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C. Now write down in the note form the information you get to know about.Содержание книги
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a) the International Peterson Organization: 1. Basic holding, company is _____________________ 2. Most shares owned by ________________________ 3. Three main activities are ______________________
b) Peterson Travel 1. owned by ________________________ 2. consists of _________________________
D. Vocabulary: "up and down the country" means all over the country. "direct-sell company" means a company that sells its goods directly to the public, and not through a retailer or agent.
Choose the best answer: 1. The primary activities of acompany are: a) its most profitable activities b) the activities that produce the most sales c) the activity with which it started in business d) activities that involve labour costs and material costs 2. A holding company is: a) a company owned by another company b) a company that holds shares in another company c) a company that controls another company d) a privately owned company 3. A private company is: a) a company that is not state-owned b) a company with not more than fifty shareholders c) a company that is owned by only one person 4. A sister company is: a) a company engaged, in similar-business activity in another country b) any company owned by the same multinational parent company с) any company owned by the same parent company 5. A board is: a) a department of government responsible for trade b) the executives of a company c) shareholders of a company d) the group оf people who are officially responsible for running a company 6. An executive team is: a) a group of people concerned with social activities b) a team of people brought into a company to advise on management problems с) a group of people who make the decisions in business and ensure that these decisions are carried out d) a group of people who carry out other people's decisions 7. A profit centre is: а) а соmраnу that is profitable b) a department of a company main aim of which is to make profits c) a department of a company which keeps financial records
Check your answer: 1. B 5. D 2. C 6. C 3. B 7. B 4. C
E. 1. Talk to Hugh. Ask him about: a) the structure of his company b) the primary activities of the company c) the primary activities of the British company d) the structure of the travel group e) the company's management
Talk to Ken. Tell him in short about the British company of the Peterson organization.
F.1. Study the following words:
G. Now read how Richard describes a multinational oil company he works for. Richard: Vector Petroleum (UK) limited is the company that I work for, and their responsibility is for exploration of oil in the UK and, offshore UK, and for production of that oil. That oil is sent down a pipeline to be loaded into a tanker. The tank ship is a separate subsidiary of Vector, Vector Tankship Limited.Vector Petroleum is in fact a subsidiary of SOTEX, which is Signal Oil Соmраnу of Texas, and is the world's seventh largest company. This company has a lot of subsidiaries around the world each dealing with a separate activity. So,Vector Petroleum (UK) Limited is responsible for exploration and production of oil only in the UK. And Vector Overseas Petroleum Incorporated, which has its headquarters in Houston, is responsible for finding and producing oil in all areas outside the USA. And we are a subsidiary of that company. Now that leaves us in the interesting position that we can have a number of independent Vector companies operating in one country. So that in the UK we also have Vector Oil (UK) Limited, and they are responsible for marketing petrol and other products like diesel and so on, in Britain. Vector Oil Europe also based in London is responsible for refining, wholesaling, and retailing our products throughout Europe.
3. Look at the following expressions. Write down the words that are actually used in the extract instead of those underlined: 1._________________their responsibility is for searching for and finding oil 2._________________in the UK and out at sea near the UK 3. ________________a separate company owned by Vector 4. ____________ __ __separate companies for cleaning crude oil and marketing 5._________________operating in every part of the world 6._________________which has its main offices in Houston 7. _________________marketing petrol and other goods sold in large quantities to retailer UNIT V
I. Reading and translation. Exercise 1. Read the text A and translate it. Use the Russian variant as the key.
Text A TST Systems was looking for candidates for the position of Commercial Director. Three applicants came for an interview after they had submitted their Resumes. The third and the most successful was Mr. Klimenko. Here is the interview with him.
II. Speaking
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