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What is the history of Russian customs?


What is the history of Russian customs?

THE CURRENT Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated from a Tatar word tamga which meant a customs tasks. In KievanRus the right to collect duties could be purchased. Taxes were collected for transportation of goods through the frontiers of individual princedoms. Foreign merchants were allowed to trade only in frontier towns under threat of confiscation. Russian tsars approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.

What is the main task of RC?

The main tasks are to protect the economic interests of Russia and preserve national treasures and cultural and historical properties.

What functions is the RCS carrying out?

The russian customs service is currently carrying out fiscal functions, regulation of foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerming foreign trade.

What laws is Customs legislation in Russia based on?

It is based on “The Customs Code Of RF” and the law “On Customs Tariffs”. All provisions and regulations in these documents meet world standards.

What is the structure of Russian Customs?

1. FCS – state body of Executive power, with the widest powers.
2. Regional offices which are located in the capitals of Federal districts.
3. Units that operate within a certain subject of the Federation.
4. Posts that obey the customs. In some positions we have allocated separate departments specializing in customs control and clearance.

What does the Russian Customs Service need today?

It needs a proper legal environment, well trained personnel, Hi-Tech equipment and simplified procedures.

What does the Customs business of the Russian Federation include?

Now the main task of the Customs Service is to protect the economic interests of Russia and its national wealth.


§ processing and risk-assessing passengers entering or leaving Russia (including baggage and personal search);

§ processing of cargo including documentary checks and physical examination (including at international mail centres and air and sea ports);

§ boarding ships and aircraft to check compliance with regulations;

§ searching ships for undocumented cargo, prohibited goods and stowaways;

§ collection of duty;

§ administrative work related to the above.


Why is the collecting of the Customs duties so important?

What are Customs officers’ responsibilities?

Customs is anорган (власти) or agency in a country responsible for сбор и сохранение Customs duties and for controlling the товаропоток including animals, личныевещи and опасныепредметы in and out of a country.

What is the status of the Customs world-wide?

The Customs officer belongs to one of the longest established professions in the world, full of traditions and values. However, the world continuously moves on in order to keep up with demands of the 21st century (increased volume of trade abolition, new technologies, etc).

What are some added responsibilities aimed at protecting national economies?

What are the recent trends in illegal practices national Customs Services have to deal with?

The virtual customs service. The virtual Customs office contains a number of integrated, interdepartmental E-Services important for the Swedish business community. The objective of this project was to provide a Virtual Customs Office, offering a high level of service, for example, service in a range of languages, currently numbering ten.

Who decides if the defendant is guilty in the USA?

. In the United States juries decide if the defendant is guilty but sometimes also have a say in what punishment he should receive.

What system did Japan have before World War II? What is it like now?

Before World War II, Japan also had a jury system, but it was often criticized for the ease with which jurors could be bribed. Now Japan, like South Korea, is a rare example of a modern industrialized country where jurors are not used: all decisions are made by professional judges.

Do most countries have special rules for young defendants? What are they?

Most countries have special rules for young defendants. Children under ten cannot stand trial at all under English law. Juveniles (those under seventeen) are dealt with in special Magistrates Courts known as Juvenile Courts.

In what countries are the highest juridical decisions are made by a Supreme Court?

In many countries, such as Japan and United States, the highest juridical decisions are made by a Supreme Court. Its members are appointed from the lower courts by the government.

Как образуются основные формы глагола в изъявительном наклонении?

Наклонение в английском языке определяется грамматической категорией глагола, отражающей отношение содержания высказывания говорящего к действительности. Это отношение может быть выражено реальностью (фактом), гипотезой (предположением), желанием, требованием, побуждением и т.д.

Так же как, и в русском языке, в английском языке существует три наклонения: изъявительное, сослагательное и повелительное.

Изъявительное наклонение показывает, что говорящий рассматривает действие как реальный факт, относящийся к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему:

Denis plays outside.
Денис играет на улице. (говорящий полагает, что это факт)

Английские глаголы в изъявительном наклонении обозначают действия, которые расцениваются с точки зрения реальности происходящего и могут быть выражены в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем временах.

He speaks. He is speaking. He spoke. He has spoken.

Изъявительное наклонение выражает наличие или отсутствие необусловленного (объективного) действия, в пределах того или другого времени. Различные отношения субъекта к этому действию им не определяются и передаются уже другими наклонениями.

Примеры предложений в изъявительном наклонении

We have never heard ofit.
Мы никогда и не слышали об этом.

I am going away on business shortly.

She was studying all day long.
Она училась в течение всего дня.

Radar operates inanyweather.
Радар действует в любую погоду.

Как изменяется глагол в настоящем (прошедшем, будущем) времени?

Как известно, в русском языке три времени – прошедшее, настоящее и будущее. Английских времен тоже три – present, past и future, но в зависимости от того, является ли действие завершенным или длительным, каждое из этих времен может быть четырех типов – simple, continuous, perfect и perfectcontinuous. В результате в английском языке можно получить 12 временных форм.

Таблица английских времен:

  Simple / Indefinite Continuous / Progressive Perfect PerfectContinuous
Present I play I amplaying I haveplayed I havebeenplaying
Past I played I wasplaying I hadplayed I hadbeenplaying
Future I shallplay I shallbeplaying I shallhaveplayed I shall have been playing


Как образуются формы страдательного залога в английском языке?

Формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи глагола to be в соответствующей форме и Participle II (Причастие II) смыслового глагола.

  Present Past Future
Indefinite I he (she) we (you, they) am asked is asked are asked I (he, she) we (you, they) was asked were asked I (we) he (she, you, they) will be asked
Continuous I he (she) we (you, they) am being asked is being asked are being asked I (he, she) we (you, they) was being asked were being asked    
Perfect I, we, you, they he (she) have been asked has been asked I (he, she, we, you, they) had been asked I, we he, she, you, they will have been asked


Indefinite Passive (to be + Participle II)

1. The newspapers are delivered every morning. (Present Indefinite Passive) Газеты доставляются каждое утро.

2. This book was bought a month ago. (Past Indefinite Passive) Эта книга была куплена месяц назад.

3. The letter will be mailed tomorrow. (Future Indefinite Passive) Письмо будет оправлено завтра.

Continuous Passive (to be + being + Participle II).

1. The house is being repaired. (Present Continuous Passive) Дом ремонтируется.

2. When John was ill he was being taught at home. (Past Continuous Passive) Когда Джон болел, его обучали дома.

Perfect Passive (to have + been + Participle II)

1. This letter has been brought by the secretary. (Present Perfect Passive) Секретарь принёс письмо. (Письмо принесено секретарём)

2. He decided to become a writer only when his first story had been published. (Past Perfect Passive) Он решил стать писателем, только когда его первый рассказ был напечатан.

3. By the 1st of July the last exam will have been passed (Future Perfect Passive) К первому июля последний экзамен будет вами сдан.

What is the history of Russian customs?

THE CURRENT Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated from a Tatar word tamga which meant a customs tasks. In KievanRus the right to collect duties could be purchased. Taxes were collected for transportation of goods through the frontiers of individual princedoms. Foreign merchants were allowed to trade only in frontier towns under threat of confiscation. Russian tsars approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.


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