Foreign Languages in the Life of an Educated Person. 

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Foreign Languages in the Life of an Educated Person.





Introduction (Введение)  
Part I (Часть I)  
Unit 1.Business trips abroad  
Lesson 1.Foreign languages in the Life of an Educated Person  
Lesson 2.Working day of a businessman. Telephoning  
Lesson 3.Travelling on business. Customs declaration  
Lesson 4.Travelling by Air. A letter home  
Lesson 5.Hotel Reservation  
Lesson 6.At a restaurant  
Lesson 7.Shops and shopping. Inquiry letter  
Lesson 8.Getting around the city. Offer.  
Lesson 9.Revision (lessons 1-8)  
Unit 2. Business and finance.  
Lesson 10. A company structure. Memorandum.  
Lesson 11.Business talks. Order.  
Lesson 12.Banks. Opening an Account.  
Lesson 13.Basic forms of business organization. Advertising.  
Lesson 14.Contract as a document.  
Lesson 15.Fairs and Exhibitions. Claims and Adjustments.  
Lesson 16.Marketing management. Fax message.  
Lesson 17.Revision (lesson 10-17)  
Part II (Часть II)  
Supplementary Texts (Дополнительные тексты)  
Appendix (Приложение)  
Bibliography (Библиография)  



В настоящее время в России все более возрастает интерес к выходу российских компаний на мировой рынок. Наша страна стала привлекательной для иностранных инвесторов и предпринимателей. Лицам, занятым коммерческой деятельностью с зарубежными странами, приходится использовать различные формы коммуникации: личные контакты (встречи, деловые переговоры, телефонные разговоры, письма, факсы, а также иметь дело с различными деловыми документам). При этом деловой язык является ведущим в сфере делового общения.

Деловой английский язык (Business English) имеет свои особенности и выделяется для изучения как специальная дисциплина в рамках курсов по выбору "Деловое общение" и "Деловое письмо", а также как раздел "Основы делового общения и деловой переписки" в основной дисциплине по английскому языку согласно требованиям ГОС ВПО второго поколения по иностранному языку. Это неудивительно, поскольку язык бизнеса специфичен, то есть имеет свою логику и характерную для него терминологию, а также свою стилистику. В деловых отношениях ценится точность и краткость передачи информации, оперирование общепринятыми клише и бизнес-идиомами.

Основная цель пособия - помочь студентам и аспирантам овладеть навыками общения в деловых ситуациях и работы с деловыми документами. Пособие состоит из двух частей и приложения.

Первая часть охватывает все виды коммуникаций, которые используются в настоящее время для осуществления делового общения, и помогает приобрести необходимый лексический минимум и практически закрепить полученные знания.

Эта часть содержит два раздела, включающих 17 уроков. В первый раздел "Business Trips Abroad" включены 8 уроков, цель которых подготовить будущих специалистов к общению в широком спектре бытовых ситуаций, связанных с деловыми поездками зарубеж, таких как знакомство, разговор по телефону, прохождение таможенного досмотра, общение в аэропорту, в гостинице, в ресторане, ориентация по городу и т.д. Каждый урок-тема представлен тремя речевыми аспектами: чтением, говорением, письмом и состоит из предтекстовых упражнений, текста для чтения, практических упражнений, тематических речевых клише, ролевых игр, ситуаций и определенного вида корреспонденции, направленной на выработку навыков написания неофициальных и деловых писем. В 9-м уроке содержится материал для обобщения и контроля полученных знаний первого раздела.

Во втором разделе "Business and Finance" рассматриваются темы, связанные с бизнесом, финансами, деловыми переговорами, заключением контракта, посещением выставки и т.д. 7 уроков-тем аналогичные по структуре 1-8. Последний 17-й урок является обзорным и предлагает контрольные задания по всем видам речевой деятельности, представленным в пособии.

Вторая часть пособия содержит дополнительный текстовой материал, который может быть использован как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Приложение включает обширный справочный материал: выражения, фразы и сокращения, используемые в деловой переписке, речевые клише и бизнес-идиомы.

Предлагаемое учебное пособие, с нашей точки зрения, является комплексным пособием по деловому английскому, поскольку объединяет формирование коммуникативной компетенции и развитие навыков работы с деловой корреспонденцией и документацией.






Lesson 1

Reading Practice: Foreign Languages in the Life of an Educated Person.

Speaking Practice: Greeting and Introduction.

Writing Practice: Resume and CV.

& Reading Practice


Pre-text Exercises


I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them.


to be quite evident – быть совершенно очевидным;

to get acquainted with – знакомиться;

to give a chance – давать шанс (возможность);

a practical value – практическая значимость;

job promotion – продвижение по службе;

a wide-spread language = a lingua franca – широко распространен-ный язык;

an international conference – международная конференция;

to stand out – выделяться;

a life necessity – жизненная необходимость;

business relations – деловые отношения.

II. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.





multicultural— многокультурный

adapt— приспосабливаться

community — общество, община

open-minded — непредубежденный

to judge— судить (о)

differences— отличия

visible— видимый, явный

invisible — невидимый, незаметный

sensitive — чувствительный

offensive — обидчивый

to interpret — объяснять, разъяснять

genuine — искренний

handshaking — рукопожатие

business card — визитная карточка, ви­зитка

gift — подарок

misunderstanding — непонимание


IV.Read and discuss the text.


To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secretarial skills and knowledge of foreign languages.



Dates: 1987-1992

College: South Thames College, London.

Qualifications: Secretarial Courses; Shorthand Grade 2;

Typing Grade 3.

Dates: 1993-1994

College: Oxleigh Secretarial College, College Road, Oxleigh.

Qualifications: Secretarial Skills Refresher Course: Shorthand (90 w.p.m.); Typing (60 w.p.m.). Book-keeping Grade One. Word-processing.


Dates: 1995- to present

Company: Philip Wilson Publisher Ltd.

Position: Secretary to the Sales Manager.

Responsibilities: Taking shorthand; typing and maintaining diaries, office support, etc.

Other Skills & Occupations

I now work regularly as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I also have a clean driver's licence and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming.


References are available on request.



Model 2



Name: Andrew Silvery

Address: 75, Pan Street, Austen, Texas,USA

Telephone No.: 512 4732 986

Place of Birth: Zurich, Switzerland

Nationality: American

Marital Status: Single

Age: 22

Education: High School, Chicago University

Languages: Fluent French besides the mothertongue English

Previous Experience: 2 years in father's office

Interests: Travelling, music, windsurfing

II. Fill in the following CV



Name: _____________________________

Date of birth: _____________________________

Marital status: ____________________________


Dates Institutions

__________ _____________________________

__________ _____________________________


Dates Qualifications

__________ _____________________________


Company Position Length Reason

Of service for leaving

________ _______ ________ _________



Lesson 2

Reading Practice: Working day of a Businessman.

Speaking Practice: Telephoning.

Writing Practice: Business letter Structure and Layout.



& Reading Practice


Pre-text exercises.

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them.

to read a mail – знакомиться с почтой;

to receive a foreign businessmen – принимать зарубежных бизнесменов / партнеров;

to discuss prices – обсуждать цены;

to go abroad on business – ехать заграницу в командировку

to have talks – вести переговоры;

urgent business – неотложное дело.


II. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

Mr. Lebedev's Day.

Mr. Lebedev is the President of a trade firm.

In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. His wife and children gets up later. He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. Then he has breakfast. For breakfast he has some eggs, coffee and sandwiches. He leaves for work at eight o'clock. His office hours begin at 9 o'clock but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.

In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads mail and sends answers to foreign firms. He often receives foreign businessmen at his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business points. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. Lebedev can speak two foreign languages.

At 13.30 Lebedev has dinner. He finishes work at 6 o'clock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business he stays at the office later.

Lebedev usually has supper at home.

After supper he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches television and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.00.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. When does Mr. Lebedev get up?

2. How does he begin his working day?

3. When does he come to his office?

4. What does the secretary bring to Mr. Lebedev in the morning?

5. What does Lebedev usually do at his office?

6. What does he go aboard for?

7. When does he finish his work?

8. What does he do in the evening?

IV. Express your opinion on the problem of a businessman working day.


J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them.

ü What's the telephone number of Mr. Halls office?

ü This is Mr. Dixon's office. Mr. Dixon speaking.

ü Hallo! That you Tom? – George speaking. – Say...

ü Wait a minute. Hold on! (Hold the line!)

ü Dial the number wanted.

ü Pick up the receiver!

ü We are disconnected (cut off).

ü I can't make out what you are saying. Speak louder, please.

ü Something is interfering. I can't here anything. The line (number) is engaged (busy).


II. Read the conversations and role play them.

Can I Take a Message?

Secretary: Good morning. Mr. Dixon's office. Can I help you?

Lebedev: Oh, good morning. My name is Alexei Lebedev. Could I speak to Mr. Dixon, please?

Secretary: I'm sorry, Mr. Dixon is in conference now. Then he'll be out for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for Mr. Dixon?

Lebedev: Yes, please. Tell him that Alexei Lebedev, from Moscow, is now in London. I'm staying at the Europe Hotel, Room 312. He can ring me up as soon as he has got time. May be I'll ring him up later in the day.

Secretary: Thank you, Mr. Lebedev. I'll let Mr. Dixon know about your call.


I Received Your Message

Lebedev: Hello. Is that Peter Dixon? Lebedev speaking.

Peter: Yes, it is. Alexei, is that you?

Lebedev: Yes, it is. I'm so glad to hear you! You have received my message, haven't you?

Peter: Yes, my secretary told me you had telephoned. How are things, Alexei? Have you come for long?

Lebedev: Everything is all right with me. I have come for business and I'll be in London a month or so. When shall we meet, Pete? There's a lot to talk about. Can you call on me at around 8 p.m.?

Peter: Let me think. Yes, I think I'll come. Your room is 312, isn't it?

Lebedev: That's right. Well, so long then. See you later.

Peter: So long, Alexei.


You've Got the Wrong Number

Voice: Hello, hello!

Pavlov: I'd like to speak to Mr Frank Lawrence.

Voice: Mr Lawrence? Frank Lawrence? There's nobody of that name here. What number did you dial?

Pavlov: Isn't that 348-4498?

Voice: Oh no! You have got the wrong number.

Pavlov: I'm sorry to have troubled you.


4. Hold On, Please!

Voice: Brighton 24121.

Pavlov: Hello. Does Mr Lawrence live there?

Voice: That's right.

Pavlov: I'd like to speak with Mr Lawrence.

Voice: Well, hold the line, please. He's just coming to the telephone.


That Really You?

Frank: Frank speaking.

Pavlov: You Frank? This is Pavlov, Oleg Pavlov from Moscow.

Frank: Oh, Oleg! Is that really you? Where are you speaking from?

Pavlov: I'm in London. I'm speaking from the Consul Hotel where I'm going to stay for a fortnight or so. I arrived this morning. This is one of my first calls.

Frank: How nice! But why didn't you warn me by a letter or telegram that you were coming? I could have met you at the airport and have given you a lift. By the way, did you come by plane or by sea?

Pavlov: By plane.

Frank: Good. What would you say to coming to my place right now? Susan and I shall be very glad to meet you.

Pavlov: Thank you. But I really don't know how I can fit it in. I have an appointment tonight, I'll ring you up tomorrow.


Lesson 3

Reading Practice: Travelling on business.

Speaking Practice: Going through the customs.

Writing Practice: Customs declaration.



& Reading Practice



Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them.


to go on business abroad – ехать в командировку за границу

to excuse smb's curiosity – простить чье-либо любопытство

to do business with – вести коммерческую деятельность с...

a lot of work – много работы

a partner – партнер

a bilingual country – двуязычная страна

to sign a contract – подписать контракт

a term of delivery – условия поставки

to reduce the price – снизить цену

to be pleased with a trip – быть довольным поездкой

II. Read the texts and be ready to discuss them.


Mr. Johnson (J) and Mr. Hill (H)

H: Do you often go on business abroad?

J: Well, you see, I sometimes go on business to Europe and north America.

H: Are you going on business anywhere soon?

J: Yes, I am. I'm leaving next week.

H: And where are you going to, if you excuse my curiosity?

J: This time I'm going to Canada. We do a lot of business with Canadian firms.

H: Do you speak English with your Canadian partners?

J: Yes, I do, though Canada, as you know, is a bilingual country with two official languages English and French.




Boris Volkov is an engineer of a Russian-foreign trade organization. He often goes on business to different European, Asian and African countries. His organization does business with lots of foreign firms.

Last month he was in Great Britain. He went there to sign a contract for the purchase of some equipment. The talks were very difficult. Volkov and the British businessmen discussed prices, terms of delivery, terms of shipment and other business matters. The supplier agreed to reduce the price.

During his trip Volkov visited different plants where he saw the equipment in operation. He also attended a 3-day conference on industrial investment policy and financial management and met with consultants from law firms. Boris was lucky with the weather. It was warm and it didn't rain. He was pleased with the trip.


III. Answer the following questions.


1. Where does Mr. Johnson go on business?

2. Does he often go on business abroad?

3. Why is he going to Canada this time?

4. Does Mr. Johnson speak English or French with his Canadian partners?

5. What can you say about the official languages of Canada?


IV. Tell some words about Boris Volkov business trip to Great Britain.

J Speaking Practice



I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them.


ü To go through the passport control (the customs)

ü Where do I go through the customs?

ü Do these articles fall under restrictions?

ü What duty I have to pay?

ü I have an import license.

ü Have you any foreign currency?

ü Is it liable to duty?

ü It is duty free.


II. Read the conversations and then role play them.

At the Airport

This is Heathrow Airport. Borisov has come to London on business. Now he is going through passport control.

Immigration officer: Your passport, please.

Borisov: Here you are.

Immigration officer: What's the purpose of your visit to London, sir?

Borisov: It's a business trip.

Immigration officer: How long will you stay here?

Borisov: For a month.

Immigration officer: Your passport is in order. Please go through the customs in the next room.

Borisov: Thank you.


At the Customs House

Customs officer: Is this your luggage, sir? Have you got any things to declare?

Borisov: I've got two blocks of cigarettes. Are they liable to duty?

Customs officer: You can have them duty free.

Borisov: Shall I open my suit-case? I've only got my personal things in it.

Customs officer: No, that won't be necessary, I'll just mark it. Have a nice stay in Great Britain, sir.


III. Refer to the situations given in conversations and make up your own dialogues.


- Vladimir Titov, chief engineer of a Russian trade firm is going through the customs control at Palam airport in Delhi.

- You are a customs officer. Ask a passenger to show his (her) suit-case.


? Writing Practice

I. Are you going on business? Fill in the Declaration.


Full name____________________________________________


Arriving from_________________________________________

Country of destination__________________________________

Purpose of visit (business, tourism, private)_________________

My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspec­tion consists of pieces.

With my luggage I have:

1. Weapons of all description and ammunition_________________

2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of________________

3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures)

4. Currency (bank notes, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals, Crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewellery and other articles made of precious stones and scrap thereof, as well as property in papers:_________________________

5. Othercurrency, payment vouchers, valuables and any objects belonging to other persons_________________________________

I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Declaration, I must submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, sound recordings, postage stamps, graphics, plants, fruits, seeds, live animals, birds, as well as raw foodstuffs of animal origin and slaugh­tered fowl.

I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of______


(DATE)___________20___ Owner of luggage______(signed)

Description Amount/quality in figures/in words For official use
Pounds sterling    
US Dollars    

Lesson 4

Reading Practice: Travelling by Air.

Speaking Practice: In the Plane.

Writing Practice: A letter Home.


& Reading Practice

Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


to reach one's destination – прибывать в пункт назначения

the best way to travel – лучший способ путешествия

the day of one's departure – день отъезда

to arrive at the air terminal airport – прибывать на аэровокзал

to fill in a declaration form – заполнить декларацию

a waiting room – зал ожидания

to go on board the plane – садиться в самолет

to land at an airport – приземлиться в аэропорту


II. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.


Travelling by Air

Vlad Borisov, chief engineer of a Russian trade firm, travelled to Liverpool on business last week. He was in a great hurry and wanted to reach his destination as quickly as possible so he decided to choose a plane as the best way of traveling.

That is what he did on the day of his departure.

Borisov had arrived at Sheremetjevo air terminal an hour before the plane took off. He has his ticket registered, filled in a declaration form and joined the passengers in the waiting-room.

When they heard the announcement: "Attention, please. Will passengers for Liverpool join flight 62, at gate 4", the passengers had their personal luggage X-rayed and got on board the plane. The stewardess gave Borisov an arrival card to fill in. So, he wrote in block letters his full name, home address and the purpose of his visit. Then the sign "Stop smoking. Fasten seat belts" appeared and the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the passengers on board the plane felt comfortable. Vlad Borisov read some magazines and newspapers, then eat some sandwiches and drank a cup of coffee. Five and a half hours later the plane landed at the airport in Liverpool.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Vlad Borisov travel to last week?

2. What way of travelling did he choose?

3. When did Borisov arrive to the air terminal?

4. What did he do before flying?

5. When did the passengers get on board the plane?

6. What did Borisov write in the arrival card?

7. What did he do during the flying?

8. How much time did he travel by plane?


IV. What can you say about travelling by air?

J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them.

How do you take to flying?

Flying makes me feel good (bad, rather ill).

How fast are we flying now? (What speed are we flying at?)

Would you mind lowering the back of my seat a little?

When does the plane land in London? (What's the flying time? How long will it take us to get to London?)

Would you care for some mineral water? Yes, please, a little. / Yes, thank you.


II. Practice these dialogues in pairs.

The Plane Is Taking Off

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen, British Airways welcome you aboard this Boeing 747 and hope you have a pleasant flight. As we are about to take off, you are requested to fasten your seat belts and kindly refrain from smoking. Thank you.

Passenger: Excuse me, miss. When do we land in London and at what altitude shall we be flying?

Stewardess: The plane lands in London at 11 a.m., and we'll be flying at an altitude of about 27 thousand feet or 9 thousand meters.

Passenger: Thank you. Excuse me, I have another question. What's the weather like in London?

Stewardess: It was warm and fine weather yesterday.

Passenger: Thank you. I have still one more question. Will any meals be served on the plane?

Stewardess: Yes, of course. You'll have lunch in half an hour.

On the Plane

Rogov: I say, are you feeling all right?

Miss Bell: Not quite, I'm afraid. I'm a little air-sick.

Rogov: So sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? Shall I ring for the stewardess?

Miss Bell: Yes, please, and would you mind lowering the back of my seat a little... Thank you. It's better now.

Rogov: Would you care for a cup of coffee or a glass of water?

Miss Bell: A little later, please.

The Plane Is Landing

Miss Bell: I say, it's London already. We're going to land.

Rogov: Well, I've never been to London before but it must be. How large it looks. There! I can see the famous Big Ben!

Miss Bell: Yes, and I can also see St. Paul's Cathedral. Can you?

Rogov: No, I can't... Oh yes, now I can see it.

Miss Bell: You'll have a good time in London, I'm sure.

Rogov: I hope so though I have a lot to do. It's a business trip, not for pleasure.

The First Steps On Land

Miss Bell: Oh, how nice to be on land again. The air is so fresh!

Rogov: Yes, it is. Thank you for the pleasure of your company, Miss Bell. I was very glad to meet you.

Miss Bell: Oh, it is me who should thank you. You've been so kind.

Rogov: Not at all. I hope to see you later.

Miss Bell: That would be nice. But look here. I'm being met by my father. We can give you a lift if you like.

Rogov: Thank you. It's really very kind of you. But I wouldn't like to cause you any inconvenience.

Miss Bell: Oh, it's no trouble at all, you'd be welcome!

Rogov: No, really, but thank you very much all the same.

Miss Bell: Very well, if you're sure. Oh, there's my father. Good-bye.

Rogov: Good-bye, Miss Bell.


III. Make up your own dialogues, using the situations described in the previous exercise.



? Writing Practice

I. Read the model of a letter home.

A Letter Home

One day after Mr. Harding finished his work in the office he returned to the hotel and wrote the following letter to his wife:

The Hyde Park Hotel

10th August, 2001

My dear Sheila,

I'm writing this to you from my hotel. I'll stay here for the next two weeks, so you can write to me at the above address. At the moment it's raining. It always rains when I'm in London.

I arrived late last Tuesday, safe, but tired. Richard met me at the airport and drove me to the hotel. It's modern and very comfortable.

Yesterday morning I went for a long walk in Soho, saw many interesting things, and I had dinner with Tony in the evening. We went to a small restaurant. It was cheap but pleasant, and the food was excellent. We'll probably go there again next week.

Tomorrow I'll go to the office and do some work. I'll probably meet Richard for lunch. He works in the City, too. He is doing well. He is happy, he is making a lot of money now. I think, he will become rich soon.

I bought a postcard for the children this morning and I will post it with this letter. I hope everything is all right at home. I'll be back on the 16th November. Don't forget to send invitations to our friends.


I miss you. All my love,



II. Write to your friend (husband or wife) about your business trip abroad.

Lesson 5

Reading Practice: Hotel "Astoria".

Speaking Practice: At the Reception desk.

Writing Practice: Hotel Reservation.


& Reading Practice


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


to be located – быть расположенным;

in the very heart – в самом сердце, в самом центре;

guest-rooms – комнаты для гостей;

to equip – оснащать, оборудовать;

to furnish – обставлять мебелью, меблировать;

leisure – досуг;

recreation – развлечение, отдых;

apartments – апартаменты;

a single room – одноместный номер;

a double room – двухместный номер;

a suite – номер "Люкс";

a service bureau – бюро обслуживания;

a "Rent-a-car" service – прокат автомобилей;

in light forms – зд. в светлых тонах.


II. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

Hotel "Astoria"

St. Petersburg is a world-famous city and the second largest in our country. A visit to St. Petersburg is an unforgettable impression, but it will become more remarkable if you choose to stay at the "Astoria" hotel.

The hotel is located in the very heart of the city. The complex comprising two buildings was erected at the beginning-of-the-century style in 1912 by architect Lydwal. The hotel is situated in St. Isaac's Square with a prominent building of St. Isaac's Cathedral, a statue of the Russian Tzar Nicholas I and the Mariinsky Palace.

The interior decoration of the "Astoria" hotel is marble, fine wood, mirrors and antiques, metal and plastics used with good taste. Completely restored in 1987-1990 the hotel still evokes the beginning of the century with its parquet floors, interiors and crystal chandeliers. The lobby made in light forms makes an unforgettable impression on you.

The hotel has 436 guest-rooms for a total of 800 beds. They include several apartments, suites, double and single rooms. Apartments have a sauna and a kitchenette.

Most of the guest-rooms are double rooms. The rooms are elegantly furnished and most comfortably equipped. Each guest-room is outfitted with a T.V. set, a radio-set, a refrigerator and a telephone. The suites are provided with mini-safes and self-defrosting mini-bars.

The hotel has a service bureau, a currency-exchange desk, hair-dressing, barber's and beauty saloons, massage part, a souvenir kiosk, a hard-currency gift shop, a laundry, repairs and dry cleaning.

The hotel also runs a "Rent-a-Car" service. Cars can be hired without driver or chauffeur-driven. Payment is to be made in hard currency.

At the hotel you have at your service three restaurants: "Winter Garden" seating 140, "Astoria" – 156 seats, "Angleterre" for 154 guests; a banquet hall for 132 seats, a grill-restaurant seating 60, two cabinets for 28 seats, several bars, cafes and buffets.

The "Astoria" hotel has a sauna, a swimming-pool and a fitness centre. There is a business centre which is equipped with all kinds of modern facilities and a conference hall seating 200, which is out-fitted with modern acoustic equipment and facilities.

The hotel courtyard is an ideal place for leisure and recreation.

At the service bureau you can get the necessary travel information. The clerks will help you in:

- ordering newspapers and magazines as well as gifts and flowers which will be delivered to your rooms;

- ordering any kind of public services;

- ordering a taxi or renting a car;

- reserving train, air tickets and obtaining tickets for the theatre and other entertainments, as well as in booking for excursions on group or individual services.

The "Astoria" hotel was considered the best in Russia. Many well-known political leaders, actors, singers, artists and poets stayed at this hotel. The English writer Herbert Wells lived in this hotel in 1914 and in 1934. Yesenin stayed there in 1925.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the hotel "Astoria" located?

2. When was it erected?

3. What is the style of the hotel complex?

4. How many guest-rooms has it?

5. What do they include?

6. How is each guest-room outfitted?

7. What kind of service has the hotel?

8. What can the clerks help you in?

9. How was this hotel considered in Russia?

10. Who stayed at this hotel?


IV. Do you agree that the hotel "Astoria" is one of the comfortable and remarkable hotels in Russia? Give your reasons.


J Speaking Practice

I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

1. I am going to... Could you give me the name of a good hotel to stop at?

2. Which is the best hotel?

3. I should like full board and lodging;

4. to reserve a single (double / room with bathroom; for a week (three nights);

5. the room facing the a) street; b) courtyard; c) garden;

6. What is the price for the room with the breakfast (without meals)?

7. Does the price include attendance (service charge)?

8. I reserved (booked) a room by telephone;

9. What kind of room would you like?

10. For how many days must I pay in advance?



II. Read the conversations and then role play them.

At the reception desk


Mr. Harding (H), the receptionist (R)

R: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?

H: Good evening. You have a reservation in my name.

R: What's your name, please?

H: Harding.

R: How do you spell it, sir?

H: H-A-R-D-I-N-G

R: Have you got our letter of confirmation?

H: Yes, I've got it here... Here it is.

R: Oh! Yes. Mr. Harding. A single room with bath. Have you got your passport, please?

H: No, I haven't got it here. It's in my case.

R: That's all right. Now you should fill in this form.

H: Certainly.

SURNAME - Harding


ADDRESS - 225 W 83rd St New York, N.Y. USA



PASSPORT No - 543210

DATE OF BIRTH - 6tn March, 1949

PLACE OF BIRTH - Liverpool

R: Many thanks, sir. Your room's No 38.


Which Hotel to Stay At

Pavlov: Can you recommend a good hotel for me?

Mr. Hall: Why, yes. I think you can put up at the Bristol. It's a new modern and very comfortable hotel; telephone, hot and cold running water in every room; well-trained personnel.

Pavlov: Is it far from the centre of the city?

Mr. Hall: It's just minutes away from the centre. Very close to the shops, cinemas and parks.

Pavlov: It must be a rather expensive hotel, I think.

Mr. Hall: It isn't cheap, of course.

I'd Like a Single Room

Rogov: Good afternoon! I'd like a single room with bath for a week or so.

Reception Clerk: Very well, sir. Have you made reservations?

Rogov: In a way yes. I rang up my friend and he said he had booked accommodation with you.

Reception Clerk: Let me see. What is your name, please?

Rogov: My name is Rogov, Oleg Rogov.

Reception Clerk: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name Would you mind spelling it or writing it down here in block letters?

Rogov: R-o-g-o-v, of Russia.

Reception Clerk: Thank you. Well, everything is all right. Will you register, please? Here is an arrival card.


Unfortunately We Are Full

Mr. Phillips: Good morning. I'd like a double room with bath.

Reception Clerk: I'm very sorry, but we are full. With so many delegates arriving now to take part in the inter­national congress, accommodation must be scarce at any town hotel.

Mr. Phillips: What can you recommend?

Reception Clerk: Well, there is a small private guest-house just round the corner. You may try there. I'm very sorry, sir.

How Long Will You Stay?

Desk-Clerk: May I ask you, Mr. Pavlov, how many days you are planning to stay with us?

Pavlov: I expect to stay for at least a week, probably more, until the eighteenth of June.

Desk-Clerk: Very good, sir. Would you mind letting us know the day before you leave the hotel? We can then have your bill ready for you.

Pavlov: I'll let you know, to be sure.

Desk-Clerk (to the bell-boy): Please show Mr. Pavlov up to his room.


III. Make up your own dialogues using the situations described in the previous conversations.

? Writing Practice

I. Read and translate the models:

A Business Letter

Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that Mr. Petrov is arriving in Little Rock on the 14th February to begin talks with you.

Please make the necessary hotel reservation for him and let us know the name of the hotel.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,



A Reply

Dear Sirs,

We regret to inform you that we cannot reserve the hotel accommoda­tion for Mr. Petrov for the week of the 14th February. Our three hotels are completely booked up for the week. They have no rooms available because the National Word Processors Association will be holding their convention in Little Rock during the week of the 14th February. As you will surely understand they have to reserve as many rooms as possible for the members of the Association.

We propose to postpone your visit for a week. We can safely book a room for Mr. Petrov for the 21st February. We hope this will suit you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


II. Write your own letters using the given models.



Lesson 6

Reading Practice: Eating Out.

Speaking Practice: At a Restaurant.

Writing Practice: Covering letter.


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


to eat out – есть;

a waiter – официант;

to serve customers – обслуживать покупателей / клиентов;

self-service restaurant – ресторан самообслуживания;

to have meals – принимать пищу, есть;

self-service cafeterias – кафетерий (кафе-закусочная) с самообслуживанием;

a pub – пивной бар в Англии;

cosy and friendly atmosphere – уютная и благоприятная атмосфера;

to consist of... courses – состоять из... блюд;

a menu – меню;

to by hungry – проголодаться.


& Reading Practice

I. Read the texts and be ready to discuss them.


Eating Out.


Although the English do not eat out as much as other Europeans do, there are many kinds of restaurant in England. Some of them are traditional restaurants where a waiter serves customers, and others are self-service restaurants.

There are small restaurants and cafes which are very popular and crowded, especially during the lunch-hour, but it is getting more and expensive to have meals there.

At self-service cafeterias a customer serves himself, and he can get a meal more quickly and less expensively there than in other types of restaurants. But the most popular place "for a drink and a chat " has been and still is the famous English pub with its cosy and friendly atmosphere. People go to pubs not only for some beer or whisky, but to meet their friends and they often spend the whole evening there till closing time.



Once after the talks Mr. Stanley invited Borisov to have dinner at the Savoy restaurant in the West End.

They came into the restaurant, took their seats at a table near the window and ordered cocktails.

Borisov: Mr. Stanley, I've been staying in London only for a couple of weeks and I don't know much about English meals.

Stanley: Well, if you like, I can give you a general idea about that. At breakfast we usually have bacon and eggs or sausages and, of course, a cup of tea. The English lunch consists of two courses: a meat or a fish courses with vegetable and dessert. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon we have tea, often with a cake. Some people have their last meal which is rather big at 7 or 8 in the evening and call it dinner, while others have a small, late evening meal which they call supper.

Borisov: Thank you, Mr. Stanley, that was rather interesting.

Stanley: Let's study the menu now and see what's on it tonight.

Waiter: Good evening, gentlemen. Are you ready to order now?

Borisov: I'm afraid I don't understand the names of all dishes on the menu, Mt. Stanley. Could you help me and recommend what to take?

Stanley: With pleasure. H-m-m, would you like mushroom soup?

Borisov: No, thank you. I seldom eat soup in the evening.

Stanley: Then you can order roast-beef with fried potatoes. It's a traditional English dish and it's usually delicious.

Borisov: Fine.

Waiter: How about you, sir?

Stanley: Well, I'm pretty hungry, I'll start with chicken soup, then I'd like a steak with green salad. And bring us a bottle of red wine, please.

Waiter: Would you like to order dessert now? There is a choice of fruit or ice-cream.

Borisov: I prefer fruit.

Stanley: So do I. What about some cheese?

Borisov: No cheese for me, thank you.

Stanley: I think I'll have some. And we'll finish with black coffee, if you don't mind.

Borisov: That sounds nice.

Waiter: Thank you, gentlemen. I hope you'll enjoy yourselves.


II. Answer the following questions:

1) What kinds of restaurants are there in England?

2) Which of them are very popular?

3) In what restaurants can a customer get a meal more quickly and less expensively?

4) What is the most popular place "for a drink and a chat" in England?

5) What purpose do people go to pubs for?

6) What restaurant did Mr. Stanly and Mr. Borisov visit one day?

7) What do the Englishmen usually have for breakfast?

8) What does the English lunch consist of?

9) What do the Englishmen usually have at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening?

10) What did Mr. Stanly and Mr. Borisov order for dinner?

11) Did they enjoy themselves?


III. Tell some worlds about English traditional restaurant and meals.


J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

Please show me the bill of fares (the menu-card, the menu)

Please let me have...

Please remove (take away)...

Can I have...?

What cold (hot) dishes have you?

What fish (vegetable) courses have you today?

What can you recommend for the starter (the first, the second course)?

What would you advise me to take (have) for the sweet?

Bring the bill, please (give me the account, please)

What do I owe you? (What have I to play? How much is the bill?)

That is too dear.


Will you please show (bring) us the menu?

Will you please bring me another glass (plate, spoon)?

Will you please lay the table for four?

Will you please show us the table I have reserved?


What would you recommend for lunch (the first course)?

What would you offer for a good dinner?

What would you offer for the sweet (soft drinks)?


I'd like to have my coffee black.

I always have my fruit juice iced.

I usually have my tea strong.

I'd like to have my steak a bit underdone.

I want you to serve my soup hot.


What about an omelet? No, I'd rather have bacon and eggs.

What about a good steak? No, I'd rather have some chicken.

What about a cake? No, I'd rather have a piece of pudding.

What about a glass of milk? No, I'd rather have a glass of fruit juice.


As to the steak, it was a bit overdone.

As to the coffee, it was quite cold and tasted like petrol.

As to the fish, it was a bit oversalted (undercooked, half-raw).

As to the meat, it was not very fresh and badly cooked.


II. Read the conversations and practice them in pairs changing the text.


Waiter, My Bill, Please.

Pavlov: Waiter, my bill, please. How much is it?

Waiter: Here you are, sir. Two pounds and 70 pence, please.

Pavlov: Thank you. Here's three pounds. Keep the change.

Waiter: Thank you, sir. Good night.

Lesson 7

Reading Practice: Shops and Shopping in London.

Speaking Practice: In the Shop.

Writing Practice: Inquiry Letter.


Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:


a department store – универсальный магазин;

a purchase – покупка;

a clothes shop – магазин одежды;

a shoe shop – обувной магазин;

a book shop – книжный магазин;

a dress shop – магазин готового платья;

to pay cash – платить наличными;

a department – отдел;

an expensive shop – дорогой магазин;

a cheap shop – дешевый магазин;

a supermarket – супермаркет;

a shopper – покупатель;

ready-made clothes – готовая одежда;

goods – товары;

a self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания.


& Reading Practice

I. Read the texts and be ready to discuss them.

Lesson 8


Reading Practice: Getting About a City. /Excursion.

Speaking Practice: Finding One's Way About Town.

Writing Practice: Offer.


& Reading Practice

Pre-text Exercises

I. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations and make up your own sentences with them:

one of the world's most important ports – один из самых важных портов мира;

to give an idea of something – давать представление о чём-либо;

a multistory building – многоэтажное здание;

Underground or Tube – метро;

a crowded or noisy city – многолюдный и шумный город;

to be famous for... – быть знаменитым чем-либо.


II. Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

Getting about London.

What is London?

We can say that it is one of the largest cities in the world, that it is one of the world's most important ports and that it is the capital of Great Britain.

But all these answers do not give any idea of London.

London is more than two thousand and five hundred years old. About seven million people live there. There are more than 10 thousand streets in London.

Most of the streets are not very wide and most of the buildings are not tall, but multistoried buildings have also appeared in London and almost all of them are hotels and offices.

London Underground (or Tube) is the oldest and longest in Europe. There are eleven different lines with more than 500 stations.

Although London is a crowded and noisy city you can find many pleasant parks and green squares there.

Regent's Park is the most beautiful park and Hyde Park is the largest, it is one of the most popular places of rest of Londoners on hot summer days.

There are three main parts in London: the City, the West End and the East End.

The oldest part of London is the City, the business centre. But the political centre is Westminster, which is in the West End.

The West End is famous for its rich shops, hotels, restau­rants, cinemas, museums and other places of interest. Only rich people live there.

The East End is another part of London. Many houses there are poor and many streets are narrow and dirty.

The East End is famous for its docks but they have closed. Now people are building houses there. Already there are offices, shops and restaurants, a cinema and a large hotel for a modern traveller. By 2000 there will be a sports centre, a shopping centre, an airport and many other new buildings.

There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new sights. They like to say:

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life."


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. How old is London?

3. What can you say about London streets?

4. How many stations are there in London Underground?

5. Are there any parks and squares in London?

6. What part is the business center?

7. What can you say about the West End and the East End?

8. Why do Londoners like to say: "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life?"


IV. Give your idea of London.

J Speaking Practice


I. Read and translate the following speech patterns and memorize them:

Excuse me, could you tell me... how to get to...

how I can get to...

the way to...

where the nearest...

Which is the shortest way to...?

Is this the right way to...?

Where does the street lead to...?

Does this bus/train go to...?

I have lost my way.

How long will it take me to get to...?

Must I take to the left or to the right?

Go straight ahead (till you come to the traffic lights).

Take the first (second, next) turning on the left/right.

Take a number... bus and get off...

Take a tube to... /a bus to...


II. Read the dialogues and then role play them.


Asking the Way

On the first day оf his stay in London Borisov went sightseeing. He saw Piccadilly, one of the most famous streets of London. Then he decided to go to the British Museum. He asked а passer-by to show him the way there.

Borisov: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the British Museum?

Passer-by: I certainly can. It's a 30 minutes' walk from here, but if you want to get there quickly you can go by bus from Oxford Circus.

Borisov: How do I get to Oxford Circus?

Passer-by: Go straight on, turn right at the traffic lights and in three minutes you are there.

Borisov: What bus do I take?

Passer-by: The 73.

Borisov: At what stop do I get off?

Passer-by: At Great Russel Street. The bus stops at the museum.

Borisov: One more thing: how long will it take me to get to the museum?

Passer-by: Not more than 15 minutes.

Borisov: Many thanks.

Passer-by: Not at all.

Do I Take the Underground?

Panina: Excuse me. Do I take the underground to get to Hyde Park?

Passer-by Well, it depends on what part of the Park you need.

Panina: I want to get to Marble Arch.

Passer-by: I see. Then you'd better go there by bus. The bus stops just round the corner while the nearest underground station is quite a long way away.

Panina: Thank you very much.

Passer-by: Not at all.

On a Bus

Petrov: Excuse me... I want to get to the Palladium Theatre. Do I get off at the next stop?

Passenger: Well, what stop is that?... Oh no! You go farther. Two or three more stops. Or... wait a moment. You may get off here and take another bus. It'll probably be quicker.

Petrov: Oh, thank you. I'll stay on this bus and not bother to change.

Passenger: Yes, that's probably best.

I Can Give You a Lift

Harry (from his car): Hello, Alexei! Where are you walking so fast?

Smirnov: Oh, it's you, Harry. I'm hurrying to the theatre.I don't know exactly how long it will take me. I want to be on the safe side.


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