 (512)554-1730


Exercise 7. Write down the following documents to present to the firm you are interested in:

1. Application form

2. Resume

3. Covering letter

4. CV

5. Thank-you letter


V. Speaking

Exercise 8. Ring up to the firm and ask the following questions:


- Have you received my covering letter and resume?

- When is the deadline for application?

- Do you need a letter of recommendation or any other referen­ces?

- Whom can I contact for further information?

- Is it necessary for applicants to have commercial experience?




I. Vocabulary

Topical words:

heading irrelevant to include draft essential concise courteous letterhead addressee range to enclose up-to-date p.p. ("per procuretionem") enc. ("enclosure") advertisement to cancel quality commodity on the average to reduce concession letter of intent execution exclusive right заголовок недоречний містити (в собі) чернетка необхідний, обов'язковий короткий, стислий ввічливий, чемний друкований бланк (установи) адресат низка, ряд вкладати (в пакет), прикладати до листа сучасний за дорученням вкладка, додаток оголошення, реклама анулювати, скасувати якість товар у середньому зменшувати, знижувати поступка лист-забов'язання виконання виключне право


II. Reading and discussion

Exercise 1. Read and discuss the text.

"Golden Rules" for writing business letters

1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see at a glance what you are writing about.

2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write.

3. Use short sentences.

4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.

5. Use short words that everyone can understand.

6. Think about your reader. Your reader...

…..must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be


…..must be given all necessary information: your letters should be


. …is a busy person with no time to waste: your letters should be


…. must be addressed to in a polite tone: your letters should be


... may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar: your letters should be


Seven steps in planning a business letter

1. Write down your aim: Why are you writing this letter?

2. Assemble all the relevant information and documents.

3. Arrange the points in order of importance. Make rough notes.

4. Write an outline and check it through, considering these ques­tions:

- Have you left any important points out?

- Can the order of presentation be made clear?

- Have you included anything that is not relevant?

5. Write a first draft, leaving space for additions and changes.

6. Revise your first draft by considering these questions:


- Does it cover all the essential points?

- Is it correct, relevant and complete?


- Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?


- Does it look attractive?

- Does it sound natural and sincere?

- Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?

- Is it clear, concise-and courteous?

- Will it give the right impression?

7. Write, type or dictate your final version.



Structure of the letter:

1. Sender's address / Date. 2. Inside address (receiver's address).

3. Attention line. 4. Salutation.

5. Body of the letter. 6. Complimentary close.

7. Signature.


1.GIMBEL& CO Ltd 21 High Street, Blackheath, London SE3B 5HY Tel: 01-564-8843 7th May 2002 The address of the firm sending the letter (the letterhead) is often printed on the paper The date
2. M.Lawson Esq, Manager, Filbury & Johns, 20 Shaftsbury Avenue, London WlA 4WW The name, position, firm and address of the addressee
3. Our ref: DM/SK Dear Mr Lawson, The reference (the initials of theperson writing the letter and the person who types it)
4. Thank you for your letter of 4th May enquiring about our range of office equipment. The first paragraph says why you are writing
5. I enclose an up-to-date price list and our latest catalogue which I hope includes something of interest to you. You will notice that we offer very favourable terms of payment. The second paragraph says what you want or what you are doing (the real reason for writing the letter)  
6. I look forward to hearing from you again. The final paragraph is a polite ending
7. Yours sincerely You write “Yours sincerely”, if you know the name of the addressee and “Yours faithfully” if you don't
8. David Ripley   Sales Manager The signature The person writing the letter His position in the firm
9. Encs Here the enclosures are the catalogue and price list



Opening Phrases

Dear Madam Шановна пані

Dear Sir Шановний добродію

Dear Mister Malforn Шановний пане Малфорн

Dear Sirs Шановні панове

We have received your letter of... Ми отримали Вашого листа від...

We thank you for your letter of... Дякуємо за лист від...

We have the pleasure to inform you Ми раді повідомити Вас

In reply to your letter of У відповідь на ваш лист від...

То inform you Повідомляємо вас

We apologize for the delay in Просимо пробачення за

answering your letter затримку з відповіддю на ваш лист


Linking Phrases

• There is no doubt that Безперечно

• It is necessary to note Необхідно відзначити, що

• We'd like to draw your attention Звертаємо вашу увагу

to the fact... на той факт, що...

• Considering the above said Беручи до уваги сказане

• In this connection У цьому зв'язку

• In connection with your request У зв'язку з вашим проханням

• Otherwise we shall have У противному разі ми будемо


• As regards your request Щодо вашого прохання

• Up till now we have received no reply Дотепер ми не отримали відповіді

• In case of delay У випадку затримки

• In case of your refusal У випадку вашої відмови

• In case you fail to make payments У випадку несплати

Closing Phrases

• We are looking forward to

receiving your Чекаємо вашої згоди /

consent / approval / confirmation схвалення / підтвердження

• Your prompt execution of our Будемо вам вдячні за швидке

order would be appreciated виконання нашого замовлення

• We wish to maintain cooperation Сподіваємося підтримувати

with you співробітництво

• Your early reply will be appreciated Будемо вам вдячні за швидку


• We are looking forward to hearing Сподіваємося отримати від Вас

from you відповідь найближчим часом

• If we can be of any assistance, Просимо звертатися до нас, якщо

please do not hesitate to contact us ви потребуєте допомоги

• Yours faithfully 3 повагою

• Yours sincerely 3 повагою


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