You have crossed the illusory energy of Lord Viṣṇu, and because of this you have given up the demoniac mentality and have attained the position of an exalted devotee. 

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You have crossed the illusory energy of Lord Viṣṇu, and because of this you have given up the demoniac mentality and have attained the position of an exalted devotee.


vaiṣṇavīṁ jana-mohinīm

yad vihāyāsuraṁ bhāvaṁ

mahā-puruṣatāṁ gataḥ

You have crossed the illusory energy of Lord Viṣṇu, and because of this you have given up the demoniac mentality and have attained the position of an exalted devotee.

|| 6.12.21 ||

khalv idaṁ mahad āścaryaṁ

yad rajaḥ-prakṛtes tava

vāsudeve bhagavati

sattvātmani dṛḍhā matiḥ

It is astonishing that although you are a demon under the influence of rajas, you have fixed your mind firmly on the Supreme Lord Vāsudeva, who is the very form of śuddha-sattva.

Again Indra became astonished. How did you, with the nature of rajas, develop fixed bhakti. Such bhakti should only arise when rajas is destroyed by the great mercy of devotees like Nārada in persons like Prahlāda. Sattvātmani means a form of śuddha-sattva.

|| 6.12.22 ||

yasya bhaktir bhagavati

harau niḥśreyaseśvare

vikrīḍato 'mṛtāmbhodhau

kiṁ kṣudraiḥ khātakodakaiḥ

A person who has bhakti to the Supreme Lord, Hari, the Lord of the highest auspiciousness, swims in the ocean of nectar. For him what use is Svarga, which is like the water in small ditches?

It is understandable that you are indifferent to the enjoyment of Svarga. Khātodakaiḥ means “water in ditches.” Svarga is similar to that for you. But for us, without bhakti, it is bliss.

|| 6.12.23 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

iti bruvāṇāv anyonyaṁ

dharma-jijñāsayā nṛpa

yuyudhāte mahā-vīryāv

indra-vṛtrau yudhām patī

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: O King! Vṛtrāsura and Indra, great fighters with great power, speaking with a desire to understand dharma, and then again began fighting.

|| 6.12.24 ||

āvidhya parighaṁ vṛtraḥ

kārṣṇāyasam arindamaḥ

indrāya prāhiṇod ghoraṁ

vāma-hastena māriṣa


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