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Dramatize the following situation.Содержание книги
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A young couple are going to get marriage. Discuss the contract terms The husband: I will share the housework with my wife, give her enough money, use a deodorant, give my wife breakfast in bed on Sundays, never love my car more than my wife. The wife: I will sometimes wear clothes that my husband likes, never wear make-up in bed, tell the truth about how much money I spend, never drink too much, never get fat, never invite my mother to stay for more than an hour, always be punctual.
Read the following proverbs and think of their Russian equivalents. Comment on them 1. It never rains but it pours. 2. Everything is good in its season. 3. After rains comes fair weather.
1. What do you like and dislike about the climate of your region? 2. Does the climate of a country affect the lives of the people living there?
Vocabulary to Text impact – влияние mood – настроение disease – болезнь arthritis – артрит disorder – нарушение, расстройство disturbed – беспокойный cause – причина on top of – в дополнение, кроме marital – семейный disturbance – нарушение, беспокойство humidity – влажность to lead to – вести к чему-либо gloominess – уныние, мрачное настроение especially – особенно to be likely – вероятно to occur – случаться, происходить elderly – пожилые weight – вес to make a difference – иметь значение heavy – тучный, полный slight – незначительный drastic – резкий obviously – очевидно Text 1.
Read the following interview and translate it into Russian. Do the tasks following it Angry, Sad, Happy?-Blame the Weather! (Interview with an expert)
Q. Professor, how much impact does weather have on people's health and moods? A. We know that weather has an effect on certain diseases such as arthritis and heart disorders. Weather is also associated with emotional problems and disturbed behaviour. It is not by itself a direct cause of mental illness, but it can create an added stress on people on top of marital, job and other problems. Q. What kinds of weather have the greatest effect? A. Temperature is the most important factor. Heat is clearly linked to mood disturbances. We find that heat is an important factor in the increase of emotional problems. Q. How much effect does humidity have on individuals? A. Rainy weather leads to gloominess and depression. Q. And sunshine? A. It's not too surprising that sunshine, especially in the North, is associated with positive mood states, especially during winter months. What's more interesting is the finding that people are more likely to help others and behave in a prosocial way. Q. How long does it take the body to adapt to weather changes? A. When people move from a cool climate to a warm, subtropical one, they're very uncomfortable at first. But adaptation occurs rather quickly – within about two weeks. Q. Are some people particularly sensitive to weather? A. Certainly, elderly people tend to be more sensitive to weather than younger people because their cardio-vascular system is less efficient. Body weight also makes a difference. Heavier people have more difficulty coping with hot weather while thin people have a harder time in extreme cold. Q. In your opinion, what is the ideal weather for physical and emotional well-being? A. Temperature in the low 70's, with some variation. People enjoy a slight change in temperature – but not a drastic change where the temperature rises or falls more than 15 degrees. A little bit of freeze, but not a strong wind is also ideal. Obviously, sunshine makes people feel good-as long as there is not too much of it.
Match English word-combinations with their Russian equivalents
Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
1. Как вы думаете влияет погода на здоровье людей? 2. Вы согласны с утверждением, что настроение зависит от погоды? 3. Какая погода оказывает наибольшее влияние на людей? 4. Как вы чувствуете себя в дождливую, пасмурную погоду? 5. Погода в Англии очень изменчивая. Как вы думаете, на что это влияет? 6. Какие люди особенно чувствительны к переменам погоды? 7. Какая погода по вашему мнению является наиболее благоприятной для хорошего настроения и самочувствия людей? Find statements in the text you agree with. Find statements in the text you disagree with. Give your reasons for and against Discuss the text with your friend. Speak on the effect of the weather on people’s health, mood and behaviour. Describe your own experience
6. There are two texts. Work in pairs. Student A reads the first text on page 46, Student B reads the second text on page 47 and do the TASKS after the TEXTS Weather in Britain British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather." The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. People talk about the weather more in Britain than in most parts of the world. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of anything else to talk about, they talk about the weather. The weather is also considered a safe topic of conversation. If you do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters, you can at least sound friendly by talking about the weather. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about the weather as they pass, just to show their friendliness. Every daily paper publishes a weather forecast. Both the radio and television give the weather forecast several times each day.
All Students A do TASK I together.
TASK I. Make up different kinds of questions the answers to which will cover the content of the text. Let your groupmate answer them. TASK II. Look through the Text. Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations TASK IV. Using the graph retell theText to Student B.
Weather in New York The only thing you can rely on is that New York weather is entirely unreliable. A temperature change of as much as 4 degrees within a single day is not uncommon. It may be freezing cold one afternoon, and bright, warm and sunny the very next morning, or unfortunately vice versa. According to the US Weather Bureau, New York City has a modified continental climate. New Yorkers live in a relatively damp climate of cold winters and warm, humid summers. Hot spells can be difficult to bear. During the summer months there are brief but intense thunderstorms. Rains which continue for a few days are not uncommon. On an average it will rain or snow 120 days out of the year. New York has many beautiful sunny days, especially during autumn. July is the hottest month of the year, with an average temperature of 30° and the coldest months are January and February with an average temperature of 30 degrees. Most of the strong winds that visit New York are from the northwest. All Students B do TASK I together.
TASK I. Make up different kinds of questions the answers to which will cover the content of the text. Let your groupmate answer them. TASK II. Look through the Text. Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations TASK IV. Using the graph retell theText to Student A
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