Am I on the Right Road for the British Museum? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Am I on the Right Road for the British Museum?

Rogov: Excuse me. Am I on the right road for the British Museum?

Passer-by: The British Museum? Let me think... I'm afraid you aren't. You'll have to go back one block and then turn to your left. Go straight along that street as far as the Museum.

Rogov: Thank you. Isn't it better for me to take a taxi?

Passer-by: Oh, you needn't. It's just ten minutes' walk from here.

Rogov: Thank you very much.

Passer-by: It's all right, sir.

Do I Take the Underground?

Panina: Excuse me. Do I take the underground to get to Hyde Park?

Passer-by Well, it depends on what part of the Park you need.

Panina: I want to get to Marble Arch.

Passer-by: I see. Then you'd better go there by bus. The bus stops just round the corner while the nearest underground station is quite a long way away.

Panina: Thank you very much.

Passer-by: Not at all.

On a Bus

Petrov: Excuse me... I want to get to the Palladium Theatre. Do I get off at the next stop?

Passenger: Well, what stop is that?... Oh no! You go farther. Two or three more stops. Or... wait a moment. You may get off here and take another bus. It'll probably be quicker.

Petrov: Oh, thank you. I'll stay on this bus and not bother to change.

Passenger: Yes, that's probably best.

You're Going in the Opposite Direction

Ivanova: Excuse me... I want to get to Waterloo Bridge. What stop do I get off at?

Passenger: Waterloo Bridge?... Just a minute. But you are going away from it. The bus is going in the opposite di­rection.

Ivanova: Do you mean to say I've taken the wrong bus?

Passenger: You should have taken the same number but a bus going in the other direction.

Ivanova: Thank you very much.

6. Fares, Please!

Jack: Is this the right bus for the Central Park, Con­ductor (Driver)?

Conductor: Yes. We go past the Park... Fares, please!

Jack: What's the fare to the Park?

Conductor: 10 pence... Move along! No standing on the plat­form! Move on! There's room there.

Jack: Will you tell me when we're there?

Conductor: Very well.

I Can Give You a Lift

Harry (from his car): Hello, Alexei! Where are you walking so fast?

Smirnov: Oh, it's you, Harry. I'm hurrying to the theatre.I don't know exactly how long it will take me. I want to be on the safe side.

Harry: Well, I can give you a lift, if you want.

Smirnov: I wouldn't like to put you out but if you have time...

Harry: It'll be just on my way. Take the front seat. Close the door properly. Thank you.


III. Someone asks you the way to:

- the nearest bank;

- the nearest Department Store;

- the local cinema;

- the main square;

- the railway station.

Give directions. Use any options you like.

? Writing Practice


An offer.

Письмо-предложение является ответом на письмо-запрос. Если вы уже представляете себе, какого рода запросы могут поступить, лучше хранить заблаговременно подготовленные образцы ответов на дискете или в памяти компьютера. Можно также отправить адресату брошюру или каталог, предварительно прикрепив к ним письмо. В качестве письма предложения может выступить письмо типа:


I. Read the model:

Electrical Supplies Ltd. Coventry England, E.C.7   Electroimport, 20th May, 20.. Moscow, Russia.   Dear Sirs, With reference to your enquiry of May 11-th we confirm that we manufacture the equipment you are interested in. Our equipment is not very expensive and it is in great demand on the world market. We are doing business with many firms in Eastern Europe and we have never received any complaints. We always try to meet the requirements of our customers. We can supply you with the number of engines you require. We are enclosing with this letter our latest catalogue and leaflets where you will find all the technical and commercial information. We also enclose our price-list and General Conditions of Sale including the terms of payment. The currency of payment can be the subject of future negotiations. Please note that our price is F.O.B. London. We would like to draw your attention to our low prices and quantity discounts we are offering in our catalogue p.p. 19-20. Many thanks for your enquiry and we look forward to receiving your order in the near future. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.   Yours faithfully,...

II. Translate into English using the model:

1. Ссылаясь на Ваш запрос от 20 июня 2001 г., подтверждаем, что мы можем Вам поставить требуемое Вам количество сушилок (dries).

2. Мы изготавливаем оборудование, в котором Вы заинтересованы.

3. Мы всегда стараемся удовлетворять требования наших заказчиков.

4. Мы торгуем со многими странами Западной Европы.

5. Наше оборудование пользуется большим спросом на мировом рынке.

6. Мы никогда не получаем претензий от своих заказчиков.

7. К данному письму прилагаем каталог, прейскурант и общие условия продажи, включая условия платежа.

8. Обратите внимание на то, что цена-сиф Лондон.

9. Мы хотели бы обратить Ваше внимание на наши низкие цены.

10. Благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос и ждём Вашего заказа.

Lesson 9

Revision (1-8)



I. Translate into English:

Жизненная необходимость, деловые отношения, деловая поездка за границу, междугородний телефонный звонок, нас разъединили, лицензия на ввоз, бронирование номера в гостинице, как пройти к..., приземлиться в аэропорту Лондона, скорость самолета, цель визита, прохождение таможенного досмотра, заблудиться, написать запрос, просматривать меню, заполнить карточку прибытия, заказать овощное блюдо, принести счет, делать покупки, широкий выбор товаров.


II. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. I live and work... Moscow.

2. I'm going... London tomorrow. I often go... London... business.

3. He doesn't often go... abroad. His office is... Switzerland.

4. He is waiting... me... the exit.

5. Are you flying... Lisbon?

6. Your plane leaves... a quarter to seven.

7. Mr. Brown is arriving... Moscow... 2 o'clock. My friends are meeting him... airport.

8. It is difficult... me to understand... him.

9. Listen... them. They are speaking... English.

10. Where is Mr. Green? He is... his office.

11. Have you got a reservation... my name?

12. You can fill... this form in Russian.

13. They informed us... the name... the hotel.

14. They talked... business.

15. They are doing good business... many European companies.


III.Alice Everett is abroad on company business and has sent Hilary Beacham a telex with the five requirements which the hotel must satisfy. Read and indicate in the table below the five requirements which the hotel must satisfy and choose which hotel satisfies the five requirements.


1) Room available on 5th, 6th and 7th May;

2) Telephone;

3) Near Lancaster Road;

4) Meeting room;

5) Restaurant.

Hotel 1

L: Lancaster Hotel.

: Hello. My name is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems. I'd like some information, please.

L: Sorry. You'll have to speak up: it's a very bad line.

: OK. Can you tell me if you have any single rooms available on the 5th, 6th and 7th May?

L: Sorry. I didn't quite catch those dates.

HB: The 5th, 6th and 7th May.

L: Yes, we still have rooms for those dates.

: And does every room have a telephone?

L: Oh yes.

НВ: And the location is very important. Are you near Lancaster Road?

L: Well, we're actually in Lancaster Road. Number 16.

HB: (writing) 60 Lancaster Road.

L: Excuse me. Not "60" - 16.

НВ: 16 - thank you. And the next question is: do you have any meeting rooms?

L: Can you repeat that please?

HB: Meeting rooms. Do you have any?

L: We do. I'll just check that we have one available for those dates... Yes, we do.

HB: Good.

L: Is there anything else?

HB: Oh, yes. Is there a restaurant in the hotel?

L: Did you say "restaurant"?

HB: That's right.

L: No, I'm afraid not; just a snack bar. But there are a number of excellent ones just round the corner.

HB: OK. Thanks very much. Goodbye.

L: Goodbye.

Hotel 2

G: Goodwood Hotel.

HB: Hello. I'd like some information, please.

G: Go ahead.

HB: Do your rooms all have telephones?

G: They do, yes.

HB: And is there a meeting room available?

G: We do have a meeting room. I'd have to check that it's available for the dates you need.

HB: The 5th, 6th and 7th May.

G: Let me see. Yes, that's fine.

HB: And do you have a restaurant?

G: No, I'm afraid not.

HB: Oh, I see. And where is the hotel?

G: We're in Burton Road.

HB: Is that near Lancaster Road.

G: Not really. We're actually about two miles from Lancaster Road. What days did you say you wanted to book?

HB: 5th, 6th and 7th, but...

G: The 5th...

HB:... 6th and 7th.

G: I'm sorry. We're actually booked solid for those dates.

HB: OK. Thank you.

G: Goodbye.

HB: Bye.


Hotel 3

X: Hello.

HB: Good afternoon. Is that the Burberry?

X: I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. This is 659 1033.

HB: Oh, sorry. 6-5-9 1-0-2-3

B: The Burberry Hotel. Good afternoon.

HB: Good afternoon. Can you tell me if you have a single room for the nights of the 5th, 6th and 7th May?

B: I'll just check for you. Yes, we can certainly fit you in for those dates.

HB: And where is the hotel exactly?

B: In Tregarron Road.

HB: Can you spell this, please?

B: Certainly. T-R-E-G-A-R-R-O-N.

HB: Thanks. Is that near Lancaster Road?

B: Yes, it's just of Lancaster Road.

HB: And do the rooms have telephones?

B: Yes.

HB: And do you have any meeting rooms?

B: We do, yes.

HB: Is one available on those dates?

B: I'll just check...Yes, we have one free for all those dates.

HB: And are there any restaurant facilities?

B: We do have our own restaurant facilities, yes.

HB: Thank you. That's all I need to know. Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.


  Requirements Hotel 1 Hotel 2 Hotel 3


IV. Read the letter and find out equivalents to the Russian sentences given below:


Southern Exporters Ltd. Montreal Canada Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for your enquiry and we are enclosing with this letter our current catalogue which gives detailed information about our tyres. We have achieved impressive results in factory and track tests of our tyres. The tyres are very reliable. Please also note the safety and fuel econo­my of our product. With regard to discounts, we are allowing 25% off list prices for orders of over CanD 3,000.00. You will see that our prices are quoted c.i.f. Western European ports. Our usual terms of payment are cash against documents. We would like once again to draw your attention to our competitive prices and the high quality of our goods. We will be pleased to supply any further information you require. Yours faithfully, ...


1. Мы получили Ваш запрос.

2. Прилагаем наш каталог.

3. Обратите внимание на экономичность товара.

4. Что касается скидок...

5. Наши условия платежа – наличные против документов.

6. Конкурентноспособная цена.

7. Высокое качество товара.

8. Предоставить любую необходимую информацию.


V. Act out dialogues on the basis of the following assignments:


1. Meet Mr. Green. Ask him about the purpose of his visit to Moscow.

2. Receive your friend at your office. He is interested in your everyday work in the company.

3. Meet your foreign partner at the airport. Speak about his flying and going through the customs.

4. Make a call to a Lancaster Hotel and reserve a room.

5. Invite your foreign partner to the best restaurant and advice him to taste some Russian traditional meals.

6. Go to the department Store in Oxford Street and ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a present to your wife (children).

7. You are in Trafalgar Square. Ask the passer-by about the way to the Bank of England.






Lesson 10

Reading Practice: Getting Acquainted with the Firm.

Speaking Practice: Explaining the Company Structure.

Writing Practice: Memorandum.


& Reading Practice


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:

the founder of the company – основатель компании;


head office – главный офис;

to employ – работать;

to sell – продавать;

a daily production – ежедневный выпуск продукции;

to make profit - приносить выгоду;

to retire – уходить в отставку (на пенсию).


II. Read the text about one of the world's famous company and say what you know about the Swatch watch.


The founder and the President of SMH is Nicolas Hayek. SMH is a Swiss watch manufacturer with its head office in Zurich, Switzerland, and a large modern factory in Granges, France. It employs 14,000 people. There are twelve companies in the group, including Tissot, Omega, and Swatch.

The company's most famous product is the Swatch watch. The Swatch has a quartz mechanism but only fifty-one parts. A new collection comes out twice a year with forty new designs. SMH sells ten million Swatch watches a year.

The factory in Granges is open twenty-four hours a day, with a daily production of 35,000 watches. Created in 1983, the company makes large profits every year, but a Swatch watch still only costs $40, the same price as in 1983.

Nicolas Hayek is now sixty-five, but he has no plans to retire.

One day he hopes to produce the Swatch car, a revolutionary automobile for the next century. But it's not "all work and no play" for Mr. Hayek. In his free time he plays a lot of tennis, sometimes with his friend Jean-Paul Belmondo, the French actor.


III. Say if these sentences are true or false:

1) The head office of the company is in Munich, Germany.

2) Swatch and Omega are sister companies.

3) There are ten new designs of Swatch watches a year.

4) The company sells 35,000 Swatch watches a year.

5) The Swatch factory never closes.

6) The price of a Swatch watch is the same as in 1983.

7) The President of the company wants to produce a Swatch car.

IV. Complete the questions and answers. Look at the text, it'll help you. Work in pairs.


1)... SMH a Swiss company?

..., it.... Its collection... out twice a year.

2)... Swatch make cars?

..., it doesn't. It makes watches.

3)... the head office of SMH in Basle?...,it.... It... in Zurich.

4)...there fourteen companies in the group?..., there....There... twelve.

5)...Swatch watches... fifty-one parts?..., they...

6)...a new collection come once a year?..., it does not.

7)... the factory open 24 hours a day?

..., it....

8)... the factory produce 35,000 watches a day?

..., it... It... 35,000 watches a day.

9)... Nicolas Hayek... plans to retire?..., he....

10)...Nicolas Hayek and Jean-Paul Belmondo... golf?

..., they.... They... tennis.

J Speaking Practice


Explaining the Company Structure.

There are many occasions when you are expected to talk about your place of work. It may also involve referring to the way in which the company is organized. In many cases American job titles differ from British ones:



President Chairman
Chief Executive Officer Managing Director
Vice President Director
Financial Controller Accountant
Director Manager
Personal Director Personal Manager
Marketing Director Marketing Manager etc.


When you want to classify someone in a company, you can do it according to:

- their responsibility;

- their position in the hierarchy;

- their job specification;

- their location.

Alice Everett (AE) has decided to explain to Hilary:

who is who in the company;

who is responsible for what in the company;

who everybody works for.


I. Read the conversation and classify everyone in the company.


II. Read and translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

the company is divided into four departments – компания делится на четыре отделения;

somebody looks after production – человек следящий за производством;

somebody is a Marketing Manager – менеджер по продажам;

somebody is responsible for the Finance Department – личность отвечающая за отдел финансов.


Who Is Who in the Company

AE: I think I'd better take this opportunity to explain to you exactly who's who in the company. You'll need to know who to go to if you want to contact a particular manager. Let's start right at the top: David Burton is the Managing Director and his Personal Assistant is Mary Wilkins. The company is divided into four departments - Production, Personnel, Marketing and Finance.

HB: Uh-huh.

AE: Right. Let's deal with each one in turn. Michael Stott looks after Production, and his title is Production Manager, and Daniel Harkin works as Personal Assistant in the Production Department. Then there are two secretaries. Is that clear?

HB: Yes.

AE: Moving on to Personnel, we've got Sheila Poison, and her title is Personnel Director. Jane Hargreaves works for Sheila Polson as Personal Assistant. And then there are two secretaries in the department. OK?

HB: Yes, fine.

AE: As you know, I'm the Marketing Manager and for the next two months you are going to work as my Personal Assistant. Helen Wright and Karen Williams, the two secretaries in the department, will report to you. Is that clear?

HB: Uh-huh.

AE: And finally, Paul Cummins is responsible for the Finance Department. His PA is Judith Walker. And then there are three secretaries in the department. You've met one already, I think. So that's a brief overview of the structure of the company. Do you have any questions?

III. Imagine that you are a President of one of the largest companies (for example Hill's Industrials). Describe the structure of the firm, using the following diagram:


Hill's Industrials.


Managing Director


Assistance General Manager


Marketing Department   Production Department Finance Department Personal Department
Marketing Director   Production Manager Finance Director Personal Manager
Personal Assistant   Personal Assistant Personal Assistant Personal Assistant
3 secretaries 2 secretaries 3 secretaries 2 secretaries


? Writing Practice



Служебная записка (меморандум, мемо, или памятная записка) – тип документа, используемый для обмена информацией внутри компании. Как и деловые письма, служебные записки являются официальным способом общения. Их главное предназначение – передавать информацию из одного отдела в другой, от одного лица другому в одном учреждении или компании.


I. Read and translate in written form the following models of memorandum:

Model №1.


MEMORANDUM To:All board members Date:25-09-99 From:Brian Lockley Personal Director Subject: Appointment of a new General Manager I am sure you are all aware by now, Anthony Killer will be retiring at the end of this year, which leaves us a little over two months in which to appoint a new General Manager. The post is currently being advertised in both the national press and the leading trade magazines and I intend to begin the first round of interviews in mid October. The advertisements contain the following description of General Manager's duties: • to have overall, responsibility for the running of the plant; • to coordinate the work of the management team so that the company's targets and objectives are met; • to advise on new product development; • to negotiate with trade union representatives; • to accompany the Sales Manager on overseas sales trips, whenever possible • to represent the company when the Manager Director is unavailable.


Model №2.

Trafalgar Products Ltd   MEMORANDUM   To: Sales Manager Date: 9 January 2000 England and Scotland From: Chairman     Sales presentation: 20 January 2000 Following our telephone conversation, I confirm that you – and members of your sales team - will be making a sales presentation to members of the Board at 2 p.m. on 20 January. As agreed, your presentation will take the following form: 1) Total sales (England/Scotland) for the year ending 1999. 2) The trend in total sales over the period 1995 – 1999. 3) The regional distribution of sales, with indications of areas of growth and 'problem' areas. 4) Sales forecasts. I hope you and your team will give the Board a clear picture of our sales performance in England and Scotland. May I remind you, finally, to provide 12 copies of any graphs or other visual material which you may wish to circulate to Board members.




Reading Practice: London and Finance.

Speaking Practice: Business Talks.

Writing Practice: Order.


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


a business centre – центр бизнеса

an exchange – биржа

an insurance office – страховая компания

a head office – главная компания

at the heart of smth. – в самом центре, в самом сердце

a headquarter – штаб-квартира, центр

to deal in smth. – торговать, вести торговые дела

bonds – облигации, боны

to handle the investments – заниматься, контролировать инвестиции

a royal charter – королевская хартия, устав

in circulation – в обращении

a stock exchange – фондовая биржа

a share – акция

securities – ценные бумаги

an investor – вкладчик

to quote – котировать, давать расценку

overseas – за морем, за границей

a loan – заем

to grant a loan – предоставить заем

to carry out – проводить, выполнять

to act – действовать, владеть

to own – владеть, иметь, обладать

a clearing bank – клиринговый банк

paper currency – бумажные деньги


& Reading Practice


I. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

London and Finance

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is a political, cultural, commercial, industrial and financial centre of the country. At the same time London is one of the world's financial capitals. The business centre of London is the City, where numerous banks, various exchanges, insurance offices, shipping and other companies have their head offices.

At the heart of the City is the London Stock Exchange where millions of shares and securities are traded daily. There are also exchanges in several other cities of the United Kingdom but the London Stock Exchange is the most important. Here through the Exchange members the investor can buy or sell shares in any of the thousands of companies which are quoted on the Exchange and many more companies which are quoted on recognized exchanges overseas. The London Stock Exchange offers the largest range and number of securities quoted on any Stock Exchange in the world. In volume of business it ranks third to New York and Tokyo.

London is also the headquarters of many prominent international banking and insurance concerns which deal in foreign shares, insurance and bonds and handle English investments in other countries.

The central feature of government finance is the Bank of England, founded under a royal charter as a private company in 1694 to provide loans to the Government and nationalized in 1946 by Act of Parliament. The Bank of England is the country's national bank, it carries out government monetary policies and acts the "banker's bank" for privately owned banks and other Commonwealth nations.

Most domestic banking operations of the United Kingdom are carried on by the commercial clearing banks. The main commercial banks are Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Midland Bank and National Westminster Bank, often referred to as "the Big Four".

Paper currency in circulation is issued by the Bank of England. The monetary unit is the pound sterling equal to 100 pence.

II. Answer the following questions:


1) What is London?

2) What is the business centre of London?

3) What is at the heart of the City?

4) Are the exchanges in other cities of the United Kingdom?

5) What can the investor do here through the Exchange members?

6) What does the London Stock Exchange offer?

7) What does it rank in volume of business?

8) What other headquarters are there in London?

9) What can you say about the Bank of England?

10) How are most domestic banking operations of the United Kingdom carried on?

11) What are the main commercial banks?

12) Who issues paper currency in the country?

III. Sum up what the text said about:

London in general;

London and international business;

the City of London;

the London Stock Exchange;

the Bank of England;

the Big Four;

British money.


J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

Well, let's get started.

Well, this is how we see it.

Oh, I am afraid these periods are too long.

We cannot agree with you.

These are in fact the usual periods.

It's pretty normal in this kind of operation.

I see what you mean.

But that would be difficult.

I am afraid I cannot agree to that.

Well, you are really asking us for something that is very difficult.

I've already offered you seven weeks.

I've got a proposal.

Well, on that basis I suppose we might be able to look at some kind of arrangement.

Let's consider it settled.

I'm glad we have come to an agreement.

II. Read the conversations and then role play them.

Business Talks

In the course of making enquiries and offers, the parties very often meet to agree upon one or another question.

Here is a specimen business talk:

Seller: Well, let's get started. You know, with this delivery problem I'm sure there's a room for negotiation.

Buyer: Oh yes, we stressed in our enquiry that we needed the machine urgently. A speedy delivery is of vital importance for us.

Seller: Well, this is how we see it. We can deliver the machine in ten weeks and install it four weeks after that.

Buyer: Oh, I am afraid these periods are too long. We cannot agree with you.

Seller: These are in fact the usual periods. It's pretty normal in this kind of operation.

Buyer: When we mentioned speedy delivery we expected you to deliver the machine in 6 weeks at the latest and to install it 3 weeks after that.

Seller: I see what you mean. But that would be difficult. You see we have a lot of orders to handle at present, and moving just one machine is a major problem. Look, if I can promise you delivery in seven weeks, does that help?

Buyer: I am afraid I cannot agree to that.

Seller: Well, you are really asking us for something that is very difficult. I've already offered you seven weeks. I'll have to consult with my colleagues and let you know our reply this week.

Buyer: I've got a proposal. If you deliver the machine in 6 weeks we shall place another order for the second half of the year.

Seller: Well, on that basis I suppose we might be able to look at some kind of arrangement. In fact, if you can promise another order I think we could accept your terms.

Buyer: Very good. Let's consider it settled. I'll confirm our next order for the second part of the year in writing tomorrow.

Seller: I'm very glad we have come to an agreement.

Business Meeting

Blake: Good morning, Mr. Smirnov.

Smirnov: Good morning, Mr. Blake. I haven't seen you for ages. How are you?

Blake: I haven't been very well lately, you know. I've caught a cold.

Smirnov: I'm sorry to hear that. I do hope you get well again soon. How long have you been here, Mr. Blake?

Blake: Since Monday.

Smirnov: Where are you staying?

Blake: We're staying at the Rossia Hotel. We're very comfortable there.

Smirnov: How long are you going to stay here?

Blake: It will depend on our talks. Mr. Smirnov, I think we can get down to business. We've studied your offer and your draft contract for the delivery of complete equipment very carefully.

Smirnov: What do you think of it?

Blake: Theequipment suits us, we need it very much. We are ready to place a big order.

Smirnov: Glad to hear that, Mr. Blake.

Blake: But we'd like to clear up several points first.

Smirnov: Well, what shall we take up?

Blake: You see, Mr. Smirnov, your prices are too high, I'm afraid. Can you reduce them?

Smirnov: I don't think we can. Our equipment is in great demand. We've sold the equipment at these prices to many customers this year.

Blake: We know that the world prices have recently gone up. But still your prices are too high.

Smirnov: Well, Mr. Blake, we'll think it over and see what we can do.

Blake: Thank you, Mr. Smirnov. We've done business with you for more than 10 years and I hope you'll meet our request.


III. Act out the dialogues on the basis of the following assignments:

1) Meet Mr. Blake in your office and speak about packing of goods.

2) You visit Mr. Hill's office and discuss the terms of payment and delivery.

3) Meet Mr. Green and express your opinion on the quality of his company goods.


? Writing Practice



I. Read and translate the models:


(Order. Acknowledgement)

Для того, чтобы сделать заказ (to place an order) на закупку тех или иных товаров обычно заполняют специальные бланки заказов (order forms), в которых указывается количество (quantity) изделий, их описание (description), цена (price), условия оплаты (terms of payment), дата поставки (date of delivery), скидки (discounts) и т.п. В ряде случаев, когда необходимо прояснить отдельные пункты заказа (to make certain points quite clear), пишется сопроводительное письмо (cover letter), к которому прилагается бланк заказа.

Если Продавец (Seller) или Поставщик (Supplier) товара в состоянии выполнить заказ, он посылает Покупателю (Buyer) подтверждение заказа (order acknowledgement, or confirmation), которое чаще всего представляет собой копию заказа (order copy, or duplicate), подписанную Продавцом. Обычно подтверждение заказа прилагается к сопроводительному письму, в котором Продавец выражает благодарность за заказ, а также сообщает Покупателю о тех или иных изменениях (изменении цен, сроков поставки и т.п.).

Если Продавец либо Поставщик товара по каким-либо причинам не в состоянии выполнить заказ, он либо отказывается от заказа (to refuse(to reject, to decline) the order), либо предлагает адекватную замену (substitute) товару, которого нет в наличии.

Model № 1

Men's Clothes Dealers Ltd. 142 South Road Sheffield S20 4HL England 24th March, 1997 Dear Sirs, Our Order for Silk Shirts In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men's silk shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine. We are enclosing our Order No. 144, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledge­ment.   Yours faithfully, Vladimyr Smurov Export-Import Manager Enc.OrderNo.l42


Model № 2


ORDER No. 142 (please refer to this number on all correspondence)
Men's Clothes Dealers Ltd. 142 South Road Sheffield S20 4HL England 24th March, 1997
Please supply 400 men's silk shirts in the colours and sizes (collar) specified below:
Size Colour Quantity
Price: Delivery: Payment: Packing: $10.53 each (total — $4212) air freight, CIF Kiev by letter of credit standard
  p.p. Chief Buyer
  Vysteria Ltd.
Please send us the copy of this order, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.



Model № 3

(Sample of Acknowledgement)


Vysteria Ltd. P.O.Box 82 Kiev 253206 Ukraine 28th March, 1997 Ref: Order # 142 of 24th March, 1997 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 24th March, 1997. We are pleased to acknowledge your order for 400 men's silk shirts and enclose the copy of it, duly signed, as requested. Delivery will be made immediately on opening a letter of cred­it with our bank for the amount of $4212. We hope our shirts will be in great demand in Ukraine and you will be able to place large orders with us in the future.   Yours faithfully, Alfred Smithers Sales Manager

II. Make up an order in accordance with the models.


Lesson 12


Reading Practice: Various Services of Banks.

Speaking Practice: Opening an Account, Changing Money over the Counter.

Writing Practice: Opening an Account.


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


a current account – текущий счет

a deposit – депозит, взнос, вклад

a depositor – вкладчик

to present a reference – представить рекомендацию;

to issue a cheque book – выдавать чековую книжку

to discount bills of exchange – учитывать векселя

to grant loans – давать, предоставлять кредиты, займы

a cash dispenser – автомат для выплаты наличных

a sale custody – хранение банком ценностей клиентов

to withdraw the money – изымать деньги

savings account – сберегательный счет

a deposit account – депозитный счет

foreign exchange – иностранная валюта

foreign exchange transaction – сделка (операция) с иностранной валютой

to enter the sum in the account – вносить сумму на счет

investment management services - услуги по управлению инвестированием (капиталовложением)


& Reading Practice



I. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.



Various Services of Banks

Banker's services cover an enormous range of activities today. A full list would include:

1) Current account services

They are extended to anyone whom banks regard as reliable. A new depositor should be recommended by his employer or should present a reference. If this proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered in his current account.

A cheque book will then be issued free of charge. Once the customer has received his cheque book he may use the cheques to order the banker to pay out sums of money from his current account. Money is being paid into and paid out of the account as often as the customer finds convenient.

2) Deposit account services

Companies and individuals can deposit cash resources that are not needed at present. They can withdraw the money either any day they need it or after a certain period in case of time deposits.

3) Savings account services

It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for example for holidays.

4) Other services:

· foreign exchange

· foreign exchange transactions

· services in foreign trade payments

· discounting bills of exchange

· granting loans

· investment management services

· cash dispensers and automated teller machines

· safe custody

· economic information and

· banker's credit cards and many others


II. Answer the following questions:

1) What activities do banker's services cover today?

2) What are current account services?

3) What can you say about deposit account services?

4) What services can help small savers to put money away for particular purposes?

5) What do other services include?


III. Say which services of banks seem most important to you, and why?

J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

I'd like to open an account, please.

What sort of account would you like?

Have you got any large sums to deposit?

We can open a current account…

I'd advise you in your case to take an account…

Can I take out money whenever I like?

We normally advise students to open deposit accounts.

Can I receive money directly from abroad?

Can I withdraw at a branch office?

It may be convenient…

Could you change dollars into English pounds sterling.

I'll just check the exchange rates.

How much would you like to change?

What rate can you offer for…

Change 1000 $, please.

How would you like the money?

Give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.


II. Read the conversations and then role play them.

Opening an Account

Here is a specimen talk in a Swiss bank:

Cashier: Good afternoon, sir.

Man: I'd like to open an account, please.

Cashier: Certainly, sir. Do you live in Geneva?

Man: Yes. I'm at the Interpreters' School.

Cashier: Are you a student?

Man: Yes.

Cashier: What sort of account would you like?

Man: A current account, I think.

Cashier: Have you got large sums to deposit?

Man: No, only a thousand francs or so a month.

Cashier: Well, we can open a current account with a cheque book for you as long as the initial sum is at least three thousand francs. But I'd advise you in your case to take an account that gives you more interest, and which is more practical. We normally advise students to open deposit accounts.

Man: Can I take out money whenever I like?

Cashier: Yes. There are two or three types of account. They permit you to withdraw up to ten thousand francs a month.

Man: Can Ireceive money directly from abroad?

Cashier: Certainly.

Man: And can I withdraw at a branch office?

Cashier: Certainly, though it may be more convenient to open your account in our branch near the University.

Man: No, I live quite near here. Do you need a passport?

Cashier: Yes.

Man: I'm afraid I haven't got it on me. Will my student card do?

Cashier: No, I'm afraid not.

Man: I'll come back later, then.

Cashier: Very good, sir.

Note: The initial sum necessary in order to have a cheque book varies from country to country and from bank to bank.



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