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Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own


1) entrance requirement 1) обычное разрешение

2) philosophical concepts 2) большинство преподавателей

3) majority of professors 3)вступительные требования

4) influential countries 4) философские понятия

5) pass the examination 5) быть ответственным за

6) ordinary licence 6) влиятельные страны

7) elect from within 7) сдать экзамен

8) to be in charge of 8) избирать из числа

All Students A do TASK I together


TASK I. Make up different kinds of questions the answers to which will cover the content of the text. Let your groupmate answer them.

TASK II. Look through the Text. Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words

TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations

TASK IV. Using the graph retell the Text to Student B

Vocabulary to Text 2.


striking – удивительный

сomplicated – сложный

secure – получать, доставлять

acquire – приобретать, получать

combine – совмещать

undergraduate – студент

supervision – надзор

honour – отличие

minority – меньшинство

postgraduate – аспирант

ensure – обеспечивать

provision – обеспечение

credit – зачет

assess – оценивать

grade – степень, отметка, класс

pursue – продолжать

wholesale – опт(ом)


Text 2.

Part two

The autonomy of higher-educational institutions is strikingly pronounced in Great Britain. Its universities enjoy almost complete autonomy from national or local government in their administration and the determination of their curricula, despite the fact that the schools receive nearly all of their funding from the state. Entry requirements for British universities are rather complicated. A student must secure a General Certificate of Education (corresponding to the French baccalaureat) by taking examinations in various subjects and receiving passing marks in them. The greater the number of “advanced level” passes, rather than “ordinary level” passes, that a student acquires, the better his chances are of entering the university of his choice. (Britain has a centralized admissions bureau to which candidates for admission are able to give their choice of universities in an order of preference.) This selective admission to universities, combined with the close supervision of students through a tutorial system, makes it possible for most British undergraduates to complete a degree course in three years rather than the standard four years. Great Britain's academic programs are more highly specialized than their European continental counterparts. Most undergraduates follow an “honours” course (leading to an honours degree) in one or, at the most, two subjects, while the remaining minority of students take “pass” courses that cover a variety of subjects. Great Britain's model of higher education has been copied to varying degrees in Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, New Zealand, and other former British colonial territories in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.

The system of higher education in the United States differs from its counterparts in Europe in certain ways. In the United States, there is a nationwide assumption that students who have completed secondary school should have at least two years of university education. Hence, a great number of “junior colleges” and “community colleges” have sprung up to provide two years of undergraduate study, in contrast to the traditional universities and colleges, where a majority of students complete four years of study for a degree and where substantial numbers go on for one to three years of postgraduate study in a “graduate school.” Universities that provide four-year study courses are either privately funded foundations or are state or city foundations that depend heavily on the government for financial support. Private universities and colleges depend largely on tuition charges levied on students. The individual state governments fund the nation's highly developed system of state universities, which ensure the provision of higher education for the vast majority of those willing and academically qualified to receive such education.

In the American system, the four-year, or “bachelor's,” degree is ordinarily obtained not by passing a “finals” examination but rather by the accumulation of course “credits,” or hours of classroom study. The quality of work done in these courses is assessed by means of a continuous record of marks and grades in a course transcript. The completion of a certain number (and variety) of courses with passing grades leads to the “bachelor's” degree. The first two years of a student's studies are generally taken up with prescribed courses in a broad range of subject areas, along with some “elective” courses selected by the student. In the third and fourth years of study, the student specializes in one or perhaps two subject fields.

Postgraduate students can pursue either advanced studies or research in one of the many graduate schools, which are usually specialized institutions. At these schools students work toward either a “master's” degree (which involves one to two years of postgraduate study) or a doctoral degree (which involves two to four years of study and other requirements).

A marked feature of American education that derives from the German model is the de-emphasis on lecture and examination. In both of these countries, students are evaluated according to their performance in individual courses where discussion and written essays figure importantly. The American model of higher learning was adopted wholesale by the Philippines and influenced the educational systems of Japan and Taiwan after World War II.


Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.


1) corresponding to 1) продвинутый уровень

2) take examination 2) в соответствии с

3) advanced level 3) финансовая поддержка

4) nationwide assumption 4) переходной курс

5) substantial number 5) сдавать экзамен

6) financial support 6) всеобщее предположение

7) “pass” courses 7) существенное число

All Students B do TASK I together


TASK I. Make up different kinds of questions the answers to which will cover the content of the text. Let your groupmate answer them

TASK II. Look through the Text. Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words

TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations

TASK IV. Using the graph retell the Text to Student A

10*. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

1. Каковы основные требования для поступления в вузы?

2. Когда появились первые институты?

3. Надо ли платить за обучение во Франции, Германии?

4. Какие существуют отличия в образовательной системе Франции и Германии?

5. Почему студенты предпочитают учиться в Париже, если существует однородность учебных планов в вузах Франции?

6. Могут ли студенты Германии учиться сразу в нескольких университетах?

7.Какая страна первой признала важность университетов в исследовательской работе?

8. Студенты какого учебного заведения должны получить GCE и чему он приравнивается во Франции?

9. Какие уровни в обучении существуют в Великобритании?

10.Назовите существенные отличия образовательной системы Европы и Америки.

11. Какие типы школ есть в Англии?

12. Все ли дети ходят в государственные школы?

13. Когда молодые люди начинают выбирать себе профессию в нашей стране?

11. Speak for or against: a)European system of education; b)American system of education; c) Russian system of education

Discuss advantages and disadvantages of bachelor's degree, master's degree

Discuss the problem of higher education

a. Discuss advantages (and disadvantages, if any) of American secondary education;

b. Compare Russian and American school systems. Point out similarities and differences.


Study the vocabulary

to be at the point of doing собираться сделать что-либо

to be enrolled быть зачисленным

to drop out отсеивать

academic and vocational subjects академические и профессиональные предметы

finish their education at high school завершить образование средней школой

to spend one’s youth studying отдать молодость учебе

to be with быть солидарным

to come to think of задумываться

anxiety filled тревожный

applying to university поступление в университет

can’t help feeling distressed не мочь не чувствовать себя угнетенным

dreaded essay жуткое сочинение

notification letters уведомительные письма

recommendation letters характеристики, рекомендательные письма

Dialogue 1


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